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How to print different colours for the different levels of a binary tree

I got this code which sets all the text to one colour. I want to use it to set different colours at different levels of the tree.
Can anyone help me out on how to do that.
#include <iostream>
#include <windows.h>

using namespace std;


void SetColor(Color c){
        if(hCon == NULL)
                hCon = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
        SetConsoleTextAttribute(hCon, c);

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The colour should be in the console as that is the place i am outputing my tree,
Check if you understand this code.
#include <iostream>
#include <windows.h>
using namespace std;


void SetColor(int c)
	if (hCon == NULL)
		hCon = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
	SetConsoleTextAttribute(hCon, c);

int main()
	for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
		cout << "Hello" << endl;

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I tried this but, it prints the whole tree more than ones while different colours. I only need the levels of the tree to have different colours for exmple in the tree structure below.

                       /--------------\ this leve should be red
               /                       9
           /------\   this level should be yellow
       *              7
     /---\ this level should be blue
   4       + 
          /-\ this level should be green
         A   B

A = 10
B = 15

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so call SetColor each time you print new data - each line in your case
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this function diplay the Tree structure:Display(Node_tree)
and it is called in my main, so now in my main, i call the SetColor() like this
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                cout << Display(Node_tree)  << "  ";
but this prints the whole tree more then ones and each time it prints the whole tree, it give it a different color. So how can i modify this to give different colour to the levels only and the rest unchanged?
Because you need to call SetColor from Display. And you don't need a loop here.
Show the Display function
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Below is my display function
void Display(node * n) 

		if (n == NULL  || n->data.empty()) return; 
    size_t d = depth(n); 
    size_t i;
	if (d > 1)
         i = (1<<(d-1)) + (1<<(d-2))-1;  // calculate indent for root 
        i = 0;
    std::vector<std::string> all; 
    displayTree(n, i, 1, all); 

    vector<string>::iterator lin; 
    for (lin=all.begin(); lin != all.end(); ++lin) 
        std::cout << (*lin) << std::endl; 
    std::cout << nextConstant("");  // get all constants if any

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so each time before std::cout you need to set a color. Everywhere in your program.
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Everywhere in my program, not only in the diplay function, right?
I should set it like this:
for example in the Display function
void Display(node * n)  
 int i=1;
                if (n == NULL  || n->data.empty()) return;  
    size_t d = depth(n);  
    size_t i;
        if (d > 1)
         i = (1<<(d-1)) + (1<<(d-2))-1;  // calculate indent for root  
        i = 0;
    std::vector<std::string> all;  
    displayTree(n, i, 1, all);  
    vector<string>::iterator lin;  
    for (lin=all.begin(); lin != all.end(); ++lin)  
       SetColor(i); // here, right?
        std::cout << (*lin) << std::endl;  
    std::cout << nextConstant("");  // get all constants if any
Did i set it correctly above?
you got the idea.
but this code is wrong:
for (lin=all.begin(); lin != all.end(); ++lin)  
       SetColor(i); // here, right?
        std::cout << (*lin) << std::endl;  

it should be:
for (lin=all.begin(); lin != all.end(); ++lin)
       SetColor(i); // here, right?
        std::cout << (*lin) << std::endl;  

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so i have to do these in all the places where there is : std::cout << (*lin) << std::endl;  OR only where there is std::cout ?

Should this be Done in all the places of my code?
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I did what you said, and actyally i have std::cout  only in my display fun. So when i run i got the results shown. It makes all the displayed intem blue colour. I only need the color changes on the tree alone not the rest of the text. I am displaying all my texts at once. How can i have only the tree to have different clor at different level

Ok. You need to continue. Check your code. Try. Test.
Try to modify your code accordingly to this small program.
You see SetColor function now does not have parameters and all line have different colors

#include <iostream>
#include <windows.h>
using namespace std;

int color = 2;

void SetColor()
	if (hCon == NULL)
		hCon = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
	SetConsoleTextAttribute(hCon, color++);
	if (color > 12)
		color = 2;

int main()
	for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++)
		cout << "Hello" << endl;

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I did the changes and it is now printing different color for each level, but it only does it for when the level is not more than two, but when the level is more then two, it print colour to the rest of the texts which are not trees. I don't want it that way. the rest of the tree should not have color. Only the different levels of the tree should have color.
The tree can have more than two levels, so no matter how long the level is the color should only be on the tree and different levels should have different color and the rest of the texts which are not tree, should remain unchanged. See the screen shot, the texts which reads TEST, should all be white, they shuld have have color.

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Also, can the values in the left and right not have color. Only the lines /--------------\ in the tree should have color at different level with different colors.
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Can pgnatyuk help me out with the issue on this ID: 26214714 and this ID: 26214742 please, Or any experts please.
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Is anybody here to help me on this Issue?
I do not see your code. You need to check your program and find all places with std::cout.
If you use the latest SetColor function (without parameters), you need to check that before each cout there is SetColor call.

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I have only one std::cout, which is in my diplay function i posted here. and i did what you said on that, but having it like i posted on the picture. So i wanted it like i mention in ID: 26214714 and this ID: 26214742 .
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This is my latest code for the Display function:

void Display(node * n)  
                if (n == NULL  || n->data.empty()) return;  
    size_t d = depth(n);  
    size_t i; 
        if (d > 1) 
         i = (1<<(d-1)) + (1<<(d-2))-1;  // calculate indent for root  
        i = 0; 
    std::vector<std::string> all;  
    displayTree(n, i, 1, all);  
    vector<string>::iterator lin;  
    for (lin=all.begin(); lin != all.end(); ++lin)
        std::cout << (*lin) << std::endl; 
    std::cout << nextConstant("");  // get all constants if any 

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what is displayTree?
what is std::cout << nextConstant?

Each time yo call SetColor, you change the color of the text. If you see few lines with the same color - you print something without SetColor before.
seems like in vector all you have a set of strings to print. You declare an iterator lin and print all strings on the screen. Before each cout you call SetColor. I suppose that you copied the code of this functions correctly and you did declare these two variables:
int color = 2;

It has to be so. If there is a mistake with this variable color, you will have a problem with the colors.
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Yea, i have a set of strings to print and lin count the number of lines.
Check if you can see why i am having this issue

This is my DisplayTree:
void displayTree(struct node * n, size_t indent, size_t nlin,   
                 std::vector<std::string> & lines)  
    int d = depth(n);
    if (d == 1)  
        std::string data = n->data;  
        if (data.size() > 2)  
            data = nextConstant(data);  // manages constants  
        while (nlin >= lines.size())  
        std::string & curline = lines[nlin];  
        curline.resize(indent, ' ');  
        curline += data;  
    if (n->left!= NULL)  
        if (nlin == 0 || nlin >= lines.size())
        // calculate indent to left subnode  
        size_t nextindentl;
        if (d > 2)
            nextindentl = indent - ((1<<(d-2)) + (1<<(d-3))); 
            nextindentl = indent - 2;
        // calling displayTree recursively passing left node,  
        displayTree(n->left, nextindentl, nlin+2, lines);
        size_t nextindentr;
        if (d > 2)
            nextindentr = indent + ((1<<(d-2)) + (1<<(d-3))); 
            nextindentr = indent + 2;

        displayTree(n->right, nextindentr, nlin+2, lines);
        //Reference of line string at nlin.
        std::string & line = lines[nlin];  
        if (line.size() < indent)
            line.resize(indent, ' ');   // offset with blanks
        std::string data = n->data;  
        if (data.size() > 2)  
            data = nextConstant(data);  // manages constants  
        line = line.substr(0, indent) + data;
        std::string & nline = lines[nlin+1]; 
        if (nline.size() < nextindentl)
            nline.resize(nextindentl, ' ');// add spaces up to left indent
        nline = nline.substr(0, nextindentl);
        nline += "/";
        nline.resize(nextindentr + 1, '-');
        nline += "\\";

This is my nextConstant function and std::cout << nextConstant
calls this:
std::string nextConstant(const std::string& data) 
    static char constant = 'A'; 
    static std::string  constants; 
    // return all datas if empty input 
    if (data.empty()) return constants; 
    // add data to all constants 
    constants += constant; 
    constants += " = "; 
    constants += data; 
    constants += "\n"; 
    std::string ret(1, constant); 
    // increment for next constant 
    return ret; 


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these are all the function incolved in printing the Tree.
So check and see how the issue could be resolved.
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Sp i need only the colour of the lines /--------------\  to be chnaged, not any other text. The rest of the text should remain unchanged. The should be white.
I need to see all your code to make such fix. If you will post the code here and I will solve the task for you... I  think ZA will say me something not very pleasant.

So let's agree that you will fix your program.

You have a program that can print a tree. You have a function allowing to change the text color. I attach the code of this function again.

Now you need to check carefully your code:
1. Detect all places where you print something. You can comment such lines and check on the screen. I think in this way you will understand the printing code. In the end there will be no output from your program.

2.  Uncomment first printing line, check that it works and add SetColor(color) before this line and check again.

3. Do the same with each line of the printing code. Verify each step.

#include <iostream>
#include <windows.h>
using namespace std;


void SetColor(int c)
        if (hCon == NULL)
                hCon = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
        SetConsoleTextAttribute(hCon, c);

int main()
        for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                cout << "Hello" << endl;

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Can you post your SetColor function too?
Also the place where you declare the global variables: console handle and the color.
I'm sure all lines should have already different color. If you applied everything I posted here correctly.
for (lin=all.begin(); lin != all.end(); ++lin)
        std::cout << (*lin) << std::endl;

If you will comment std::cout << (*lin) << std::endl; the application will not print anything? Right?
Please check that.

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In This:
for (lin=all.begin(); lin != all.end(); ++lin)
        std::cout << (*lin) << std::endl;
yes, if i comment   std::cout << (*lin) << std::endl; , the tree does not print.

this is my SetColor fun:
int color = 2;
void SetColor() 
        if (hCon == NULL) 
                hCon = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); 
        SetConsoleTextAttribute(hCon, color++); 
        if (color > 10) 
                color = 2; 
I declare This:
#include <windows.h> 

using namespace std;
where i have my header files

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>>yes, if i comment   std::cout << (*lin) << std::endl; , the tree does not print.
nothing. should be nothing. no output at all. I need to be sure.

The code you posted looks a bit strange. Maybe here is a problem. Put SetColor function code to the same file where you declared HANDLE hCon and where you call this SetColor function. Only there.
It should be exactly as I posted:
1. #include  
2. Declare HANDLE hCon
3. Declare int color and initialize it with 2.
4. Add the function SetColor - the function code here too.
5. Rest of the code.

Here everything will work - each line will have different color.
Let's get to this point.
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No. Only the Tree don't print. Thhe rest of the information prints.
rest of the information - what is this? maybe exactly this delimiters you need to printed in a different color?
So when you apply these items from my comment you see the tree printed in different colors? Right?
Then you see the rest of the information printed with the color of the last line from the tree?
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I have created the code you posted in : ID: 26214453 as a headed file now, so that it will be exactly the way you post it but without the main.
I incleaded as #include "colour"; in my main program, but it still gives me the same result
as in ID: 26214714.
I am not only Printing the Tree structure, i have other values printed after the Tree structure as indicate in ID: 26214714 with Text TEST, TEST.

So if i comment std::cout << (*lin) << std::endl in
for (lin=all.begin(); lin != all.end(); ++lin)
        std::cout << (*lin) << std::endl;
only the Tree Structure does not print., But the rest of the information such as TEST,TEST prints with the same color for all of them.
I only need different color printed in the Tree Structure for each level and the rest of the TEST, should all remain to be whiyte color.
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"So when you apply these items from my comment you see the tree printed in different colors? Right?
Then you see the rest of the information printed with the color of the last line from the tree?"
Exactly as you said in this statement.
Let's modify the code. Firstly we need to change the SetColor function so that it will get a color as the input parameter. So it should be just
void SetColor(int color)
        if (hCon == NULL)
                hCon = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
        SetConsoleTextAttribute(hCon, color);

When you will do this change, you will get the compilation error in the line where you call SetColor. Change this line for: SetColor(color++);
After this change you should see the same output.
If you are sure it works, in the beginning of printing (first output from your code) call SetColor for white color. After the printing loop add the same. So the tree will be multi-colored, the output before and after will be white.
Then we will do the next step.
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#include <iostream> 
#include <windows.h> 
using namespace std; 
//int color = 2; 
void SetColor(int color) 
        if (hCon == NULL) 
                hCon = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); 
        SetConsoleTextAttribute(hCon, color); 

This is what i have in my header file i created.
and i changed 
for (lin=all.begin(); lin != all.end(); ++lin)
	{ int color=2;
        std::cout << (*lin) << std::endl; 
in my main program, but it print everything with the same color. Aslo how can i set a color to white?

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//int color = 2;
why it's commented?
It's an error. Uncomment.
I do not understand you with these header files. Again I will lose control and will not know what's going on. Get everything working fine and then modify as you wish.
about the white color - test. maybe it is 15. I do not know.
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The 15 works for white color. Now it is almost finish, just want to have the values also in white:
for example: in the tree below:
How can i have say 9, /,* and 7 to be white. I need only this: /--------------\  to have different colors
               /               9 
         *         7

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you see your code printing the line:
 std::cout << (*lin) << std::endl;
do you know how to detect that *lin contains this constant string /--------------\?
How I understand such lines added to the vector. So if you will know what you are going to print, you can change the color before accordingly. For example:
if (*lin == "/--------------\")
std::cout << (*lin) << std::endl;

Another way is better, but will require more changes in the code - replace the string objects in the vector with an object of your class that will contain not only the text but also its color.

So let's do the minimal change with this if statement.
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In the code im posted in ID: 26274113
the following lines of code print /--------------\
        nline += "/";
        nline.resize(nextindentr + 1, '-');
        nline += "\\";

so check in the code in ID: 26274113 post to see how we can achieve that.
Please change the style of your comments. You are not my manager. I'm here not for money. All is virtual here.

I think it will work:
if (*lin[0] == '/')
std::cout << (*lin) << std::endl;
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Sorry about my comments. All what you say is true. I am really sorry.
I have just placed you code just before the main and when i compile, i get compilation error.
error C2059: syntax error : 'if'      
error C2059: syntax error : 'else'

may i know where i can implement this code please?
The code in the loop should be in {}.
Please show it looks now. Can you post the Display function?
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Here is the Display function
void BinTree_plot(node * n) 
	int color = 2;
     if (n == NULL  || n->data.empty()) return; 
    size_t d = depth(n); 
    size_t i;
	if (d > 1)
         i = (1<<(d-1)) + (1<<(d-2))-1;  // calculate indent for root 
        i = 0;
    std::vector<std::string> all; 
    displayTree(n, i, 1, all); 

    vector<string>::iterator lin; 
    for (lin=all.begin(); lin != all.end(); ++lin)
        std::cout << (*lin) << std::endl; 
    std::cout << nextConstant("");  // get all constants if any

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That is the display function. I just change the name to BinTree_plot.
In the end of the function:
//no changes till the following line
vector::iterator lin;
for (lin=all.begin(); lin != all.end(); ++lin)
     if (*lin[0] == '/')
     std::cout << (*lin) << std::endl;
std::cout << nextConstant("");

I think this code should work.
I think this is the same:

vector::iterator lin;
for (lin=all.begin(); lin != all.end(); ++lin)
     if (lin->at(0) == '/')
     std::cout << (*lin) << std::endl;
std::cout << nextConstant("");
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I did that, but it gives me errors:
Error      1      error C2100: illegal indirection
and this points to
if (*lin[0] == '/')if (*lin[0] == '/')
and also
Error      2      error C2678: binary '==' : no operator found which takes a left-hand operand of type 'std::basic_string<_Elem,_Traits,_Ax>' (or there is no acceptable conversion)      
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when i use this one:
vector<string>::iterator lin;
for (lin=all.begin(); lin != all.end(); ++lin)
     if (lin->at(0) == '/')
     std::cout << (*lin) << std::endl;
std::cout << nextConstant("");
I have a runtime error as how in the picture

it should be:
if ((*lin)[0] == '\')
no. This way:
if ((*lin)[0] == '/')
If you see this crash, press Retry - you will see where is the problem in the source code. I think it will be in the end of the function.
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The error is gone, but when i run it, it makes all text white. and when i change it to this:

if ((*lin)[0] == '/')
        std::cout << (*lin) << std::endl;
It only give the last level a color od green, the rest of the tree including the other text are all white.
It should be so:

for (lin=all.begin(); lin != all.end(); ++lin)
     if ((*lin)[0] == '/')
     std::cout << (*lin) << std::endl;

This loop prints all lines from the vector. If the line (the string) begins from character '\' it will be drawn in color 8 (probably, green). All other strings will be printed in white.

It should work in this way.

How I understand, only this delimiters '/---------------\' begin from character '\'.
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Yes only '/---------------\' begins with character '\', but there is a character division(/) which also begin is like that and is an operator.
Please see in the picture how it is printing as at now

Yes, I see.

It should be:

size_t found;
for (lin=all.begin(); lin != all.end(); ++lin)
     found = lin->find('/');
     if (found != string::npos)
     std::cout << (*lin) << std::endl;
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I have everything as white now. No color is printed.
so no line with  found = lin->find('/'); were found?
I don't think that it is possible, because the previous implementation found a line that begins with '/'.
Please check on your side or post the code here.
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Here is the lastest code.

void BinTree_plot(node * n) 
	//size_t found;
	int color = 2;
      if (n == NULL  || n->data.empty()) return; 
    size_t d = depth(n); 
    size_t i;
	size_t found;
	if (d > 1)
         i = (1<<(d-1)) + (1<<(d-2))-1;  // calculate indent for root 
        i = 0;
    std::vector<std::string> all; 
    displayTree(n, i, 1, all); 

    vector<string>::iterator lin; 
    for (lin=all.begin(); lin != all.end(); ++lin)
	 found = lin->find('/');
     if (found != string::npos)
        std::cout << (*lin) << std::endl; 
    std::cout << nextConstant("");  // get all constants if any

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The code that prints this '/---------------\'  is below:
void displayTree(struct node * n, size_t indent, size_t nlin,   
                 std::vector<std::string> & lines)  
    int d = depth(n);
    if (d == 1)  
        std::string data = n->data;  
        if (data.size() > 2)  
            data = nextConstant(data);  // manages constants  
        while (nlin >= lines.size())  
        std::string & curline = lines[nlin];  
        curline.resize(indent, ' ');  
        curline += data;  
    if (n->left!= NULL)  
        if (nlin == 0 || nlin >= lines.size())
        // calculate indent to left subnode  
        size_t nextindentl;
        if (d > 2)
            nextindentl = indent - ((1<<(d-2)) + (1<<(d-3))); 
            nextindentl = indent - 2;
        // calling displayTree recursively passing left node,  
        displayTree(n->left, nextindentl, nlin+2, lines);
        size_t nextindentr;
        if (d > 2)
            nextindentr = indent + ((1<<(d-2)) + (1<<(d-3))); 
            nextindentr = indent + 2;

        displayTree(n->right, nextindentr, nlin+2, lines);
        //Reference of line string at nlin.
        std::string & line = lines[nlin];  
        if (line.size() < indent)
            line.resize(indent, ' ');   // offset with blanks
        std::string data = n->data;  
        if (data.size() > 2)  
            data = nextConstant(data);  // manages constants  
        line = line.substr(0, indent) + data;
        std::string & nline = lines[nlin+1]; 
        if (nline.size() < nextindentl)
            nline.resize(nextindentl, ' ');// add spaces up to left indent
        nline = nline.substr(0, nextindentl);
        nline += "/";
        nline.resize(nextindentr + 1, '-');
        nline += "\\";

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vector::iterator lin;
for (lin=all.begin(); lin != all.end(); ++lin)
    found = lin->find('/');
    if (found != string::npos)
    std::cout << (*lin) << std::endl;

It's okay. SetColor(15); for SetColor(3) to test what will be the color.
Any problem in SetColor function?
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When i implement the below code as you suggested, i have the results as some in the image:
There is nothing wrong with the SetColor function: See the setclor fun. below:
// Function to display colour
int color = 2;
void SetColor(int color)
        if (hCon == NULL)
                hCon = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
        SetConsoleTextAttribute(hCon, color);
for (lin=all.begin(); lin != all.end(); ++lin)
	 found = lin->find('/');
     if (found != string::npos)
        std::cout << (*lin) << std::endl; 

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now you don't need this line:
int color = 2;
We do not use this variable?
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Ok, i commented int color = 2;
but i still have the same results as shown above.
It works. :) just opposite. No?

Check that:
for (lin=all.begin(); lin != all.end(); ++lin)
     found = lin->find("/-");
     if (found != string::npos)
     std::cout << (*lin) << std::endl;

Try to replace 10 and 5 too.

You got the idea - we are trying to understand what is the line before printing it out and set a color.
It is not a good way, but it requires less changes in your code. And I want this code to work.

Another way is to make new class:
class MyString : public string
   int color;
  void SetColor(int c) { color = c; }
  int GetColor() { return color; }

and everywhere you use string in your code, you need to put MyString. Then when you add new line to the vector (that contains your tree), you need to add also the line color. Then, when you print these lines, you need to use this line color as the parameter for SetColor(int color) function.

for (lin=all.begin(); lin != all.end(); ++lin)
     std::cout << (*lin) << std::endl;
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This is what i got with this:
for (lin=all.begin(); lin != all.end(); ++lin)
     found = lin->find("/-");
     if (found != string::npos)
     std::cout << (*lin) << std::endl;
and i change the values but still have '/---------------\'  have the same colors. It is not different. The should have different colour.
int color = 3;
for (lin=all.begin(); lin != all.end(); ++lin)
     found = lin->find("/-");
     if (found != string::npos)
         if (color == 10)
            color = 3;
     std::cout << (*lin) << std::endl;

You can play with the numbers - with the values of this color.
Avatar of Atouray


It seem working almost. This is what i have. See the image.
But just one problem, and that is the '-' sign which is the node of the first level should be white not Green. This is what is left. The '-' sign is an operator, so it should be white.

Avatar of Atouray


I am trying to solve this one problem, but still can't. Can you please help me?
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Avatar of Atouray


Thanks you very much. It is working now. Thanks for your patient in teaching me. I really learnt from you.
You are welcome. I wish good luck and all the best in new year.