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Need help formatting my html code in

For page,,
1.  I need to bring in the <ol>listing to be align with the rest of the paragraph.  
2.  I would like to get rid of the table border for the contact information for LAB-CTSI's Office of Community Engagement
Thank you.
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 * Copyright (c) 2009 USC - Clinical Translation Science Institue(CTSI)
 * 8/30/2009, Alpha Davis
 * Function: This script will only allow user to select from one ddb menu to search
 * Selection information are kept in cookies that will only be deleted when all browsers are closed (not when tabs are closed)
<%--<script type="text/javascript">
    $(document).ready(function() {

        $(window).bind('load', function() {
            existingMenuId = readCookie("menuId");
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            if (existingMenuId != null) {
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                //alert('Existing menu id cookie = ' + existingMenuId + ', the menu item index = ' + existingMenuItemIndex);

        //alert("Before bind");
        $("#DDBDisease, #DDBEthnicity, #DDBAge, #DDBGender, #DDBMethod, #DDBGeographic").bind('change', function() {
            existingMenuId = readCookie("menuId");
            existingMenuItemIndex = readCookie("menuItemIndex");

            //            if (existingMenuId == null)
            //                alert('Existed coookie is null');
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            //                alert('Existed cookie = ' + existingMenuId);
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            var curSelectedId = $(this).attr('id');
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            else { //Prior menu item was selected
                //alert("Selected text = " + $("#" + curSelectedId + " :selected").text());
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                //if the selected ddb menu is selected again and no item is selected then remove the cookie that records the previous selected menu item 
                if (existingMenuId == $(this).attr('id') && $("#" + curSelectedId + " option:selected").filter(":contains('Select')").text()) {
                    existingMenuId = null;
                    //                    alert('cookie erased');
                    //                    //alert('The existingMenuId is set to null');
                else if (existingMenuId != $(this).attr('id')) {//if user selects another menu item but there is already another prev menu selected, warn user
                    alert('Please only select from one drop down menu at a time to search.');
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                    createCookie("menuItemIndex", curSelectedItemId);

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                        OCE Menu</h2>
                    <ul id="navlist">
                        <li id="active"><a href="">Home</a></li>
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	                    <li><a href="">Center Advisory</a></li>
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                        <li><a href="">Community Leadership Council</a></li>
            <%--This is intro for using the Communition database--%>

            <div id="informationColumn">
                <br />
                <h3>Welcome to the LAB-CTSI Community Research Inventory!</h3>
                <p>The Community Research Inventory (CRI) provides information about community and clinical research focused on community health, health outcomes, health promotion, disease prevention, health disparities, access to quality care and other issues related to the health and well being of LA County's diverse communities. The CRI was created to serve as a resource to promote "cross-talk" between and stimulate new academic-community partnerships and collaborations among researchers, health and social service providers, policy and advocacy groups, educators, community leaders and consumers of care.
                Launched in 2009, the CRI contains information that was provided by researchers from LAB-CTSI partner institutions/organizations, including the University of Southern California, Childrens Hospital Los Angeles, Kaiser Permanente Southern California, as well as our other LAB-CTSI community and clinical partner organizations.  This resource will grow as an increasing number of projects and research activities are added to the inventory.  Instructions for use:  
                Here are several ways you can search the Community Research Inventory.
                    <li>By project title:  All projects are listed, by title, in alphabetical order.  Once you identify a project of interest, you can access complete information about the project by selecting "View Project".</li>

                    <li>By keyword(s):  In the search box, enter key words of interest, e.g., teen pregnancy, breastfeeding, autism, etc.  Any project description that contains keywords you select will be listed for your review.  For more information about each project listed, select "View Project".</li>

                    <li>By specific criteria:  Drop down menus have been created to allow you to search by specific disease or illness, by demographic characteristics (age, race/ethnicity, gender), by geography and by research methods used.  You may select multiple criteria.  Projects will be listed for you review.  For more information about each project listed, select "View Project".  Note: Presently, many of "specific disease or illness" categories are broad, e.g., chronic illness, developmental disability.  If you are interested in a specific illness not on the list, e.g., diabetes, autism, hypertension, please search by keywords. </li>
                </ol><br />
                    If you have questions about the CRI or would like to enter a project not yet represented in the inventory please contact the Community-Research Coordinators from LAB-CTSI's Office of Community Engagement:
                <table border="0" width="300">
                        <td>Julie Carpineto</td>  				<td>Lindsay Wetmore-Arkader</td> 
                        <td></td> 		<td></td>
                        <td>323-361-8317</td>					<td>323-361-3695</td>
                <% using (Html.BeginForm("SearchSurveyResults", "SurveyResults", FormMethod.Get, new Dictionary<string, object>() {{@"class", "communitysearch"}}))  
                    { %>                          
                            <legend>Search by Keyword</legend>
                            <%= Html.TextBox("textKeys")%>     
                            <input name="keySearch" type="submit" value="Search By Keyword" class="button" />                                        
                    <legend>Search by Criteria (multiple criteria allowed)</legend>
                            <%= Html.DropDownList("DDBDisease", new[] {
                            new SelectListItem { Text = "Cancer",Value = "CANCER" },
                            new SelectListItem { Text = "Chronic Illness",Value = "CHRONIC ILLNESS"},
                            new SelectListItem { Text = "Developmental Disabilities",Value = "DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIESS" },
                            new SelectListItem { Text = "HIV",Value = "HIV" },
                            new SelectListItem { Text = "Infectious Diseases",Value = "Infectious Disease, infection, infectious, contagious, parasite, parasitic" },
                            new SelectListItem { Text = "Mental Health",Value = "Mental Health" },
                            new SelectListItem { Text = "Sexual Transmitted Infections",Value = "Sexual Transmitted Infections" },
                            new SelectListItem { Text = "Substance/Alcohol/Tobacco user",Value = "Substance, Alcohol, Tobacco".ToUpper() },
                            new SelectListItem { Text = "Transplant",Value = "Transplant" },
                            new SelectListItem { Text = "Trauma/Accident/Critical Care",Value = "Trauma, Accident, Critical Care" },
                            new SelectListItem { Text = "Violence",Value = "Violence" },
                            new SelectListItem { Text = "Women's Reproductive Health",Value = "pregnant, pregnancy, prenatal, menopause, gynecology, obstetrics, OBGYN, contraception, birth control, abortion" }
                            }, "Select Disease/Illness") %>                            
                            <br />
                            <%--Q28, Which of the following best describes the racial/ethnic characteristics of the project participants?                            
                            <%= Html.DropDownList("DDBEthnicity", new[] {
                            new SelectListItem { Text = "Asian",Value = "Asian (please specify):" },
                            new SelectListItem { Text = "Black/African American",Value = "Black/African American" },
                            new SelectListItem { Text = "East Asian",Value = "East Asian" },
                            new SelectListItem { Text = "Latino/Hispanic",Value = "Latino/Hispanic" },
                            new SelectListItem { Text = "Middle Eastern (please specify):",Value = "Middle Eastern (please specify):" },
                            new SelectListItem { Text = "Multiple ethnicities (e.g. multi-ethnic community)",Value = "Multiple ethnicities (e.g. multi-ethnic community)" },
                            new SelectListItem { Text = "Native American",Value = "Native American" },
                            new SelectListItem { Text = "Pacific Islander",Value = "Pacific Islander" },
                            new SelectListItem { Text = "White/Caucasian",Value = "White/Caucasian".ToUpper() }
                            }, "Select Ethnicity") %>  
                            <br />
                            <%--Q26, Which of the following best describe the population this project targets?--%>                            
                            <%= Html.DropDownList("DDBGender", new[] {
                            new SelectListItem { Text = "All genders",Value = "All genders" },
                            new SelectListItem { Text = "Male only",Value = "Male only" },
                            new SelectListItem { Text = "Female only",Value = "Female only" },
                            new SelectListItem { Text = "Transgender only",Value = "Transgender only" },
                            }, "Select Gender") %>  
                            <br />   
                            <%--Q27, Which of the following best describes the age groups this project targets?--%>
                            <%= Html.DropDownList("DDBAge", new[] {
                            new SelectListItem { Text = "All ages ",Value = "All ages" },
                            new SelectListItem { Text = "Infants/children (0-11 years)",Value = "nfants/children (0-11 years)" },
                            new SelectListItem { Text = "Adolescents (12-18 years)",Value = "Adolescents (12-18 years)" },
                            new SelectListItem { Text = "Young adults (19-25 years)",Value = "Young adults (19-25 years)" },
                            new SelectListItem { Text = "Adults (25-65 years)",Value = "dults (25-65 years)" },
                            new SelectListItem { Text = "Older adults (> 65 years)",Value = "Older adults (> 65 years)" }
                            }, "Select Age") %>  
                            <br />     
                            <%--Q31, In which LA County Service Planning Area (SPA) do/did your project activities take place?--%>
                            <%= Html.DropDownList("DDBGeographic", new[] {
                            new SelectListItem { Text = "LA County",Value = "LA County" },
                            new SelectListItem { Text = "SPA 1 (Antelope Valley)",Value = "SPA 1 (Antelope Valley)" },
                            new SelectListItem { Text = "SPA 2 (San Fernando Valley)",Value = "SPA 2 (San Fernando Valley)" },
                            new SelectListItem { Text = "SPA 3 (San Gabriel Valley)",Value = "SPA 3 (San Gabriel Valley)" },
                            new SelectListItem { Text = "SPA 4 (Metro)",Value = "SPA 4 (Metro)" },
                            new SelectListItem { Text = "SPA 5 (West)",Value = "SPA 5 (West)" },
                            new SelectListItem { Text = "SPA 6 (South)",Value = "SPA 6 (South)" },
                            new SelectListItem { Text = "SPA 7 (East)",Value = "SPA 7 (East)"},
                            new SelectListItem { Text = "SPA 8 (South Bay/Long Beach)",Value = "SPA 8 (South Bay/Long Beach)"},
                            new SelectListItem { Text = "Outside LA County",Value = "Outside LA County"},
                            new SelectListItem { Text = "Both LA County and location outside LA County",Value = "Both LA County and location outside LA County"},
                            new SelectListItem { Text = "Other California locations",Value = "Other California locations"},
                            new SelectListItem { Text = "Other US States",Value = "Other US States "},
                            new SelectListItem { Text = "Outside US",Value = "Outside US"}
                            }, "Select Geographic")%>  
                            <br />    
                            <%--Q24, What type of data collection methods are used? --%>                                                            
                            <%= Html.DropDownList("DDBMethod", new[] {
                            new SelectListItem { Text = "Chart/electronic medical record review",Value = "Chart/electronic medical record review" },
                            new SelectListItem { Text = "Collection of specific clinical data",Value = "Collection of specific clinical data" },
                            new SelectListItem { Text = "Content analysis of documents",Value = "Content analysis of documents"},
                            new SelectListItem { Text = "Data collected from existing dataset (secondary data collection/analysis)",
                                                Value = "Data collected from existing dataset (secondary data collection/analysis)" },
                            new SelectListItem { Text = "Focus groups ",Value = "Focus groups" },
                            new SelectListItem { Text = "Geo-spatial data collection/analysis",Value = "Geo-spatial data collection/analysis"},
                            new SelectListItem { Text = "Individual open-ended (qualitative) interviews",
                                                Value = "Individual open-ended (qualitative) interviews" },
                            new SelectListItem { Text = "Literature review/meta-analysis",Value = "Literature review/meta-analysis "},
                            new SelectListItem { Text = "Observational data collection",Value = "Observational data collection" },
                            new SelectListItem { Text = "Surveys",Value = "Surveys" }
                            }, "Select Method")%>  
                            <input name="ddbSearch" type="submit" value="Search By Criteria" class="button"/>    
                            <br />                 
                    <% } %>                    

                <% if(TempData["message"] != null) { %>
                    <div><%= Html.Encode(TempData["message"]) %></div>
                <% } %>
                <br />
                <a href="">Clear search and display all surveys</a>
                <asp:ContentPlaceHolder ID="MainContent" runat="server">  

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Avatar of lapucca


Also, is there a easy way to invoke email when user clicks on the email id on this page in the table of contact information?  Thanks.
for the <ol> add some style setting between the <head></head> tags as below:

    <style type="text/css">
        #informationColumn ol

for the table set its border to none:

                <table border="0" width="300" style="border:none">
                        <td>Julie Carpineto</td>                          <td>Lindsay Wetmore-Arkader</td>
                        <td></td>             <td></td>
                        <td>323-361-8317</td>                              <td>323-361-3695</td>
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Great!  thanks.