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Destiny AmanaFlag for Nigeria

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Streamline Quesries to MSSQL to stop timeouts with ouver 3 million lines to query

I have a DB Table storign records for ALL my clients in this same database and my clients can run reports on what they have completed on the site

The table looks like this

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[messagelog_archive](
      [autoid] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
      [SN] [int] NULL,
      [TransID] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
      [PhoneNumber] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
      [Message] [ntext] NULL,
      [MessageID] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
      [MessageStatus] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
      [Originator] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
      [UserName] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
      [Pass] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
      [Credit] [nvarchar](10) NULL,
      [DateSent] [smalldatetime] NULL,
      [TimeSent] [smalldatetime] NULL,
      [Status] [nvarchar](1) NULL,
      [PC2SMSID] [nvarchar](50) NULL

When a report is run at the moment, There are over 3 million roows and growing. It continually times out with clients.

How do I more efficiently index this table to allow better filtering.

My search code follows

' Our own constants:
Const PAGE_SIZE = 75  ' The size of our pages.

' Declare our variables... always good practice!
Dim strURL     ' The URL of this page so the form will work
               ' no matter what this file is named.

Dim cnnSearch  ' ADO connection
Dim rstSearch  ' ADO recordset
Dim strDBPath  ' path to our Access database (*.mdb) file

Dim strSQL     ' The SQL Query we build on the fly
Dim strSearch  ' The text being looked for

Dim iPageCurrent ' The page we're currently on
Dim iPageCount   ' Number of pages of records
Dim iRecordCount ' Count of the records returned
Dim I            ' Standard looping variable

' Retreive the URL of this page from Server Variables
strURL = Request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME")

' Retreive the term being searched for.  I'm doing it on
' the QS since that allows people to bookmark results.
' You could just as easily have used the form collection.
strSearch = Request("what")

' Retrieve page to show or default to the first
If Request.QueryString("page") = "" Then
      iPageCurrent = 1
      iPageCurrent = CInt(Request.QueryString("page"))
End If

' Since I'm doing this all in one page I need to see if anyone
' has searched for something.  If they have we hit the DB.
' O/W I just show the search form and quit.
            <TD class=inputbox><h4>SMS Reporting </h4></TD>

<FORM name="demoform" onsubmit="" action="<%= strURL %>" method="get">
<input type=hidden name=what value=reports ID="Hidden2">
                          <table width=100% ID="Table2" cellpadding=2 cellspacing=2>
                              <td><strong>Start Date:
                                <input class="formitem" name="startdate" value="<%=date()%>" size="12" onfocus="this.blur()"
                              readonly ID="Text2">
                                <a href="javascript:void(0)"
                              onclick="if(self.gfPop)gfPop.fStartPop(document.demoform.startdate,document.demoform.enddate);return false;"
                              HIDEFOCUS><img class="PopcalTrigger" align="absmiddle" src="calbtn.gif" width="34" height="22" border="0" alt=""></a>      
                              <td><strong>End Date:
                                <input class="formitem" name="enddate" value="<%=date()%>" size="12" onfocus="this.blur()"
                              readonly ID="Text3">
                                <a href="javascript:void(0)"
                              onclick="if(self.gfPop)gfPop.fEndPop(document.demoform.startdate,document.demoform.enddate);return false;"
                              HIDEFOCUS><img class="PopcalTrigger" align="absmiddle" src="calbtn.gif" width="34" height="22" border="0" alt=""></a>      
                            <tr align="left" valign="top">
                              <td colspan=2><table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
                                    <td width="30%"><strong>Containing this number
                                      <input name="number" type="text" class="formitem" id="number" value="any" size="40">
                            <!--    <tr align="left" valign="top">
                              <td colspan=2><table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
                                    <td width="30%"><strong>Status of Message</strong></td>
                                      <select name="status" class="formitem">
                                        <option value="%" selected>Any</option>
                                        <option value="0">Delivered to Handset</option>
                                        <option value="?">Delivered to SMS Gateway</option>
                                        <option value="-1">Queued for Submission</option>
                                        <option value="Awaiting delivery receipt">Pending</option>
                                        <option value="error">Error</option>
                            <tr align="left" valign="top">
                              <td colspan=2><strong>With this status&nbsp;</strong>
                                <select name="statusreport" size="1" class="formitem">
                                <option value="all">All reports</option>
                                <option value="No Report">No reports</option>
Set objDB = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
objDB.Open DB_CON

MySQL="Select errormessage, errorcode "&_
                  "from tbl_errormessages "&_
                  "ORDER BY errorcode;"

Set ObjRs=objDB.Execute(MySQL)

if objrs.eof then
<option value="">No Status Data</option>
Do While not objrs.Eof

<option value="<%=objrs("errorcode")%>"><%=objrs("errormessage")%></option>

end if

Set objRS = Nothing
                            <tr align="left" valign="top">
                              <td> <strong>
                                Export Results</td>
                                <td> <input type=radio name=export value="yes" />Yes <br />
                                <input type=radio name=export value="no" checked />No
                          <tr align="right" valign="top">
                              <td colspan=2> <strong>
                                <input type=submit value="Search" class="formitem">

'If strSearch <> "" Then

  'Display all the details passed

                  '      for i=1 to request.querystring.count
                  '      response.write Trim(request.querystring.key(i))&"; "& Trim(request.querystring.item(i)) &"<br>"
                  '      Next

      Set cnnSearch = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")

      ' This line is for the Access sample database:
      cnnSearch.Open DB_CON

      ' Build our query based on the input.
      startdate = Request("startdate")
      enddate = request("enddate")
            if what = "reports" then
                                          startdate = date()
                                          enddate = date()
                                          startdate = Request("startdate")
                                    enddate = request("enddate")
                              End if
                              if startdate = "" then
                                    startdate = date()
                              end if
                              if enddate = "" then
                                    enddate = date()
                              end if

number = request.querystring ("number")
      if number = "any" then
            number2find = "%"      
            number2find = trim(cstr(number))
      end if
      messagestatus = request.QueryString ("statusreport")
            if messagestatus = "No Report" then
                  messagestatus = NULL
                  messagestatus =request.QueryString ("statusreport")
            end if

orderby = Request.QueryString ("orderby")

if orderby = "" then
      orderby = "DateSent Desc"
      neworder= "DateSent"
end if

if Request.QueryString ("orderby") = "DateSent" then
      orderby = "DateSent"
      neworder= "DateSent Desc"
end if

if Request.QueryString ("orderby") =  "DateSent Desc" then
      orderby =  "DateSent Desc"
      neworder= "DateSent"
end if

'Response.Write orderby

      'Build the SQL Statement

if request.querystring ("what") = "" then
'Search for all messages sent today

select Case number2find
            Case Else
            strSQL = "SELECT PhoneNumber, Message, DateSent,TimeSent, UserName, Originator, MessageStatus "&_
                                    "FROM  messagelog "&_
                                    "WHERE  DateSent  >= '"& startdate & "' "&_
                                    "AND DateSent  <='"& enddate &"' "&_
                                    "AND MessageStatus LIKE '%"& messagestatus &"%' "&_
                                    "AND UserName = '"&  Request.Cookies  ("web2sms")("username")  &"' "&_
                                    "ORDER BY " & orderby &" ;"
      End Select
            select Case number2find
            Case "%"
            'Find any number
            if ISNULL (messagestatus) then
            strSQL = "SELECT PhoneNumber, Message, DateSent,TimeSent, UserName, Originator, MessageStatus "&_
                                    "FROM  messagelog "&_
                                    "WHERE  DateSent  >= '"& startdate & "' "&_
                                    "AND DateSent  <='"& enddate &"' "&_
                                    "AND UserName = '"&  Request.Cookies  ("web2sms")("username")  &"' "&_
                                    "AND MessageStatus IS NULL "&_
                                    " ORDER BY " & orderby &" ;"
            Else if messagestatus = "all" then
                  strSQL = "SELECT PhoneNumber, Message, DateSent,TimeSent, UserName, Originator, MessageStatus "&_
                                    "FROM  messagelog "&_
                                    "WHERE  DateSent  >= '"& startdate & "' "&_
                                    "AND DateSent  <='"& enddate &"' "&_
                                    "AND UserName = '"&  Request.Cookies  ("web2sms")("username")  &"' "&_
                                    " ORDER BY " & orderby &" ;"
                                    strSQL = "SELECT PhoneNumber, Message, DateSent,TimeSent, UserName, Originator, MessageStatus "&_
                                    "FROM  messagelog "&_
                                    "WHERE  DateSent  >= '"& startdate & "' "&_
                                    "AND DateSent  <='"& enddate &"' "&_
                                    "AND UserName = '"&  Request.Cookies  ("web2sms")("username")  &"' "&_
                                    "AND MessageStatus LIKE '%"& messagestatus &"%'  "&_
                                    " ORDER BY " & orderby &" ;"
                        End if
                  end if
            Case Else
            'Find a specific number
            strSQL = "SELECT PhoneNumber, Message, DateSent,TimeSent, UserName, Originator, MessageStatus "&_
                                    "FROM  messagelog "&_
                                    "WHERE  DateSent  >= '"& startdate & "' "&_
                                    "AND DateSent  <='"& enddate &"' "&_
                                    "AND Phonenumber  LIKE '%"& number2find &"%' "&_
                                    "AND UserName = '"&  Request.Cookies  ("web2sms")("username")  &"' "&_
                                    "ORDER BY " & orderby &" ;"
      End Select
      end if
      ' Execute our query using the connection object.  It automatically
      ' creates and returns a recordset which we store in our variable.
      Set rstSearch = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
      rstSearch.PageSize  = PAGE_SIZE
      rstSearch.CacheSize = PAGE_SIZE

      ' Open our recordset
      'Response.Write "<br>"& StrSQL & "<br>"
      rstSearch.Open strSQL, cnnSearch, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly, adCmdText

      ' Get a count of the number of records and pages
      ' for use in building the header and footer text.
      iRecordCount = rstSearch.RecordCount
      iPageCount   = rstSearch.PageCount

if request.querystring ("what") = "" then
'Do Nothing


<h4>A search for messages sent between <%=MyDateFormat(startdate)%> and <%=MyDateFormat(enddate)%> has the following results.</h4>
      If iRecordCount = 0 Then
            ' Display no records error.
            <font color="red" size=3>No records found.  Please try again.</font>
              if Request.QueryString ("export")="yes" then
Function dbDate(dt)
        dbDate = year(dt) & left("00",2-len(month(dt))) &_
        month(dt) & left("00",2-len(day(dt))) & day(dt) '&_
        '" " & formatdatetime(dt,4)
End Function
                ' Name for the ouput document
                filename  =  "ReportResults-" &  dbDate(now) & Left(Request.Cookies("web2sms")("lastname"),4)
                file_being_created="./export/" & filename & ".xls"

                ' create a file system object
                set fso = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")

                ' create the text file - true will overwrite any previous files
                ' Writes the db output to a .xls file in the same directory
                Set act = fso.CreateTextFile(server.mappath(file_being_created), true)

                    ' All non repetitive html on top goes here
                        act.WriteLine("<table border=""1"">")
                        act.WriteLine("<th nowrap>Originating Time</th>")
                        act.WriteLine("<th nowrap>Destination Number</th>")
                        act.WriteLine("<th nowrap>Status</th>")
                        act.WriteLine("<th nowrap>SMS Code</th>")
                        act.WriteLine("<th nowrap>Message</th>")
              'Create the data and then write it to an xls file and display the link for the file.
              Do While Not rstSearch.EOF
                                  Set objDB = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
                                    objDB.Open DB_CON

                                MySQL="Select errormessage,errorcode from tbl_errormessages "&_
                                              "where errorcode ='"&  rstSearch.Fields("MessageStatus").Value &"' ;"

                          Set ObjRs=objDB.Execute(MySQL)

                                            if objrs.eof then
                                                    if ISNULL(rstSearch.Fields("MessageStatus").Value) then
                                                            reporttrans = "  Awaiting Report "

                                                         reporttrans = "Error"
                                                   end if
                                                if ISNULL(rstSearch.Fields("MessageStatus").Value) then
                                                        reporttrans = " Awaiting Report "
                                                          reporttrans =  objrs("errormessage")
                                                  End if

                                        end if

                            Set objRS = Nothing
                        act.WriteLine("<td align=""right"">" &  MyDateFormat(rstSearch.Fields("DateSent").Value) & "&nbsp;<br>"&_
                                        "@<br>&nbsp;" & Right(rstSearch.Fields("timesent").Value,10) & "</td>" )
                        act.WriteLine("<td align=""right"">'" & rstSearch.Fields("phonenumber").Value  & "'</td>" )
                        act.WriteLine("<td align=""right"">"  & reporttrans & "</td>")
                        act.WriteLine("<td align=""right""> "  &  rstSearch.Fields("MessageStatus").Value   & "</td>")
                        act.WriteLine("<td align=""right"">"& rstSearch.Fields("Message").Value  & "</td>")

            ' move to the next record

' return to the top of the for - next loop
' change this to "loop" to output all the records
' and the corresponding for statement above should be changed also

' All non repetitive html on top goes here

' close the object (excel)
' Writes a link to the newly created excel in the browser
resultcode = "<hr width=50% color=black><span align=center><h4>Excel Document Created Successfully</h4> The file "& "<a target='_blank' href='" & file_being_created &"'>"& filename &"</a> has been created <br><br>Click the file name to download</span><hr width=50% color=black>"

response.Write resultcode
'End of Export!
            ' Move to the page we need to show.      
            rstSearch.AbsolutePage = iPageCurrent

            ' Show a quick status line letting people know where they are:
            <%= iRecordCount %> Records Found.
            Displaying page <%= iPageCurrent %>
            of <%= iPageCount %>:
            ' Display a table of the data in the recordset.  We loop through the
            ' recordset displaying the fields from the table and using MoveNext
            ' to increment to the next record.  We stop when we reach EOF.
            ' For fun I'm combining some fields and showwing you can do more then
            ' just spit out the data in the form it is in in the table.
            <table border="0" align=left width=100% ID="Table1" cellpadding=2 cellspacing=2>
                            <td align=center class="tdheading"><a href="<%= strURL %>?what=<%=Request("what")%>&orderby=<%=neworder%>&startdate=<%=startdate%>&enddate=<%=enddate%>&number=<%=number%>&status=<%=messagestatus%>">Originating Time</a></td>
                            <td align=center class="tdheading"> Destination Number</td>
                            <td align=center class="tdheading">Status</td>
                            <td align=center class="tdheading">Message</td>
            Recordcount = 0
            Do While Not rstSearch.EOF And recordcount < PAGE_SIZE
            'this code alternates the color of the table rows...
      iCount = iCount + 1
      If iCount Mod 2 = 0 Then
            sRowColor = "#8F9AF7"
            sRowColor = "#FFFFFF"
      End If

                  <tr align=center valign=top bgcolor="<%=sRowColor%>" >
                            <td align=center valign=top class=inputbox><%= MyDateFormat(rstSearch.Fields("DateSent").Value) %>&nbsp;<br>
                              &nbsp;<%= Right(rstSearch.Fields("timesent").Value,10) %></td>
                            <td align=center valign=top class=inputbox><%= rstSearch.Fields("phonenumber").Value %></td>
                            <td align=center valign=top class=inputbox><!--#include file="report_status.asp"--></td>
                            <td align=left valign=top class=inputbox width=30%><%=rstSearch.Fields("Message").Value%></td>
                  recordcount = recordcount + 1
                            <td colspan=4 align=center valign=top> <TABLE WIDTH="100%" BORDER="0" CELLSPACING="2" CELLPADDING="2" ID="Table3" align=center>
                                  <TD align=center valign=middle> <%
            ' Now we need to show our navigation links:
            ' Show "previous" and "next" page links which pass the page to
            ' view our search parameter.  You could also use form buttons
            ' but I find this looks better.
            If iPageCurrent > 1 Then
                  %> <a href="<%= strURL %>?what=<%=Request("what")%>&startdate=<%=startdate%>&enddate=<%=enddate%>&number=<%=number%>&statusreport=<%=messagestatus%>&page=<%= iPageCurrent - 1 %>">[<<
                                    Prev]</a> <%
            End If

            ' You can also show page numbers:
            For I = 1 To iPageCount
                  If I = iPageCurrent Then
                        %> <%= I %> <%
                        %> <a href="<%= strURL %>?what=<%=Request("what")%>&startdate=<%=startdate%>&enddate=<%=enddate%>&number=<%=number%>&statusreport=<%=messagestatus%>&page=<%= I %>"><%= I %></a> <%
                  End If
            Next 'I

            If iPageCurrent < iPageCount Then
                  %> <a href="<%= strURL %>?what=<%=Request("what")%>&startdate=<%=startdate%>&enddate=<%=enddate%>&number=<%=number%>&statusreport=<%=messagestatus%>&page=<%= iPageCurrent + 1 %>">[Next
                                    >>]</a> <%
            End If
            %> </p>
            End if
      End If

      ' Close our recordset and connection and dispose of the objects
      Set rstSearch = Nothing
      Set cnnSearch = Nothing
'End If
<%end if%>


Open in new window

Avatar of kenwagers
Flag of United States of America image

You'll need to add indexes to the fields most commonly used as selection criteria in the queries.  

The users should only be looking at subset of the data for each requested result set - getting the indexes right will make a huge difference.
Avatar of Destiny Amana


Search parameters  on this database

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[messagelog_archive](
      [autoid] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
      [SN] [int] NULL,
      [TransID] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
      [PhoneNumber] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
      [Message] [ntext] NULL,
      [MessageID] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
      [MessageStatus] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
      [Originator] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
      [UserName] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
      [Pass] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
      [Credit] [nvarchar](10) NULL,
      [DateSent] [smalldatetime] NULL,
      [TimeSent] [smalldatetime] NULL,
      [Status] [nvarchar](1) NULL,
      [PC2SMSID] [nvarchar](50) NULL

are  [PhoneNumber], [DateSent]

so do I just make these indexes?

I thought they had to be unique like [autoid]
Avatar of kenwagers
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Avatar of Anthony Perkins
And while you are at it, change the deprecated ntext data type for Message to nvarchar(MAX)
But wouldn;t changing that delete some data if the number of characters exceed the max for nvarchar(max)?
There is no difference in the capacity between ntext and nvarchar(MAX).  They both allow up to 2GB of data.  Do you think you may need more than that?
Thank you so much. As usual, with EE, I not only have the best answer I can get but learn from it as well!