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hanniemcleanFlag for Canada

asked on

What is the purpose of the c:\binaries folder on my computer

I have a binaries folder in the root of c. There are two files in it. soapvdir.cmd and _svdir.vbs. I am not sure what it is doing there or if it is a good or bad app. I will include the contents of the _svdir file. the soap file calls that script.

'      Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation
'      _svdir.vbs
'      utility to manage VDirs for Soap Toolkit 3
'      for usage information  call it with the HELP option
Option Explicit
'On Error Resume Next

Dim objArgs

const TargetServer       = "IIS://localhost"
const DefaultSiteName      = "w3svc/1/Root"
const  ScriptMap      = ",1,GET,POST"
const  ScriptMapIIS4      = ",1,PUT,DELETE,TRACE"

'error codes returned from ScriptMap
'script returns 0 in the success case
const NO_EXECUTION       = 1            ' no changes performed
const PARAM_MISSING       = 2            ' missing parameter
const CSCRIPT_REQUIRED      = 3            ' script was started from wscript.exe
const UNKNOWN_PARAM       = 4            ' unknown command line parameter
const ISAPI_REG       = 5            ' soap isapi not correctly registered
const ILLEGAL_PARAM       = 6            ' illegal command line parameter
const VDIR_ERROR      = 7            ' failure during vdir creation
const IIS_VERSION      = 8            ' unable to determine IIS version information
const SETMAP_ERROR      = 9            ' Failure setting the scriptmap
const GETOBJ_ERROR      = 9            ' Failure sto acquire an IIS object

call DetectExeType

Set objArgs = WScript.Arguments
if objArgs.Count < 1 then
      call DisplaySimpleHelp
end if

if ucase(objArgs(0)) = "HELP" then
      call DisplayHelp
end if

If ucase(objArgs(0)) = "UPDATE" Then
      call VDirUpdate
end if

If ucase(objArgs(0)) = "CREATE" Then
      call VDirCreate
end if

'we can quit with an error message
call DisplayError("Unknown Paramter ("+objArgs(0)+")", UNKNOWN_PARAM, 0)

function VDirUpdate
      Dim args
      Dim ServiceNumber
      Dim VDirName
      Dim SiteName
      Dim ISAPILocation
      Dim  i

      On Error Resume Next

      VDirCommand = ""
      ServiceNumber = ""

      Set args = WScript.Arguments
      if (args.Count > 4) or (args.Count < 2) then
            call DisplayError("Illegal number of parameters.", ILLEGAL_PARAM, 0)
      end if

      VDirName = args(1)

      for i = 2 to args.Count -1
            if      ucase(left(args(i),3)) = "-S:" then
            WScript.Echo args(i)
                  if (len(ServiceNumber) > 0) then
                        call DisplayError("Illegal service number ("+args(i)+")", ILLEGAL_PARAM, 0)
                  end if
                  ServiceNumber = Right(args(i), Len(args(i)) - 3)
            end if
            if      ucase(left(args(i),3)) = "-W:" then
                  if (len(SiteName) > 0) then
                        call DisplayError("Illegal website ("+args(i)+")", ILLEGAL_PARAM, 0)
                  end if
                  SiteName = Right(args(i), Len(args(i)) - 3)
            end if

      if len(ServiceNumber) = 0 then
      end if
      if len(SiteName) = 0 then
      end if

      VDirName = CreateVDirName(TargetServer, ServiceNumber, SiteName, VDirName)
      ISAPILocation = DetectIsapiLocation()

      call addMapping( VDirName, ISAPILocation)
end function

function VDirCreate
      Dim args
      Dim ServiceNumber
      Dim VDirName
      Dim SiteName
      Dim VDirPath
      DIM ISAPILocation
      Dim i
      'On Error Resume Next

      VDirCreate= ""

      Set args = WScript.Arguments
      if (args.Count > 5) or (args.Count < 3) then
            call DisplayError("Illegal number of parameters.", ILLEGAL_PARAM, 0)
      end if

      VDirName = args(1)
      VDirPath = args(2)

      for i = 3 to args.Count -1
            if      ucase(left(args(i),3)) = "-S:" then
            WScript.Echo args(i)
                  if (len(ServiceNumber) > 0) then
                        call DisplayError("Illegal service number ("+args(i)+")", ILLEGAL_PARAM, 0)
                  end if
                  ServiceNumber = Right(args(i), Len(args(i)) - 3)
            end if
            if      ucase(left(args(i),3)) = "-W:" then
                  if (len(SiteName) > 0) then
                        call DisplayError("Illegal website ("+args(i)+")", ILLEGAL_PARAM, 0)
                  end if
                  SiteName = Right(args(i), Len(args(i)) - 3)
            end if

      if len(ServiceNumber) = 0 then
      end if
      if len(SiteName) = 0 then
      end if

      call createVDir( TargetServer, ServiceNumber, SiteName, VDirName, VDirPath)

      ISAPILocation = DetectIsapiLocation()
      VDirName = CreateVDirName(TargetServer, ServiceNumber, SiteName, VDirName)

      call addMapping( VDirName, ISAPILocation)
end function

Function createVDir(Server, ServiceNumber, SiteName, VDirName, VDirPath)
      'On Error Resume Next

      createVDir = TRUE

      Dim IIsObjectPath
      Dim IIsObject
      Dim vroot
      Dim vDir

      IIsObjectPath = Server + "/W3SVC/" + ServiceNumber
      Set IIsObject = GetObject(IIsObjectPath)
      call CHK_ERR("Error trying to get IIS Object: " + IIsObjectPath, GETOBJ_ERROR, Err.Number)

      set vRoot = IIsObject.GetObject("IIsWebVirtualDir", "Root")
      call CHK_ERR ("Error trying to access IISWebVirtualDirectory 'Root' on: " + IIsObjectPath, GETOBJ_ERROR, Err.Number)

      Set vDir = vRoot.Create("IIsWebVirtualDir", VDirName)
      call CHK_ERR("Unable to create " + vRoot.ADsPath + "/" + VDirName , GETOBJ_ERROR, Err.Number)

      vDir.AccessRead = False
      vDir.AccessExecute = True
      vDir.AspBufferingOn= True
      vDir.AccessScript = True
      vDir.AspAllowSessionState = False
      vDir.ContentIndexed = False
      vDir.Put "Path", VDirPath
      call CHK_ERR("Can't set properties for " + vRoot.ADsPath + "/" + VDirName, VDIR_ERROR, Err.Number)

      if IsIIS4() then
            Const INPROC_IIS4 = True
            Const OUTPROC_IIS4 = False
            vDir.AppCreate INPROC_IIS4
            Const INPROC = 0
            Const OUTPROC = 1
             Const POOLED = 2

            vdir.AppCreate2 INPROC
      end if
      call CHK_ERR("Can't create web-application definition in " + vRoot.ADsPath + "/" + VDirName, VDIR_ERROR, Err.Number)

      vDir.AppFriendlyName = VDirName
      call CHK_ERR("Unable to save configuration for " + vRoot.ADsPath + "/" + VDirName, VDIR_ERROR, Err.Number)

End Function

function CreateVDirName(server, number, site, vdir)
      Dim temp
      On Error Resume Next

      temp = server + "/w3svc/" +number + "/" + site + "/" + vdir
      CreateVDirName = temp
end function

Function addMapping(IIsObjectPath, isapiname)
      On Error Resume Next

      Dim IIsObject
      dim i
      dim list
      dim mapString
      dim doneIt

      addMapping = ""
      doneIt = false

      Set IIsObject = GetObject(IIsObjectPath)
      call CHK_ERR("Error trying to get the path of the application: " + IIsObjectPath, GETOBJ_ERROR, Err.Number)

      list = IISObject.ScriptMaps
      call CHK_ERR("Error trying to query scriptmap in: " + IIsObjectPath, GETOBJ_ERROR, Err.Number)

      if IsIIS4() then
            mapString = ".wsdl," + isapiname + ScriptMapIIS4
            mapString = ".wsdl," + isapiname + ScriptMap
      end if

      for i = 0 to UBound(list)
            if (left(list(i), 5) = ".wsdl") then
                  list(i) = mapString
                  doneIt = true
            end if

      if not doneIt then
            i = ubound(list) + 1
            redim preserve list(i)
            list(i)= mapString
      end if

      IIsObject.Put "scriptmaps", (list)

      call CHK_ERR("Error trying to set the scriptmap to " + mapString, SETMAP_ERROR, Err.Number)

      WScript.Echo "Registered virtual DIR: "
      WScript.Echo "  " + IIsObjectPath
      WScript.Echo " with addition scriptmap entry:"
      WScript.Echo "  " + mapString

End Function

 '      This can detect the type of exe the script is running under and warns the
'       user of the popups.
Sub DetectExeType()
      Dim ScriptHost
      On Error Resume Next

      ScriptHost = WScript.FullName
      ScriptHost = Right(ScriptHost, Len(ScriptHost) - InStrRev(ScriptHost, "\"))
      If (UCase(ScriptHost) = "WSCRIPT.EXE") Then
            Dim msg

            msg =                         "This script is executed using WScript. It requires CScript to function correctly."
            msg = AddLine(msg,      "Please run the script by executing")
            msg = AddLine(msg,      "       SOAPVDIR.CMD <cmd> <param>")

            WScript.Echo msg

            WScript.Quit (CSCRIPT_REQUIRED)
      End If
End Sub

function IsIIS4
      Dim ShellObject
      dim mver
      On Error Resume Next

      IsIIS4 = FALSE
      Set ShellObject = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

      mver = ShellObject.RegRead("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\w3svc\Parameters\MajorVersion")

      if (Err <> 0) or (len(mver) < 1) then
            call DisplayError("Can't determine IIS Version", IIS_VERSION, Err.Number)
      End If
      if CInt(mver) < 5 then
            IsIIS4 = TRUE
      end if
end function

function DetectIsapiLocation
      Dim ShellObject
      Dim location
      On Error Resume Next

      Set ShellObject = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

      location = ShellObject.RegRead("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MSSOAP\30\SOAPISAP\isapi")
      if (Err <> 0) or (len(location) < 1) then
            call DisplayError("Soap Toolkit 3 Isapi is not correctly registered.", ISAPI_REG, Err.Number)
      End If

      DetectIsapiLocation  = location
end function

Function CommonHelp
      WScript.echo      "Usage:"
      WScript.echo      "           SOAPVDIR.CMD <cmd> [<value>*]"
      WScript.echo      "Description:"
      WScript.echo      "  Create VDir on localhost to use Soap Toolkit 3 ISAPI or"
      WScript.echo      "  Update VDir on localhost to use Soap Toolkit 3 ISAPI instead of"
      WScript.echo      "  the Soap Toolkit 2 ISAPI"
end function

Function DisplaySimpleHelp
      call CommonHelp()
      WScript.echo      "Supported Commands:"
      WScript.echo      "  HELP, UPDATE, CREATE"
      WScript.echo      "Sample"
      WScript.echo      "  soapvdir.cmd UPDATE soapsample"
      WScript.echo      "  soapvdir.cmd CREATE soapsample c:\inetpub\wwwroot\soap"
      WScript.echo      "For Extended Help type:"
      WScript.echo      "  soapvdir.cmd HELP"
end function

Function DisplayHelp
      call CommonHelp()
      WScript.echo      "Standard Command:"
      WScript.echo      "  Displays this help message"
      WScript.echo      "    soapvdir.cmd HELP "
      WScript.echo      "  Updates the VDIR 'name'"
      WScript.echo      "   soapvdir.cmd UPDATE name [-s:server] [-w:site]"
      WScript.echo      "  Create a new Vdir"
      WScript.echo      "   soapvdir.cmd CREATE name path [-s:server] [-w:site]"
      WScript.echo      "UPDATE Command:"
      WScript.echo      "  'name' is the name of the virtual directory to update."
      WScript.echo      "  By default it is expected that this virtual directory is located"
      WScript.echo      "  on the root (w3svc/1/root)."
      WScript.echo      "  The default server (1) can be changed using the '-s:' option."
      WScript.echo      "  The default site (root) can be changed using the '-w:' option."
      WScript.echo      "CREATE Command:"
      WScript.echo      "  'name' is the name of the virtual directory to create."
      WScript.echo      "  'path' is the location on disk."
      WScript.echo      "  By default the virtual directory is created below the"
      WScript.echo      "  root (w3svc/1/root)."
      WScript.echo      "  The default server (1) can be changed using the '-s:' option."
      WScript.echo      "  The default site (root) can be changed using the '-w:' option."
      WScript.echo      "Samples:"
      WScript.echo      "  soapvdir.cmd UPDATE soapsample"
      Wscript.echo      "    is identical to"
      WScript.echo      "  soapvdir.cmd UPDATE soapsample -s:1 -w:root"
      WScript.echo      "  soapvdir.cmd CREATE soapsample c:\soap"
      Wscript.echo      "    is identical to"
      WScript.echo      "  soapvdir.cmd CREATE soapsample c:\soap -s:1 -w:root"
end function

function CHK_ERR(msg, code, errcode)
      on error resume next

      if errcode <> 0 then
            call DisplayError(msg, code, errcode)
      end if
      CHK_ERR = TRUE
end function

function DisplayError(msg, code, errcode)
      DisplayError = ""
      on error resume next

      if errcode <> 0 then
            WScript.Echo "Error (0x" + hex(errcode) + "):"
            WScript.Echo "Error:"
      end if
      WScript.Echo "  " + msg
end function

' concatenates two string with a return in the middle
' this is usefull for output in msg-boxes
function AddLine(msg, line)
      on error resume next
      Addline = msg + chr(13) + line
end function
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