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sammySeltzerFlag for United States of America

asked on

.hta file needs a "Please wait..." message

Hello mates,

I am just dabbling into .hta application development.

The code below works great, just like we want it.

The only missing bit is when a user tries searching the db for records, I need to give the user a message that says, "Search in progress, please wait..."

I have done this tons of times with other languages but having feats giving it a go with .hta.

Any assistance with this bit is highly appreciated.

This is entire working code. Thanks much in advance.

&#9; BORDER="thin"
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&#9; contextMenu=no

<script type="text/javascript">

var enablepersist="on" //Enable saving state of content structure using session cookies? (on/off)
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document.write('<style type="text/css">')

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<title>PCourt Montly Report</title>

<script language="vbscript">

Dim conn 'GLOBAL doing this here so that all functions can use it

sub dotheconnection

set conn=CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
conn.Open "Provider=SQLOLEDB;Data Source=xx.xx.xx.xx;Network Library=DBMSSOCN;" &_
"Initial Catalog=PCCourt;User ID=MyUserName;Password=MyPassword;"

&#9;If conn.errors.count <> 0 Then 
&#9;&#9;alert("problem connecting to the database")
&#9;&#9;' if connected OK call sub getdata
&#9;end if
end sub

sub searchdata

&#9;SQL_query = "SELECT Name, Rel, Estno, dtfild, pub, typeofdocument, btyp, bkno, pgno, disp, dispdt FROM PCS60418_MTHLY_XREF WHERE NAME LIKE '%" & Replace(txtsrch.value, "'", "''") & "%' ORDER BY NAME "
&#9;Set rsData = conn.Execute(SQL_query)
        If rsData.EOF Then
&#9;msgbox  "No records found. Please refine your search"

        strHTML = strHTML & "<table cellspacing='0' cellpadding='4' border='0' width='100%'>"
&#9;strHTML = strHTML & "<tr style='background-color:#69C; color:#FFFFFF; font-size: x-small;font-weight:bold'>"
&#9;strHTML = strHTML & "<th>NAME</th>"
&#9;strHTML = strHTML & "<th>REL</th>"
&#9;strHTML = strHTML & "<th>ESTATE NO</th>"
&#9;strHTML = strHTML & "<th>DATE FILLED</th>"
&#9;strHTML = strHTML & "<th>PUB</th>"
&#9;strHTML = strHTML & "<th>TYPE OF DOCUMENT</th>"
&#9;strHTML = strHTML & "<th>BOOK TYPE</th>"
&#9;strHTML = strHTML & "<th>BOOK NO</th>"
&#9;strHTML = strHTML & "<th>PAGE NO</th>"
&#9;strHTML = strHTML & "<th>DISPOSITION</th>"
&#9;strHTML = strHTML & "<th>DISP DATE</th>"
        strHTML = strHTML & "</tr>"
          Dim colorset, numcolors
      &#9; '/--- This is the array of colors to use. -------------\
      &#9;  colorset = split("gainsboro,White",",")
      &#9;  numcolors = ubound(colorset)+1

     Do Until rsData.EOF
       curRec= rsData("Name") 
       curRel = rsData("Rel")
       If curRec <> priorRec Then
            strHTML = strHTML & "<tr>" 
            strHTML = strHTML & "<td style='background:gainsboro;font-size: x-small;'>" & rsData("Name") & "</td>"
            strHTML = strHTML & "<td style='background:gainsboro;font-size: x-small;font-size: x-small;'>" & rsData("REL") & "</td>"      
            strHTML = strHTML & "<td style='background:" & colorset(i mod numcolors) & ";font-size: x-small;'>" & rsData("ESTNO") & "</td>"
            strHTML = strHTML & "<td style='background:" & colorset(i mod numcolors) & ";font-size: x-small;'>" & rsData("DTFILD") & "</td>"
            strHTML = strHTML & "<td style='background:" & colorset(i mod numcolors) & ";font-size: x-small;'>" & rsData("PUB") & "</td>"
            strHTML = strHTML & "<td style='background:" & colorset(i mod numcolors) & ";font-size: x-small;'>" & rsData("TypeOfDocument") & "</td>"
            strHTML = strHTML & "<td style='background:" & colorset(i mod numcolors) & ";font-size: x-small;'>" & rsData("BTYP") & "</td>"
            strHTML = strHTML & "<td style='background:" & colorset(i mod numcolors) & ";font-size: x-small;'>" & rsData("BKNO") & "</td>"
            strHTML = strHTML & "<td style='background:" & colorset(i mod numcolors) & ";font-size: x-small;'>" & rsData("PGNO") & "</td>"
            strHTML = strHTML & "<td style='background:" & colorset(i mod numcolors) & ";font-size: x-small;'>" & rsData("DISP") & "</td>"
            strHTML = strHTML & "<td style='background:" & colorset(i mod numcolors) & ";font-size: x-small;'>" & rsData("DISPDT") & "</td>"
            strHTML = strHTML & "</tr><tr>"
            priorRec = curRec
            priorRel = curRel

            strHTML = strHTML & "<tr>" 
            strHTML = strHTML & "<td style='background:White;font-size: x-small;'> &nbsp; </td>"
            strHTML = strHTML & "<td style='background:White;font-size: x-small;'>&nbsp;</td>"      
            strHTML = strHTML & "<td style='background:" & colorset(i mod numcolors) & ";font-size: x-small;' >" & rsData("ESTNO") & "</td>"
            strHTML = strHTML & "<td style='background:" & colorset(i mod numcolors) & ";font-size: x-small;' >" & rsData("DTFILD") & "</td>"
            strHTML = strHTML & "<td style='background:" & colorset(i mod numcolors) & ";font-size: x-small;' >" & rsData("PUB") & "</td>"
            strHTML = strHTML & "<td style='background:" & colorset(i mod numcolors) & ";font-size: x-small;' >" & rsData("TypeOfDocument") & "</td>"
            strHTML = strHTML & "<td style='background:" & colorset(i mod numcolors) & ";font-size: x-small;' >" & rsData("BTYP") & "</td>"
            strHTML = strHTML & "<td style='background:" & colorset(i mod numcolors) & ";font-size: x-small;' >" & rsData("BKNO") & "</td>"
            strHTML = strHTML & "<td style='background:" & colorset(i mod numcolors) & ";font-size: x-small;' >" & rsData("PGNO") & "</td>"
            strHTML = strHTML & "<td style='background:" & colorset(i mod numcolors) & ";font-size: x-small;' >" & rsData("DISP") & "</td>"
            strHTML = strHTML & "<td style='background:" & colorset(i mod numcolors) & ";font-size: x-small;' >" & rsData("DISPDT") & "</td>"
            strHTML = strHTML & "</tr>"    
      end if
            i = i + 1

        strHTML = strHTML & "</table>"
        searchIT.innerHTML = strHTML
    end if
end sub

fieldset     { border: 1 solid #000080 }
font         { font-family: Verdana; font-size: 10pt }
<LINK href="/probateCT/include/template.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<body onload="dotheconnection" language="vbscript" background="images/fond.gif">

<font face="Verdana" size="2">

<div align=center><input type="button" style="width: 580px;" value="Search Probate Court Monthly Report Database Click here>>>" onClick="expandcontent('sc2')" style="font-size: medium; font-weight: bold; color:#ffffff; background-color:#69C;"></div>

<div id="sc2" class="switchcontent">

<div align="center">
 <table border="0" width="470" height="16">
      <td height="6" class="bgtop" nowrap>
     <b><font style="font-size: medium; font-weight: bold; color:#ffffff;">Enter Name:</font></b></td>
     <td width="487" height="7"><b><font face="Verdana" size="2"><input type="text" name="txtsrch" size="43"></font></b><input type="button" name="btnSearch" class="bgtop" value="Go" onclick="searchdata" language="vbscript" style="font-size: medium; font-weight: bold; color:#ffffff; background-color:#6e6e6e;">
      </tr><tr><td width="126"></td><td width="487"><b><font color="#000080" size="2" face="Verdana">
        You can search by a keyword e.g.; Gibbs<br>
        You can also search in the format of Lastname, Firstname Middle name.<br>
        Example: Adams, Eva Gibbs</font></b>

<legend><b><font style="font-size: medium; font-weight: bold; color:#6e6e6e; background-color:gainsboro;">Search Results</font></b></legend>
<center><div style="width: 950; height: 500; overflow: auto; border: 0px solid black" id="searchIT"></div>

Open in new window

<Edited by SouthMod to remove login credentials>
Avatar of moonlight

maybe you can do this by showing an animated gif, in a div that you make visible,or in a new window...
Avatar of sammySeltzer


if you don't mind, can you please show me an example?

I have pretty much tried all I know, including js but no love.

Thanks  alot
I responded to your other post, think you posted it twice.  Here is some code to do it.  I generally use an IE window since the HTA won't always update correctly.
Set oIE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
Call CreatePopup()
Wscript.Sleep 5000
Set oIE = Nothing

'Creates the progress bar so the user sees that the process is running
Sub CreatePopup()
    On Error Resume Next

    sPBTitle = "Please Wait"
    iWindowWidth = 300
    iWindowHeight = 100
    With oIE
        .Navigate "about:blank"
        .ToolBar = False
        .StatusBar = False
        .MenuBar = False
        .Resizable = False
        .Width = iWindowWidth
        .Height = iWindowHeight 
        .Left = (.Document.ParentWindow.Screen.AvailWidth - iWindowWidth) / 2
        .Top = (.Document.ParentWindow.Screen.AvailHeight - iWindowHeight) / 2
        With .Document
            .Write "<html><head><title>" & sPBTitle & "</title></head>" &_ 
                   "<body bgcolor=""buttonface"">" &_ 
                   "Search in progress, please wait..." &_ 
            .Title = sPBTitle
        End With
        .Visible = True             
    End With
    Do While oIE.Busy : WScript.Sleep 100 : Loop
End Sub

Open in new window

Thanks spinzr0,

That other copy was created in error.

My network disconnected while I was posting and I assumed that original attempt failed.

I have a couple of question.

1, I am getting "object required: Wscript"

I tried setting this:

set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") but it didn't help.

2, Is all I need to do just use that code assuming all the bugs are worked out.

.hta is a new territory for me. I am still trying to figure out the nuances.

Thanks for your help.
Sorry, should've been more clear.  You don't need to line Wscript.Sleep I was just using that as my demo.  For your hta, put in these lines:

Set oIE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
Call CreatePopup()

Then, run your query.  After the query, run these lines to close the prompt:

Set oIE = Nothing

Then just throw the function in where convenient.
I will complete this tomorrow.

My vpn is letting me down big time. It keeps timing out, givin the message that the script has become unresponsive.

But just to be sure I am the right track, could you please see where I am placing your code, particularly these lines:

Set oIE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
Call CreatePopup()

Then, run your query.  After the query, run these lines to close the prompt:

Set oIE = Nothing

Thanks again for your assistance

sub searchdata

      Set oIE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
      Call CreatePopup()

	SQL_query = "SELECT Name, Rel, Estno, dtfild, pub, typeofdocument, btyp, bkno, pgno, disp, dispdt FROM PCS60418_MTHLY_XREF WHERE NAME LIKE '%" & Replace(txtsrch.value, "'", "''") & "%' ORDER BY NAME "
	Set rsData = conn.Execute(SQL_query)
Set oIE = Nothing
        If rsData.EOF Then
	msgbox  "No records found. Please refine your search"

        strHTML = strHTML & "<table cellspacing='0' cellpadding='4' border='0' width='100%'>"
	strHTML = strHTML & "<tr style='background-color:#69C; color:#FFFFFF; font-size: x-small;font-weight:bold'>"
	strHTML = strHTML & "<th>NAME</th>"
	strHTML = strHTML & "<th>REL</th>"
	strHTML = strHTML & "<th>ESTATE NO</th>"
	strHTML = strHTML & "<th>DATE FILLED</th>"
	strHTML = strHTML & "<th>PUB</th>"
	strHTML = strHTML & "<th>TYPE OF DOCUMENT</th>"
	strHTML = strHTML & "<th>BOOK TYPE</th>"
	strHTML = strHTML & "<th>BOOK NO</th>"
	strHTML = strHTML & "<th>PAGE NO</th>"
	strHTML = strHTML & "<th>DISPOSITION</th>"
	strHTML = strHTML & "<th>DISP DATE</th>"
        strHTML = strHTML & "</tr>"
          Dim colorset, numcolors
      	 '/--- This is the array of colors to use. -------------\
      	  colorset = split("gainsboro,White",",")
      	  numcolors = ubound(colorset)+1

     Do Until rsData.EOF
       curRec= rsData("Name") 
       curRel = rsData("Rel")
       If curRec <> priorRec Then
            strHTML = strHTML & "<tr>" 
            strHTML = strHTML & "<td style='background:gainsboro;font-size: x-small;'>" & rsData("Name") & "</td>"
            strHTML = strHTML & "<td style='background:gainsboro;font-size: x-small;font-size: x-small;'>" & rsData("REL") & "</td>"      
            strHTML = strHTML & "<td style='background:" & colorset(i mod numcolors) & ";font-size: x-small;'>" & rsData("ESTNO") & "</td>"
            strHTML = strHTML & "<td style='background:" & colorset(i mod numcolors) & ";font-size: x-small;'>" & rsData("DTFILD") & "</td>"
            strHTML = strHTML & "<td style='background:" & colorset(i mod numcolors) & ";font-size: x-small;'>" & rsData("PUB") & "</td>"
            strHTML = strHTML & "<td style='background:" & colorset(i mod numcolors) & ";font-size: x-small;'>" & rsData("TypeOfDocument") & "</td>"
            strHTML = strHTML & "<td style='background:" & colorset(i mod numcolors) & ";font-size: x-small;'>" & rsData("BTYP") & "</td>"
            strHTML = strHTML & "<td style='background:" & colorset(i mod numcolors) & ";font-size: x-small;'>" & rsData("BKNO") & "</td>"
            strHTML = strHTML & "<td style='background:" & colorset(i mod numcolors) & ";font-size: x-small;'>" & rsData("PGNO") & "</td>"
            strHTML = strHTML & "<td style='background:" & colorset(i mod numcolors) & ";font-size: x-small;'>" & rsData("DISP") & "</td>"
            strHTML = strHTML & "<td style='background:" & colorset(i mod numcolors) & ";font-size: x-small;'>" & rsData("DISPDT") & "</td>"
            strHTML = strHTML & "</tr><tr>"
            priorRec = curRec
            priorRel = curRel

            strHTML = strHTML & "<tr>" 
            strHTML = strHTML & "<td style='background:White;font-size: x-small;'> &nbsp; </td>"
            strHTML = strHTML & "<td style='background:White;font-size: x-small;'>&nbsp;</td>"      
            strHTML = strHTML & "<td style='background:" & colorset(i mod numcolors) & ";font-size: x-small;' >" & rsData("ESTNO") & "</td>"
            strHTML = strHTML & "<td style='background:" & colorset(i mod numcolors) & ";font-size: x-small;' >" & rsData("DTFILD") & "</td>"
            strHTML = strHTML & "<td style='background:" & colorset(i mod numcolors) & ";font-size: x-small;' >" & rsData("PUB") & "</td>"
            strHTML = strHTML & "<td style='background:" & colorset(i mod numcolors) & ";font-size: x-small;' >" & rsData("TypeOfDocument") & "</td>"
            strHTML = strHTML & "<td style='background:" & colorset(i mod numcolors) & ";font-size: x-small;' >" & rsData("BTYP") & "</td>"
            strHTML = strHTML & "<td style='background:" & colorset(i mod numcolors) & ";font-size: x-small;' >" & rsData("BKNO") & "</td>"
            strHTML = strHTML & "<td style='background:" & colorset(i mod numcolors) & ";font-size: x-small;' >" & rsData("PGNO") & "</td>"
            strHTML = strHTML & "<td style='background:" & colorset(i mod numcolors) & ";font-size: x-small;' >" & rsData("DISP") & "</td>"
            strHTML = strHTML & "<td style='background:" & colorset(i mod numcolors) & ";font-size: x-small;' >" & rsData("DISPDT") & "</td>"
            strHTML = strHTML & "</tr>"    
      end if
            i = i + 1

        strHTML = strHTML & "</table>"
        searchIT.innerHTML = strHTML
    end if

end sub
'Creates the progress bar so the user sees that the process is running
Sub CreatePopup()
    On Error Resume Next

    sPBTitle = "Please Wait"
    iWindowWidth = 300
    iWindowHeight = 100
    With oIE
        .Navigate "about:blank"
        .ToolBar = False
        .StatusBar = False
        .MenuBar = False
        .Resizable = False
        .Width = iWindowWidth
        .Height = iWindowHeight 
        .Left = (.Document.ParentWindow.Screen.AvailWidth - iWindowWidth) / 2
        .Top = (.Document.ParentWindow.Screen.AvailHeight - iWindowHeight) / 2
        With .Document
            .Write "<html><head><title>" & sPBTitle & "</title></head>" &_ 
                   "<body bgcolor=""buttonface"">" &_ 
                   "Search in progress, please wait..." &_ 
            .Title = sPBTitle
        End With
        .Visible = True             
    End With
    Do While oIE.Busy : WScript.Sleep 100 : Loop
End Sub
fieldset     { border: 1 solid #000080 }
font         { font-family: Verdana; font-size: 10pt }
<LINK href="/probateCT/include/template.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<body onload="dotheconnection" language="vbscript" background="images/fond.gif">

<font face="Verdana" size="2">

<div align=center><input type="button" style="width: 580px;" value="Search Probate Court Monthly Report Database Click here>>>" onClick="expandcontent('sc2')" style="font-size: medium; font-weight: bold; color:#ffffff; background-color:#69C;"></div>

<div id="sc2" class="switchcontent">

<div align="center">
 <table border="0" width="470" height="16">
      <td height="6" class="bgtop" nowrap>
     <b><font style="font-size: medium; font-weight: bold; color:#ffffff;">Enter Name:</font></b></td>
     <td width="487" height="7"><b><font face="Verdana" size="2"><input type="text" name="txtsrch" size="43"></font></b><input type="button" name="btnSearch" class="bgtop" value="Go" onclick="searchdata" language="vbscript" style="font-size: medium; font-weight: bold; color:#ffffff; background-color:#6e6e6e;">
      </tr><tr><td width="126"></td><td width="487"><b><font color="#000080" size="2" face="Verdana">
        You can search by a keyword e.g.; Gibbs<br>
        You can also search in the format of Lastname, Firstname Middle name.<br>
        Example: Adams, Eva Gibbs</font></b>

<legend><b><font style="font-size: medium; font-weight: bold; color:#6e6e6e; background-color:gainsboro;">Search Results</font></b></legend>
<center><div style="width: 950; height: 500; overflow: auto; border: 0px solid black" id="searchIT"></div>

Open in new window

yeah, that looks good to me.  As a note, you can also add the line conn.CommandTimeout = 300 to make the timeout longer.  The timeout is in seconds so make it as long as needed.
Please see attached screenshot. This is the error I am getting.

Man, I didn't realize that just include a message such as "please wait" is going to be such a pain.

Thanks much for any thing else you can do
This KB from microsoft tells you how to get past that.
well, the script alert box doesn't come up anymore but nothing else changed.

Even a simple search that used to take less than 2 seconds, this time, took so long that I had to end it.

More importantly, the "Please wait..." message doesn't come up.
did you add the reg key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Styles and add the DWORD "MaxScriptStatements" with a value of "0xFFFFFFFF"?  I've actually never had the error you said and I use IE dialogs all the time.
Yes, I did and like I stated, the error disappeared which was the intended purpose of going to regedit.

The issue of not displaying the message persits, plus the query now degenerates into infinite loop.

There is some slight news though.

Currently, I was able to display the "Please wait" message but there is one problem.

It doesn't display the message during search wait time.

It displays the message *after* your search results have been displayed to the screen and it stays there till you close the screen.

Do you think you can help me manipulate this to make it work?

Please notice <span id=lblstatus>

sub searchdata

        lblStatus.innerText = "Search in progress.  Please wait ... This process could take several minutes to complete."
	SQL_query = "SELECT Name, Rel, Estno, dtfild, pub, typeofdocument, btyp, bkno, pgno, disp, dispdt FROM PCS60418_MTHLY_XREF WHERE NAME LIKE '%" & Replace(txtsrch.value, "'", "''") & "%' ORDER BY NAME "
	Set rsData = conn.Execute(SQL_query)
        If rsData.EOF Then
	msgbox  "No records found. Please refine your search"

        strHTML = strHTML & "<table cellspacing='0' cellpadding='4' border='0' width='100%'>"
	strHTML = strHTML & "<tr style='background-color:#69C; color:#FFFFFF; font-size: x-small;font-weight:bold'>"
	strHTML = strHTML & "<th>NAME</th>"
	strHTML = strHTML & "<th>REL</th>"
	strHTML = strHTML & "<th>ESTATE NO</th>"
	strHTML = strHTML & "<th>DATE FILLED</th>"
	strHTML = strHTML & "<th>PUB</th>"
	strHTML = strHTML & "<th>TYPE OF DOCUMENT</th>"
	strHTML = strHTML & "<th>BOOK TYPE</th>"
	strHTML = strHTML & "<th>BOOK NO</th>"
	strHTML = strHTML & "<th>PAGE NO</th>"
	strHTML = strHTML & "<th>DISPOSITION</th>"
	strHTML = strHTML & "<th>DISP DATE</th>"
        strHTML = strHTML & "</tr>"
          Dim colorset, numcolors
      	 '/--- This is the array of colors to use. -------------\
      	  colorset = split("gainsboro,White",",")
      	  numcolors = ubound(colorset)+1

     Do Until rsData.EOF
       curRec= rsData("Name") 
       If curRec <> priorRec Then
            strHTML = strHTML & "<tr>" 
            strHTML = strHTML & "<td style='background:gainsboro;font-size: x-small;'>" & rsData("Name") & "</td>"
            strHTML = strHTML & "<td style='background:gainsboro;font-size: x-small;font-size: x-small;'>" & rsData("REL") & "</td>"      
            strHTML = strHTML & "<td style='background:" & colorset(i mod numcolors) & ";font-size: x-small;'>" & rsData("ESTNO") & "</td>"
            strHTML = strHTML & "<td style='background:" & colorset(i mod numcolors) & ";font-size: x-small;'>" & rsData("DTFILD") & "</td>"
            strHTML = strHTML & "<td style='background:" & colorset(i mod numcolors) & ";font-size: x-small;'>" & rsData("PUB") & "</td>"
            strHTML = strHTML & "<td style='background:" & colorset(i mod numcolors) & ";font-size: x-small;'>" & rsData("TypeOfDocument") & "</td>"
            strHTML = strHTML & "<td style='background:" & colorset(i mod numcolors) & ";font-size: x-small;'>" & rsData("BTYP") & "</td>"
            strHTML = strHTML & "<td style='background:" & colorset(i mod numcolors) & ";font-size: x-small;'>" & rsData("BKNO") & "</td>"
            strHTML = strHTML & "<td style='background:" & colorset(i mod numcolors) & ";font-size: x-small;'>" & rsData("PGNO") & "</td>"
            strHTML = strHTML & "<td style='background:" & colorset(i mod numcolors) & ";font-size: x-small;'>" & rsData("DISP") & "</td>"
            strHTML = strHTML & "<td style='background:" & colorset(i mod numcolors) & ";font-size: x-small;'>" & rsData("DISPDT") & "</td>"
            strHTML = strHTML & "</tr><tr>"
            priorRec = curRec

            strHTML = strHTML & "<tr>" 
            strHTML = strHTML & "<td style='background:White;font-size: x-small;'> &nbsp; </td>"
            strHTML = strHTML & "<td style='background:White;font-size: x-small;'>&nbsp;</td>"      
            strHTML = strHTML & "<td style='background:" & colorset(i mod numcolors) & ";font-size: x-small;' >" & rsData("ESTNO") & "</td>"
            strHTML = strHTML & "<td style='background:" & colorset(i mod numcolors) & ";font-size: x-small;' >" & rsData("DTFILD") & "</td>"
            strHTML = strHTML & "<td style='background:" & colorset(i mod numcolors) & ";font-size: x-small;' >" & rsData("PUB") & "</td>"
            strHTML = strHTML & "<td style='background:" & colorset(i mod numcolors) & ";font-size: x-small;' >" & rsData("TypeOfDocument") & "</td>"
            strHTML = strHTML & "<td style='background:" & colorset(i mod numcolors) & ";font-size: x-small;' >" & rsData("BTYP") & "</td>"
            strHTML = strHTML & "<td style='background:" & colorset(i mod numcolors) & ";font-size: x-small;' >" & rsData("BKNO") & "</td>"
            strHTML = strHTML & "<td style='background:" & colorset(i mod numcolors) & ";font-size: x-small;' >" & rsData("PGNO") & "</td>"
            strHTML = strHTML & "<td style='background:" & colorset(i mod numcolors) & ";font-size: x-small;' >" & rsData("DISP") & "</td>"
            strHTML = strHTML & "<td style='background:" & colorset(i mod numcolors) & ";font-size: x-small;' >" & rsData("DISPDT") & "</td>"
            strHTML = strHTML & "</tr>"    
      end if
            i = i + 1

        strHTML = strHTML & "</table>"
        searchIT.innerHTML = strHTML
    end if

end sub
fieldset     { border: 1 solid #000080 }
font         { font-family: Verdana; font-size: 10pt }
<LINK href="/probateCT/include/template.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<body onload="dotheconnection" language="vbscript" background="images/fond.gif">

<font face="Verdana" size="2">

<div align=center><input type="button" style="width: 580px;" value="Search Probate Court Monthly Report Database Click here>>>" onClick="expandcontent('sc2')" style="font-size: medium; font-weight: bold; color:#ffffff; background-color:#69C;"></div>

<div id="sc2" class="switchcontent">

<div align="center">
 <table border="0" width="470" height="16">
      <td height="6" class="bgtop" nowrap>
     <b><font style="font-size: medium; font-weight: bold; color:#ffffff;">Enter Name:</font></b></td>
     <td width="487" height="7"><b><font face="Verdana" size="2"><input type="text" name="txtsrch" size="43"></font></b><input type="button" name="btnSearch" class="bgtop" value="Go" onclick="searchdata" language="vbscript" style="font-size: medium; font-weight: bold; color:#ffffff; background-color:#6e6e6e;">
      </tr><tr><td width="126"></td><td width="487"><b><font color="#000080" size="2" face="Verdana">
        You can search by a keyword e.g.; Gibbs<br>
        You can also search in the format of Lastname, Firstname Middle name.<br>
        Example: Adams, Eva Gibbs</font></b>
<span id="lblStatus"></span>
<legend><b><font style="font-size: medium; font-weight: bold; color:#6e6e6e; background-color:gainsboro;">Search Results</font></b></legend>
<center><div style="width: 950; height: 500; overflow: auto; border: 0px solid black" id="searchIT"></div>

Open in new window

Updating the HTA window with the message won't work because it won't actually refresh the screen until the entire function SearchData has finished.  Thats why I generaly pop up an IE window.  I actually found a small bug in what i posted.  Try this.  Also, delete that registry key since it isn't helping.
Set oIE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
Call CreatePopup()
Call SearchData()
Set oIE = Nothing

'Creates the progress bar so the user sees that the process is running
Sub CreatePopup()
    On Error Resume Next

    sPBTitle = "Please Wait"
    iWindowWidth = 300
    iWindowHeight = 100
    With oIE
        .Navigate "about:blank"
        .ToolBar = False
        .StatusBar = False
        .MenuBar = False
        .Resizable = False
        .Width = iWindowWidth
        .Height = iWindowHeight 
        .Left = (.Document.ParentWindow.Screen.AvailWidth - iWindowWidth) / 2
        .Top = (.Document.ParentWindow.Screen.AvailHeight - iWindowHeight) / 2
        With .Document
            .Write "<html><head><title>" & sPBTitle & "</title></head>" &_ 
                   "<body bgcolor=""buttonface"">" &_ 
                   "Search in progress, please wait..." &_ 
            .Title = sPBTitle
        End With
        .Visible = True             
    End With
    Do While oIE.Busy : Call Sleep(.1) : Loop
End Sub

' Replacement for Wscript.Sleep
Sub Sleep(iSeconds)
    On Error Resume Next

    If Not IsObject(oWShell) Then _
        Set oWShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")

    sSleepCommand = "%COMSPEC% /c ping -n " & 1 + iSeconds & ">nul"
    oWShell.Run sSleepCommand, 0, True
End Sub

Open in new window

The message box pop ups but not while search is being processed; not after the search is done but after your search is done and you start to close the screen.

what is so frustrating is that I use this simple-minded code below to do this messaging thing in .net or classic asp.

This .hta thing is a bit annoying.
var msg = {
        effect: function(st) {
        show: function(el) {
            this.getID(el).style.display = '';
        getID: function(el) {
            return document.getElementById(el);
<div id="load" style="display:none;">Loading...Please Wait</div>

   <div style="float:right;">
        <INPUT TYPE="image" src="/fcdcs/images/print.gif"  VALUE="Print" onClick="msg.effect(); location='/fcdcs/Reports/Intake_CasesRPT/CasesReport.asp?chsid=<%=currentchsid%>'">

Open in new window

Is it just popped up behind this screen?  Can you verify?  If so, they I can all the focus to it to bring it forward.
yes,that was the case.

However,here are the different issues I am facing.

1, Now, I am getting "object required: txtsrch"  That's my search param and I wasn't getting this before.

Also, the message supposed to show in status bar?

This is really not a big deal though.

Thanks for your continued assistance and sorry for late reply. I am having feats with my vpn.

It is adding to my stress.
Yeah, I feel your frustrations.  HTA can be very annoying and VPN can be a pain.  As for the error, can I see your code?  Can you re-post the current code?
Please pardon the length.

Here is the entire current code.


<script type="text/javascript">

var enablepersist="on" //Enable saving state of content structure using session cookies? (on/off)
var collapseprevious="Yes" //Collapse previously open content when opening present? (yes/no)

if (document.getElementById){
document.write('<style type="text/css">')

function getElementbyClass(classname){
ccollect=new Array()
var inc=0
var alltags=document.all? document.all : document.getElementsByTagName("*")
for (i=0; i<alltags.length; i++){
if (alltags[i].className==classname)

function contractcontent(omit){
var inc=0
while (ccollect[inc]){
if (ccollect[inc].id!=omit)

function expandcontent(cid){
if (typeof ccollect!="undefined"){
if (collapseprevious=="yes")
document.getElementById(cid).style.display=(document.getElementById(cid).style.display!="block")? "block" : "none"

function revivecontent(){
for (i=0; i<selectedComponents.length-1; i++)

function get_cookie(Name) { 
var search = Name + "="
var returnvalue = "";
if (document.cookie.length > 0) {
offset = document.cookie.indexOf(search)
if (offset != -1) { 
offset += search.length
end = document.cookie.indexOf(";", offset);
if (end == -1) end = document.cookie.length;
returnvalue=unescape(document.cookie.substring(offset, end))
return returnvalue;

function getselectedItem(){
if (get_cookie(window.location.pathname) != ""){
return selectedItem
return ""

function saveswitchstate(){
var inc=0, selectedItem=""
while (ccollect[inc]){
if (ccollect[inc].style.display=="block")


function do_onload(){
if (enablepersist=="on" && typeof ccollect!="undefined"){
document.cookie=(get_cookie(uniqueidn)=="")? uniqueidn+"=1" : uniqueidn+"=0" 
firsttimeload=(get_cookie(uniqueidn)==1)? 1 : 0 //check if this is 1st page load
if (!firsttimeload)

if (window.addEventListener)
window.addEventListener("load", do_onload, false)
else if (window.attachEvent)
window.attachEvent("onload", do_onload)
else if (document.getElementById)

if (enablepersist=="on" && document.getElementById)


<LINK href="include/loadingNew.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<script language="JavaScript" src="include/loadingNew.js"></script>

<title>Probate Court Montly Report</title>

<script language="vbscript">

Dim conn 'GLOBAL doing this here so that all functions can use it

sub dotheconnection

set conn=CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
conn.Open "Provider=SQLOLEDB;Data Source=xx.xx.xx.xx,1433;Network Library=DBMSSOCN;" &_
"Initial Catalog=PCt;User ID=MyUserName;Password=MyPassword;"

	If conn.errors.count <> 0 Then 
		alert("problem connecting to the database")
		' if connected OK call sub getdata
	end if
end sub

sub searchdata

	SQL_query = "SELECT Name, Rel, Estno, dtfild, pub, typeofdocument, btyp, bkno, pgno, disp, dispdt FROM PCS60418_MTHLY_XREF WHERE NAME LIKE '%" & Replace(txtsrch.value, "'", "''") & "%' ORDER BY NAME "
	Set rsData = conn.Execute(SQL_query)
        If rsData.EOF Then
	msgbox  "No records found. Please refine your search"

        strHTML = strHTML & "<table cellspacing='0' cellpadding='4' border='0' width='100%'>"
	strHTML = strHTML & "<tr style='background-color:#69C; color:#FFFFFF; font-size: x-small;font-weight:bold'>"
	strHTML = strHTML & "<th>NAME</th>"
	strHTML = strHTML & "<th>REL</th>"
	strHTML = strHTML & "<th>ESTATE NO</th>"
	strHTML = strHTML & "<th>DATE FILLED</th>"
	strHTML = strHTML & "<th>PUB</th>"
	strHTML = strHTML & "<th>TYPE OF DOCUMENT</th>"
	strHTML = strHTML & "<th>BOOK TYPE</th>"
	strHTML = strHTML & "<th>BOOK NO</th>"
	strHTML = strHTML & "<th>PAGE NO</th>"
	strHTML = strHTML & "<th>DISPOSITION</th>"
	strHTML = strHTML & "<th>DISP DATE</th>"
        strHTML = strHTML & "</tr>"
          Dim colorset, numcolors
      	 '/--- This is the array of colors to use. -------------\
      	  colorset = split("gainsboro,White",",")
      	  numcolors = ubound(colorset)+1

     Do Until rsData.EOF
       curRec= rsData("Name") 
       If curRec <> priorRec Then
            strHTML = strHTML & "<tr>" 
            strHTML = strHTML & "<td style='background:gainsboro;font-size: x-small;'>" & rsData("Name") & "</td>"
            strHTML = strHTML & "<td style='background:gainsboro;font-size: x-small;font-size: x-small;'>" & rsData("REL") & "</td>"      
            strHTML = strHTML & "<td style='background:" & colorset(i mod numcolors) & ";font-size: x-small;'>" & rsData("ESTNO") & "</td>"
            strHTML = strHTML & "<td style='background:" & colorset(i mod numcolors) & ";font-size: x-small;'>" & rsData("DTFILD") & "</td>"
            strHTML = strHTML & "<td style='background:" & colorset(i mod numcolors) & ";font-size: x-small;'>" & rsData("PUB") & "</td>"
            strHTML = strHTML & "<td style='background:" & colorset(i mod numcolors) & ";font-size: x-small;'>" & rsData("TypeOfDocument") & "</td>"
            strHTML = strHTML & "<td style='background:" & colorset(i mod numcolors) & ";font-size: x-small;'>" & rsData("BTYP") & "</td>"
            strHTML = strHTML & "<td style='background:" & colorset(i mod numcolors) & ";font-size: x-small;'>" & rsData("BKNO") & "</td>"
            strHTML = strHTML & "<td style='background:" & colorset(i mod numcolors) & ";font-size: x-small;'>" & rsData("PGNO") & "</td>"
            strHTML = strHTML & "<td style='background:" & colorset(i mod numcolors) & ";font-size: x-small;'>" & rsData("DISP") & "</td>"
            strHTML = strHTML & "<td style='background:" & colorset(i mod numcolors) & ";font-size: x-small;'>" & rsData("DISPDT") & "</td>"
            strHTML = strHTML & "</tr><tr>"
            priorRec = curRec

            strHTML = strHTML & "<tr>" 
            strHTML = strHTML & "<td style='background:White;font-size: x-small;'> &nbsp; </td>"
            strHTML = strHTML & "<td style='background:White;font-size: x-small;'>&nbsp;</td>"      
            strHTML = strHTML & "<td style='background:" & colorset(i mod numcolors) & ";font-size: x-small;' >" & rsData("ESTNO") & "</td>"
            strHTML = strHTML & "<td style='background:" & colorset(i mod numcolors) & ";font-size: x-small;' >" & rsData("DTFILD") & "</td>"
            strHTML = strHTML & "<td style='background:" & colorset(i mod numcolors) & ";font-size: x-small;' >" & rsData("PUB") & "</td>"
            strHTML = strHTML & "<td style='background:" & colorset(i mod numcolors) & ";font-size: x-small;' >" & rsData("TypeOfDocument") & "</td>"
            strHTML = strHTML & "<td style='background:" & colorset(i mod numcolors) & ";font-size: x-small;' >" & rsData("BTYP") & "</td>"
            strHTML = strHTML & "<td style='background:" & colorset(i mod numcolors) & ";font-size: x-small;' >" & rsData("BKNO") & "</td>"
            strHTML = strHTML & "<td style='background:" & colorset(i mod numcolors) & ";font-size: x-small;' >" & rsData("PGNO") & "</td>"
            strHTML = strHTML & "<td style='background:" & colorset(i mod numcolors) & ";font-size: x-small;' >" & rsData("DISP") & "</td>"
            strHTML = strHTML & "<td style='background:" & colorset(i mod numcolors) & ";font-size: x-small;' >" & rsData("DISPDT") & "</td>"
            strHTML = strHTML & "</tr>"    
      end if
            i = i + 1

        strHTML = strHTML & "</table>"
        searchIT.innerHTML = strHTML
    end if

end sub
Set oIE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
Call CreatePopup()
Call searchdata()
Set oIE = Nothing

'Creates the progress bar so the user sees that the process is running
Sub CreatePopup()
    On Error Resume Next

    sPBTitle = "Please Wait"
    iWindowWidth = 300
    iWindowHeight = 100
    With oIE
        .Navigate "about:blank"
        .ToolBar = False
        .StatusBar = False
        .MenuBar = False
        .Resizable = False
        .Width = iWindowWidth
        .Height = iWindowHeight 
        .Left = (.Document.ParentWindow.Screen.AvailWidth - iWindowWidth) / 2
        .Top = (.Document.ParentWindow.Screen.AvailHeight - iWindowHeight) / 2
        With .Document
            .Write "<html><head><title>" & sPBTitle & "</title></head>" &_ 
                   "<body bgcolor=""buttonface"">" &_ 
                   "Search in progress, please wait..." &_ 
            .Title = sPBTitle
        End With
        .Visible = True             
    End With
    Do While oIE.Busy : Call Sleep(.1) : Loop
End Sub

' Replacement for Wscript.Sleep
Sub Sleep(iSeconds)
    On Error Resume Next

    If Not IsObject(oWShell) Then _
        Set oWShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")

    sSleepCommand = "%COMSPEC% /c ping -n " & 1 + iSeconds & ",1433>nul"
    oWShell.Run sSleepCommand, 0, True
End Sub

fieldset     { border: 1 solid #000080 }
font         { font-family: Verdana; font-size: 10pt }
<LINK href="/probateCT/include/template.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<body onload="dotheconnection" language="vbscript" background="images/fond.gif">

<font face="Verdana" size="2">

<div align=center><input type="button" style="width: 580px;" value="Search Probate Court Monthly Report Database Click here>>>" onClick="expandcontent('sc2')" style="font-size: medium; font-weight: bold; color:#ffffff; background-color:#69C;"></div>

<div id="sc2" class="switchcontent">

<div align="center">
 <table border="0" width="470" height="16">
      <td height="6" class="bgtop" nowrap>
     <b><font style="font-size: medium; font-weight: bold; color:#ffffff;">Enter Name:</font></b></td>
     <td width="487" height="7"><b><font face="Verdana" size="2"><input type="text" name="txtsrch" size="43"></font></b><input type="button" name="btnSearch" class="bgtop" value="Go" onclick="searchdata" language="vbscript" style="font-size: medium; font-weight: bold; color:#ffffff; background-color:#6e6e6e;">
      </tr><tr><td width="126"></td><td width="487"><b><font color="#000080" size="2" face="Verdana">
        You can search by a keyword e.g.; Gibbs<br>
        You can also search in the format of Lastname, Firstname Middle name.<br>
        Example: Adams, Eva Gibbs</font></b>
<legend><b><font style="font-size: medium; font-weight: bold; color:#6e6e6e; background-color:gainsboro;">Search Results</font></b></legend>
<center><div style="width: 950; height: 500; overflow: auto; border: 0px solid black" id="searchIT"></div>

Open in new window

Give this a shot

<script type="text/javascript">

var enablepersist="on" //Enable saving state of content structure using session cookies? (on/off)
var collapseprevious="Yes" //Collapse previously open content when opening present? (yes/no)

if (document.getElementById){
document.write('<style type="text/css">')

function getElementbyClass(classname){
ccollect=new Array()
var inc=0
var alltags=document.all? document.all : document.getElementsByTagName("*")
for (i=0; i<alltags.length; i++){
if (alltags[i].className==classname)

function contractcontent(omit){
var inc=0
while (ccollect[inc]){
if (ccollect[inc].id!=omit)

function expandcontent(cid){
if (typeof ccollect!="undefined"){
if (collapseprevious=="yes")
document.getElementById(cid).style.display=(document.getElementById(cid).style.display!="block")? "block" : "none"

function revivecontent(){
for (i=0; i<selectedComponents.length-1; i++)

function get_cookie(Name) { 
var search = Name + "="
var returnvalue = "";
if (document.cookie.length > 0) {
offset = document.cookie.indexOf(search)
if (offset != -1) { 
offset += search.length
end = document.cookie.indexOf(";", offset);
if (end == -1) end = document.cookie.length;
returnvalue=unescape(document.cookie.substring(offset, end))
return returnvalue;

function getselectedItem(){
if (get_cookie(window.location.pathname) != ""){
return selectedItem
return ""

function saveswitchstate(){
var inc=0, selectedItem=""
while (ccollect[inc]){
if (ccollect[inc].style.display=="block")


function do_onload(){
if (enablepersist=="on" && typeof ccollect!="undefined"){
document.cookie=(get_cookie(uniqueidn)=="")? uniqueidn+"=1" : uniqueidn+"=0" 
firsttimeload=(get_cookie(uniqueidn)==1)? 1 : 0 //check if this is 1st page load
if (!firsttimeload)

if (window.addEventListener)
window.addEventListener("load", do_onload, false)
else if (window.attachEvent)
window.attachEvent("onload", do_onload)
else if (document.getElementById)

if (enablepersist=="on" && document.getElementById)


<LINK href="include/loadingNew.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<script language="JavaScript" src="include/loadingNew.js"></script>

<title>Probate Court Montly Report</title>

<script language="vbscript">

Dim conn 'GLOBAL doing this here so that all functions can use it

sub dotheconnection

set conn=CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
conn.Open "Provider=SQLOLEDB;Data Source=xx.xx.xx.xx,1433;Network Library=DBMSSOCN;" &_
"Initial Catalog=PCt;User ID=MyUserName;Password=MyPassword;"

	If conn.errors.count <> 0 Then 
		alert("problem connecting to the database")
		' if connected OK call sub getdata
	end if
end sub

sub searchdata
        Set oService = getobject("winmgmts:")
        Set dIE = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
        For each oProcess in oService.InstancesOf("Win32_process")
            If LCase(oProcess.Name) = "iexplore.exe" Then
                dIE.Add oProcess.processid, 1
            End If

        Set oIE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
        For Each oProcess in oService.InstancesOf("Win32_process")
            If LCase(oProcess.Name) = "iexplore.exe" Then
                If Not dIE.Exists(oProcess.processid) Then
                    iProcessID = oProcess.processid
                    Exit For
                End If
            End If
        Call CreatePopup()
        Set dIE = Nothing
        Set oService = Nothing

        sTemp = txtsrch.value
	SQL_query = "SELECT Name, Rel, Estno, dtfild, pub, typeofdocument, btyp, bkno, pgno, disp, dispdt FROM PCS60418_MTHLY_XREF WHERE NAME LIKE '%" & Replace(sTemp, "'", "''") & "%' ORDER BY NAME "
	Set rsData = conn.Execute(SQL_query)
        If rsData.EOF Then
	msgbox  "No records found. Please refine your search"

        strHTML = strHTML & "<table cellspacing='0' cellpadding='4' border='0' width='100%'>"
	strHTML = strHTML & "<tr style='background-color:#69C; color:#FFFFFF; font-size: x-small;font-weight:bold'>"
	strHTML = strHTML & "<th>NAME</th>"
	strHTML = strHTML & "<th>REL</th>"
	strHTML = strHTML & "<th>ESTATE NO</th>"
	strHTML = strHTML & "<th>DATE FILLED</th>"
	strHTML = strHTML & "<th>PUB</th>"
	strHTML = strHTML & "<th>TYPE OF DOCUMENT</th>"
	strHTML = strHTML & "<th>BOOK TYPE</th>"
	strHTML = strHTML & "<th>BOOK NO</th>"
	strHTML = strHTML & "<th>PAGE NO</th>"
	strHTML = strHTML & "<th>DISPOSITION</th>"
	strHTML = strHTML & "<th>DISP DATE</th>"
        strHTML = strHTML & "</tr>"
          Dim colorset, numcolors
      	 '/--- This is the array of colors to use. -------------\
      	  colorset = split("gainsboro,White",",")
      	  numcolors = ubound(colorset)+1

     Do Until rsData.EOF
       curRec= rsData("Name") 
       If curRec <> priorRec Then
            strHTML = strHTML & "<tr>" 
            strHTML = strHTML & "<td style='background:gainsboro;font-size: x-small;'>" & rsData("Name") & "</td>"
            strHTML = strHTML & "<td style='background:gainsboro;font-size: x-small;font-size: x-small;'>" & rsData("REL") & "</td>"      
            strHTML = strHTML & "<td style='background:" & colorset(i mod numcolors) & ";font-size: x-small;'>" & rsData("ESTNO") & "</td>"
            strHTML = strHTML & "<td style='background:" & colorset(i mod numcolors) & ";font-size: x-small;'>" & rsData("DTFILD") & "</td>"
            strHTML = strHTML & "<td style='background:" & colorset(i mod numcolors) & ";font-size: x-small;'>" & rsData("PUB") & "</td>"
            strHTML = strHTML & "<td style='background:" & colorset(i mod numcolors) & ";font-size: x-small;'>" & rsData("TypeOfDocument") & "</td>"
            strHTML = strHTML & "<td style='background:" & colorset(i mod numcolors) & ";font-size: x-small;'>" & rsData("BTYP") & "</td>"
            strHTML = strHTML & "<td style='background:" & colorset(i mod numcolors) & ";font-size: x-small;'>" & rsData("BKNO") & "</td>"
            strHTML = strHTML & "<td style='background:" & colorset(i mod numcolors) & ";font-size: x-small;'>" & rsData("PGNO") & "</td>"
            strHTML = strHTML & "<td style='background:" & colorset(i mod numcolors) & ";font-size: x-small;'>" & rsData("DISP") & "</td>"
            strHTML = strHTML & "<td style='background:" & colorset(i mod numcolors) & ";font-size: x-small;'>" & rsData("DISPDT") & "</td>"
            strHTML = strHTML & "</tr><tr>"
            priorRec = curRec

            strHTML = strHTML & "<tr>" 
            strHTML = strHTML & "<td style='background:White;font-size: x-small;'> &nbsp; </td>"
            strHTML = strHTML & "<td style='background:White;font-size: x-small;'>&nbsp;</td>"      
            strHTML = strHTML & "<td style='background:" & colorset(i mod numcolors) & ";font-size: x-small;' >" & rsData("ESTNO") & "</td>"
            strHTML = strHTML & "<td style='background:" & colorset(i mod numcolors) & ";font-size: x-small;' >" & rsData("DTFILD") & "</td>"
            strHTML = strHTML & "<td style='background:" & colorset(i mod numcolors) & ";font-size: x-small;' >" & rsData("PUB") & "</td>"
            strHTML = strHTML & "<td style='background:" & colorset(i mod numcolors) & ";font-size: x-small;' >" & rsData("TypeOfDocument") & "</td>"
            strHTML = strHTML & "<td style='background:" & colorset(i mod numcolors) & ";font-size: x-small;' >" & rsData("BTYP") & "</td>"
            strHTML = strHTML & "<td style='background:" & colorset(i mod numcolors) & ";font-size: x-small;' >" & rsData("BKNO") & "</td>"
            strHTML = strHTML & "<td style='background:" & colorset(i mod numcolors) & ";font-size: x-small;' >" & rsData("PGNO") & "</td>"
            strHTML = strHTML & "<td style='background:" & colorset(i mod numcolors) & ";font-size: x-small;' >" & rsData("DISP") & "</td>"
            strHTML = strHTML & "<td style='background:" & colorset(i mod numcolors) & ";font-size: x-small;' >" & rsData("DISPDT") & "</td>"
            strHTML = strHTML & "</tr>"    
      end if
            i = i + 1

        strHTML = strHTML & "</table>"
        searchIT.innerHTML = strHTML
    end if

    Set oIE = Nothing
end sub

'Creates the progress bar so the user sees that the process is running
Sub CreatePopup()
    On Error Resume Next

    sPBTitle = "Please Wait"
    iWindowWidth = 300
    iWindowHeight = 100
    With oIE
        .Navigate "about:blank"
        .ToolBar = False
        .StatusBar = False
        .MenuBar = False
        .Resizable = False
        .Width = iWindowWidth
        .Height = iWindowHeight 
        .Left = (.Document.ParentWindow.Screen.AvailWidth - iWindowWidth) / 2
        .Top = (.Document.ParentWindow.Screen.AvailHeight - iWindowHeight) / 2
        With .Document
            .Write "<html><head><title>" & sPBTitle & "</title></head>" &_ 
                   "<body bgcolor=""buttonface"">" &_ 
                   "Search in progress, please wait..." &_ 
            .Title = sPBTitle
        End With
        .Visible = True             
    End With
    Do While oIE.Busy : Call Sleep(.1) : Loop
End Sub

' Replacement for Wscript.Sleep
Sub Sleep(iSeconds)
    On Error Resume Next

    If Not IsObject(oWShell) Then _
        Set oWShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")

    sSleepCommand = "%COMSPEC% /c ping -n " & 1 + iSeconds & ",1433>nul"
    oWShell.Run sSleepCommand, 0, True
End Sub

fieldset     { border: 1 solid #000080 }
font         { font-family: Verdana; font-size: 10pt }
<LINK href="/probateCT/include/template.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<body onload="dotheconnection" language="vbscript" background="images/fond.gif">

<font face="Verdana" size="2">

<div align=center><input type="button" style="width: 580px;" value="Search Probate Court Monthly Report Database Click here>>>" onClick="expandcontent('sc2')" style="font-size: medium; font-weight: bold; color:#ffffff; background-color:#69C;"></div>

<div id="sc2" class="switchcontent">

<div align="center">
 <table border="0" width="470" height="16">
      <td height="6" class="bgtop" nowrap>
     <b><font style="font-size: medium; font-weight: bold; color:#ffffff;">Enter Name:</font></b></td>
     <td width="487" height="7"><b><font face="Verdana" size="2"><input type="text" name="txtsrch" size="43"></font></b><input type="button" name="btnSearch" class="bgtop" value="Go" onclick="searchdata" language="vbscript" style="font-size: medium; font-weight: bold; color:#ffffff; background-color:#6e6e6e;">
      </tr><tr><td width="126"></td><td width="487"><b><font color="#000080" size="2" face="Verdana">
        You can search by a keyword e.g.; Gibbs<br>
        You can also search in the format of Lastname, Firstname Middle name.<br>
        Example: Adams, Eva Gibbs</font></b>
<legend><b><font style="font-size: medium; font-weight: bold; color:#6e6e6e; background-color:gainsboro;">Search Results</font></b></legend>
<center><div style="width: 950; height: 500; overflow: auto; border: 0px solid black" id="searchIT"></div>

Open in new window

also, I just noticed a username/password in the code.  I've asked an admin to remove it.
>>also, I just noticed a username/password in the code.  I've asked an admin to remove it.


still same issues i noted earlier.
I don't understand how you can have the same issue.  The original placement of the call was not where it should be, so I added it to the searchdata sub.  The original error message was because that sub was being called before the page loads.  Now, it should be firing on the user action.  You get the error when you run the code straight away?
yes, let me recopy the code again,just in case the vpn may have interferred with it.

I am in the office today; so my response should be faster.

Please accept my sincere appreciation for your patience.

I will definitely increase the points when all is said and done.

let me copy your latest code again and try it afresh.

back shortly...
I just ran it and yes, you are right, those issues like showing up at status bar or hiding behind the screen or the txtsrch error are no longer there. They are gone.  I am sorry, it must have the vpn frustration I experienced entire weekend.

However, I don't see anything at all.

No data, no "please wait..." message; nothing.

The one thing I noticed though is that normally when you press the "Go" button, the button remains pressed until data loads the screen.

This time, as you press the "Go" button and move your mouse, the button is quickly un-depressed.

Not enough to load data.

I am really sorry for all the headache.

If you have time, I can send you some ddl statements (create table and insert statement with some sample data).

This is only of course if you have time.

This time, all I changed in your latest code is the connection string info. I didn't mess with code.
yeah, I can take a look.
out of curiosity, if you run the original code does it work?
Yes, the original code works great.

The only issue which led to my posting it here for assistance is to add a message to users that Search is in progress.

Otherwise, works great.
I have incorporated the JavaScript I have into this code and now, I can see the message being displayed nicely.

However,  it just sits there and the data is not loading.

If I switch the 2 onclick events, then the data starts loading but the message won't display.

You will see the 2 onclick events in the "Go" button. I is called onclick="searchdata" language="vbscript".
The other is onclick="msg.effect()" language="javascript"

Is there anyway you can manipulate the 2?

I am posting the most recent code and at the botttom of it is the small js script.


<script type="text/javascript">

var enablepersist="on" //Enable saving state of content structure using session cookies? (on/off)
var collapseprevious="Yes" //Collapse previously open content when opening present? (yes/no)

if (document.getElementById){
document.write('<style type="text/css">')

function getElementbyClass(classname){
ccollect=new Array()
var inc=0
var alltags=document.all? document.all : document.getElementsByTagName("*")
for (i=0; i<alltags.length; i++){
if (alltags[i].className==classname)

function contractcontent(omit){
var inc=0
while (ccollect[inc]){
if (ccollect[inc].id!=omit)

function expandcontent(cid){
if (typeof ccollect!="undefined"){
if (collapseprevious=="yes")
document.getElementById(cid).style.display=(document.getElementById(cid).style.display!="block")? "block" : "none"

function revivecontent(){
for (i=0; i<selectedComponents.length-1; i++)

function get_cookie(Name) { 
var search = Name + "="
var returnvalue = "";
if (document.cookie.length > 0) {
offset = document.cookie.indexOf(search)
if (offset != -1) { 
offset += search.length
end = document.cookie.indexOf(";", offset);
if (end == -1) end = document.cookie.length;
returnvalue=unescape(document.cookie.substring(offset, end))
return returnvalue;

function getselectedItem(){
if (get_cookie(window.location.pathname) != ""){
return selectedItem
return ""

function saveswitchstate(){
var inc=0, selectedItem=""
while (ccollect[inc]){
if (ccollect[inc].style.display=="block")


function do_onload(){
if (enablepersist=="on" && typeof ccollect!="undefined"){
document.cookie=(get_cookie(uniqueidn)=="")? uniqueidn+"=1" : uniqueidn+"=0" 
firsttimeload=(get_cookie(uniqueidn)==1)? 1 : 0 //check if this is 1st page load
if (!firsttimeload)

if (window.addEventListener)
window.addEventListener("load", do_onload, false)
else if (window.attachEvent)
window.attachEvent("onload", do_onload)
else if (document.getElementById)

if (enablepersist=="on" && document.getElementById)


<title>Probate Court Montly Report</title>

<script language="vbscript">

Dim conn 'GLOBAL doing this here so that all functions can use it

sub dotheconnection

set conn=CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
conn.Open "Provider=SQLOLEDB;Data,1433;Network Library=DBMSSOCN;" &_
"Initial Catalog=ProbateCourt;User ID=xxxx;Password=xxxx;"

	If conn.errors.count <> 0 Then 
		alert("problem connecting to the database")
		' if connected OK call sub getdata
	end if
end sub

sub searchdata

	SQL_query = "SELECT Name, Rel, Estno, dtfild, pub, typeofdocument, btyp, bkno, pgno, disp, dispdt FROM PCS60418_MTHLY_XREF WHERE NAME LIKE '%" & Replace(txtsrch.value, "'", "''") & "%' ORDER BY NAME "
	Set rsData = conn.Execute(SQL_query)
        If rsData.EOF Then
	msgbox  "No records found. Please refine your search"

        strHTML = strHTML & "<table cellspacing='0' cellpadding='4' border='0' width='100%'>"
	strHTML = strHTML & "<tr style='background-color:#69C; color:#FFFFFF; font-size: x-small;font-weight:bold'>"
	strHTML = strHTML & "<th>NAME</th>"
	strHTML = strHTML & "<th>REL</th>"
	strHTML = strHTML & "<th>ESTATE NO</th>"
	strHTML = strHTML & "<th>DATE FILLED</th>"
	strHTML = strHTML & "<th>PUB</th>"
	strHTML = strHTML & "<th>TYPE OF DOCUMENT</th>"
	strHTML = strHTML & "<th>BOOK TYPE</th>"
	strHTML = strHTML & "<th>BOOK NO</th>"
	strHTML = strHTML & "<th>PAGE NO</th>"
	strHTML = strHTML & "<th>DISPOSITION</th>"
	strHTML = strHTML & "<th>DISP DATE</th>"
        strHTML = strHTML & "</tr>"
          Dim colorset, numcolors
      	 '/--- This is the array of colors to use. -------------\
      	  colorset = split("gainsboro,White",",")
      	  numcolors = ubound(colorset)+1

     Do Until rsData.EOF
       curRec= rsData("Name") 
       If curRec <> priorRec Then
            strHTML = strHTML & "<tr>" 
            strHTML = strHTML & "<td style='background:gainsboro;font-size: x-small;'>" & rsData("Name") & "</td>"
            strHTML = strHTML & "<td style='background:gainsboro;font-size: x-small;font-size: x-small;'>" & rsData("REL") & "</td>"      
            strHTML = strHTML & "<td style='background:" & colorset(i mod numcolors) & ";font-size: x-small;'>" & rsData("ESTNO") & "</td>"
            strHTML = strHTML & "<td style='background:" & colorset(i mod numcolors) & ";font-size: x-small;'>" & rsData("DTFILD") & "</td>"
            strHTML = strHTML & "<td style='background:" & colorset(i mod numcolors) & ";font-size: x-small;'>" & rsData("PUB") & "</td>"
            strHTML = strHTML & "<td style='background:" & colorset(i mod numcolors) & ";font-size: x-small;'>" & rsData("TypeOfDocument") & "</td>"
            strHTML = strHTML & "<td style='background:" & colorset(i mod numcolors) & ";font-size: x-small;'>" & rsData("BTYP") & "</td>"
            strHTML = strHTML & "<td style='background:" & colorset(i mod numcolors) & ";font-size: x-small;'>" & rsData("BKNO") & "</td>"
            strHTML = strHTML & "<td style='background:" & colorset(i mod numcolors) & ";font-size: x-small;'>" & rsData("PGNO") & "</td>"
            strHTML = strHTML & "<td style='background:" & colorset(i mod numcolors) & ";font-size: x-small;'>" & rsData("DISP") & "</td>"
            strHTML = strHTML & "<td style='background:" & colorset(i mod numcolors) & ";font-size: x-small;'>" & rsData("DISPDT") & "</td>"
            strHTML = strHTML & "</tr><tr>"
            priorRec = curRec

            strHTML = strHTML & "<tr>" 
            strHTML = strHTML & "<td style='background:White;font-size: x-small;'> &nbsp; </td>"
            strHTML = strHTML & "<td style='background:White;font-size: x-small;'>&nbsp;</td>"      
            strHTML = strHTML & "<td style='background:" & colorset(i mod numcolors) & ";font-size: x-small;' >" & rsData("ESTNO") & "</td>"
            strHTML = strHTML & "<td style='background:" & colorset(i mod numcolors) & ";font-size: x-small;' >" & rsData("DTFILD") & "</td>"
            strHTML = strHTML & "<td style='background:" & colorset(i mod numcolors) & ";font-size: x-small;' >" & rsData("PUB") & "</td>"
            strHTML = strHTML & "<td style='background:" & colorset(i mod numcolors) & ";font-size: x-small;' >" & rsData("TypeOfDocument") & "</td>"
            strHTML = strHTML & "<td style='background:" & colorset(i mod numcolors) & ";font-size: x-small;' >" & rsData("BTYP") & "</td>"
            strHTML = strHTML & "<td style='background:" & colorset(i mod numcolors) & ";font-size: x-small;' >" & rsData("BKNO") & "</td>"
            strHTML = strHTML & "<td style='background:" & colorset(i mod numcolors) & ";font-size: x-small;' >" & rsData("PGNO") & "</td>"
            strHTML = strHTML & "<td style='background:" & colorset(i mod numcolors) & ";font-size: x-small;' >" & rsData("DISP") & "</td>"
            strHTML = strHTML & "<td style='background:" & colorset(i mod numcolors) & ";font-size: x-small;' >" & rsData("DISPDT") & "</td>"
            strHTML = strHTML & "</tr>"    
      end if
            i = i + 1

        strHTML = strHTML & "</table>"
        searchIT.innerHTML = strHTML
    end if

end sub

fieldset     { border: 1 solid #000080 }
font         { font-family: Verdana; font-size: 10pt }
<LINK href="/probateCT/include/template.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<LINK href="include/loadingNew.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<script language="JavaScript" src="include/loadingNew.js"></script>
<body onload="dotheconnection" language="vbscript" background="images/fond.gif">
<div id="load" style="display:none;">Loading...Please Wait</div>

<font face="Verdana" size="2">

<div align=center><input type="button" style="width: 580px;" value="Search Probate Court Monthly Report Database Click here>>>" onClick="expandcontent('sc2')" style="font-size: medium; font-weight: bold; color:#ffffff; background-color:#69C;"></div>

<div id="sc2" class="switchcontent">

<div align="center">
 <table border="0" width="470" height="16">
      <td height="6" class="bgtop" nowrap>
     <b><font style="font-size: medium; font-weight: bold; color:#ffffff;">Enter Name:</font></b></td>
     <td width="487" height="7"><b><font face="Verdana" size="2"><input type="text" name="txtsrch" size="43"></font></b><input type="button" name="btnSearch" class="bgtop" onClick="msg.effect()" language="javascript" value="Go" onclick="searchdata" language="vbscript" style="font-size: medium; font-weight: bold; color:#ffffff; background-color:#6e6e6e;">
      </tr><tr><td width="126"></td><td width="487"><b><font color="#000080" size="2" face="Verdana">
        You can search by a keyword e.g.; Gibbs<br>
        You can also search in the format of Lastname, Firstname Middle name.<br>
        Example: Adams, Eva Gibbs</font></b>
<legend><b><font style="font-size: medium; font-weight: bold; color:#6e6e6e; background-color:gainsboro;">Search Results</font></b></legend>
<center><div style="width: 950; height: 500; overflow: auto; border: 0px solid black" id="searchIT"></div>

JS script
    var msg = {
        effect: function(st) {
        show: function(el) {
            this.getID(el).style.display = '';
        getID: function(el) {
            return document.getElementById(el);

Open in new window

Its my understanding that you can only have one onclick call for a button and seperate the calls with a semicolon (link:  Could that be your issue?  Sorry, its harder to diasnose since i can't just run it.
yes, usually that's the case if both are js or vbscript.

In this case, one is js and the other is vbscript.
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