Sean Rhudy
asked on
Blackberry Enterprise Server is unavailable
Hi, I am trying to setup a single user on Blackberry Enterprise Server Express. The user enters his email and activation password but it says the server is unavailable and keeps retrying. The user does get the email in his Outlook that BESX is supposed to read.
I ran the handheldcleanup.exe -u
I ran IEMSTest.exe and got a few errors
CDO COM exception IDispatch error #1285
The microsoft Exchange server computer is unavailable.
EWS Calendar Find Request Failed
Everything else passes
I ran the handheldcleanup.exe -u
I ran IEMSTest.exe and got a few errors
CDO COM exception IDispatch error #1285
The microsoft Exchange server computer is unavailable.
EWS Calendar Find Request Failed
Everything else passes
What install documentation did you use to guide you through the installation process?
is this on a personal blackberry. If he's on a personal blackberry, make sure he has the enterprise plan.
If he's set on the correct plan, check ad to make sure he's in the correct AD group for BES.
also set the activation password to something simple like: "qa" without quotes. It could be the user inputting the activation pw wrong or his email incorrectly
If he's set on the correct plan, check ad to make sure he's in the correct AD group for BES.
also set the activation password to something simple like: "qa" without quotes. It could be the user inputting the activation pw wrong or his email incorrectly
What AD group does he need to be in?
He does have a BES plan.
He does have a BES plan.
Do you have a Blackberry user groups? I would check another ad account who has a blackberry and just mimic the configuration on ad and bes. If that doesn't work, as a last step try removing his bes account, wait 30minute, then readd account in bes and retry activation.
He's the only user using BESX, do I need to add him to a certain AD group?
i think it's a problem with the BES Setup. Have you installed CDO/MAPI:
try installing the above link.
Are you the BES administrator?
try installing the above link.
Are you the BES administrator?
Install the BB desktop manager, connect the bb of the user, and do the activation by bb desktop Manager.
install it on the exchange server?
what exchange server are you on?
2007 SP3
Sorry i'm not to familiar with Exchange and Bes setup. That was done by my Exchange and BES administrator. I don't want to guide you into a route that might take down your exchange server. Do you have a BES and exchange admin that you can consult with?
You cannot install BES out of the box and expect it to work. There is a fair amout of configuration that must be done to integrate BES into your Exchange environment. I gather from the CDO errors you received while testing you still need to install the CDO 1.2.1 objects as indicated by dj0rbit, on your BES server.
You should review the BES Installation guide if you don't already have documentation of your own.
You should review the BES Installation guide if you don't already have documentation of your own.
CDO 1.2.1 is a requirement before you can install BESX. That's installed.
The bes should be installed with a bes service account that has rights to
1. Send as
2. Receive as
3. Administer Information Store
It also should be an Exchange-View-Only Admin in Exchange
Also, you will want to make sure that you have the proper firewall ports open for TCP port 3101 outbound.
1. Send as
2. Receive as
3. Administer Information Store
It also should be an Exchange-View-Only Admin in Exchange
Also, you will want to make sure that you have the proper firewall ports open for TCP port 3101 outbound.
Well, the other option is to just get it to connect using the Exchange option on the blackberry. It just will not connect.
BES is a straight forward set up. You may need a license for the user. BES has very good customer support.
Ok, it looks like I didn't create a user with the right privledges, so I uninstalled BESX, and created the user, and am now reinstalling everything. I'll post back.
You can install on workstation if you want. But you need set the outlook profile with the informatin of user to do the activation.
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This was the only solution