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Delphi: How can I read mails from an Outlook folder and save them as .txt files

I need to iterate over all mails in a folder in Outlook and extract the text of the emails for further processing. The solution doesn't have to be pretty; just a pragmatic way for accessing the text of the mails would suffice.

I tried the approach with an ADO Connection. This works fine for iterating over the mails. I can read the subject, length, recipient and other data but I don't know how to get the text of the mail itself. It seems that I have to cast the content to some object but I have no idea what object. If you know how to do that would also be enough for me.

Many thanks in advance.


Avatar of Luis Pérez
Luis Pérez
Flag of Spain image

I don't know how you're accessing the Outlook items via, but have you tried the "Body" property to get the text of the e-mail?
Avatar of Geert G
Geert G
Flag of Belgium image

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object frmSapAlerter: TfrmSapAlerter
  Left = 365
  Top = 206
  Caption = 'Sap Alert SMS sender [DO NOT CLOSE APPLICATION !]'
  ClientHeight = 451
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  Color = clBtnFace
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      Left = 207
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      DoubleBuffered = True
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      OnClick = btnRunNowClick
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      Left = 311
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      DoubleBuffered = True
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    object chkTest: TCheckBox
      Left = 408
      Top = 16
      Width = 97
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      Caption = 'Testing'
      Checked = True
      State = cbChecked
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  object outlook: TOutlookApplication
    AutoConnect = False
    ConnectKind = ckRunningOrNew
    AutoQuit = False
    Left = 400
    Top = 32
  object timerCheck: TTimer
    Interval = 600000
    OnTimer = timerCheckTimer
    Left = 336
    Top = 32
  object timerStart: TTimer
    Enabled = False
    Interval = 5000
    OnTimer = timerStartTimer
    Left = 280
    Top = 104

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Avatar of dirkil2


Thanks for the asnwer. I haven't had time to check it. I will do that soon.
Avatar of dirkil2


Thank you for your good answer.