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Create managed DLL wrapper in C# for unmanaged DLL

I am trying to write a wrapper DLL for a manufacturers unmanaged C++ DLL. They have provided the DLL file, a header file which looks to have all of the functions to reference that DLL, and a VC6 C++ example. I program primarily in C# and have never written a wrapper class before.  I have little to no experience in C++. I have been looking at documents online to find out how to write a wrapper class for this DLL and have successfully gotten myself confused even more. I know I have all I need to get the job done, I just can't seem to wrap my head around it. I'll go ahead and put in some example code below to maybe help you understand what it is I am battling.

Let's say the unmanaged DLL is "Manufacturer.dll"
Manufacturer Header file is "IManufacturer.h"

The header file is for a video capture card, and I am not looking for anyone to actually write the wrapper completely, just help me get started with it. I really appreciate any help.
#if _MSC_VER > 1000
#pragma once
#endif // _MSC_VER > 1000

#include "Capture.h"

#define ENCSDK_API __declspec(dllexport)
#define ENCSDK_API __declspec(dllimport)

typedef enum
	ENC_FAILED			= 0,
} EncRes;

enum FrameType
    I_FRAME = 1,

enum GpioDirection

typedef struct
	unsigned int picture_type;	///< Specifies the type of picture, I-Frame=1, P-Frame=2 and B-Frame=3.
	unsigned int byte_offset;	///< Specifies the number of bytes used since encoding. When this value is greater than 32 bits (i.e. 4 Giga bytes), it will be recalculated by the formula new_offset = offset % 4G.
	unsigned int ptsh;			///< Specifies the higher bit 33 of picture PTS in 1/90KHz unit.
	unsigned int ptsl;			///< Specifies the lower 32 bits of picture PTS.

 * The Stream Read Callback function structure
typedef struct
	void (*PSTREAMREADOPEN)(int nChNum);	///< The pointer of the Stream Read Open Callback function. This callback function is called when the stream read process starts.
	void (*PSTREAMREADPROC)(int nChNum, BYTE *pStreamBuf, UINT32 nBufSize);	///< The pointer of the Stream Read Process Callback function. This callback function is called when the stream is read.
	void (*PSTREAMREADCLOSE)(int nChNum);	///< The pointer of the Stream Read Close Callback function. This callback function is called when the stream read process finishes.

typedef void (*PMOTIONDETECTPROC)(int nChNum, int nRegionNum, unsigned short mbCount);	///< The Motion Detect Process Callback function. This callback function is called when there are the motions being detected in the specified video region.
typedef void (*PENCFAILPROC)(int nChNum);	///< The Encoding Failed Process Callback function. This callback function is called when encoding process fails.

 * The region structure of the motion detect.
typedef struct
	int enable;	///< Used to enable/disable motion detection.
	int left;	///< Define the left most macroblock number of the horizontal coordinates of the region.
	int right;	///< Define the right most macroblock number of the horizontal coordinates of the region.
	int top;	///< Define the top most macroblock number of the horizontal coordinates of the region.
	int bottom;	///< Define the bottom most macroblock number of the horizontal coordinates of the region.
} MDRegion;

 * @brief IEncSDK declaration
 * IEncSDK : About the implement, please refelence EncSDK.cpp.

	* @brief This function creates SDK instance.
	* @param pp A pointer to the SDK instance.
	* @return If function succeeded, function returns ENC_SUCCEEDED.
	virtual int CreateEncSDKInstence(void **pp);

	* @brief This function releases SDK instance.
	* @param p Specifies the SDK instance.
	* @return If function succeeded, function returns ENC_SUCCEEDED.
	virtual int ReleaseEncSDKInstence(void *p);

	 * @brief This function initializes the SDK. This function must be called before other functions of the SDK.
	 * @param pVideoCap Specifies the array of the Ph7134 source filters to initialize the ADC.
	 * @return If function succeeded, function returns ENC_SUCCEEDED.
	virtual int InitSDK(IBaseFilter *pVideoCap[]) PURE;

	 * @brief This function closes up the SDK.
	 * @return If function succeeded, function returns ENC_SUCCEEDED.
	virtual int CloseSDK() PURE;

	 * @brief This function initializes the chip on a specified channel.
	 * @param nChNum Specifies the channel ID number.
	 * @return If function succeeded, function returns ENC_SUCCEEDED.
	virtual int InitChips(int nChNum) PURE;

	 * @brief This function releases the chip on a specified channel.
	 * @param nChNum Specifies the channel ID number.
	 * @return If function succeeded, function returns ENC_SUCCEEDED.
	virtual int ReleaseChips(int nChNum) PURE;

	 * @brief This function gets the number of the chips. Two firmware files boot.sre and pscodec.sre will be used 
	 *		  by the library. Notes: Don't download the firmware into the chip when the decoding process is running in the chip.
	 * @param nChNum Specifies the channel ID number.
	 * @return If function succeeded, function returns ENC_SUCCEEDED.
	virtual int DownloadFW(int nChNum) PURE;

	 * @brief This function gets the number of the chips.
	 * @param pChipCnt An integer pointer to store the returned number of the chips.
	 * @return If function succeeded, function returns ENC_SUCCEEDED.
	virtual int	GetChipCount(int *pChipCnt) PURE;

	 * @brief This function sets the board ID of the each board. The first codec device of the board is used to 
	 *		  set the board ID of the board. Thus, the user must call InitChips and DownloadFW 
	 *		  functions to initialize and download the firmware into the first codec device before calling this 
	 *		  function. And, call ReleaseChips function to release chip resources after calling this function.
	 * @param nChNum Specifies the channel ID number. The channel must be the first channel of the board.
	 * @return If function succeeded, function returns ENC_SUCCEEDED.
	virtual int SetBoardID(int nChNum) PURE;

	 * @brief This function uses the video capture device to get the board ID. According to this board ID, 
	 *		  the user can known which board the video capture device belongs. The board ID is set by calling 
	 *		  SetBoardID function. Thus, before calling this function the SetBoardID function must 
	 *		  be called to setting correct board ID.
	 * @param pVideoCap Specifies the video capture filter to get the board ID it belongs.
	 * @param nBoardID An integer pointer to store the returned board ID.
	 * @return If function succeeded, function returns ENC_SUCCEEDED.
	virtual int GetBoardID(IBaseFilter *pVideoCap, int *nBoardID) PURE;
	 * @brief This function gets the version of the SDK. 
	 *		  Major.Minor == 0-255.0-255 (e.g. 1.0). 
	 *		  Rev == 0-26, where 0 means no rev letter, 1-26 are revision a-z.
	 * @param pMaj Specifies the major munber of the SDK version.
	 * @param pMin Specifies the minor munber of the SDK version.
	 * @param pRev Specifies the revision letter of the SDK version.
	 * @return If function succeeded, function returns ENC_SUCCEEDED.
	virtual int GetSDKVersion(BYTE *pMaj, BYTE *pMin, BYTE *pRev) PURE;

	 * @brief This function starts to encode the video on a specified channel.
	 * @param nChNum Specifies the channel ID number.
	 * @return If function succeeded, function returns ENC_SUCCEEDED.
	virtual int StartEncode(int nChNum) PURE;

	 * @brief This function stops to encode the video on a specified channel.
	 * @param nChNum Specifies the channel ID number.
	 * @return If function succeeded, function returns ENC_SUCCEEDED.
	virtual int StopEncode(int nChNum) PURE;

	 * @brief This function starts the motion detection on a specified channel.
	 * @param nChNum Specifies the channel ID number.
	 * @return If function succeeded, function returns ENC_SUCCEEDED.
	virtual int StartMotionDetect(int nChNum) PURE;

	 * @brief This function stops the motion detection on a specified channel.
	 * @param nChNum Specifies the channel ID number.
	 * @return If function succeeded, function returns ENC_SUCCEEDED.
	virtual int StopMotionDetect(int nChNum) PURE;

	 * @brief This function detects the video loss on a specified channel. 
	 * @param pVideoCap Specifies the correspounding video capture filter to get the result of the video loss detection.
	 * @param nChNum Specifies the channel ID number.
	 * @param pVideoLoss A point to to store the returned result of the video loss detection.
	 * @return If function succeeded, function returns ENC_SUCCEEDED.
	virtual int DetectVideoLoss(IBaseFilter *pVideoCap, int nChNum, BOOL *pVideoLoss) PURE;
	 * @brief This function setups the video controller on a specified board.
	 * @param nBoardNum Specifies the board ID number.
	 * @param pVideoCap Specifies the video capture filter to setup the video controller.
	 * @param nMuxNum Specifies the mux ID number.
	 *					0 -- MUX0	1 -- MUX1	2 -- MUX2	3 -- MUX3	4 -- QUAD
	 * @return If function succeeded, function returns ENC_SUCCEEDED.
	virtual int SetupVideoController(int nBoardNum, IBaseFilter *pVideoCap, int nMuxNum) PURE;

	 * @brief This function setups QUAD configuration of the video controller. 
	 *		  User can indicate which region displays which mux input and preview or playback mode of each mux input.
	 * @param nBoardNum Specifies the board ID number.
	 * @param pVideoCap Specifies the video capture filter to setup the video controller.
	 * @param Config Specifies the QUAD configuration. 
	 * @return If function succeeded, function returns ENC_SUCCEEDED.
	virtual int SetupVideoControllerEx(int nBoardNum, IBaseFilter *pVideoCap, QuadConfig Config) PURE;
	 * @brief This function selects the audio input to preview. 
	 * @param pVideoCap Specifies the correspounding video capture filter to switch the audio input.
	 * @param nChNum Specifies the channel ID number.
	 * @return If function succeeded, function returns ENC_SUCCEEDED.
	virtual int SelPreviewAudioInput(IBaseFilter *pVideoCap, int nChNum) PURE;
	 * @brief This function sets the video signal type for encoding.
	 * @param nChNum Specifies the channel ID number.
	 * @param pVideoCap Specifies the pointer of the Ph7134 source filter to setup the ADC.
	 * @param nSignalType A value to set the video signal type. (1: PAL, 2: NTSC)
	 * @return If function succeeded, function returns ENC_SUCCEEDED.
	virtual int SetSignalType(int nChNum, IBaseFilter *pVideoCap, int nSignalType) PURE;

	 * @brief  This function sets the video MPEG standard for encoding.
	 *		   The sopported resolution are listed in the manual.
	 * @param nChNum Specifies the channel ID number.
	 * @param nMPEGType A value to set the video MPEG standard. (1: MPEG1, 2: MPEG2, 4: MPEG4)
	 * @param nVideoSize A value to set the video resolution.
	 *			  0 --  D1		1 -- VGA	2 -- QVGA	3 -- SIF	4 -- QCIF
	 * @return If function succeeded, function returns ENC_SUCCEEDED.
	virtual int SetMPEGType(int nChNum, int nMPEGType, int nVideoSize) PURE;

	 * @brief This function sets the video brightness on a specified video input of the board.
	 * @param pVideoCap Specifies the video capture filter on the board to set the video brightness.
	 * @param nVInNum Specifies the video input ID number. The range is 0~3.
	 * @param nBrightness A value to set the video brightness on a specified video input of the board. The range is 0~255. (Default value is 128)
	 * @return If function succeeded, function returns ENC_SUCCEEDED.
	virtual int SetBrightness(IBaseFilter *pVideoCap, int nVInNum, int nBrightness) PURE;

	 * @brief This function gets the video brightness on a specified video input of the board.
	 * @param pVideoCap Specifies the video capture filter on the board to get the video brightness.
	 * @param nVInNum Specifies the video input ID number. The range is 0~3.
	 * @param pBrightness An integer pointer to store the returned video brightness on a specified video input of the board.
	 * @return If function succeeded, function returns ENC_SUCCEEDED.
	virtual int GetBrightness(IBaseFilter *pVideoCap, int nVInNum, int *pBrightness) PURE;

	 * @brief This function sets the video contrast on a specified video input of the board.
	 * @param pVideoCap Specifies the video capture filter on the board to set the video contrast.
	 * @param nVInNum Specifies the video input ID number. The range is 0~3.
	 * @param nContrast A value to set the video contrast on a specified video input of the board. The range is 0~255. (Default value is 128)
	 * @return If function succeeded, function returns ENC_SUCCEEDED.
	virtual int SetContrast(IBaseFilter *pVideoCap, int nVInNum, int nContrast) PURE;

	 * @brief This function gets the video contrast on a specified video input of the board.
	 * @param pVideoCap Specifies the video capture filter on the board to get the video contrast.
	 * @param nVInNum Specifies the video input ID number. The range is 0~3.
	 * @param pContrast An integer pointer to store the returned video contrast on a specified video input of the board.
	 * @return If function succeeded, function returns ENC_SUCCEEDED.
	virtual int GetContrast(IBaseFilter *pVideoCap, int nVInNum, int *pContrast) PURE;

	 * @brief This function sets the video color saturation on a specified video input of the board.
	 * @param pVideoCap Specifies the video capture filter on the board to set the video color saturation.
	 * @param nVInNum Specifies the video input ID number. The range is 0~3.
	 * @param nSaturation A value to set the video color saturation on a specified video input of the board. The range is 0~255. (Default value is 128)
	 * @return If function succeeded, function returns ENC_SUCCEEDED.
	virtual int SetSaturation(IBaseFilter *pVideoCap, int nVInNum, int nSaturation) PURE;

	 * @brief This function gets the video color saturation on a specified video input of the board.
	 * @param pVideoCap Specifies the video capture filter on the board to get the video color saturation.
	 * @param nVInNum Specifies the video input ID number. The range is 0~3.
	 * @param pSaturation An integer pointer to store the returned video color saturation on a specified video input of the board.
	 * @return If function succeeded, function returns ENC_SUCCEEDED.
	virtual int GetSaturation(IBaseFilter *pVideoCap, int nVInNum, int *pSaturation) PURE;

	 * @brief This function sets the video hue value on a specified video input of the board.
	 * @param pVideoCap Specifies the video capture filter on the board to set the video hue value.
	 * @param nVInNum Specifies the video input ID number. The range is 0~3.
	 * @param nHue A value to set the video hue value on a specified video input of the board. The range is 0~255. (Default value is 128)
	 * @return If function succeeded, function returns ENC_SUCCEEDED.
	virtual int SetHue(IBaseFilter *pVideoCap, int nVInNum, int nHue) PURE;

	 * @brief This function gets the video hue value on a specified video input of the board.
	 * @param pVideoCap Specifies the video capture filter on the board to get the video hue value.
	 * @param nVInNum Specifies the video input ID number. The range is 0~3.
	 * @param pHue An integer pointer to store the returned video hue value on a specified video input of the board.
	 * @return If function succeeded, function returns ENC_SUCCEEDED.
	virtual int GetHue(IBaseFilter *pVideoCap, int nVInNum, int *pHue) PURE;

	 * @brief This function sets the number of frames in a GOP and the frame distance between the reference frames on a specified channel.
	 * @param nChNum Specifies the channel ID number.
	 * @param nKeyFrameIntervals  A value to set the number of frames in a GOP. The range is 1~256. (Default value is 15)
	 * @param nRefFramesDistance A value to set the frame distance between the reference frames. The range is 0~3. (Default value is 3 for MPEG1 and MPEG2, is 1 for MPEG4) (MPEG4 does not support B-Frame)
	 *								0 -- The GOP structure is I (encoder will generate I frames only).
	 *								1 -- The GOP structure is IP.
	 *								2 -- The GOP structure is IBP.
	 *								3 -- The GOP structure is IBBP.
	 * @return If function succeeded, function returns ENC_SUCCEEDED.
	virtual int SetGOPType(int nChNum, int nKeyFrameIntervals, int nRefFramesDistance) PURE;

	 * @brief This function gets the number of frames in GOP and  the frame distance between the reference frames on a specified channel.
	 * @param nChNum Specifies the channel ID number.
	 * @param pKeyFrameIntervals  An integer pointer to store the returned number of frames in a GOP.
	 * @param pRefFramesDistance An integer pointer to store the returned frame distance.
	 *								0 -- The GOP structure is I (encoder will generate I frames only).
	 *								1 -- The GOP structure is IP.
	 *								2 -- The GOP structure is IBP.
	 *								3 -- The GOP structure is IBBP.
	 * @return If function succeeded, function returns ENC_SUCCEEDED.
	virtual int GetGOPType(int nChNum, int *pKeyFrameIntervals, int *pRefFramesDistance) PURE;

	 * @brief This function sets the frame rate and the minimum number of frames to skip on a specified channel.
	 * @param nChNum Specifies the channel ID number.
	 * @param nFrameRate A value to set the encoding frame rate. The range is 0~7. (Default value is 0)
	 *								0 -- NTSC2997fps
	 *								1 -- NTSC15fps
	 *								2 -- NTSC10fps
	 *								3 -- NTSC5fps
	 *								4 -- PAL25fps
	 *								5 -- PAL12fps
	 *								6 -- PAL8fps
	 *								7 -- PAL5fps
	 * @return If function succeeded, function returns ENC_SUCCEEDED.
	virtual int SetFrameRate(int nChNum, int nFrameRate) PURE;

	 * @brief This function gets the frame rate and the minimum number of frames to skip on a specified channel.
	 * @param nChNum Specifies the channel ID number.
	 * @param pFrameRate An integer pointer to store the returned encoding frame rate.
	 *								0 -- NTSC2997fps
	 *								1 -- NTSC15fps
	 *								2 -- NTSC10fps
	 *								3 -- NTSC5fps
	 *								4 -- PAL25fps
	 *								5 -- PAL12fps
	 *								6 -- PAL8fps
	 *								7 -- PAL5fps
	 * @return If function succeeded, function returns ENC_SUCCEEDED.
	virtual int GetFrameRate(int nChNum, int *pFrameRate) PURE;

	 * @brief This function sets the motion detect regions and the thresholds on a specified channel.
	 * @param nChNum Specifies the channel ID number.
	 * @param md_regions A value to set the regions of the motion detection of a specified channel.
	 * @param nThresholds A value to set the motion vector thresholds of corresponding regions of a specified channel.
	 * @return If function succeeded, function returns ENC_SUCCEEDED.
	virtual int InsertMotionDetectMask(int nChNum, MDRegion md_regions[], int nThresholds[]) PURE;

	 * @brief This function gets the motion detect regions and thresholds on a specified channel.
	 * @param nChNum Specifies the channel ID number.
	 * @param md_regions A structure pointer to store the returned regions of the motion detection of a specified channel.
	 * @param nThresholds A structure pointer to store the returned motion vector thresholds of corresponding regions of a specified channel.
	 * @return If function succeeded, function returns ENC_SUCCEEDED.
	virtual int GetMotionDetectMask(int nChNum, MDRegion md_regions[], int nThresholds[]) PURE;

	 * @brief This function sets the bit rate of the video stream on a specified channel.
	 *		  The constant bit rate is used when nBitRate equals nAvgBitRate.
	 * @param nChNum Specifies the channel ID number.
	 * @param nBitRate A value to set maximum bit rate of specified channel. The range is 128 kbps~15 Mbps. (Default value is 4 Mbps)
	 *				  The suggested video bit rate is from 1.5 Mbps to 15 Mbps for 1/2 D1 and above.
	 *				  The suggested video bit rate is from 512 kbps to 15 Mbps for SIF.
	 *				  The suggested video bit rate is from 128 kbps to 15 Mbps for QCIF.
	 * @param nAvgBitRate A value to set average bit rate of specified channel. The range is 128 kbps~9 Mbps. (Default value is 3.5 Mbps for PS, 3Mbps for TS)
	 * @return If function succeeded, function returns ENC_SUCCEEDED.
	virtual int SetVideoBitrate(int nChNum, int nBitRate, int nAvgBitRate) PURE;

	 * @brief This function gets the bit rate of the video stream on a specified channel.
	 * @param nChNum Specifies the channel ID number.
	 * @param pBitRate An integer pointer to store the returned maximum bit rate of specified channel.
	 * @param pAvgBitRate An integer pointer to store the returned average bit rate of specified channel.
	 * @return If function succeeded, function returns ENC_SUCCEEDED.
	virtual int GetVideoBitrate(int nChNum, int *pBitRate, int *pAvgBitRate) PURE;

	 * @brief This function sets the bit rate of the audio stream on a specified channel.
	 * @param nChNum Specifies the channel ID number.
	 * @param nBitRate A value to set bit rate of the audio stream on a specified channel. The range is 0 ~ 13. (Default value is 7 (128 kbps))
	 *					  0 --  0 kbps		1 --  32 kbps	2  -- 48 kbps	3  -- 56 kbps	4  -- 64 kbps
	 *					  5 --  80 kbps		6  -- 96 kbps	7  -- 112 kbps	8  -- 128 kbps
	 *					  9 --  160 kbps	10  -- 192 kbps	11 -- 224 kbps	12 -- 256 kbps
	 *					  13 -- 320 kbps	14 -- 384 kbps
	 * @return If function succeeded, function returns ENC_SUCCEEDED.
	virtual int SetAudioBitrate(int nChNum, int nBitRate) PURE;

	 * @brief This function gets the bit rate of the audio stream on a specified channel.
	 * @param nChNum Specifies the channel ID number.
	 * @param pBitRate An integer pointer to store the returned bit rate of the audio stream on a specified channel.
	 *					  0 --  0 kbps		1 --  32 kbps	2  -- 48 kbps	3  -- 56 kbps	4  -- 64 kbps
	 *					  5 --  80 kbps		6  -- 96 kbps	7  -- 112 kbps	8  -- 128 kbps
	 *					  9 --  160 kbps	10  -- 192 kbps	11 -- 224 kbps	12 -- 256 kbps
	 *					  13 -- 320 kbps	14 -- 384 kbps
	 * @return If function succeeded, function returns ENC_SUCCEEDED.
	virtual int GetAudioBitrate(int nChNum, int *pBitRate) PURE;

	 * @brief This function sets the sampling rate of the audio stream on a specified channel.
	 * @param nChNum Specifies the channel ID number.
	 * @param nSamplingRate A value to set sampling rate of the audio stream on a specified channel. The range is 0 ~ 2. (Default value is 2 (48 KHz))
	 *					  0 --  32 KHz		1 --  44.1 KHz	2  -- 48 KHz
	 * @return If function succeeded, function returns ENC_SUCCEEDED.
	virtual int SetAudioSamplingRate(int nChNum, int nSamplingRate) PURE;

	 * @brief This function gets the sampling rate of the audio stream on a specified channel.
	 * @param nChNum Specifies the channel ID number.
	 * @param pSamplingRate An integer pointer to store the returned sampling rate of the audio stream on a specified channel.
	 *					  0 --  32 KHz		1 --  44.1 KHz	2  -- 48 KHz
	 * @return If function succeeded, function returns ENC_SUCCEEDED.
	virtual int GetAudioSamplingRate(int nChNum, int *pSamplingRate) PURE;
	 * @brief This function gets the reporting of video multiplexing status.
	 * @param nChNum Specifies the video channel ID number.
	 * @param StreamInfo A STREAM_INFO array stores the information of the encoded video stream.
	 * @param nFrameCnt Specifies the number of frames in the stream buffer.
	 * @return If function succeeded, function returns ENC_SUCCEEDED.
	virtual int GetVideoMuxStatus(int nChNum, STREAM_INFO StreamInfo[], int *npFrameCnt) PURE;
	 * @brief This function sets the value of the specified digital output. The second chip of the board controls the GPIO, 
	 *		  thus must to initialize the chip and download the firmware into the chip before controlling GIPO.
	 * @param nBoardNum Specifies the baord ID number.
	 * @param nDONum Specifies the digital output number.
	 * @param bValue A value to set the value of the specified digital output.
	 * @return If function succeeded, function returns ENC_SUCCEEDED.
	virtual int GPIOSetData(int nBoardNum, int nDONum, BOOL bValue) PURE;

	 * @brief This function gets the value of the specified digital input. The second chip of the board controls the GPIO, 
	 *		  thus must to initialize the chip and download the firmware into the chip before controlling GIPO.
	 * @param nBoardNum Specifies the baord ID number.
	 * @param nDINum Specifies the digital input number.
	 * @param pValue A point to get the value of the specified digital input.
	 * @return If function succeeded, function returns ENC_SUCCEEDED.
	virtual int GPIOGetData(int nBoardNum, int nDINum, BOOL* pValue) PURE;

	 * @brief  This function writes the value at a specified address to EEPRom. 
	 * @param pVideoCap Specifies the video capture filter to write the value to EEPRom.
	 * @param nAddr Address to write a value from EEPRom ranging from 0 to 127.
	 * @param nData  A BYTE value being written to EEPRom.
	 * @return If function succeeded, function returns ENC_SUCCEEDED.
	virtual int SetEEData(IBaseFilter *pVideoCap, BYTE nAddr, BYTE nData) PURE;

	 * @brief  This function reads the value at a specified address from EEPRom. 
	 * @param pVideoCap Specifies the video capture filter to read the value from EEPRom.
	 * @param nAddr Address to read a value from EEPRom ranging from 0 to 127.
	 * @param nData  A BYTE pointer to the byte value stored in EEPRom.
	 * @return If function succeeded, function returns ENC_SUCCEEDED.
	virtual int GetEEData(IBaseFilter *pVideoCap, BYTE nAddr, BYTE *npData) PURE;

	 * @brief This function registers the StreamRead callback functions.
	 * @param pStreamRead A STREAMREAD_STRUCT structure pointer to set the StreamRead callback functions.
	 * @return If function succeeded, function returns ENC_SUCCEEDED.
	virtual int RegStreamReadCB(STREAMREAD_STRUCT *pStreamRead) PURE;

	 * @brief This function registers the MotionDetect callback function.
	 * @param pMotionDetect A function pointer of the MotionDetect callback function.
	 * @return If function succeeded, function returns ENC_SUCCEEDED.
	virtual int RegMotionDetectCB(PMOTIONDETECTPROC pMotionDetect) PURE;

	 * @brief This function registers the EncFail callback function.
	 * @param pEncFail A function pointer of the EncFail callback function.
	 * @return If function succeeded, function returns ENC_SUCCEEDED.
	virtual int RegEncFailCB(PENCFAILPROC pEncFail) PURE;

	 * @brief This function converts the MPEG4 video file to the divx format video file.
	 * @param src_filename A string for the MPEG4 video file name.
	 * @param des_filename A string for the divx format file name.
	 * @return If function succeeded, function returns ENC_SUCCEEDED.
	virtual int PSMPEG4ToDivx(char *src_filename, char *des_filename) PURE;

	 * @brief This function detects if the specified video file is MPEG4 video type.
	 * @param mpegfilename A NULL-terminated string for the MPEG video file name.
	 * @return If the specified video file is MPEG4 video type, the function returns TRUE. Otherwise. it returns FALSE.
	virtual BOOL IsPSMPEG4Type(char *mpegfilename) PURE;

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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

namespace PInvoke
    class MyInteropClass
        public const int ENCSDK_API = dllexport;
        public const int ENCSDK_API = dllimport;
        public enum EncRes
            ENC_SUCCEEDED		= 1,
            ENC_FAILED			= 0,
            ENC_SDKINITFAILED	= -1,
            ENC_DEVINITFAILED	= -2,
            ENC_INITADFAILED	= -3,
            ENC_PARAMERROR		= -4,
            ENC_CHNUMERROR		= -5,

        public struct STREAM_INFO
            public uint picture_type;
            public uint byte_offset;
            public uint ptsh;
            public uint ptsl;

        public struct STREAMREAD_STRUCT
            public void (*PSTREAMREADOPEN)(int nChNum);
            public void (*PSTREAMREADPROC)(int nChNum, BYTE pStreamBuf, UINT32 nBufSize);
            public void (*PSTREAMREADCLOSE)(int nChNum);

        public struct MDRegion
            public int enable;
            public int left;
            public int right;
            public int top;
            public int bottom;

        public static extern {public: CreateEncSDKInstence (ref IntPtr pp);

        public static extern virtual ReleaseEncSDKInstence (ref IntPtr p);

        public static extern virtual InitSDK (ref IBaseFilter [] pVideoCap);

        public static extern virtual CloseSDK ();

        public static extern virtual InitChips (int nChNum);

        public static extern virtual ReleaseChips (int nChNum);

        public static extern virtual DownloadFW (int nChNum);

        public static extern virtual GetChipCount (ref int pChipCnt);

        public static extern virtual SetBoardID (int nChNum);

        public static extern virtual GetBoardID (ref IBaseFilter pVideoCap, ref int nBoardID);

        public static extern virtual GetSDKVersion (ref byte pMaj, ref byte pMin, ref byte pRev);

        public static extern virtual StartEncode (int nChNum);

        public static extern virtual StopEncode (int nChNum);

        public static extern virtual StartMotionDetect (int nChNum);

        public static extern virtual StopMotionDetect (int nChNum);

        public static extern virtual DetectVideoLoss (ref IBaseFilter pVideoCap, int nChNum, ref int pVideoLoss);

        public static extern virtual SetupVideoController (int nBoardNum, ref IBaseFilter pVideoCap, int nMuxNum);

        public static extern virtual SetupVideoControllerEx (int nBoardNum, ref IBaseFilter pVideoCap, QuadConfig Config);

        public static extern virtual SelPreviewAudioInput (ref IBaseFilter pVideoCap, int nChNum);

        public static extern virtual SetSignalType (int nChNum, ref IBaseFilter pVideoCap, int nSignalType);

        public static extern virtual SetMPEGType (int nChNum, int nMPEGType, int nVideoSize);

        public static extern virtual SetBrightness (ref IBaseFilter pVideoCap, int nVInNum, int nBrightness);

        public static extern virtual GetBrightness (ref IBaseFilter pVideoCap, int nVInNum, ref int pBrightness);

        public static extern virtual SetContrast (ref IBaseFilter pVideoCap, int nVInNum, int nContrast);

        public static extern virtual GetContrast (ref IBaseFilter pVideoCap, int nVInNum, ref int pContrast);

        public static extern virtual SetSaturation (ref IBaseFilter pVideoCap, int nVInNum, int nSaturation);

        public static extern virtual GetSaturation (ref IBaseFilter pVideoCap, int nVInNum, ref int pSaturation);

        public static extern virtual SetHue (ref IBaseFilter pVideoCap, int nVInNum, int nHue);

        public static extern virtual GetHue (ref IBaseFilter pVideoCap, int nVInNum, ref int pHue);

        public static extern virtual SetGOPType (int nChNum, int nKeyFrameIntervals, int nRefFramesDistance);

        public static extern virtual GetGOPType (int nChNum, ref int pKeyFrameIntervals, ref int pRefFramesDistance);

        public static extern virtual SetFrameRate (int nChNum, int nFrameRate);

        public static extern virtual GetFrameRate (int nChNum, ref int pFrameRate);

        public static extern virtual InsertMotionDetectMask (int nChNum, MDRegion [] md_regions, int [] nThresholds);

        public static extern virtual GetMotionDetectMask (int nChNum, MDRegion [] md_regions, int [] nThresholds);

        public static extern virtual SetVideoBitrate (int nChNum, int nBitRate, int nAvgBitRate);

        public static extern virtual GetVideoBitrate (int nChNum, ref int pBitRate, ref int pAvgBitRate);

        public static extern virtual SetAudioBitrate (int nChNum, int nBitRate);

        public static extern virtual GetAudioBitrate (int nChNum, ref int pBitRate);

        public static extern virtual SetAudioSamplingRate (int nChNum, int nSamplingRate);

        public static extern virtual GetAudioSamplingRate (int nChNum, ref int pSamplingRate);

        public static extern virtual GetVideoMuxStatus (int nChNum, STREAM_INFO [] StreamInfo, ref int npFrameCnt);

        public static extern virtual GPIOSetData (int nBoardNum, int nDONum, int bValue);

        public static extern virtual GPIOGetData (int nBoardNum, int nDINum, ref int pValue);

        public static extern virtual SetEEData (ref IBaseFilter pVideoCap, byte nAddr, byte nData);

        public static extern virtual GetEEData (ref IBaseFilter pVideoCap, byte nAddr, ref byte npData);

        public static extern virtual RegStreamReadCB (ref STREAMREAD_STRUCT pStreamRead);

        public static extern virtual RegMotionDetectCB (PMOTIONDETECTPROC pMotionDetect);

        public static extern virtual RegEncFailCB (PENCFAILPROC pEncFail);

        public static extern virtual PSMPEG4ToDivx (ref sbyte src_filename, ref sbyte des_filename);

        public static extern virtual IsPSMPEG4Type (ref sbyte mpegfilename);


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WOW! Thank you for the awesome reply! I am going to test this in my machine and see what I can do with it.
This was able to get me on the right path.