Michael Lam
asked on
pros and cons of running a .exe on a network shared folder
just wondering what are the pros and cons of having just one copy of an .exe installed on a network shared folder? this is my opinion:
pros: 1) ease of maintainence, 2) availability to multiple users
cons: 1) need to set code access rights to resources not on the shared folder, e.g. a database, 2) if you are calling the exe within your code, it's hard to call it from a consistent network drive since everyone's mapping will be different, 3) network connection may be slow and unreliable, 4) how to run multiple instances and still maintain consistency on the common data that it modifies.
pros: 1) ease of maintainence, 2) availability to multiple users
cons: 1) need to set code access rights to resources not on the shared folder, e.g. a database, 2) if you are calling the exe within your code, it's hard to call it from a consistent network drive since everyone's mapping will be different, 3) network connection may be slow and unreliable, 4) how to run multiple instances and still maintain consistency on the common data that it modifies.
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