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perl/cgi problem: wrap does not recognize new line or carriage return


I previously asked for help for a text wrap code and received great help from you folks on getting the text to wrap. However now, the code is now not recognizing when you hit enter from the keyboard (carriage return). Here is the code:

$text = $message;
@lines = split(/[\r\n]/, $message);
my @lines2;
s/(.{30})\s+/$1\n/g, push(@lines2, split(/\n/)) foreach @lines;

$container = "/opt/httpd/root-wwwin/htdocs".$cardToUse;
$font = "/opt/httpd/root-wwwin/htdocs/tech/performance-culture/rewards/ecards-master/templ/verdana.ttf";

$image = GD::Image->newFromJpeg($container);

$txtColor = $image->colorResolve(0,0,0);

for $i (0..$lCnt){
      $xPos = 390;
      $yPos = $lineStart + ($lineHeight*$i);
      @bounds = $image->stringTTF($txtColor,$font,13,0,$xPos,$yPos,$lines2[$i]);

Thanks in advance for your help.

Avatar of Justin Mathews
Justin Mathews

Do you mean $message is input by user by typing in on keyboard and the script is not wrapping at the carriange returns entered by the user?
Avatar of seeker7806


yes. When the enter key is pressed in the text box the carriage return is not reflected on the image via the perl/cgi script although the perl/cgi script automatically wraps...

Thanks jmatix!
When I run the script standalone it is preserving the line breaks. It could be your server side script which processes the user input that strips all carriage returns.
Thanks jmatix.

Actually the code above is the server side perl/cgi script. I am thinking that maybe my front end javascript is the problem?

I have a question pending on EE for the font end javascript.

It is wierd, because before, the previous code recognized carriage returns but not the wrap, and now it recognizes the wrap (via line splitting) but not the carriage return.

There is an update. The perl cgi script appears to recognize hitting the return/enter button as one line break, but will not recognize hitting the return/enter button a second time for making a paragraph.

This is for both IE and Firefox.

On the front end regarding the javascript, hitting the carriage return works, but not in IE. In IE if you hit the carriage return, there are no line breaks or paragraphs in the preview image, but there are both line breaks and paragraphs on the image in Firefox.

In both cases however, when you hit the submit button, the result in the card being sent is just a line break but no paragraphs (when hitting the enter/return/carriage return button).
OK. Now I get it. That is how split() function in Perl behaves. To change that behavior modify the split() as below:

@lines = split(/[\r\n]+?/, $message);
Thanks jmatix.

This is still producing a <br> but does not recognize two carriage returns:

$text = $message;
@lines = split(/[\r\n]+?/, $message);
my @lines2;
s/(.{30})\s+/$1\n/g, push(@lines2, split(/\n/)) foreach @lines;

Can you post the complete code as it is?

use CGI':standard';
use CGI::Carp qw/fatalsToBrowser/;
use GD;
use DBI;
use CommonSubs;
use arrData;
use dbInfo;

$q = new CGI;

$recId = time();

$userId = $ENV{'REMOTE_USER'};
$userInfo = &CommonSubs::DirInfo($userId);

$from_sender = $q->param('from');
$to_recip = $q->param('to');
$cc_manager = $q->param('cc_manager');
$bcc = "xxxxxx\";
$card = $q->param('card');
$message = $q->param('message');

my %availableCards = ("card1"            =>            "/tech/performance-culture/rewards/ecards-master/images/large_card_1.jpg",
                                                       "card2"            =>            "/tech/performance-culture/rewards/ecards-master/images/large_card_2.jpg",
                                                       "card3"            =>            "/tech/performance-culture/rewards/ecards-master/images/large_card_3.jpg",
                                                       "card4"            =>            "/tech/performance-culture/rewards/ecards-master/images/large_card_4.jpg",
                                                       "card5"            =>            "/tech/performance-culture/rewards/ecards-master/images/large_card_5.jpg",
                                                       "card6"            =>            "/tech/performance-culture/rewards/ecards-master/images/large_card_6.jpg",
                                                       "card7"            =>            "/tech/performance-culture/rewards/ecards-master/images/large_card_7.jpg",
                                                       "card8"            =>            "/tech/performance-culture/rewards/ecards-master/images/large_card_8.jpg",
                                                       "card9"            =>            "/tech/performance-culture/rewards/ecards-master/images/large_card_9.jpg");

my $cardToUse = $availableCards{$card};
my $emailContent = "";

$text = $message;
@lines = split(/[\r\n]+?/, $message);
my @lines2;
s/(.{30})\s+/$1\n/g, push(@lines2, split(/\n/)) foreach @lines;

$container = "/opt/httpd/root-wwwin/htdocs".$cardToUse;
$font = "/opt/httpd/root-wwwin/htdocs/tech/performance-culture/rewards/ecards-master/templ/verdana.ttf";

$image = GD::Image->newFromJpeg($container);

$txtColor = $image->colorResolve(0,0,0);

for $i (0..$lCnt){
      $xPos = 390;
      $yPos = $lineStart + ($lineHeight*$i);
      @bounds = $image->stringTTF($txtColor,$font,13,0,$xPos,$yPos,$lines2[$i]);

@months = qw(Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec);
@weekDays = qw(Sun Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri Sat Sun);
($second, $minute, $hour, $dayOfMonth, $month, $yearOffset, $dayOfWeek, $dayOfYear, $daylightSavings) = localtime();
$year = 1900 + $yearOffset;
$dateandtime = "$hour:$minute:$second, $weekDays[$dayOfWeek] $months[$month] $dayOfMonth, $year";

my $user=$user;

$ts = time();
$imgFile = "ecard_".$user."_".$ts.".jpeg";
open(IMGFILE, ">/opt/httpd/root-wwwin/data-shared/tech/artg/cust-touch/videos/$imgFile");
binmode IMGFILE;
print IMGFILE $image->jpeg;
close (IMGFILE);

$img = "<img border=0 src=\"http:\/\/$imgFile\" />";

($host, $db, $dbUid, $dbPwd) = &dbInfo::setDbInfo();
$errStr = "";
$dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:Oracle:(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=$host)(PORT=1521))(CONNECT_DATA=(SID=$db)))","$dbUid","$dbPwd");
$sth      = $dbh->prepare($sql) or $errStr .="SQL Prepare Error: $DBI::errstr<br />";
$sth->execute($recId,$userId,$to_recip,$from_sender,$cc_manager,$card,$message,$imgFile,$dateandtime) or $errStr .= "Execute Error: $DBI::errstr<br />";
$sth->finish or $errStr .= "Finish Error: $DBI::errstr<br />";
$dbh->commit or $errStr .= "Commit Error: $DBI::errstr<br />";

$emailContent = <<HTML;
<p><div style=\"font-family:arial,sans-serif;font-size:16px;\"\>If you want to send an ecard click <a href=\"http:\/\/\/tech\/performance-culture\/rewards\/ecards-master\/\"\>here\<\/a\><\/div\><\/p\>


&CommonSubs::sendEmail("$to_recip\","$from_sender\","You have received an e-card", "","$bcc",$emailContent);

print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
print "<div style=\"font-weight:bold;font-size:18px;\"\>Your ecard has been sent<\/div\>";
print "<p>";
print "$img";
print "<p>";

Try changing the split as follows to inlcude the line breaks:

$text = $message;
@lines = split(/([\r\n])/, $message);
my @lines2;
s/(.{30})\s+/$1\n/g, push(@lines2, split(/(\n)/)) foreach @lines;
Thanks jmatix.

I received the following error message:

Software error:

syntax error at /opt/httpd/root-wwwin/pcgi-bin/tech/performance-culture/ecards/addMsgToCard.cgi line 54, near ")) "
Execution of /opt/httpd/root-wwwin/pcgi-bin/tech/performance-culture/ecards/addMsgToCard.cgi aborted due to compilation errors.

line 54:

s/(.{30})\s+/$1\n/g, push@lines2, split(/(\n)/)) foreach @lines;
Avatar of Justin Mathews
Justin Mathews

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Thanks jmatix:

Now the solution inputs too many carriage returns! But it seems we are making progress from before!

I am attaching a jpeg of the screen shot.

Hey jmatix:

I monkeyed around with the script and got it to approximate a proper carriage return. It's not perfect but I am hoping it will do for the stakeholder.

Thanks again