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win 2008 r2

Where do I navigate to, to make changes to the password policy on a win 2008 domain?
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Rob Wesley
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Mike Kline
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When I follow this path, <Computer Configurations> <Policies> <Windows Settings> <Security Settings> <Account Policies> <Password Policy>
and try to make changes, the fields are "grayed out". Am I in the wrong area to change password policy for a domain?
Where are you trying to make that change?  Is that on your local machine or are you using GPMC and going to a domain level policy?  Run an RSoP report to check where you are getting your PW policy from.

What rights does your account have?


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New server. Trying to setup users with less difficult passwords. The password policy has a lock on it.
I am logged into server at the console as administrator.
Is it a new DC or just a new member server, if it is a member server then the policy from the domain is winning and why your local PW policy is grayed out
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It is a new server and the only server. It is running active directory (w/DNS)
If you go to GPMC.msc and then right click on the default domain policy and go to those settings there are they gray there?  
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Found it!! Problem solved.
Thank you very much. Guess I've had too much on my plate lately. Mind fogged in. :)
We can all get overloaded at times...glad to help
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