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DeeFlag for United States of America

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Outlook Security Warning

I am sending emails from VB6 using Outlook 2003.  How can I suppress the security warning messages that appear?

I installed express yes software, but it's not working.  Isn't there away I can configure this is in Outlook to allow access by just this application?  That would be preferred.  I thought I have don this in the past, but can see a way to do it.
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To the best of my knowledge, I don't know of anything that can suppress that security warning.  I've tried in the past without success.  Good luck.

You may be able to work around it if you write your own add-in to Outlook and interface with that instead of Outlook's API.
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Chris Bottomley
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Hi, Delta7428.

No, the message cannot be supressed by changing an Outlook setting.  These are your options:

1.  Sign the code.  Here's a link to instructions on doing that:
2.  Use ClickYes (, a small utility that'll click the Yes button for you.  It creates a security hole though, since a virus could start sending messages and ClickYes would click the Yes button for it too.  
3.  Use Redemption (, a COM library that enables code to safely bypass Outlook security.

ClickYes should work.  I don't use it myself, but I've never heard of it failing.
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The mapilab security add in works great.  Thanks.