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Setup Exchange 2007 mailboxes to receive and forward mail that are not AD Users

I'm supporting a company that was formerly part of a larger company that split into two separate companies. They both have new domain names, but email to the original domain name still exists and is handled by our new Exchange 2007/SBS 2008 server. So, we're hosting both the original company domain name and also our new company domain name on our Exchange server.

We've agreed to forward mail to the other half of the original company... that formed their own separate company with their own domain name.

We'd like to setup forwardings on our Exchange server to forward mail to users at the other company, but don't necessarily want to have to setup AD accounts for these users since they're not part of our company any longer.

What's the best way to do this?
Avatar of arzka

I assume the people you need to forward the emails to have email accounts on another server, in another domain?

First you need to set up mail recipients in the Exchange for each of the recipient you want to forward email to. I trust you can find the correctly place from the Exchange Management Console - it's below the accounts.

When this is done, set up each of the accounts to forward all of their emails to ... .the mail recipients you set up in the previous step. Exchange only allows forwards to either mailboxes or mail recipients, so to have it forward the emails out of the company you first need to set up the allowed recipients.

If the users don't have any other email server available, you've got to do a bit more. However, that depends on the actual situation and would require more detail about the exact circumstances.
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This article I found pretty much covers it 

...and is basically the way I already knew how to do it. I'm assuming it's the only way to do it.

I was looking for a way to do this without having to create users on the server to avoid licensing issues. But, I don't see any way around this.
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