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NIC for Emachine EL1200

Device manager does not recognize the existence of the NIC in the EL1200.  If I plug in a wireless so that I can get the machine on the internet, sometimes it will indicate that a NIC is present but will not access it in the normal way. I believe the NIC is intergrated with the MB.  I have downloaded drivers from gateway/emachines.  It seems the only drivers provided are for VISTA, however that is what is downloaded when I select XP.  I cannot find dedicated XP drivers.  I have never experienced a problems like this one!  Any/all assistance would be appreciated.  This system is to connect to highspeed DSL.
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This particular machine is one of those you mentioned -- VISTA or above only!  I questioned the client who told me he remembered the guy at the store told him not to load XP as it probably would not work.  As most of my clients, he had lost the support disks to allow a re-installation of VISTA.  It wasn't in a partition on the HDD either.  Thanks for saving me a bunch of time!
No problem, it is typically the cheaper computer manufacturers that do this - only support one OS to reduce their support responsibility. eMachines, Gateway, and HP are known to not support older OS's.