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Avatar of Anthony Graczyk
Anthony GraczykFlag for United States of America

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First 2008 Domain Controller in a 2003 domain with an empty forest root

I've already practiced the procedure of adding the first 2k8 DC to a 2k3 domain in my lab (ADPrep, DCPromo, etc).  However, the production environment I have to upgrade has an empty forest root ( being the empty forest root and being the domain I want to add the first 2k8 DC to.

Do I have to add a 2k8 DC to the empty forest root domain (, or can I just add the first 2k8 DC to the child domain (
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Mike Kline
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Either way works fine, there is no order as to what domain needs the first 2k8 box


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Since Schema & domain naming master roles are forest wide,so let it be there is n number of domain but these two roles are going to be common for all the domain in forest,so it can be run on any dc with particular FSMO roles.

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Yes but his question was does he have to add the new 2008 box to the parent or the child domain...answer is it doesn't matter either one is fine.
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Thanks so much.  I did not anticipate such a quick response.