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Outlook Express 5mb attachment limit

I have a co worker who is unable to send email attachments over 5mb from his outlook express. I was able to send the same attachment from his webmail on the same email account, so it seems to be an outlook issue.

I use gmail myself and have ZERO experience with outlook. What can I do to resolve this issue for him. I'm pretty sure his outlook account is just a POP account. No exchange server to modify on my end.

Thanks - Mike
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Correction - I should have said SMTP email rather than POP email when referring to possible restrictions.
I'll confirm BillDL's comment. Outlook Express definitely does not limit size of attachments. The only times I've had size problems were when the attachment was beyond the ISP's maximum (typically 10 MB); I've sent attachments of 7-8 MB with no problems. I'm certain Outlook (which is a different product) is likewise willing to accept far larger, if not unlimited size, attachments.
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Thanks for the replies. It is Outlook Express. I had already tried the Timeout option. I turned it up to the maximum, which I believe is 5 minutes.

Here is the message I get after the send fails:

The message could not be sent because its size exceeded the server's limit. You can use the option, located in Tools | Accounts | Properties | Advanced, to break messages into smaller parts. Subject 'Fw: revised proof for the City of Iowa City', Account: '', Server: '', Protocol: SMTP, Server Response: '552 5.2.3 Message exceeds maximum fixed size (5242880)', Port: 25, Secure(SSL): No, Server Error: 552, Error Number: 0x800CCC6D
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UUNET is an internal brand of Verizon Business, and redirects to
It looks like the ISP routes its traffic through UUNET's servers, and you may find that there is a "step-up" package with the ISP to allow for larger attachments, or if it is a free account then a modest monthly fee might allow greater flexibility.
Guys, sorry for taking so long to respond. I usually only check the site when I receive an email that someone has submitted a response, but I'm not getting those emails.

Again thanks for your help. We have a dedicated T1 line and we pay a good amount. I'd be surprised if that is the issue, but I'm checking with Verizon.
Thank you Mike.