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jskfanFlag for Cyprus

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using ESX server with Starwind

I have VMware workstation 7
I have installed windows 2008, and 2 ESX 3.5 servers on the vm workstation
on windows 2008 I have installed Starwind and added the host (windows 2008)

I would like to know how to configure the ESX servers to see the storage, so that I can create a vm machine on the storage and make the 2 ESX servers able to see the vm machine.

I included a screenshot of what I see now on ESX server (Storage), by default.
I have not done any configuration.

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Justin C
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I am following this guide: 

but when I get to adding storage it doesn't show anything.

I attached the snapshots:

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What I have realized concerning my issue, is :
first of all, I want describe how my Lab is set up.

I have one laptop with WXP , that is plugged to a wired router and connected to internet, and I have a wireless router connected to the wired router.
I have another laptop with windows 7 that gets its internet connection wirelessly through the wireless router I have just mentionned .
I installed VM Workstation on windows7.
On VM workstation I have installed Windows 2008 as Virtual machine, and 2 ESX 3.5 as virtual machines as well.
My ESX servers IPs are static and 135, and the network adapter is set to NAT
I used Starwind to create an ISCSI file image( SAN disk storage).

The first issue is : if I set up static IP address on windows 2008  and set up its network adapter  to bridged , I can not get windows 2008 to ping ESX servers, or ESX servers to ping windows 2008.
ESX servers have static IP addresses, but if I change their network adapters to Bridged, I wont be able to ping windows 2008 either.
So the only way I can get windows 2008 machines to ping ESX servers and vice-versa is to configure all their network adapters to NAT instead of Bridged.
and make the IP settings of windows 2008 automatic (to obtain IP through DHCP)
But the disaster caused by setting up the Network adapter to NAT especially on windows 2008, is the IP address of windows 2008 that gets changed very frequently.

I would like to get some help from an expert out there in order to help me, first solve the issue of networking, then I will post a separate question if the storage still doesn't show up after the networking issue is solved.

I really appreciate it.
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This is just an update.

I confirmed that the Winstard /Vmware storage issue is related to NAT configuration of the VM machines. the IP connection between vm machines works good when they are set to NAT, but the NAT makes the IP change in windows 2008 vm machine which is hosting the storage , if set to bridged the vm machines don't ping each other.

So the issue is not with the storage.. One thing the expert should not think about.
the issue is in NAT and Bridged. How to go for bridged and make the VM machines ping each other.
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