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Shopping around for a legal document creation program/software that is indeed legal and reliable.
Hello. I am trying to find a legal document creation program/software for good estate planning and business/banking that is LEGAL and WILL STAND UP IN A COURT OF LAW! For example: I am looking for wills, living wills, trusts, living trusts, power of attorney, bill of sale, promissory notes, medical forms, to name a few of the types and categories. More types and categories, the better. I am looking for complete comprehensive of many templates that include legal forms, enforceable contracts and documents.
Plus options I am looking for is a plain language law dictionary, well defined help guides for the common layman, business calculators, and PDF document creator are excellent extras.
I may be not touching everything, so if I am missing other legal types and categories or more features; that is perfectly okay if it has extras.
I understand there are ones out there that are 'more general' legal document creation programs/software that offer a wide array of documents , but less specific kinds of types of each category ...and specific legal document creation programs/software that offer a focused set of documents, but less of other types or categories. IF YOU KNOW what the program/software is -- 'wide array' or 'focused', please let me know.
I am looking for INSTALLED program/software version. I am using Windows 7.
Please reply with answers and solutions with your research. If any personal experiences with a particular legal document creation program/software, please provide specifics and why you like about it and/or not like about it. Please add some facts about it as well.
Remember, this is something you would use too and stand behind as being reliable.
Please reply.
Thank you!
Plus options I am looking for is a plain language law dictionary, well defined help guides for the common layman, business calculators, and PDF document creator are excellent extras.
I may be not touching everything, so if I am missing other legal types and categories or more features; that is perfectly okay if it has extras.
I understand there are ones out there that are 'more general' legal document creation programs/software that offer a wide array of documents , but less specific kinds of types of each category ...and specific legal document creation programs/software that offer a focused set of documents, but less of other types or categories. IF YOU KNOW what the program/software is -- 'wide array' or 'focused', please let me know.
I am looking for INSTALLED program/software version. I am using Windows 7.
Please reply with answers and solutions with your research. If any personal experiences with a particular legal document creation program/software, please provide specifics and why you like about it and/or not like about it. Please add some facts about it as well.
Remember, this is something you would use too and stand behind as being reliable.
Please reply.
Thank you!
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@ ken2421:
Thank you for your kind words! Yes, that does say something about me. :) THANK YOU! You hit it on the head. :)
I assume you all see my threads/posts as they come through. I assume you have read all of them. I often wondered on this forum that if I submit a question to a particular "Browse Zones" area, if "ALL" experts on this forum receive my submitted thread/posts regardless of their particular "zones" or not (meaning it is only submitted to a particular "zone" experts, so not ALL experts read my threads/posts)? ...and/or do ALL experts get my thread/posts and pick from those they wish or for better word 'able to' (with their own expertise -- experience and/or knowledge) respond to? I am just curious how EE works from your end?
On your end as an expert, can you pick what "zones" you wish to be connected to or participate in based on your own computer/electronic expertise?
I have never been an expert side of the fence.
Anyways, back to my question.... I am not a lawyer either. So basically don't waste your time with these kinds of programs because they are not legal and enforceable? 'I have to consult with a lawyer' as paulsauve states. That is my solution I understand it to be.
Please reply.
Thank you!
Thank you for your kind words! Yes, that does say something about me. :) THANK YOU! You hit it on the head. :)
I assume you all see my threads/posts as they come through. I assume you have read all of them. I often wondered on this forum that if I submit a question to a particular "Browse Zones" area, if "ALL" experts on this forum receive my submitted thread/posts regardless of their particular "zones" or not (meaning it is only submitted to a particular "zone" experts, so not ALL experts read my threads/posts)? ...and/or do ALL experts get my thread/posts and pick from those they wish or for better word 'able to' (with their own expertise -- experience and/or knowledge) respond to? I am just curious how EE works from your end?
On your end as an expert, can you pick what "zones" you wish to be connected to or participate in based on your own computer/electronic expertise?
I have never been an expert side of the fence.
Anyways, back to my question.... I am not a lawyer either. So basically don't waste your time with these kinds of programs because they are not legal and enforceable? 'I have to consult with a lawyer' as paulsauve states. That is my solution I understand it to be.
Please reply.
Thank you!
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Thank you for your reply. So that is how it works. So it is "zone" regulated based on the expert's zone(s) choice. Thank you!
Well, I can now close this question and present the awards. I feel like I'm at the Oscar's presenting the awards. ;)
Thank you for your reply. So that is how it works. So it is "zone" regulated based on the expert's zone(s) choice. Thank you!
Well, I can now close this question and present the awards. I feel like I'm at the Oscar's presenting the awards. ;)
Hello. Thanks for your help.
Since I received the same basic answer/solution from both of you ('consult a lawyer') and you both answered all my questions ...and you both replied equally in the number of posts... ...I've decided to split up the 500 points evenly between both of you for your 4 responses. I feel that seems very fair.
So who gets the one "accepted solution"? I have decided that the first reply from paulsauve who mentions in French for me to consult a lawyer for my initial question of this thread. I guess I am looking at it as a first come frist serve this time since your replies are in essence the same logic and reasoning. The best I can judge that one.
Again, thank you for your replies!!!
Since I received the same basic answer/solution from both of you ('consult a lawyer') and you both answered all my questions ...and you both replied equally in the number of posts... ...I've decided to split up the 500 points evenly between both of you for your 4 responses. I feel that seems very fair.
So who gets the one "accepted solution"? I have decided that the first reply from paulsauve who mentions in French for me to consult a lawyer for my initial question of this thread. I guess I am looking at it as a first come frist serve this time since your replies are in essence the same logic and reasoning. The best I can judge that one.
Again, thank you for your replies!!!
Hello. Thank you for your replies. Nice to see you again paulsauve and I think I have met ken2421 before as well in some other of my threads.
Okay, so you are saying that this software is so (I guess for a better word.) "generic" "worldwide" that it may NOT be a legal document in your particular country. Don't they tailor or 'customize' (a lose word to use) these documents, forms, and contracts to meet specific geographic areas when they distribute them per country or not?
Please reply.