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Help! I need help installing gaming emulators and ROM for Pac-Man -- Arcade Version!

Okay, I need your help... I am new to this! This post is in a process work flow method.

I figure if I can figure out one method from start to finish on how to do this, others will be about the same method or process. So if you can help me with one instance, I can do it again with little issues.  

Okay, I want to play a classic video game. For example, I want to play Pac-Man. I know I need an emulator and the ROM. I am running Windows 7 on my home computer. I am using the arcade emulator version. Now, I download the emulator M.A.M.E. ("MAME 0.140 sources in self-extracting 7zip format (Windows only)")   Website for Pac-Man: 
Website for M.A.M.E.:
The MAME file is: mame0140s.exe ("Source Code") Since it is an EXE file, I figure I can download it for my Windows operating system. Now I click on the file and I get the file read to extract. (Interesting, the file is an EXE file, but I have to "extract it"?????) Anyways, I do, and I get a series of files and folders on my desktop. I see I have folders called, "docs', and "src", and files called, "makefile" and "whatsnew". So I am looking for a Windows installer file and all I see are text files and some odd files. Now, I am lost!!! :o I have looked at some text files in the 2 folders and I see copyrights, new features, and license details. NOW WHAT DO I DO? I'M LOST!

I'll stop here for now... I work with the ROM issue afterwards...

Please reply. Please help me from this point with details on instructions on what I need to do.

Thank you!
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Gary Case
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@ garycase:

Hello. Thanks for your help. Now I understand that, thank you!

So, I downloaded the file mame0140b.exe of the "Official Windows Binary Packages" and I extracted it...

Again, weird to extract an EXE file, anyways...

I open the file that makes sense to me named appropriately "mame". My screen goes black and states, "No games found. Please check the rompath specified in the mame.ini file. If this is your first time using MAME, please see the config.txt file in the docs directory for information on configuring MAME. EXIT."

Okay, so I go to the config.txt file and read it. Okay, full of commands. I assume they are talking about the Windows command prompt. Now, where do I go and what do I do...??? I am not going any further until you reply.

Please reply.

Thank you!  
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@ garycase:

Hello. I have followed your steps and this is what I specifically did:

I downloaded the ROM I wanted in Pac-Man. Website:  -- specifically called "Super Pac-Man". I then see I had a zip folder on my dekstop. I opened the zip folder and inside I had 9 items inside it. I copied these 9 files (ALL of them), and pated them inside the "rom" folder (One of the folders of the M.A.M.E. extracted files). I then clicked on the mame.exe file. Now I have the black screen with the  menu choices on it.  By default it states, "superpac Super Pac-Man". I click the ENTER key and I get a message that states, "The selected game is missing one or more required ROM or CHD images. Please select a different game. Press any key to continue."

So I figure it was the game and not me, so I do the same thing again, with another ROM game of Pac-Man called, "Pack-Man Plus". I remove the files already in the "rom" folder excpet the "dir" text file and copy all 10 files into the "rom" folder. I again run the "mame" file and again I get "superpac Super Pac-Man" menu option highlighted as before. I get the same message like above ("The selected game is missing one or more required ROM or CHD images. Please select a different game. Press any key to continue.").
Now, is this normal? Since this is the first time, is it something I "may" be missing in completing or not? Is it an issue with the game? If it is me, how do I correct it, or can I correct it or not?

Please reply.

Thanks again!  
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@ garycase:

Thanks for your additional assistance. I agree with what you said.

@ tsaico:

Hello. Thanks for your reply. I agree with garycase, do know of any of ...the exact details on which emulators and ROMs" that work together successfully you can provide that is in line with MASQUERAID post???  

Please reply tsaico. ...or anyone else who can help me too.  

Thank you!

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@ MASQUERAID & anyone too:

Hello. Thanks for your reply. Thanks for your help!

So, the current one I have been trying right along here in this thread is as you said, " the equivalent of the game cabinet without the board containing the game".

Questions I have for you:

A. Is there a way to make it STILL work effectively at this point or absolutely not?
B. Is there anything I CAN DO to get it work that it appear to be missing? Any suggestions?
C. Why the issues with this particular website's offerings?  

Thank you for your working games link. I have to test them out later today.  

Please reply.

Thank you!  
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No further conversation necessary. Time to close this question.

Thank you for your help!
Hello. Thanks for your replies.

This is how I judged this by ‘accepted solution’ and ‘assisted solution(s)’ and point awards:

My question was an in process type of series of questions – something new to do here for me. So, I basically had only one expert that carried from start to finish with me – garycase. So, all his answers to each one of my questions along the way will get awarded. Also, all replies from other experts were useful and answers, especially the alternative provided by MASQUERAID. So all other experts comments are also awarded. So for each response are given points. Seems fair. Now, that one “accepted solution”??? This is tough because I could give it to MASQUERAID because the response to an alternative game website that works or garycase because he responded with the initial answer to my hang-up I was having in my question and followed me to the end stating what may be the reason to my issue I later experienced. So, to be fair, I decided to go along my original question since that was the reason why I posted to begin with. So garycase gets the “accepted solution”. His final response explaining why I am ultimately having issues is the “accepted solution”.

Again, thank you!
@ all:

I do not know what happened, when submitted, the "accepted solution" failed to post to the correct reply I selected.


Thanks for the response. I hit "Accept Multiple Solutions" next to the answer I wanted as the Accepted Solution. I did not check the "Best Solution" however and now I see what happens when you don't based on the most points. Thanks, I'll keep that in mind next time.  

Anyways, thanks for your help!