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VBA, VB6, Ms access

Dear experts, i have a from on ms access where i have a button save and save some records in different tables. for this i set different openrecordset. the problem is its saving in all tables except for 1

here it is
Set db = CurrentDb
Set rst = db.OpenRecordset("Player_Details")

With rst
    !Firstname = Me.Text3
    !Lastname = Me.Text5
    !DoB = Me.Text7
    !Height = Me.Text9
    !Weight = Me.Text11
    !Level = Me.Combo33
    pk_value = ![idPlayer_Details]

End With

Set db8 = CurrentDb
Set rst8 = db8.OpenRecordset("Player_Occupation")
With rst8
    !idOccupations = Me.Combo37
    !idPlayer_Details = pk_value
    !NameOfInstitute = Me.Text26
    !Hobby = Me.Text26
End With

Set db3 = CurrentDb
Set rst3 = db3.OpenRecordset("Team_History")
With rst3
    !idTeam_Details = Me.Combo40
    !idPlayer_Details = pk_value
End With

Open in new window

Player_Details and Team_History are saving successfully. but i dont know why Player_Occupation is not updating.. Please help
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Do you get any error messages at all?  

One hint that might be useful, especially for future readability of your code, is to give your fields descriptive names.  For example, if your team details combobox was called cboTeamDetails it would read much better, especially if you leave this code for a few weeks/months and have to come back at some point to debug.  Other than that I can't see anything particularly wrong.  It is early in the morning here though.

Avatar of Alv45525


^^ thats for response Matt,

Yes i know i need to work on the name of the variables later. it was just a set up.

Actually theres no error message.

all saves in respective tables except for Player_Occupation
Can you upload the file for me to have a look at?  It might be easier to check out the problem.

Avatar of Bitsqueezer

instead of using a recordset you should better use a SQL command for that purpose like this:

DBEngine(0)(0).Execute "INSERT INTO Player_Occupation " & _
                       "           (idOccupations,idPlayer_Details," & _
                       "            NameOfInstitute,Hobby) " & _
                       "       VALUES " & _
                       "           (" & Nz(Me.Combo37,0) & "," & _
                                    Nz(pk_value,0) & ",'" & _
                                    Nz(Me.Text26) & "','" & Nz(Me.Text26) & "')"

Open in new window

(DBEngine(0)(0) is a kind of equivalent to CurrentDB, but it's faster as it is an always existing instance of the currnet database object.)
I assumed in this example that the id fields are numerical and the Text26 is alphanumerical (you need to enclose the value in single quotes in this case). Is it correct that two fields in this case have the value of the same textbox (Me.Text26)?

It's difficult to say anything about the recordset solution without knowing what type of recordset you declared, how your error handling takes place and how your tables look like so I agree with Matt that in such cases it is easier to post the database (an extract without important data of course).


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Rey Obrero (Capricorn1)
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In addition to giving your controls meaningful names, bear in mind that there is a difference between the control object itself, and the value from the control, which is what you are assigning to fields in the recordsets.  Sometimes it is helpful to assign the values from the controls to variables, so you can test whether they have the correct data, and examine them in the Watch window or write them to the Immediate window.  Here is a sample (for a Date value):

   If IsDate(Me![txtDate].Value) = True Then
      dteSingle = CDate(Me![txtDate].Value)
   End If
Looking at Player_Occupation

    !idOccupations = Me.Combo37
    !idPlayer_Details = pk_value
    !NameOfInstitute = Me.Text26
    !Hobby = Me.Text26

I do not see anything wrong with this so as long as the add was fine, pk_value should have something. Looks like in Player_Details the column idPlayer_Details has been setup as a AutoNumber. Is this right?

If that is the case and you are going on something the same for Player_Occupation, then is idOccupations a autonumber or are you referencing a combo which is a lookup of occupations? If it is the latter then I assume a value has been selected and you do have an autonumber setup? If there is an autonumber set can you not add something like this to check if one has been generated or not i.e.

debug.print  !myOccupationsAutonumber

Do you use


if so then comment out that line so you can tell if an error occurred or add this after the .Update in Player_Occupation

if err.number <> 0 then
    msgbox "Error " & err.number & " when updating occupations. " & err.description
end if

i am referencing a combo which is a lookup of occupations

before anything else,  i suggest that you check what was posted in http:#a34127359