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Delphi 7 + source of a program + VCL TEimage?

Alright, here's the deal, my family bought this software source with zero support for how to compile it. Had tons of VCLs to install - which I did, but there's one particular class that I can't quite grasp.
I'm using Delphi 7, and when I open the source it shows it's missing TEImage, TElabel and a few other TExxxx. I find it odd since the standard components are called Timage, Tlabel, etc.

How can I fix this problem, is there such VCL that uses these names?

P.S.: I can post more specific information upon request.
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Those may be a customized descendants from the standard components TImage and Tlabel with additional properties or even could be a fresh class.

This is an example of how others can customize components:


You can check this one also for how events / properties could be added to standard components:
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Ephraim Wangoya
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Your best choice is to replace those types with the common types and see what might be missing. If at compile time there are a few properties or events missing, you can post them there and we could try to find out what are they for.

better yet, instead of find/replace in all your code, declare alias types :

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I have contacted the vendor and he gave me the missing custom VCL, now I'm having some trouble installing it, but that's in another post. Thanks.