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user interface classes during analysis phase


Could I use user interface classes during analysis phase or is it too early to use them.
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Your sequence diagram shows a particular scenario of your system. It is not representative of all the class interactions (unless this happens to be the one and only scenario). In the analysis phase you want to show relationship between classes in object model diagrams, as well as all high level interactions with external entities (e.g., people, other processors, peripheral devices).
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I'm doing use case analysis. For each use case in the use case model, I draw a use case realization and create a interaction diagram to show dynamic behaviour.
The sequence diagram above for this use case.

Basic Flow:

FR-01; User selects a list box which he/she wants to enter the item.

FR-02; User declares that he/she wants to add a new item.

FR-03; "New Item Form" appears to user.

FR-04; User fills description field.

FR-05; User clics "Add" buton.

FR-06; "New Item" is added to the selected virtual box.

FR-07; "New Item" is saved to database.

Is it wrong to add form classes to sequnce diagram according to above use case?
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i.e., My vote is: No, you do not have to add form classes to complete your analysis since from your description, a GUI designer would have no problems coming up with a GUI layout and functionality for customer review.