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Looking for a free or cheap x64 VPN client with our Cisco 3000 concentrator

I have been paying for NCP secure client which works great, but its pricey.  

Any freebies out there???
Avatar of jaofct

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Avatar of Joseph Daly
Second for the cisco client. Originally it did not come with support for 64 bit OS but they have since updated it to include them.

Another option I used in the past before cisco supported 64 bit was the shrewsoft VPN client.
Its free and will allow you to import cisco configuration files as well.

Id go with cisco over a 3rd party if given the option.
Please note that the Cisco VPN client is not "freebie". You need to have a valid service contract to be able to download the client from If you have an outdated vpn3k-box you will probably not have a service contract on it (because it is End Of Support).

I would strongly recommend you to replace the vpn3000-box with a new ASA and run either the same Cisco vpn-client or the way better ssl-based anyconnect-client that is supported in asa:s.

Best regards