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CanHasCheezburgerFlag for United States of America

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Virtualized Win2K3 DC Processor Hung at 100%

Hello Experts,
I am facing a problem with a virtualized server. The processor utilization on the VMWare server (for the virtual machine) is pegged at 100%

It is a Windows 2K3 Domain Controller.
It is the only domain controller in the domain (it a is a test domain)
It relies on itself as the first DNS server listed, and an external DNS (which is not accessible via this network) as the secondary
The network that is accessible to the server is NOT the same subnet it was on when it was imaged/virtualized
The VMWare server is ESX 3.5
The server processor goes to 100% and stays there
I am able to login, but it is taking forever to do anything
The VMWare network connection is turned ON.

Does anyone have any suggestions on what to try to get this server up and running?
Thank you very much in advance.
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Mike Kline
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MKLine, I just brought up task manager when I saw your message.  It is cqmgserv.exe that is taking up the CPU. I killed it and it seems to run normally.  I am trying to figure out what it is needed for and how to kill it.
I disabled all HP services that were not removed when the VMWare converter ran...  Now it's coming up fine.  Thanks for all your help!
I split up the points as best as I could. Giving the most to the first person who answered me.
Thanks again all!