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Avatar of QuinnDester
QuinnDesterFlag for United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

asked on

JavaScript tool tip pop up in IE8

i have been trying to get a JavaScript tool tip pop up working correctly, the pop up works fine except the position doesnt work properly in IE8

in firefox the position is correct and remains correct even if the window is scrolled.

however in IE8 the position is correct if the window isnt scrolled but if the window is scrolled then the tooltip moves away from it anchor point up the screen equal distance of the amount the window is scrolled down.

you can see this in action here by mousing over the link "Go Direct To Dating Direct"

the main code is below

the link triger code is:
<a href="thispage.html" onmouseover="doTooltip(event,0)" onmouseout="hideTip()">text</a>

postional display div is as follows, and is placed just before the end body tag:
<div id="tipDiv" style="position:absolute; visibility:hidden; z-index:100"></div>

can anybody please help with the possitional correction for IE8

thank you

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">

// This code is from Dynamic Web Coding
// Copyright 2002 by Sharon Paine Permission granted to use this code as long as this entire notice is included.
// Courtesy of -

var dom = (document.getElementById) ? true : false;
var ns5 = ((navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Gecko")>-1) && dom) ? true: false;
var ie5 = ((navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE")>-1) && dom) ? true : false;
var ns4 = (document.layers && !dom) ? true : false;
var ie4 = (document.all && !dom) ? true : false;
var nodyn = (!ns5 && !ns4 && !ie4 && !ie5) ? true : false;

var origWidth, origHeight;
if (ns4) {
	origWidth = window.innerWidth; origHeight = window.innerHeight;
	window.onresize = function() { if (window.innerWidth != origWidth || window.innerHeight != origHeight) history.go(0); }

if (nodyn) { event = "nope" }
var tipFollowMouse	= true;
var tipWidth		= 160;
var offX		 	= 12;	// how far from mouse to show tip
var offY		 	= -130;
var tipFontFamily 	= "Verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif";
var tipFontSize		= "8pt";
var tipFontColor		= "#000000";
var tipBgColor		= "#DDECFF";
var origBgColor 		= tipBgColor; // in case no bgColor set in array
var tipBorderColor 	= "#000080";
var tipBorderWidth 	= 2;
var tipBorderStyle 	= "ridge";
var tipPadding	 	= 4;

var messages = new Array();
messages[0] = new Array('','Last order date for<br />Christmas delivery.<br />20th December',"#FFFFFF");

if (document.images) {
	var theImgs = new Array();
	for (var i=0; i<messages.length; i++) {
  	theImgs[i] = new Image();
		theImgs[i].src = messages[i][0];

var startStr = '<table width="' + tipWidth + '"><tr><td align="center" width="100%"><img src="';
var midStr = '" border="0"></td></tr><tr><td valign="top">';
var endStr = '</td></tr></table>';

var tooltip, tipcss;
function initTip() {
	if (nodyn) return;
	tooltip = (ns4)? document.tipDiv.document: (ie4)? document.all['tipDiv']: (ie5||ns5)? document.getElementById('tipDiv'): null;
	tipcss = (ns4)? document.tipDiv:;
	if (ie4||ie5||ns5) {	// ns4 would lose all this on rewrites
		tipcss.width = tipWidth+"px";
		tipcss.fontFamily = tipFontFamily;
		tipcss.fontSize = tipFontSize;
		tipcss.color = tipFontColor;
		tipcss.backgroundColor = tipBgColor;
		tipcss.borderColor = tipBorderColor;
		tipcss.borderWidth = tipBorderWidth+"px";
		tipcss.padding = tipPadding+"px";
		tipcss.borderStyle = tipBorderStyle;
	if (tooltip&&tipFollowMouse) {
		if (ns4) document.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEMOVE);
		document.onmousemove = trackMouse;

window.onload = initTip;

var t1,t2;	// for setTimeouts
var tipOn = false;	// check if over tooltip link
function doTooltip(evt,num) {

	if (!tooltip) return;
	if (t1) clearTimeout(t1);	if (t2) clearTimeout(t2);
	tipOn = true;
	// set colors if included in messages array
	if (messages[num][2])	var curBgColor = messages[num][2];
	else curBgColor = tipBgColor;
	if (messages[num][3])	var curFontColor = messages[num][3];
	else curFontColor = tipFontColor;
	if (ns4) {
		var tip = '<table bgcolor="' + tipBorderColor + '" width="' + tipWidth + '" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="' + tipBorderWidth + '" border="0"><tr><td><table bgcolor="' + curBgColor + '" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="' + tipPadding + '" border="0"><tr><td>'+ startStr + messages[num][0] + midStr + '<span style="font-family:' + tipFontFamily + '; font-size:' + tipFontSize + '; color:' + curFontColor + ';">' + messages[num][1] + '</span>' + endStr + '</td></tr></table></td></tr></table>';
	} else if (ie4||ie5||ns5) {
		var tip = startStr + messages[num][0] + midStr + '<span style="font-family:' + tipFontFamily + '; font-size:' + tipFontSize + '; color:' + curFontColor + ';">' + messages[num][1] + '</span>' + endStr;
		tipcss.backgroundColor = curBgColor;
	 	tooltip.innerHTML = tip;
	if (!tipFollowMouse) positionTip(evt);
	else t1=setTimeout("tipcss.visibility='visible'",100);

var mouseX, mouseY;
function trackMouse(evt) {
	mouseX = (ns4||ns5)? evt.pageX: window.event.clientX + document.body.scrollLeft;
	mouseY = (ns4||ns5)? evt.pageY: window.event.clientY + document.body.scrollTop;
	if (tipOn) positionTip(evt);

function positionTip(evt) {
	if (!tipFollowMouse) {
		mouseX = (ns4||ns5)? evt.pageX: window.event.clientX + document.body.scrollLeft;
		mouseY = (ns4||ns5||ie8)? evt.pageY: window.event.clientY + document.body.scrollTop;
	// tooltip width and height
	var tpWd = (ns4)? tooltip.width: (ie4||ie5)? tooltip.clientWidth: tooltip.offsetWidth;
	var tpHt = (ns4)? tooltip.height: (ie4||ie5)? tooltip.clientHeight: tooltip.offsetHeight;
	// document area in view (subtract scrollbar width for ns)
	var winWd = (ns4||ns5)? window.innerWidth-20+window.pageXOffset: document.body.clientWidth+document.body.scrollLeft;
	var winHt = (ns4||ns5)? window.innerHeight-20+window.pageYOffset: document.body.clientHeight+document.body.scrollTop;
	// check mouse position against tip and window dimensions
	// and position the tooltip
	if ((mouseX+offX+tpWd)>winWd)
		tipcss.left = (ns4)? mouseX-(tpWd+offX): mouseX-(tpWd+offX)+"px";
	else tipcss.left = (ns4)? mouseX+offX: mouseX+offX+"px";
	if ((mouseY+offY+tpHt)>winHt) = (ns4)? winHt-(tpHt+offY): winHt-(tpHt+offY)+"px";
	else = (ns4)? mouseY+offY: mouseY+offY+"px";
	if (!tipFollowMouse) t1=setTimeout("tipcss.visibility='visible'",100);

function hideTip() {
	if (!tooltip) return;
	tipOn = false;


Open in new window

Avatar of Michel Plungjan
Michel Plungjan
Flag of Denmark image

Can I suggest you use newer script?

The main support for browsers in this script is Netscape.

So I suggest you upgrade to a modern script

for example jQuery or walterzorn's
Avatar of QuinnDester


Thanks, can you point me in the direction of one that does the same thing.
Avatar of Michel Plungjan
Michel Plungjan
Flag of Denmark image

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I found one that looks good seems like it should be able to do what i need it works on the demo page.. i just havnt got a clue about JQuery so can not for the life of me  edit it to make it work within my page..

is there any chance a Javascript tool tip script available, or could someone help me fix the problem with ie8 loosing it anchor point when the page is scrolled in th one i have have pasted as code

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self.status ????

Must be a synonym for title

1. self is not obvious - could be window, this would be more obvious
2. status is not a valid attribute for anchor according to w3org
3. why use javascript when you can just use title="Make a new page" ???

4. This said it does work in Fx, Safari and Chrome on Mac but I have NEVER seen it before.