RUA Volunteer2?
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Is there a FREE Registry Cleaning tool that will go in and remove unwanted or uninstalled applications like SQL Server 2008 or 2005?
Is there a FREE or reasonably priced Registry Cleaning tool for Windows 2008 Server Standard that will clean out SQL Server 2008? Even a trail version would be good for a one time clean out. Please advise if you are able. Thank you.
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Signing up is free and takes 30 seconds. No credit card required.
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Signing up is free and takes 30 seconds. No credit card required.
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Signing up is free and takes 30 seconds. No credit card required.
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Signing up is free and takes 30 seconds. No credit card required.
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Signing up is free and takes 30 seconds. No credit card required.
Those worked. I tried a different one on 5 machines. They all seem to do a good job and they all seem to get the junk off of a machine. This is great thank you.
Argente Registry Cleaner, Auslogics Registry Cleaner, Eusing Free Registry Defrag, Free Windows Registry Cleaner, Registry Clean Expert, Baku, Registry System Wizard, RegSeeker, Defraggler, TweakNow, and IoBit
again ass said by john, playing with the registry UNCAREFULLY while not knowing what you are doing is fatal, so backup the registry.