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Exchange 2010 Certificates
I have an exchange 2010 server. I have 2 Certificates. 1 UCC and one self signed cert. I want to have the self signed cert grant access to the outlook clients, and I want the UCC to enable OWA. In Exchange Server Configutration, each certificate lists the services it runs. IMAP, POP, IIS, SMTP.. If I enable IIS under the self signed cert, Outook clients connect correctly but OWA stops working entirly. If I enable IIS under the the signed cert, OWA works perfectly and Outlook clients recieve a cert error. Any ideas how to fix both? My configuration could be completly wrong.. I'm not really sure at this point...
I'm brand new to this.. I've been working on it for a few days.. Here is my configuration
For the signed cert, I requested via the EMC these names
Client Access Server (Outlook Web App)
- Outlook Web App in on the Intranet : mymail.nd02g.org
- Outlook Web App is on the Internet : mymail.nd02g.org
Client Access Serve (Exchange Active Sync)
- Exchange Active Syne is enabled : mymail.nd02g.org
Client Acces Server (Web Services, Outlook Anywhere, and Autodicover)
- Exchange Web Services is enables, Outlook Anywhere is enabled : mymail.nd02g1.local, mymail.nd02g.org
- Autodiscover used on the Internet Long URL : autodiscover.nd02g1.local, autodiscover.nd02g.org
My local DC is called - mary.nd02g1.local
My purchased 5 name UCC is - mymail.nd02g.org
I hope that helps...
For the signed cert, I requested via the EMC these names
Client Access Server (Outlook Web App)
- Outlook Web App in on the Intranet : mymail.nd02g.org
- Outlook Web App is on the Internet : mymail.nd02g.org
Client Access Serve (Exchange Active Sync)
- Exchange Active Syne is enabled : mymail.nd02g.org
Client Acces Server (Web Services, Outlook Anywhere, and Autodicover)
- Exchange Web Services is enables, Outlook Anywhere is enabled : mymail.nd02g1.local, mymail.nd02g.org
- Autodiscover used on the Internet Long URL : autodiscover.nd02g1.local,
My local DC is called - mary.nd02g1.local
My purchased 5 name UCC is - mymail.nd02g.org
I hope that helps...
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My certificate was submitted to GoDaddy incorrectly. After talking with a sales rep, I resubmitted my request and received a new cert with correct names. After installing the cert, all problems went away. I removed the self-signed cert as I was able to add local domain names to my UCC as well
autodiscover URL to Internal FQDN name