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Modify SQL Query to Add Names
I'm currently using the following code to join the Data from column TLInstance into seperate columns.
I have another Table in the Database called 'TL'. This table also has a column named TLInstance, and a column 'Name'. I need to modify this query to select the Name from the TL table, where TL.TLInstance = TLData.TLInstance.
The results will then need to be A_Name, B_Name etc..
Also useful to know how this would impact performance.
I have another Table in the Database called 'TL'. This table also has a column named TLInstance, and a column 'Name'. I need to modify this query to select the Name from the TL table, where TL.TLInstance = TLData.TLInstance.
The results will then need to be A_Name, B_Name etc..
Also useful to know how this would impact performance.
select * from
SELECT [Timestamp], data
, case when tlinstance = @TLInstance1 then 'A_Value'
when tlinstance = @TLInstance2 then 'B_Value'
when tlinstance = @TLInstance3 then 'C_Value'
when tlinstance = @TLInstance4 then 'D_Value'
when tlinstance = @TLInstance5 then 'E_Value'
else 'F_Value' end as Value_Code
WHERE TLInstance in (@TLInstance1,@TLInstance2,@TLInstance3,@TLInstance4,@TLInstance5,@TLInstance6) and isnumeric(data)=1 and Type=0 and (timestamp>@SDate and Timestamp < @EDate)
) srce
( max(data) for Value_Code in ([A_Value],[B_Value],[C_Value],[D_Value],[E_Value],[F_Value])) pvt
I'd still need to existing A_Value,B_Value etc.. with the added A_Name, B_Name for the joined names.
So this needs to stay:
SELECT [Timestamp], data
, case when tlinstance = @TLInstance1 then 'A_Value'
when tlinstance = @TLInstance2 then 'B_Value'
when tlinstance = @TLInstance3 then 'C_Value'
when tlinstance = @TLInstance4 then 'D_Value'
when tlinstance = @TLInstance5 then 'E_Value'
else 'F_Value' end as Value_Code
So this needs to stay:
SELECT [Timestamp], data
, case when tlinstance = @TLInstance1 then 'A_Value'
when tlinstance = @TLInstance2 then 'B_Value'
when tlinstance = @TLInstance3 then 'C_Value'
when tlinstance = @TLInstance4 then 'D_Value'
when tlinstance = @TLInstance5 then 'E_Value'
else 'F_Value' end as Value_Code
Sorry, I see where those values are built now, just not the A_Name etc..
you lost me now.
please clarify the values of TL and the relevant output for the PIVOT related to those values.
please clarify the values of TL and the relevant output for the PIVOT related to those values.
TL has TLInstance and Name. It is used to get the name of the TLInstance, and join to the Data in TLData.
So, we need to select TL.Name where TL.TLInstance = TLData.TLInstance, so we have columns:
A_Value, A_Name,B_Value, B_Name,C_Value, C_Name,D_Value, D_Name,E_Value, E_Name,F_Value, F_Name, Timestamp
So, we need to select TL.Name where TL.TLInstance = TLData.TLInstance, so we have columns:
A_Value, A_Name,B_Value, B_Name,C_Value, C_Name,D_Value, D_Name,E_Value, E_Name,F_Value, F_Name, Timestamp
the question is still the same: what do you want to do in the pivot output?
knowing that you cannot have 2 "columns" per "code" ...
at least not with the standard PIVOT statement.
you might need a non-pivot sql syntax.
knowing that you cannot have 2 "columns" per "code" ...
at least not with the standard PIVOT statement.
you might need a non-pivot sql syntax.
I want to use the 'FIRST' A_Name as the column title in an SSRS Report, each name is a olumn header in the report. I realise I'll have a long list of the same 'NAME', but I can select First or Top of the A_Name column.
I'm also curious as to the performance implication.
I'm also curious as to the performance implication.
still confused.
please show sample data from the 2 tables, and the output you want to get.
please show sample data from the 2 tables, and the output you want to get.
More like...
select * from
SELECT [Timestamp], data, TL.Name as value_code
INNER JOIN TL on TL.TLInstance = TLDATA.TLInstance
WHERE TLDATA.TLInstance in (@TLInstance1,@TLInstance2 ,@TLInstan ce3,@TLIns tance4,@TL Instance5, @TLInstanc e6) and isnumeric(data)=1 and Type=0 and (timestamp>@SDate and Timestamp < @EDate)
) srce
( max(data) for Value_Code in ([name1],[name2],[name3],[ name4],[na me5],[name 6])) pvt -- this is the tricky bit - either the names are "known" or need dynamic SQL
so.... Need to resolves those names
select * from
SELECT [Timestamp], data, TL.Name as value_code
INNER JOIN TL on TL.TLInstance = TLDATA.TLInstance
WHERE TLDATA.TLInstance in (@TLInstance1,@TLInstance2
) srce
( max(data) for Value_Code in ([name1],[name2],[name3],[
so.... Need to resolves those names
declare @names varchar (2000)
select @names = isnull(@names+',','') + '[' + + ']'
from TL
where TLInstance in (@TLInstance1,@TLInstance2,@TLInstance3,@TLInstance4,@TLInstance5,@TLInstance6)
exec ('
select * from
SELECT [Timestamp], data, TL.Name as value_code
INNER JOIN TL on TL.TLInstance = TLDATA.TLInstance
WHERE TLDATA.TLInstance in (@TLInstance1,@TLInstance2,@TLInstance3,@TLInstance4,@TLInstance5,@TLInstance6) and isnumeric(data)=1 and Type=0 and (timestamp>@SDate and Timestamp < @EDate)
) srce
( max(data) for Value_Code in ('+@names+')) pvt
Oh.... hangon,
The above will put the actual names as the column names... You want a fixed format of column names...
There is another GREAT article (<ahem> laughing </ahem>)
Have a read of that, and lemme have some more thoughts. There is a way to do it directly. I will simply dummy up a test before I post again...
The above will put the actual names as the column names... You want a fixed format of column names...
There is another GREAT article (<ahem> laughing </ahem>)
Have a read of that, and lemme have some more thoughts. There is a way to do it directly. I will simply dummy up a test before I post again...
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Oh, and that (earlier) dynamic example is not quite correct either (need to string the @tlinstance variables) so, please let me know if you want to explore that a bit further.
Thanks Mark, on the ball as ever..
The last query you posted seems to work very well, can you see any issues with using it? What is the advanage with the Dynamic SQL? I sometime find BIDS doesn't like some dynamic SQL.
I've attached sample data, as AngelIII asked for.
The last query you posted seems to work very well, can you see any issues with using it? What is the advanage with the Dynamic SQL? I sometime find BIDS doesn't like some dynamic SQL.
I've attached sample data, as AngelIII asked for.
The advatnage with dynamic SQL is you allow the data to determine the outcomes.
But you are not after that. You say you want the columns to be predefined as 'A_Value','A_Name' etc etc
So, what we are aiming for is something like :
If, however, you wanted something more like :
Then you would need some dynamic SQL because of those variable / unknown (ie data driven) column names.
But you are not after that. You say you want the columns to be predefined as 'A_Value','A_Name' etc etc
So, what we are aiming for is something like :
Timestamp a_value a_name b_value b_name
2010-05-01 01:15:00 321546 instance1 231345 instance2
2010-05-01 01:30:00 321645 instance1 231543 instance2
If, however, you wanted something more like :
Timestamp Instance1 Instance2
2010-05-01 01:15:00 321546 231345
2010-05-01 01:30:00 321645 231543
Then you would need some dynamic SQL because of those variable / unknown (ie data driven) column names.
Nah, your previous code is perfect. The report works very well.
Sorry AngelIII, I was supposed to share some points.
no problem. you got your solution (code), I was just asking for refinements ...
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however, you might want to have the pivot syntax "dynamically" based on the possible values in table TL, in which case you need to build the SQL dynamically...
which is explained here: