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coreybryantFlag for United States of America

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Persits - ASPEmail Component (or JMail) - Need SMTP Authentication

I have only worked with JMail in the past.  Within the past three days, my hosting company started requiring SMTP authentication on forms on my website.  

Having never used this component before, I need some help.  For whatever reason, the JMail Component is not working either.  I receive an error - see below for the codes.

The email that is being sent to me - is just a text email.  Nothing special.  But forwhatever reason, I cannot get the JMail component to work - I think it might be version 4.4 - they (hosting company) are checking on it now.

But I really need to get something working  and soon since I do a guest experience now on Sirius XM Radio every couple of weeks.  

Any / all help will be appreciated to get these forms working.  I have at least four of them, but I am hoping that after I get help with one of the codes, I should be able to get the others going.

Contact Form:

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<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
function isEMail( strValue) {
  var objRegExp  = /^[a-z]\w*([.\-]\w+)*@[a-z]\w*([.\-]\w+)*\.[a-z]{2,3}$/i;
  return objRegExp.test(strValue);
function validate(theForm){
    if(theForm.EMail.value == ""){
         alert('Please enter a valid E-mail address to submit the form');
         return false;
         alert('Please enter a valid E-mail address to submit the form');;
         return false;
    return true;
// -->
<style type="text/css">
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<h1>Contact Us</h1>
<p>Please try to provide at least an URL and a phone number.&nbsp;  That way, if we do not hear from you
we will try to call you.&nbsp; Sometimes, emails might go into your spam folder and you might miss it.&nbsp; 
The more information you can provide, the better.&nbsp; Thank you!</p>
		<form method="post" action="confirm.asp" onsubmit="return validate(this)">
			<input type="hidden" name="IP" value="<%Response.Write(Request.ServerVariables("remote_addr"))%>" />
			<input type="hidden" name="URL" value="<%Response.Write(Request.ServerVariables("url"))%>" />
			<input type="hidden" name="path_translated" value="<%Response.Write(Request.ServerVariables("path_translated"))%>" />
			<input type="hidden" name="User_Agent" value="<%Response.Write(Request.ServerVariables("http_user_agent"))%>" />
			<input type="hidden" name="title" value="<%= title %>" />
<input type="hidden" name="referer" value="<%= referer %>" />
			<br />
									  if err=1 then 	
									  %><%=session("errmsg")%> <%	 
									  end if
									%> <label for="name">Name</label><input id="name" name="name" <%= response.write(name) %> onfocus="'#b8bcc7'" onblur="'fff'" /><br class="formfield" />
			<label for="company">Company</label><input id="company" name="company" <%= response.write(company) %> onfocus="'#b8bcc7'" onblur="'fff'" /><br class="formfield" />
			<label for="email">E-Mail</label><input id="email" name="email" <%= response.write(email) %> onfocus="'#b8bcc7'" onblur="'fff'" /><br class="formfield" />
			<label for="phone">Phone Number</label><input id="phone" name="phone" <%= response.write(phone) %> onfocus="'#b8bcc7'" onblur="'fff'" /><br class="formfield" />
			<label for="webURL">Website URL</label><input id="webURL" name="webURL" <%= response.write(phone) %> onfocus="'#b8bcc7'" onblur="'fff'" /><br class="formfield" />
			<label for="business">Business Types</label><input id="business" name="business" <%= response.write(phone) %> onfocus="'#b8bcc7'" onblur="'fff'" /><br class="formfield" />
			<label for="country">Country</label><input id="country" name="country" <%= response.write(country) %> onfocus="'#b8bcc7'" onblur="'fff'" /><br class="formfield" />
			<label for="subject">Subject</label><input id="subject" name="subject" <%= response.write(subject) %> onfocus="'#b8bcc7'" onblur="'fff'" /><br class="formfield" />
			<label for="Message">Message</label><textarea rows="5" name="message" id="message" cols="30" <%= response.write(message) %> onfocus="'#b8bcc7'" onblur="'fff'"></textarea><br class="formfield" />
			<label for="secure">Access Code</label><img src="/includes/generatepicture.asp" alt="secure image" /><br class="formfield" />
			<label for="accesscode">Please enter access code</label><input type="text" id="accesscode" name="accesscode" onfocus="'#b8bcc7'" onblur="'fff'" /><br class="formfield" />
			<p style="padding-left: 125px">
			<input type="submit" value="Submit" name="submit" /></p>
		<p style="clear:both; padding-top:10px;">
You can also <a href=";c=0LTL9iI6UgciiezfxGoKHBqyKThL4u3KoI3rLlTFDD6woDR5Se-xOrVTrg76NIJy" onclick="'\07501MgPM55eRTk6fLBbqFRxtHA\75\75\46c\0750LTL9iI6UgciiezfxGoKHBqyKThL4u3KoI3rLlTFDD6woDR5Se-xOrVTrg76NIJy', '', 'toolbar=0,scrollbars=0,location=0,statusbar=0,menubar=0,resizable=0,width=500,height=300'); return false;" title="Reveal this e-mail address">
e-mail us</a> your questions or merchant account statement (to see how much you can save).
<br />You can also fax the information to (888)928-5280 or (303)990-5115.
		<p style="clear:both; padding-top:10px;">Our mailing address is: <br />
Mile High Merchant Accounts<br />
c/o Merchant Account Lab, LLC<br />
558 Castle Pines Parkway, Unit B-4 Ste 150<br />
Castle Rock, CO 80108</p>

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			<p>If you are faxing your request over for one of our discounts (<a href="loudcommerce-merchants" title="LoudCommerce Discount or First Data Independent Sales Loud (FDISLoud)">LoudCommerce 
			Discount</a> or
			<a href="first-data-merchants" title="First Data Merchant Services Discount">
			First Data Discount</a>), please fax to 888-928-5280 or 303-990-5115.&nbsp; Thank 

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Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01b6' 
Object doesn't support this property or method: 'JMail.MailServerUserName' 
/confirm.asp, line 50 

confirm.asp CODE
Dim nameName,name,companyName,company,emailName,email
Dim phoneName,phone,countryName,country,subject,subjectName,messageName,message
Dim IPname,IP,User_Agentname,User_Agent,accesscodeName,accesscode
Dim webURLname,webURL,businessname,business
Dim refererName,referer, URL, URLname
nameName = "Name: "
name = Request.Form("name")
companyName = "Company: "
company = Request.Form("company")
emailName = "E-Mail Address: "
email = Request.Form("email")
Countryname = "Country: "
Country = Request.Form("Country")
phoneName = "Phone Number: "
phone = Request.Form("phone")
webURLName = "Website URL: "
webURL = Request.Form("webURL")
businessName = "Type of Business: "
business = Request.Form("business")
subjectName = "Subject: "
subject = Request.Form("subject")
messageName = "Message: "
message = Request.Form("message")
accesscodeName = "Access Code: "
accesscode = Request.Form("accesscode")
URLName = "Website URL: "
URL = Request.Form("URL")

' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
If trim(accesscode)<>trim(session("randnr")) Then
	' Access code did not match so do something and stop the rest of the code working.....
	' e.g redirect them back to the contact page.
End IF
' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

IPname = "IP Address: "
IP = Request.Form("IP")
User_Agentname = "Browser Info: "
User_Agent = Request.Form("User_Agent")
refererName = "URL: "
referer = Request.Form("referer")
Set JMail = Server.CreateObject("JMail.SMTPMail")
JMail.ServerAddress = ""
JMail.AddRecipient ""
JMail.MailServerUserName = ""
JMail.MailServerPassword = "password"
JMail.Sender = Request.Form("email")
JMail.Subject = "From milehighmerchantaccounts regarding: " & Request.Form("subject")
JMail.Body = nameName & name & vbcrlf&_
companyName & company & vbcrlf&_
emailName & email & vbcrlf&_
countryName & country & vbcrlf&_
phoneName & phone & vbcrlf&_
webURLName & webURL & vbcrlf&_
businessName & business & vbcrlf&_
messageName & message & vbcrlf&_

IPname & IP & vbcrlf&_
User_Agentname & User_Agent & vbcrlf&_
referername & referer & vbcrlf&_
accesscodeName & accesscode & vbcrlf&_

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
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	<meta name="description" content="Accept Credits Cards with a Merchant Account for your retail or Intenet business" />
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<h1>Thank You!</h1>

<p>Thank you, <%Response.Write(name)%>, for contacting Mile High Merchant 
Accounts.&nbsp; A representative will contact you as soon as possible.</p>
		<p>You can also check out
		<a href="" title="My Merchant Account Blog">
		My Merchant Account Blog</a> or
		<a href="" title="Merchant Account Resources Directory">
		Merchant Account Resources Directory</a> for more information.</p>

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	</div> <!-- /ft -->
jmail.SMTPMail error '8000ffff'

The message was undeliverable. All servers failed to receive the message

/confirm.asp, line 67 

CODE for confirm.asp:
Dim nameName,name,companyName,company,emailName,email
Dim phoneName,phone,countryName,country,subject,subjectName,messageName,message
Dim IPname,IP,User_Agentname,User_Agent,accesscodeName,accesscode
Dim webURLname,webURL,businessname,business
Dim refererName,referer, URL, URLname
nameName = "Name: "
name = Request.Form("name")
companyName = "Company: "
company = Request.Form("company")
emailName = "E-Mail Address: "
email = Request.Form("email")
Countryname = "Country: "
Country = Request.Form("Country")
phoneName = "Phone Number: "
phone = Request.Form("phone")
webURLName = "Website URL: "
webURL = Request.Form("webURL")
businessName = "Type of Business: "
business = Request.Form("business")
subjectName = "Subject: "
subject = Request.Form("subject")
messageName = "Message: "
message = Request.Form("message")
accesscodeName = "Access Code: "
accesscode = Request.Form("accesscode")
URLName = "Website URL: "
URL = Request.Form("URL")
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
If trim(accesscode)<>trim(session("randnr")) Then
	' Access code did not match so do something and stop the rest of the code working.....
	' e.g redirect them back to the contact page.
End IF
' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
IPname = "IP Address: "
IP = Request.Form("IP")
User_Agentname = "Browser Info: "
User_Agent = Request.Form("User_Agent")
refererName = "URL: "
referer = Request.Form("referer")
Set JMail = Server.CreateObject("JMail.SMTPMail")
JMail.ServerAddress = ""
JMail.AddRecipient ""
'JMail.MailServerUserName = ""
'JMail.MailServerPassword = "password"
JMail.Sender = Request.Form("email")
JMail.Subject = "From milehighmerchantaccounts regarding: " & Request.Form("subject")
JMail.Body = nameName & name & vbcrlf&_
companyName & company & vbcrlf&_
emailName & email & vbcrlf&_
countryName & country & vbcrlf&_
phoneName & phone & vbcrlf&_
webURLName & webURL & vbcrlf&_
businessName & business & vbcrlf&_
messageName & message & vbcrlf&_

IPname & IP & vbcrlf&_
User_Agentname & User_Agent & vbcrlf&_
referername & referer & vbcrlf&_
accesscodeName & accesscode & vbcrlf&_

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<p>Thank you, <%Response.Write(name)%>, for contacting Mile High Merchant 
Accounts.&nbsp; A representative will contact you as soon as possible.</p>
		<p>You can also check out
		<a href="" title="My Merchant Account Blog">
		My Merchant Account Blog</a> or
		<a href="" title="Merchant Account Resources Directory">
		Merchant Account Resources Directory</a> for more information.</p>

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teodor birca
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also your Jmail doesn't authenticate

you may want to read this:

I will provide you now also the code for Persist i have used that in the past
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I might have to use the CDO method. - they changed their methods a few days ago and did not inform any clients.  I accidentally found out because I was creating a new form.  They had suggested the ASPEMail Persits component and while I was reading about it, I asked them if had the premium version.  They told me to try the code to see if it would work.  I told them that I worked for a couple of hours already trying to get my new form working, I did not want to waste time trying to work on another code that might not work.

Right now, it seems like the JMail version does not work because they have the wrong version.  The Persits won't work because the do not have the Premium version.

Message.MailServerUserName = "myUserName"
Message.MailServerPassword = "myPassword"

I get this error:
Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01a8'
Object required: 'helo'
/confirm1.asp, line 50

(Line 50 is Message.MailServerUserName = "myUserName")

So I changed it to
JMail.MailServerUserName = "myUserName"
JMail.MailServerPassword = "myPassword"

And I get this error:
Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01b6'
Object doesn't support this property or method: 'JMail.MailServerUserName'
/confirm1.asp, line 50

So assuming that the CDO SYS will work - is that all I need to use?  Will that grab all my fields - no matter how many there are?
As i told you i used in the past Jmail and Persist .. in the last time i stuck only for CDOSYS and is working great ..
Make sure you add correct SMTP server, username and password
For your fields there i do something like this:
objEmail.HTMLbody = " Hello "&variable1&" bla bla <br><br>  "&variable2&" and  "&variable1&" and  "&variable3&""

and works fine in my case ...

Using the CDO code, I get an error:
Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01a8'

Object required: 'objEmail'

/confirm1a.asp, line 3

Line three is (I changed the domain name):
objEmail.From = ""

I attached the code, changing the domain names and password for security reasons.

objEmail.From = ""
objEmail.To = ""
objEmail.Subject = "Subject"
objEmail.HTMLbody = "message"
objEmail.Configuration.Fields.Item ("") = 2
objEmail.Configuration.Fields.Item ("") = ""
objEmail.Configuration.Fields.Item ("") = 25
objEmail.Configuration.Fields.Item ("") = "1"
objEmail.Configuration.Fields.Item ("") = ""
objEmail.Configuration.Fields.Item ("") = "7password!"
If Not err.number=0 Then
Response.write "ERROR: " & err.Description

end if
Set objEmail = Nothing

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<p>Thank you, <%Response.Write(name)%>, for contacting Mile High Merchant 
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sorry add in the top of the code:

Set objEmail = CreateObject("CDO.Message")
I get this error now:
CDO.Message.1 error '80040213'

The transport failed to connect to the server.

/confirm1a.asp, line 14

Line 14 is:
user or pass incorrect
you suppose to use for this example a real email account and password
some server use like user auth others only info ..
if you ask me only this could be the problem
Make sure the that the mail server is running at port 25.
it seems i could telnet on port 25 so the port is ok .. also looks like accept username like : ..
they have here a sample:
I know it is not the user / password.  I copy / pasted them into webmail and that worked.  

I sent them another support ticket.  They told me earlier (from a previous issue), that I had to use port 24, but their support is not that great right now.
then try to put in this line port 24
objEmail.Configuration.Fields.Item ("") = 25

maybe will work it tuck 3 min to try
I changed it to 24 with no luck, same error:
CDO.Message.1 error '80040213'

The transport failed to connect to the server.

/confirm1a.asp, line 14

Line 14 is:
then probably you should ask them ... is a server misconfiguration .. the codes i provided worked fine in all my environments sorry about this
Do you know anything about .NET?  I am on a Windows server and I have one website we are working on that has .NET in it.
i  learn on this moment .NET C#  MVC3 till now i was in classic ASP .. i don't know thought if i could help you .. i just start developing my first travel portal in .NET MVC .. and I'm still on 60% done so probably will need to take some time
No worries, I am waiting on them to respond and have pointed them to this thread as well.  

I ran a small hosting company for a couple of years.  With them making such a big change and not notifying the clients of this is irresponsible.  I usually receive one to two questions a day and I was wondering what happened.  They made this change and did not notify anyone.

It was them that suggested I use Persits but Persits only supports SMTP authentication on the premium version.
I use to had the same problems with hosting providers but then i switched to a vdedicated server i do have too a small hosting/programming company and i setup my own server win 2003 with ASP, PHP and .NET and from one year is working just fine. Hope will get sorted out .. and i'm afraid they can't read this tread if they don't have and account :)
Ah, I thought they could see it - just with all the ads.  But I did check, unfortunately they cannot see it.

I looked at the other ticket.  It said to use port 24 or 587 for SMTP.  So I asked them if I should use 24 - they replied they only open the important port.  

I think the person who replied to the other ticket had a typo.
Curious - what about GMail?  Could I use their server and my username / password to process the form?
i did used for a client like this:

Set objEmail = CreateObject("CDO.Message")
objEmail.From = "email"
objEmail.To = "email"
objEmail.Subject = "subject"
objEmail.HTMLbody =  "message bla bla."
objEmail.Configuration.Fields.Item ("") = 2
objEmail.Configuration.Fields.Item ("") = ""
objEmail.Configuration.Fields.Item ("") = 465
ObjEmail.Configuration.Fields.Item ("") = True 'Use SSL for the connection (True or False)
objEmail.Configuration.Fields.Item ("") = "1"
objEmail.Configuration.Fields.Item ("") = "user"
objEmail.Configuration.Fields.Item ("") = "pass"
If Not err.number=0 Then
Response.write "ERROR: " & err.Description

end if

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Well maybe getting a little closer - only two lines for an error:
error '80040211'
/confirm1a.asp, line 15

Line 15 is:
nope is the same problem as before CDO on your server i'm afraid is the problem.
try changing the port 465  to 995

if still not working set SSL false and add port 587 if still doesn't work i'm afraid you should ask your hosting for a sample code to send mail via ASP in their magic server ,
you could also try ssl false and port 465   ...
Using both, I received the error:

CDO.Message.1 error '80040213'

The transport failed to connect to the server.

/confirm1a.asp, line 15

Line 15

On the SSL = False - I noticed that it took a little time actually to process.

I also tried as well.

Just curious and to make sure - my username should, right (and not just email)?  I am just asking / making sure because every so often when I have to re-enter my information, I only enter email and my password.  The is there (by default).
you should use in code .. my client use the first code i sent u with and works fine .. you should ask your hosting for a send mail ASP sample ... i suppose the CDO in their server not doing the job
They are finally looking into it.  I told them I was using the code in their KB and it is not working.  Thanks for all the help.  (I do have another ASP issue - but hopefully that was is easier :) )
thank you and sorry it didn't get sorted quicker