asked on
Want to modify this script so it lists all folders and subfolders.
This script lists all folders/subfolders and permissions. Now all I want to do is list Folders and Subfolders, with the ability to skip (pass over) a specific folder. I'm not sure how to change the script to do this.
Thanks in advance!
Thanks in advance!
' ListACL.vbs
' ACL Modifications by CyberneticWraith, 2005
' Changed it to display ACL information for folders
' Uses "cacls.exe"
' Run with cscript!
' IndexScripts()
' Written by Keep Bertha Surfin Heavy Industries,
' a division of Keep Bertha Surfin Electrical Concern
' Version 1.0 -
' First thing, check the argument list for a directory.
' If they didn't specify one, use the current directory.
' Run this on the File Server system you desire to get the ACL's from.
' To put this output into a file you just execute "cscript listacl.vbs > acl.txt".
option explicit
' Run the function :)
call IndexScripts
sub IndexScripts()
dim fso
set fso = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
dim loc
if WScript.Arguments.Count = 0 then
loc = fso.GetAbsolutePathName(".")
loc = WScript.Arguments(0)
end if
GetWorkingFolder loc, 0, 1, "|"
set fso = nothing
End Sub
' called recursively to get a folder to work in
function GetWorkingFolder(foldspec, foldcount, _
firsttime, spacer)
Dim objShell,oExec
Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
dim fso
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
dim fold
set fold = fso.GetFolder(foldspec)
dim foldcol
set foldcol = fold.SubFolders
'do the first folder stuff
if firsttime = 1 then
wscript.echo fold.path
foldcount = foldcol.count
firsttime = 0
end if
dim remaincount
remaincount = foldcol.count
'do the subfolder stuff
dim sf
for each sf in foldcol
'execute cacls to display ACL information
If LCase(sf.Name)<> "pass over" Then
Set oExec = _
objShell.Exec("cacls " & chr(34) & sf.path & chr(34))
Do While Not oExec.StdOut.AtEndOfStream
str = oExec.StdOut.ReadAll
Dim str
Wscript.StdOut.WriteLine str
set oExec = nothing
remaincount = GetWorkingFolder (foldspec +"\", _
remaincount, firsttime, spacer)
End if
'clean up
set fso = nothing
GetWorkingFolder = foldcount - 1
end function
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It also looked like you had actually added logic to accomplish this to your script with the line:
If LCase(sf.Name)<> "pass over" Then
What wasn't working the way you wanted it to about that change?
If LCase(sf.Name)<> "pass over" Then
What wasn't working the way you wanted it to about that change?
Modified the code provided by you, it will list the paths of folders and sub folders excluding "pass over". You can use cscript file.vbs > output.txt
Option explicit
' Run the function :)
call IndexScripts
Sub IndexScripts()
dim fso
set fso = createobject(" lesystemob ject")
dim loc
if WScript.Arguments.Count = 0 then
loc = fso.GetAbsolutePathName(". ")
loc = WScript.Arguments(0)
end if
GetWorkingFolder loc, 0, 1, "|"
set fso = Nothing
End Sub
' called recursively to get a folder to work in
function GetWorkingFolder(foldspec, foldcount, _
firsttime, spacer)
Dim objShell,oExec
Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shel l")
dim fso
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.Fi leSystemOb ject")
dim fold
set fold = fso.GetFolder(foldspec)
dim foldcol
set foldcol = fold.SubFolders
'do the first folder stuff
if firsttime = 1 then
wscript.echo fold.path
foldcount = foldcol.count
firsttime = 0
end if
dim remaincount
remaincount = foldcol.count
'do the subfolder stuff
dim sf
for each sf in foldcol
If LCase(sf.Name)<> "pass over" Then
WScript.Echo sf.Path
remaincount = GetWorkingFolder (foldspec +"\", _
remaincount, firsttime, spacer)
End if
'clean up
set fso = nothing
GetWorkingFolder = foldcount - 1
end function
Option explicit
' Run the function :)
call IndexScripts
Sub IndexScripts()
dim fso
set fso = createobject("
dim loc
if WScript.Arguments.Count = 0 then
loc = fso.GetAbsolutePathName(".
loc = WScript.Arguments(0)
end if
GetWorkingFolder loc, 0, 1, "|"
set fso = Nothing
End Sub
' called recursively to get a folder to work in
function GetWorkingFolder(foldspec,
firsttime, spacer)
Dim objShell,oExec
Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shel
dim fso
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.Fi
dim fold
set fold = fso.GetFolder(foldspec)
dim foldcol
set foldcol = fold.SubFolders
'do the first folder stuff
if firsttime = 1 then
wscript.echo fold.path
foldcount = foldcol.count
firsttime = 0
end if
dim remaincount
remaincount = foldcol.count
'do the subfolder stuff
dim sf
for each sf in foldcol
If LCase(sf.Name)<> "pass over" Then
WScript.Echo sf.Path
remaincount = GetWorkingFolder (foldspec +"\", _
remaincount, firsttime, spacer)
End if
'clean up
set fso = nothing
GetWorkingFolder = foldcount - 1
end function
PRASHANTHD - Both scripts you provided worked perfectly!!
This one is shorter in code and runs much quicker, but it's nice to have the modification to my original script.
Again, absolutely perfect!
This one is shorter in code and runs much quicker, but it's nice to have the modification to my original script.
Again, absolutely perfect!