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scbdpmFlag for United States of America

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Using WIA and connecting to digital camera- need date/time of pic

I've been using the code from this posting:

to successfully access my digital camera connected via USB to my PC. I can view the photos and move/copy to my PC.

I've been using WIA (Dim objWia As WIA.CommonDialog).

I would ilke to be able to access the date/time of the photo on the camera.

My plan is to use this to copy over photos that are between a date range.

Within the loop:  For Each itm In d.Items

I'm accessing each photo. It is then copied to the PC.

I've tried to use something such as: d.Items(5).Properties.Item("Item Time Stamp").Value
but am getting an error (Wrong # of arguments).

am reposting bulk of code below.

Option Explicit

Dim objWia As WIA.CommonDialog

Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim d As Device
Dim itm As Item
Dim imgpic As ImageFile
Dim lCounter As Long
Dim colRemove As Collection
Dim bDeleteAfterDownload As Boolean

    'instead of this, do a nice check for a checkbox
    bDeleteAfterDownload = True

    'used for me.print
    'if autoredraw = false, and you go to the vb debugging session, and restore your
    'app, the text is vanished!
    Me.AutoRedraw = True
    'create a ref to the wia commondialog.
    Set objWia = New WIA.CommonDialog
    'this makes sure a camera is selected, and no scanner.
    'the true part ALWAYS displays the dialog (normally omitted if only one dev is found)
    Set d = objWia.ShowSelectDevice(CameraDeviceType, True)
    'for this example, the files are downloaded every time to the
    'directory "downloaded images" in the project dir
    'you could check wether the image exists, before downloading it
    'so only the files that don't exist locally are transferred
    If Dir(App.Path & "\downloaded images\", vbDirectory) = "" Then
        'dir doesnt exist, create it
        MkDir App.Path & "\downloaded images\"
        'make sure the dir is empty!
        Dim tmpPath As String
        tmpPath = Dir(App.Path & "\downloaded images\", vbNormal + vbReadOnly)
        While Len(tmpPath) > 0
            Kill App.Path & "\downloaded images\" & tmpPath
            tmpPath = Dir()
    End If
    lCounter = 0
    Me.Caption = "Examining file " & lCounter & " of " & d.Items.Count & " please wait..."
    'loop trough all (root) items in the camera device
    For Each itm In d.Items
        Dim f As Properties
        Set f = itm.Properties
        Dim str As String
        'optional, display progress bar here
        'the total amount of pictures is stored in d.items.count
        lCounter = lCounter + 1
        Me.Caption = "Examining file " & lCounter & " of " & d.Items.Count & " please wait..."
        'give vb time to process its messages (else the app appears as not responding)
        'is the item a file? (could also be a dir or so)
        If (f.Item("Item Flags") And ImageItemFlag) = ImageItemFlag Then
            'for reference:
            'f.Item("Full Item Name")       -> "0002\Root\IMG_1141"
            'f.Item("Item Name")            -> "IMG_1141"
            'f.Item("Filename extension")   -> "JPG"
            'check if the file exist locally (create your own function!)
            'If f.Item("Item Name") <> "nameoflocalfile" Then
            If bDeleteAfterDownload = True Then
                colRemove.Add itm.ItemID
            End If
                'download the file to a temp buffer
                Set imgpic = itm.Transfer
                'store the file name and extension and app.path in a string,
                'so you can use it to perform more operations on it
                str = App.Path & "\downloaded images\" & f.Item("Item Name") & "." & imgpic.FileExtension
                'save the file (default format is used, bmp stays bmp, jpg stays jpg
                'this is why we switched to version 2.0 of the lib!
                imgpic.SaveFile str
                'you can process the image further here, it is now stored on your pc!
                '(add it to a list, to an picturebox, or whatever!)
            'End If
        End If
    If bDeleteAfterDownload = True Then
    Dim n As Long, i As Long
        For n = colRemove.Count - 1 To 0 Step -1
            For i = 1 To d.Items.Count
            If d.Items(i).ItemID = colRemove.Item(i) Then
                'Some Cameras don't support deleting pictures
                On Error Resume Next
                d.Items.Remove i
                If Err.Number <> 0 Then
                    MsgBox Err.Description
                End If
                On Error GoTo 0
                Exit For
            End If
    End If
    Me.Caption = "finished, thanks for waiting!"
End Sub

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any suggestions on this WIA question?
Would reconsider code re-write if necessary.
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I did finally have a chance to reviewt his code and it worked as I had requested.

thank you