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TonyRebaFlag for United States of America

asked on

How do I bind to a label from a SqlDataSource

I want to pull the Womens Census Value

   protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        DataView dvSql = (DataView)SqlDataSource4.Select(DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty);
        foreach (DataRowView drvSql in dvSql)
            lbl_Womens_Census.Text = drvSql["Womens_Census"].ToString();
Data Source
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource4" runat="server" 
        ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:appdevConnectionString1 %>" 
        ProviderName="<%$ ConnectionStrings:appdevConnectionString1.ProviderName %>" 
                    SelectCommand="SELECT [ID], [Date], [NT1_Census], [NT1], [NT1_Status], [NT2_Census], [NT2], [NT2_Status], [NT3_Census], [NT3], [NT3_Status], [ICU_Census], [ICU], [ICU_Status], [SDU_Census], [SDU], [SDU_Status], [Tele3rd1_Census], [Tele3rd1], [Tele3rd1_Status], [Tele3rd2_Census], [Tele3rd2], [Tele3rd2_Status], [Tele4th1_Census], [Tele4th1], [Tele4th1_Status], [Tele4th2_Census], [Tele4th2], [Tele4th2_Status], [Pedi3rd_Census], [Pedi3rd], [Pedi3rd_Status], [Pedi4th_Census], [Pedi4th], [Pedi4th_Status], [PICU_SD_Census], [PICU_SD], [PICU_SD_Status], [ER_Census], [ER], [ER_Status], [MICU_Census], [MICU], [MICU_Status], [CPV_Census], [CPV], [CPV_Status], [CVOR_Census], [CVOR], [CVOR_Status], [CLOF_Census], [CLOF], [CLOF_Status], [CVOR_HOLDING_Census], [CVOR_HOLDING], [CVOR_HOLDING_Status], [Behavioral_Census], [Womens_Census], [Rehab_Census] FROM [tb_Bed_Control_Possible]">

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I am trying to do the simplest and best way to set the text to the label, can you tell me how/??

possibly modify my snippet above
Avatar of gery128
Check if you are getting data in DataView properly?
If yes, then you should get value in your label.
I am trying not to use DataView, or Gridview , only the Label control
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Is comming across now, thank you