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Eclipse Warning
I have 47 warnings in my code. All of the warnings are basically the same with some differences
Warning A
The constructor TreeSet(Comparator) belongs to the raw type TreeSet. References to generic type TreeSet<E> should be parameterized
Warning B
The method add(Object) belongs to the raw type TreeSet. References to generic type TreeSet<E> should be parameterized
Warning C
The method addAll(Collection) belongs to the raw type TreeSet. References to generic type TreeSet<E> should be parameterized
I know that I can set the compiler not to find the warnings, but I really need to fix the code. I work with other programmers and the goal is to get our code without warnings so we know it is solid.
I am very new to java and eclipse, so this is very important to get solved. I have read many articles without much success. I have also ask a similar question here, but I thought I could find them, but had no luck.
Below is a piece code that has 3 of the 47 warnings
Please Help and show me how to fix them then maybe I can fix the rest.
Warning A
The constructor TreeSet(Comparator) belongs to the raw type TreeSet. References to generic type TreeSet<E> should be parameterized
Warning B
The method add(Object) belongs to the raw type TreeSet. References to generic type TreeSet<E> should be parameterized
Warning C
The method addAll(Collection) belongs to the raw type TreeSet. References to generic type TreeSet<E> should be parameterized
I know that I can set the compiler not to find the warnings, but I really need to fix the code. I work with other programmers and the goal is to get our code without warnings so we know it is solid.
I am very new to java and eclipse, so this is very important to get solved. I have read many articles without much success. I have also ask a similar question here, but I thought I could find them, but had no luck.
Below is a piece code that has 3 of the 47 warnings
Please Help and show me how to fix them then maybe I can fix the rest.
public class SortingListModel extends AbstractListModel
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
TreeSet model;
private Comparator USEFUL_COMPARATOR = new Comparator()
public int compare( Object o1, Object o2 )
String str1 = o1.toString();
String str2 = o2.toString();
Collator collator = Collator.getInstance();
int result = collator.compare( str1, str2 );
return result;
public SortingListModel()
Warning A===>model = new TreeSet( USEFUL_COMPARATOR );
public int getSize()
return model.size();
public Object getElementAt( int index )
return model.toArray()[index];
public void addElement( Object element )
Warning B===>if( model.add(element))
fireContentsChanged( this, 0, getSize() );
public void addAll( Object elements[] )
Collection c = Arrays.asList(elements);
Warning C===>model.addAll(c);
fireContentsChanged( this, 0, getSize() );
public void clear()
fireContentsChanged( this, 0, getSize() );
public boolean contains( Object element )
return model.contains( element );
public Object firstElement()
return model.first();
public Iterator iterator()
return model.iterator();
public Object lastElement()
return model.last();
public boolean removeElement( Object element )
boolean removed = model.remove( element );
if( removed )
fireContentsChanged( this, 0, getSize() );
return removed;
I guess that was addressed recently:
Yep I address this a day or two ago and I tried the define treeset <string> model - it did not fix my problem
its need to resolve you're warnings. Make those changes and let me know what warnings you have left
The expression of type Collection needs unchecked conversion to conform to Collection<? extends String>
if( model.add(element))
The method add(String) in the type TreeSet<String> is not applicable for the arguments (Object)
model = new TreeSet<String>( USEFUL_COMPARATOR );
The expression of type Comparator needs unchecked conversion to conform to Comparator<? super String>
The expression of type Collection needs unchecked conversion to conform to Collection<? extends String>
if( model.add(element))
The method add(String) in the type TreeSet<String> is not applicable for the arguments (Object)
model = new TreeSet<String>( USEFUL_COMPARATOR );
The expression of type Comparator needs unchecked conversion to conform to Comparator<? super String>
you're comparator should be:
private Comparator<String> USEFUL_COMPARATOR = new Comparator<String>() {
public int compare(String o1, String o2) {
String str1 = o1.toString();
String str2 = o2.toString();
Collator collator = Collator.getInstance();
int result = collator.compare(str1, str2);
return result;
Do you actually need locale specific sorting?
And why are you using a Set to store what is actually a List?
(And using a TreeSet is actually messy there, forces you to refresh the whole list everytime you change a single element)
private Comparator<String> USEFUL_COMPARATOR = new Comparator<String>() {
public int compare(String o1, String o2) {
String str1 = o1.toString();
String str2 = o2.toString();
Collator collator = Collator.getInstance();
int result = collator.compare(str1, str2);
return result;
Do you actually need locale specific sorting?
And why are you using a Set to store what is actually a List?
(And using a TreeSet is actually messy there, forces you to refresh the whole list everytime you change a single element)
> public void addElement(Object element) {
should be:
public void addElement(String element) {
> public void addAll(Object elements[]) {
same here
public void addAll(String elements[]) {
should be:
public void addElement(String element) {
> public void addAll(Object elements[]) {
same here
public void addAll(String elements[]) {
Let me show you the complete code and any suggestions is great. I am sorting email addresses when a user adds or removes one.
public class VendorEmailDialog extends JDialog {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
final SortingListModel model = new SortingListModel();
private EdiProject project = null;
JLabel label;
private JPanel centerPanel = null;
JPanel cards;
protected JTextField textField;
// //
// Constructor //
// //
public VendorEmailDialog(TransmittalInfo reqTransInfo,EdiProject currentProject, Dialog parent, TCSession theSession, Registry theRegistry){
super(parent,"Vendor Email Dialog", true);
project = currentProject;
// //
// createDialog() //
// //
public SortingListModel getModel() {
return model;
private void createDialog() {
Component listPanel = EmailList();
Component buttonPanel = OKCancelButtons();
centerPanel = new JPanel();
centerPanel.setLayout(new BoxLayout(centerPanel, BoxLayout.PAGE_AXIS));
centerPanel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(600, 200));
centerPanel.add(Box.createRigidArea(new Dimension(5, 0)));
centerPanel.add(Box.createRigidArea(new Dimension(0, 2)));
addComponentListener(new ComponentAdapter() {
public void componentResized(ComponentEvent event) {
Component c = event.getComponent();
c.setSize(Math.max((int)centerPanel.getPreferredSize().getWidth()/2, c.getWidth()),
Math.max((int)centerPanel.getPreferredSize().getHeight()/2, c.getHeight()));
// //
// set_gbc() //
// GridBagConstraints //
GridBagConstraints gbc = new GridBagConstraints();
protected boolean alreadyEnabled;
private void set_gbc(int row, int column, int width, int height, int fill) {
gbc.gridy = row;
gbc.gridx = column;
gbc.gridwidth = width;
gbc.gridheight = height;
gbc.fill = fill;
// //
// Validating Email //
// //
public boolean isValidEmailAddress(String emailAddress){
String expression="^[\\w\\-]([\\.\\w])+[\\w]+@([\\w\\-]+\\.)+[A-Z]{2,4}$";
CharSequence inputStr = emailAddress;
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(expression,Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(inputStr);
return matcher.matches();
// //
// EmailList() //
// //
private JPanel EmailList(){
final JTextField addEmail = new JTextField(20);
JLabel eLabel = new JLabel("Additional Emails");
JLabel ListLabel = new JLabel("Existing Vendor Emails");
String[] emails = project.getEmailAddresses();
for (int i = 0; i < emails.length; ++i) {
final JList AltList = new JList(model);
JScrollPane acrossScrollBar= new JScrollPane(AltList);
final JButton addButton = new JButton("Add >>");
addButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
String name = addEmail.getText();
if(isValidEmailAddress(name)) {
Component object = null;
if (name.equals("") || alreadyInList(name)) {
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(object,name + "Email Address Already In List");
int index = AltList.getSelectedIndex();
if (index == -1) {
index = 0;
else {
Component object = null;
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(object,name + "Is not valid Email Address");
protected boolean alreadyInList(String name) {
return model.contains(name);
final JButton removeButton = new JButton("Remove <<");
removeButton.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(100, 40));
new ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
int index = AltList.getSelectedIndex();
Object str = model.getElementAt(index);
int size = model.getSize();
if (size == 0) {
} else {
if (index == model.getSize()) {
JPanel p = new JPanel();
GridBagLayout gridbag = new GridBagLayout();
gbc.insets = new Insets(5,10,10,5);
set_gbc(0, 0, 1, 1,GridBagConstraints.BOTH );
gridbag.setConstraints(eLabel, gbc);
set_gbc(0, 2, 1, 1,GridBagConstraints.BOTH );
gridbag.setConstraints(ListLabel, gbc);
set_gbc(1, 0, 1, 1,GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL);
gridbag.setConstraints(addEmail, gbc);
set_gbc(1, 2, 1, 3, GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL);
gbc.anchor = GridBagConstraints.PAGE_END;
gbc.weightx = 3.0;
gridbag.setConstraints(acrossScrollBar, gbc);
set_gbc(1, 1, 1, 1,GridBagConstraints.BOTH);
gridbag.setConstraints(addButton, gbc);
set_gbc(2, 1, 1, 1, GridBagConstraints.BOTH);
gridbag.setConstraints(removeButton, gbc);
return p;
// //
// SortingListModel //
// //
public class SortingListModel extends AbstractListModel
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
TreeSet<String> model;
private Comparator USEFUL_COMPARATOR = new Comparator()
public int compare( Object o1, Object o2 )
String str1 = o1.toString();
String str2 = o2.toString();
Collator collator = Collator.getInstance();
int result = collator.compare( str1, str2 );
return result;
public SortingListModel()
model = new TreeSet<String>( USEFUL_COMPARATOR );
public int getSize()
return model.size();
public Object getElementAt( int index )
return model.toArray()[index];
public void addElement( String element )
if( model.add(element.toString()))
fireContentsChanged( this, 0, getSize() );
public void addAll( String elements[] )
Collection<String> c = Arrays.asList(elements);
fireContentsChanged( this, 0, getSize() );
public void clear()
fireContentsChanged( this, 0, getSize() );
public boolean contains( Object element )
return model.contains( element );
public Object firstElement()
return model.first();
public Iterator iterator()
return model.iterator();
public Object lastElement()
return model.last();
public boolean removeElement( Object element )
boolean removed = model.remove( element );
if( removed )
fireContentsChanged( this, 0, getSize() );
return removed;
// //
// OKCancelButtons() //
// //
private JPanel OKCancelButtons() {
JButton okButton = new JButton("OK");
okButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
JButton cancelButton = new JButton("Cancel");
cancelButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
JPanel p = new JPanel();
p.setLayout(new BoxLayout(p, BoxLayout.LINE_AXIS));
return p;
stepping out for a bit - be back in a while
I already answered this (which you ignored) at http:Q_26909703.html#35210216
I did not ignore your answer, I am trying to learn how to genericise all collection classes. I can not figure out how to do it. It seems like anything I change just breaks it somewhere else. That is why I opened this question. I wanted someone to show me how to do it, so I can do the rest of the warnings.
Please post code. You probably mostly just need <String> throughout, since that's what you're storing
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TreeSet<String> model;
model = new TreeSet<String>( USEFUL_COMPARATOR );