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Encoding URL

I'm trying to port this code:
char *urlencode(char *c)
    char escaped[2000] = {0};
	char *buffer;
    int max = strlen(c);
    for(int i=0; i<max; i++)
        if ( (48 <= c[i] && c[i] <= 57) ||//0-9
             (65 <= c[i] && c[i] <= 90) ||//
             (97 <= c[i] && c[i] <= 122) || //ABC...XYZ
             (c[i]=='~' || c[i]=='!' || c[i]=='*' || c[i]=='(' || c[i]==')' || c[i]=='\'')
            strncat(escaped, (const char*)c[i],1);

			sprintf(buffer, "%x", c[i]);
            strncat(escaped,buffer,1 );//converts char 255 to string "ff"
    return escaped;

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is crashing on attempt... I know it has something to do with the way I'm appending data to "escaped" but I don't know how to modify it to work properly.

I'm attempting to mimic the following script (which works perfectly):
string urlencode(const string &c)
    string escaped="";
    int max = c.length();
    for(int i=0; i<max; i++)
        if ( (48 <= c[i] && c[i] <= 57) ||//0-9
             (65 <= c[i] && c[i] <= 90) ||//
             (97 <= c[i] && c[i] <= 122) || //ABC...XYZ
             (c[i]=='~' || c[i]=='!' || c[i]=='*' || c[i]=='(' || c[i]==')' || c[i]=='\'')
            escaped.append( &c[i], 1);
            escaped.append( char2hex(c[i]) );//converts char 255 to string "ff"
    return escaped;

string char2hex( char dec )
    char dig1 = (dec&0xF0)>>4;
    char dig2 = (dec&0x0F);
    if ( 0<= dig1 && dig1<= 9) dig1+=48;    //0,48inascii
    if (10<= dig1 && dig1<=15) dig1+=97-10; //a,97inascii
    if ( 0<= dig2 && dig2<= 9) dig2+=48;
    if (10<= dig2 && dig2<=15) dig2+=97-10;

    string r;
    r.append( &dig1, 1);
    r.append( &dig2, 1);
    return r;

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but I want  to avoid using strings in my version of it.

so basically I need to know how to properly append data to "escaped" in the given context.

thank you
Avatar of phoffric

escape is a local variable that is no longer valid when the function returns. If single threaded, you can do this:
   static char escaped[2000] = {0};

Otherwise, you should define escape from the caller and pass it in as an argument.

Avatar of JoeD77


Yes, sorry, I left out the main function of the code:
int main()
    char *address = "123 #5 M&M Street";
    cout << "address=" << address << endl;
    cout << "address=" << urlencode(address) <<endl;

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Does it still crash when adding static?
Why not simply using 'InternetCanonicalizeUrl()' ( for that purpose instead of rolling your own solution?
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@ phoffric yes it did
@ jkr - because I read that ICU() will not work when the data you're trying to encode is not a valid URL to begin with. I need to URL encode a string, then append it to the URL afterwards. Is there a way to use ICU() to a string that does not contain a URL?
Very good. Glad to be of assistance.
Avatar of JoeD77


No I mean it still crashed.

sorry for the confusion.

here's the current code:
int main()
    char *address = "123 #5 M&M Street";
    cout << "address=" << address << endl;
    cout << "address=" << urlencode(address) <<endl;

char *urlencode(char *c)
    static char escaped[2000] = {0};
	char *buffer;
    int max = strlen(c);
    for(int i=0; i<max; i++)
        if ( (48 <= c[i] && c[i] <= 57) ||//0-9
             (65 <= c[i] && c[i] <= 90) ||//
             (97 <= c[i] && c[i] <= 122) || //ABC...XYZ
             (c[i]=='~' || c[i]=='!' || c[i]=='*' || c[i]=='(' || c[i]==')' || c[i]=='\'')
            strncat(escaped, (const char*)c[i],1);

			sprintf(buffer, "%x", c[i]);
            strncat(escaped,buffer,strlen(buffer) );//converts char 255 to string "ff"
    return escaped;

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still something wrong with the concatenation I believe
>>@ jkr - because I read that ICU() will not work when the data you're trying
>>to encode is not a valid URL to begin with. I need to URL encode a string,
>>then append it to the URL afterwards. Is there a way to use ICU() to a
>>string that does not contain a URL?

Why don't you just build the whole URL with the data you have and pas it to that function afterwards? Since it is to end up as an URL anyway, I'd at leat try that ;o)
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hah I guess I was overthinking (or underthinking*) that jkr.

do you have a working example?
char *url = "";
	char buffer[50] = {0};
	DWORD sz;
	InternetCanonicalizeUrl(url, buffer, &sz, 0);
	cout << buffer;

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has a blank output?
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See answer
char *urlencode(char *c)

    static char escaped[2000] = {0};
    char *buffer=(char*)malloc(2000);
    int max = strlen(c);
    for(int i=0; i<max; i++)
        if ( (48 <= c[i] && c[i] <= 57) ||//0-9                                             
             (65 <= c[i] && c[i] <= 90) ||//                                       
             (97 <= c[i] && c[i] <= 122) || //ABC...XYZ                                     
             (c[i]=='~' || c[i]=='!' || c[i]=='*' || c[i]=='(' || c[i]==')' || c[i]=='\'')

            strncat(escaped, (const char*)&c[i],1);

            sprintf(buffer, "%x", c[i]);
            strncat(escaped,buffer,strlen(buffer) );//converts char 255 to string "ff"      
    return escaped;

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Avatar of JoeD77


Thank you works perfectly.
Very good. Glad to be of assistance again :)