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14_eastFlag for United States of America

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Help with complex SQL query

I have a query where I am using INNER JOIN's to grab info from a main table and a bunch of reference tables.  It goes as follows:  I have a main "seeker" table, and a bunch of reference tables like state, size, number of offices, etc...  

There is a search field called 'industry' (master list of industries in a seperate table called 'tbl_cs_industry'), passed to the search query as 'sr_industry'.  When the seekers create their profile, they can select multiple industries and those are stores in a secondary table, 'tbl_cs_seeker_in'.  Even though a seeker can have multiple industries, when the search is performed... they can only select ONE industry from the drop-down.
<cfquery name="get" datasource="#request.dsn#">
	SELECT tbl_cs_seeker.*,tbl_stateprov.stprv_ID,tbl_stateprov.stprv_name,tbl_cs_yearsinbus.*,tbl_cs_spacesize.*,tbl_cs_numoffices.*,tbl_cs_leaseterm.*,tbl_cs_seeker_in.*
	FROM tbl_cs_seeker
		INNER JOIN tbl_stateprov ON tbl_cs_seeker.skr_stateSeek = tbl_stateprov.stprv_ID
		INNER JOIN tbl_cs_yearsinbus ON tbl_cs_seeker.skr_yearsinbus = tbl_cs_yearsinbus.ID
		INNER JOIN tbl_cs_spacesize ON tbl_cs_seeker.skr_sqFt = tbl_cs_spacesize.ID
		INNER JOIN tbl_cs_numoffices ON tbl_cs_seeker.skr_numOffices = tbl_cs_numoffices.ID
		INNER JOIN tbl_cs_leaseterm ON tbl_cs_seeker.skr_leaseTerm = tbl_cs_leaseterm.ID
		INNER JOIN tbl_cs_seeker_in ON tbl_cs_seeker.skr_ID = tbl_cs_seeker_in.in_ID AND 
	WHERE tbl_cs_seeker.skr_status = 1 
	AND tbl_cs_seeker.skr_stateSeek = <cfqueryparam value="#form.sr_state#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer">
	AND tbl_cs_seeker.skr_citySeek LIKE <cfqueryparam value="%#form.sr_city#%" cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar">
	<!--- supporting years in business --->
	<cfif form.sr_years GTE 1>
	AND tbl_cs_seeker.skr_yearsinbus LIKE <cfqueryparam value="#form.sr_years#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer"></cfif>
	<!--- supporting space in square feet --->
	<cfif form.sr_space GTE 1>
	AND tbl_cs_seeker.skr_sqFt LIKE <cfqueryparam value="#form.sr_space#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer"></cfif>
	<!--- supporting number of workstations --->
	<cfif form.sr_workstations GTE 1>
	AND tbl_cs_seeker.skr_numOffices LIKE <cfqueryparam value="#form.sr_workstations#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer"></cfif>
	<!--- supporting lease term --->
	<cfif form.sr_lease GTE 1>
	AND tbl_cs_seeker.skr_leaseTerm LIKE <cfqueryparam value="#form.sr_lease#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer"></cfif>
	<!--- supporting rent price --->
	<cfif form.sr_rent GTE 1>
		AND tbl_cs_seeker.skr_rr2 >= <cfqueryparam value="#form.sr_rent#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer"> 
		   AND tbl_cs_seeker.skr_rr1 <= <cfqueryparam value="#form.sr_rent#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer">
	<!--- supporting industry info --->
	<cfif form.sr_industry GTE 1>
	AND tbl_cs_seeker_in.in_ID = <cfqueryparam value="#form.sr_industry#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer"></cfif>

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Avatar of bitref
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Then, what is your request? What do you need to do?
Avatar of Lowfatspread
you had an AND at the end of the

INNER JOIN tbl_cs_seeker_in ON tbl_cs_seeker.skr_ID = tbl_cs_seeker_in.in_ID  

line ....

do you really need the data from the seeker_in table?

could it become

<cfquery name="get" datasource="#request.dsn#">
      SELECT tbl_cs_seeker.*,tbl_stateprov.stprv_ID,tbl_stateprov.stprv_name,tbl_cs_yearsinbus.*
      FROM tbl_cs_seeker
            INNER JOIN tbl_stateprov ON tbl_cs_seeker.skr_stateSeek = tbl_stateprov.stprv_ID
            INNER JOIN tbl_cs_yearsinbus ON tbl_cs_seeker.skr_yearsinbus = tbl_cs_yearsinbus.ID
            INNER JOIN tbl_cs_spacesize ON tbl_cs_seeker.skr_sqFt = tbl_cs_spacesize.ID
            INNER JOIN tbl_cs_numoffices ON tbl_cs_seeker.skr_numOffices = tbl_cs_numoffices.ID
            INNER JOIN tbl_cs_leaseterm ON tbl_cs_seeker.skr_leaseTerm = tbl_cs_leaseterm.ID
      WHERE tbl_cs_seeker.skr_status = 1
      AND tbl_cs_seeker.skr_stateSeek = <cfqueryparam value="#form.sr_state#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer">
      AND tbl_cs_seeker.skr_citySeek LIKE <cfqueryparam value="%#form.sr_city#%" cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar">
      <!--- supporting years in business --->
      <cfif form.sr_years GTE 1>
      AND tbl_cs_seeker.skr_yearsinbus LIKE <cfqueryparam value="#form.sr_years#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer"></cfif>
      <!--- supporting space in square feet --->
      <cfif form.sr_space GTE 1>
      AND tbl_cs_seeker.skr_sqFt LIKE <cfqueryparam value="#form.sr_space#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer"></cfif>
      <!--- supporting number of workstations --->
      <cfif form.sr_workstations GTE 1>
      AND tbl_cs_seeker.skr_numOffices LIKE <cfqueryparam value="#form.sr_workstations#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer"></cfif>
      <!--- supporting lease term --->
      <cfif form.sr_lease GTE 1>
      AND tbl_cs_seeker.skr_leaseTerm LIKE <cfqueryparam value="#form.sr_lease#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer"></cfif>
      <!--- supporting rent price --->
      <cfif form.sr_rent GTE 1>
            AND tbl_cs_seeker.skr_rr2 >= <cfqueryparam value="#form.sr_rent#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer">
               AND tbl_cs_seeker.skr_rr1 <= <cfqueryparam value="#form.sr_rent#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer">
      <!--- supporting industry info --->
      <cfif form.sr_industry GTE 1>
      AND tbl_cs_seeker.skr_ID = <cfqueryparam value="#form.sr_industry#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer"></cfif>
<cfquery name="get" datasource="#request.dsn#">
	SELECT tbl_cs_seeker.*,tbl_stateprov.stprv_ID,tbl_stateprov.stprv_name,tbl_cs_yearsinbus.*
	FROM tbl_cs_seeker
		INNER JOIN tbl_stateprov ON tbl_cs_seeker.skr_stateSeek = tbl_stateprov.stprv_ID
		INNER JOIN tbl_cs_yearsinbus ON tbl_cs_seeker.skr_yearsinbus = tbl_cs_yearsinbus.ID
		INNER JOIN tbl_cs_spacesize ON tbl_cs_seeker.skr_sqFt = tbl_cs_spacesize.ID
		INNER JOIN tbl_cs_numoffices ON tbl_cs_seeker.skr_numOffices = tbl_cs_numoffices.ID
		INNER JOIN tbl_cs_leaseterm ON tbl_cs_seeker.skr_leaseTerm = tbl_cs_leaseterm.ID
		INNER JOIN tbl_cs_seeker_in ON tbl_cs_seeker.skr_ID = tbl_cs_seeker_in.in_ID  
	WHERE tbl_cs_seeker.skr_status = 1 
	AND tbl_cs_seeker.skr_stateSeek = <cfqueryparam value="#form.sr_state#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer">
	AND tbl_cs_seeker.skr_citySeek LIKE <cfqueryparam value="%#form.sr_city#%" cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar">
	<!--- supporting years in business --->
	<cfif form.sr_years GTE 1>
	AND tbl_cs_seeker.skr_yearsinbus LIKE <cfqueryparam value="#form.sr_years#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer"></cfif>
	<!--- supporting space in square feet --->
	<cfif form.sr_space GTE 1>
	AND tbl_cs_seeker.skr_sqFt LIKE <cfqueryparam value="#form.sr_space#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer"></cfif>
	<!--- supporting number of workstations --->
	<cfif form.sr_workstations GTE 1>
	AND tbl_cs_seeker.skr_numOffices LIKE <cfqueryparam value="#form.sr_workstations#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer"></cfif>
	<!--- supporting lease term --->
	<cfif form.sr_lease GTE 1>
	AND tbl_cs_seeker.skr_leaseTerm LIKE <cfqueryparam value="#form.sr_lease#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer"></cfif>
	<!--- supporting rent price --->
	<cfif form.sr_rent GTE 1>
		AND tbl_cs_seeker.skr_rr2 >= <cfqueryparam value="#form.sr_rent#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer"> 
		   AND tbl_cs_seeker.skr_rr1 <= <cfqueryparam value="#form.sr_rent#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer">
	<!--- supporting industry info --->
	<cfif form.sr_industry GTE 1>
	AND tbl_cs_seeker_in.in_ID = <cfqueryparam value="#form.sr_industry#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer"></cfif>

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Hey, thanks for taking a look!  That extra AND was actually there by accident and caught after p-sting this but before you worte this!  It is gone... YES, I do need the info from the 'tbl_cs_seeeker_in' table... the main table, 'tbl_cs_seeker' does not have any references or fields that relate to the selected industries (unlike all of the other fields).  The search field 'sr_industry' passes the ID number of the selected industry to the query.  The query should look up all of the entries in the 'tbl_cs_seeeker_in' table that relate to this specific 'skr_ID' AND then only get the one that has the industry ID of the passed search parmaeter.   Make sense?
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Just a though as I try different things... perhaps I should be using a different kind of "JOIN"?
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my own solution...