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Ben ConnerFlag for United States of America

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VMware vCenter Converter error--multiple connections by same user are not allowed


I'm trying to convert an active physical machine to a VM using the standalone converter.  When I point to it, the converter comes back with 'Multiple connections to 'iis' by the same user, using more than one user name, are not allowed.  Disconnect all previous connections to the host and try again.'

I do have one or two of the drives mapped to my client workstation.  Is that what it's talking about?



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Danny McDaniel
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Yep that was it.  I got the Error code 1603 next when it tried installing the converter on that box.  It's a Windows 2000 machine, mainly used for SQL 2000.  Looked through the previous questions here and one suggests .Net 2.0 is required.  Is that correct?
