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VB.NET : Adding UseMnemonic to a custom SplitButton class
The custom User Control I have added, SplitButton, does handle the events related to the UseMnemonic key, but it does not show the underlined letter in the form itself when holding down the [Alt] key.
1. Is there a way to have the Mnemonic key show up in the form when the [Alt] key is pressed?
2. Is there a specific event called when a Mnemonic key is called? It appears to be the Click event and you can't differentiate it from the Mnemonic, perhaps with the arguments?
1. Is there a way to have the Mnemonic key show up in the form when the [Alt] key is pressed?
2. Is there a specific event called when a Mnemonic key is called? It appears to be the Click event and you can't differentiate it from the Mnemonic, perhaps with the arguments?
Imports System.ComponentModel
Imports System.Drawing
Imports System.Windows.Forms
Imports System.Windows.Forms.VisualStyles
'Get the latest version of SplitButton at:
Namespace wyDay.Controls
Public Class SplitButton
Inherits Button
Private _state As PushButtonState
Const SplitSectionWidth As Integer = 18
Shared BorderSize As Integer = SystemInformation.Border3DSize.Width * 2
Private skipNextOpen As Boolean
Private dropDownRectangle As Rectangle
Private m_showSplit As Boolean
Private isSplitMenuVisible As Boolean
Private m_SplitMenuStrip As ContextMenuStrip
Private m_SplitMenu As ContextMenu
Private textFormatFlags As TextFormatFlags = TextFormatFlags.[Default]
Public Sub New()
AutoSize = True
End Sub
#Region "Properties"
<Browsable(False)> _
Public Overrides Property ContextMenuStrip() As ContextMenuStrip
Return SplitMenuStrip
End Get
Set(ByVal value As ContextMenuStrip)
SplitMenuStrip = value
End Set
End Property
<DefaultValue(CStr(Nothing))> _
Public Property SplitMenu() As ContextMenu
Return m_SplitMenu
End Get
Set(ByVal value As ContextMenu)
'remove the event handlers for the old SplitMenu
If m_SplitMenu IsNot Nothing Then
RemoveHandler m_SplitMenu.Popup, AddressOf SplitMenu_Popup
End If
'add the event handlers for the new SplitMenu
If value IsNot Nothing Then
ShowSplit = True
AddHandler value.Popup, AddressOf SplitMenu_Popup
ShowSplit = False
End If
m_SplitMenu = value
End Set
End Property
<DefaultValue(CStr(Nothing))> _
Public Property SplitMenuStrip() As ContextMenuStrip
Return m_SplitMenuStrip
End Get
Set(ByVal value As ContextMenuStrip)
'remove the event handlers for the old SplitMenuStrip
If m_SplitMenuStrip IsNot Nothing Then
RemoveHandler m_SplitMenuStrip.Closing, AddressOf SplitMenuStrip_Closing
RemoveHandler m_SplitMenuStrip.Opening, AddressOf SplitMenuStrip_Opening
End If
'add the event handlers for the new SplitMenuStrip
If value IsNot Nothing Then
ShowSplit = True
AddHandler value.Closing, AddressOf SplitMenuStrip_Closing
AddHandler value.Opening, AddressOf SplitMenuStrip_Opening
ShowSplit = False
End If
m_SplitMenuStrip = value
End Set
End Property
<DefaultValue(False)> _
Public WriteOnly Property ShowSplit() As Boolean
Set(ByVal value As Boolean)
If value <> m_showSplit Then
m_showSplit = value
If Parent IsNot Nothing Then
End If
End If
End Set
End Property
Private Property State() As PushButtonState
Return _state
End Get
Set(ByVal value As PushButtonState)
If Not _state.Equals(value) Then
_state = value
End If
End Set
End Property
#End Region
Protected Overrides Function IsInputKey(ByVal keyData As Keys) As Boolean
If keyData.Equals(Keys.Down) AndAlso m_showSplit Then
Return True
End If
Return MyBase.IsInputKey(keyData)
End Function
Protected Overrides Sub OnGotFocus(ByVal e As EventArgs)
If Not m_showSplit Then
End If
If Not State.Equals(PushButtonState.Pressed) AndAlso Not State.Equals(PushButtonState.Disabled) Then
State = PushButtonState.[Default]
End If
End Sub
Protected Overrides Sub OnKeyDown(ByVal kevent As KeyEventArgs)
If m_showSplit Then
If kevent.KeyCode.Equals(Keys.Down) AndAlso Not isSplitMenuVisible Then
ElseIf kevent.KeyCode.Equals(Keys.Space) AndAlso kevent.Modifiers = Keys.None Then
State = PushButtonState.Pressed
End If
End If
End Sub
Protected Overrides Sub OnKeyUp(ByVal kevent As KeyEventArgs)
If kevent.KeyCode.Equals(Keys.Space) Then
If MouseButtons = MouseButtons.None Then
State = PushButtonState.Normal
End If
ElseIf kevent.KeyCode.Equals(Keys.Apps) Then
If MouseButtons = MouseButtons.None AndAlso Not isSplitMenuVisible Then
End If
End If
End Sub
Protected Overrides Sub OnEnabledChanged(ByVal e As EventArgs)
State = If(Enabled, PushButtonState.Normal, PushButtonState.Disabled)
End Sub
Protected Overrides Sub OnLostFocus(ByVal e As EventArgs)
If Not m_showSplit Then
End If
If Not State.Equals(PushButtonState.Pressed) AndAlso Not State.Equals(PushButtonState.Disabled) Then
State = PushButtonState.Normal
End If
End Sub
Private isMouseEntered As Boolean
Protected Overrides Sub OnMouseEnter(ByVal e As EventArgs)
If Not m_showSplit Then
End If
isMouseEntered = True
If Not State.Equals(PushButtonState.Pressed) AndAlso Not State.Equals(PushButtonState.Disabled) Then
State = PushButtonState.Hot
End If
End Sub
Protected Overrides Sub OnMouseLeave(ByVal e As EventArgs)
If Not m_showSplit Then
End If
isMouseEntered = False
If Not State.Equals(PushButtonState.Pressed) AndAlso Not State.Equals(PushButtonState.Disabled) Then
State = If(Focused, PushButtonState.[Default], PushButtonState.Normal)
End If
End Sub
Protected Overrides Sub OnMouseDown(ByVal e As MouseEventArgs)
If Not m_showSplit Then
End If
'handle ContextMenu re-clicking the drop-down region to close the menu
If m_SplitMenu IsNot Nothing AndAlso e.Button = MouseButtons.Left AndAlso Not isMouseEntered Then
skipNextOpen = True
End If
If dropDownRectangle.Contains(e.Location) AndAlso Not isSplitMenuVisible AndAlso e.Button = MouseButtons.Left Then
State = PushButtonState.Pressed
End If
End Sub
Protected Overrides Sub OnMouseUp(ByVal mevent As MouseEventArgs)
If Not m_showSplit Then
End If
' if the right button was released inside the button
If mevent.Button = MouseButtons.Right AndAlso ClientRectangle.Contains(mevent.Location) AndAlso Not isSplitMenuVisible Then
ElseIf m_SplitMenuStrip Is Nothing AndAlso m_SplitMenu Is Nothing OrElse Not isSplitMenuVisible Then
If ClientRectangle.Contains(mevent.Location) AndAlso Not dropDownRectangle.Contains(mevent.Location) Then
OnClick(New EventArgs())
End If
End If
End Sub
Protected Overrides Sub OnPaint(ByVal pevent As PaintEventArgs)
If Not m_showSplit Then
End If
Dim g As Graphics = pevent.Graphics
Dim bounds As Rectangle = ClientRectangle
' draw the button background as according to the current state.
If State <> PushButtonState.Pressed AndAlso IsDefault AndAlso Not Application.RenderWithVisualStyles Then
Dim backgroundBounds As Rectangle = bounds
backgroundBounds.Inflate(-1, -1)
ButtonRenderer.DrawButton(g, backgroundBounds, State)
' button renderer doesnt draw the black frame when themes are off
g.DrawRectangle(SystemPens.WindowFrame, 0, 0, bounds.Width - 1, bounds.Height - 1)
ButtonRenderer.DrawButton(g, bounds, State)
End If
Dim backBrush As New SolidBrush(Me.BackColor)
g.FillRectangle(backBrush, 4, 4, bounds.Width - 8, bounds.Height - 8)
' calculate the current dropdown rectangle.
dropDownRectangle = New Rectangle(bounds.Right - SplitSectionWidth, 0, SplitSectionWidth, bounds.Height)
Dim internalBorder As Integer = BorderSize
Dim focusRect As New Rectangle(internalBorder - 1, internalBorder - 1, bounds.Width - dropDownRectangle.Width - internalBorder, bounds.Height - (internalBorder * 2) + 2)
Dim drawSplitLine As Boolean = (State = PushButtonState.Hot OrElse State = PushButtonState.Pressed OrElse Not Application.RenderWithVisualStyles)
If RightToLeft = RightToLeft.Yes Then
dropDownRectangle.X = bounds.Left + 1
focusRect.X = dropDownRectangle.Right
If drawSplitLine Then
' draw two lines at the edge of the dropdown button
g.DrawLine(SystemPens.ButtonShadow, bounds.Left + SplitSectionWidth, BorderSize, bounds.Left + SplitSectionWidth, bounds.Bottom - BorderSize - 1)
g.DrawLine(SystemPens.ButtonFace, bounds.Left + SplitSectionWidth + 1, BorderSize, bounds.Left + SplitSectionWidth + 1, bounds.Bottom - BorderSize - 1)
End If
If drawSplitLine Then
' draw two lines at the edge of the dropdown button
g.DrawLine(SystemPens.ButtonShadow, bounds.Right - SplitSectionWidth, BorderSize, bounds.Right - SplitSectionWidth, bounds.Bottom - BorderSize - 1)
g.DrawLine(SystemPens.ButtonFace, bounds.Right - SplitSectionWidth - 1, BorderSize, bounds.Right - SplitSectionWidth - 1, bounds.Bottom - BorderSize - 1)
End If
End If
' Draw an arrow in the correct location
PaintArrow(g, dropDownRectangle)
'paint the image and text in the "button" part of the splitButton
PaintTextandImage(g, New Rectangle(0, 0, ClientRectangle.Width - SplitSectionWidth, ClientRectangle.Height))
' draw the focus rectangle.
If State <> PushButtonState.Pressed AndAlso Focused AndAlso ShowFocusCues Then
ControlPaint.DrawFocusRectangle(g, focusRect)
End If
End Sub
'Protected Overrides Sub OnPaint(ByVal pevent As PaintEventArgs)
' MyBase.OnPaint(pevent)
' If Not m_showSplit Then
' Return
' End If
' Dim g As Graphics = pevent.Graphics
' Dim bounds As Rectangle = ClientRectangle
' ' draw the button background as according to the current state.
' If State <> PushButtonState.Pressed AndAlso IsDefault AndAlso Not Application.RenderWithVisualStyles Then
' Dim backgroundBounds As Rectangle = bounds
' backgroundBounds.Inflate(-1, -1)
' ButtonRenderer.DrawButton(g, backgroundBounds, State)
' ' button renderer doesnt draw the black frame when themes are off
' g.DrawRectangle(SystemPens.WindowFrame, 0, 0, bounds.Width - 1, bounds.Height - 1)
' Else
' ButtonRenderer.DrawButton(g, bounds, State)
' End If
' ' calculate the current dropdown rectangle.
' dropDownRectangle = New Rectangle(bounds.Right - SplitSectionWidth, 0, SplitSectionWidth, bounds.Height)
' Dim internalBorder As Integer = BorderSize
' Dim focusRect As New Rectangle(internalBorder - 1, internalBorder - 1, bounds.Width - dropDownRectangle.Width - internalBorder, bounds.Height - (internalBorder * 2) + 2)
' Dim drawSplitLine As Boolean = (State = PushButtonState.Hot OrElse State = PushButtonState.Pressed OrElse Not Application.RenderWithVisualStyles)
' If RightToLeft = RightToLeft.Yes Then
' dropDownRectangle.X = bounds.Left + 1
' focusRect.X = dropDownRectangle.Right
' If drawSplitLine Then
' ' draw two lines at the edge of the dropdown button
' g.DrawLine(SystemPens.ButtonShadow, bounds.Left + SplitSectionWidth, BorderSize, bounds.Left + SplitSectionWidth, bounds.Bottom - BorderSize)
' g.DrawLine(SystemPens.ButtonFace, bounds.Left + SplitSectionWidth + 1, BorderSize, bounds.Left + SplitSectionWidth + 1, bounds.Bottom - BorderSize)
' End If
' Else
' If drawSplitLine Then
' ' draw two lines at the edge of the dropdown button
' g.DrawLine(SystemPens.ButtonShadow, bounds.Right - SplitSectionWidth, BorderSize, bounds.Right - SplitSectionWidth, bounds.Bottom - BorderSize)
' g.DrawLine(SystemPens.ButtonFace, bounds.Right - SplitSectionWidth - 1, BorderSize, bounds.Right - SplitSectionWidth - 1, bounds.Bottom - BorderSize)
' End If
' End If
' ' Draw an arrow in the correct location
' PaintArrow(g, dropDownRectangle)
' 'paint the image and text in the "button" part of the splitButton
' PaintTextandImage(g, New Rectangle(0, 0, ClientRectangle.Width - SplitSectionWidth, ClientRectangle.Height))
' ' draw the focus rectangle.
' If State <> PushButtonState.Pressed AndAlso Focused AndAlso ShowFocusCues Then
' ControlPaint.DrawFocusRectangle(g, focusRect)
' End If
'End Sub
Private Sub PaintTextandImage(ByVal g As Graphics, ByVal bounds As Rectangle)
' Figure out where our text and image should go
Dim text_rectangle As Rectangle
Dim image_rectangle As Rectangle
CalculateButtonTextAndImageLayout(bounds, text_rectangle, image_rectangle)
'draw the image
If Image IsNot Nothing Then
If Enabled Then
g.DrawImage(Image, image_rectangle.X, image_rectangle.Y, Image.Width, Image.Height)
ControlPaint.DrawImageDisabled(g, Image, image_rectangle.X, image_rectangle.Y, BackColor)
End If
End If
' If we dont' use mnemonic, set formatFlag to NoPrefix as this will show ampersand.
If Not UseMnemonic Then
textFormatFlags = textFormatFlags Or TextFormatFlags.NoPrefix
ElseIf Not ShowKeyboardCues Then
textFormatFlags = textFormatFlags Or TextFormatFlags.HidePrefix
End If
'draw the text
If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(Text) Then
If Enabled Then
TextRenderer.DrawText(g, Text, Font, text_rectangle, ForeColor, textFormatFlags)
ControlPaint.DrawStringDisabled(g, Text, Font, BackColor, text_rectangle, textFormatFlags)
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub PaintArrow(ByVal g As Graphics, ByVal dropDownRect As Rectangle)
Dim middle As New Point(Convert.ToInt32(dropDownRect.Left + dropDownRect.Width \ 2), Convert.ToInt32(dropDownRect.Top + dropDownRect.Height \ 2))
'if the width is odd - favor pushing it over one pixel right.
middle.X += (dropDownRect.Width Mod 2)
Dim arrow As Point() = New Point() {New Point(middle.X - 2, middle.Y - 1), New Point(middle.X + 3, middle.Y - 1), New Point(middle.X, middle.Y + 2)}
If Enabled Then
g.FillPolygon(SystemBrushes.ControlText, arrow)
g.FillPolygon(SystemBrushes.ButtonShadow, arrow)
End If
End Sub
Public Overrides Function GetPreferredSize(ByVal proposedSize As Size) As Size
Dim preferredSize As Size = MyBase.GetPreferredSize(proposedSize)
'autosize correctly for splitbuttons
If m_showSplit Then
If AutoSize Then
Return CalculateButtonAutoSize()
End If
If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(Text) AndAlso TextRenderer.MeasureText(Text, Font).Width + SplitSectionWidth > preferredSize.Width Then
Return preferredSize + New Size(SplitSectionWidth + BorderSize * 2, 0)
End If
End If
Return preferredSize
End Function
Private Function CalculateButtonAutoSize() As Size
Dim ret_size As Size = Size.Empty
Dim text_size As Size = TextRenderer.MeasureText(Text, Font)
Dim image_size As Size
If Image Is Nothing Then
image_size = Size.Empty
image_size = Image.Size
End If
' Pad the text size
If Text.Length <> 0 Then
text_size.Height += 4
text_size.Width += 4
End If
Select Case TextImageRelation
Case TextImageRelation.Overlay
ret_size.Height = Math.Max(If(Text.Length = 0, 0, text_size.Height), image_size.Height)
ret_size.Width = Math.Max(text_size.Width, image_size.Width)
Exit Select
Case TextImageRelation.ImageAboveText, TextImageRelation.TextAboveImage
ret_size.Height = text_size.Height + image_size.Height
ret_size.Width = Math.Max(text_size.Width, image_size.Width)
Exit Select
Case TextImageRelation.ImageBeforeText, TextImageRelation.TextBeforeImage
ret_size.Height = Math.Max(text_size.Height, image_size.Height)
ret_size.Width = text_size.Width + image_size.Width
Exit Select
End Select
' Pad the result
ret_size.Height += (Padding.Vertical + 6)
ret_size.Width += (Padding.Horizontal + 6)
'pad the splitButton arrow region
If m_showSplit Then
ret_size.Width += SplitSectionWidth
End If
Return ret_size
End Function
#Region "Button Layout Calculations"
'The following layout functions were taken from Mono's Windows.Forms
'implementation, specifically "ThemeWin32Classic.cs",
'then modified to fit the context of this splitButton
Private Sub CalculateButtonTextAndImageLayout(ByRef content_rect As Rectangle, ByRef textRectangle As Rectangle, ByRef imageRectangle As Rectangle)
Dim text_size As Size = TextRenderer.MeasureText(Text, Font, content_rect.Size, textFormatFlags)
'Dim image_size As Size = If(Image Is Nothing, Size.Empty, Image.Size)
Dim image_size As Size
If Image Is Nothing Then
image_size = Size.Empty
image_size = Image.Size
End If
textRectangle = Rectangle.Empty
imageRectangle = Rectangle.Empty
Select Case TextImageRelation
Case TextImageRelation.Overlay
' Overlay is easy, text always goes here
textRectangle = OverlayObjectRect(content_rect, text_size, TextAlign)
' Rectangle.Inflate(content_rect, -4, -4);
'Offset on Windows 98 style when button is pressed
If _state = PushButtonState.Pressed AndAlso Not Application.RenderWithVisualStyles Then
textRectangle.Offset(1, 1)
End If
' Image is dependent on ImageAlign
If Image IsNot Nothing Then
imageRectangle = OverlayObjectRect(content_rect, image_size, ImageAlign)
End If
Exit Select
Case TextImageRelation.ImageAboveText
content_rect.Inflate(-4, -4)
LayoutTextAboveOrBelowImage(content_rect, False, text_size, image_size, textRectangle, imageRectangle)
Exit Select
Case TextImageRelation.TextAboveImage
content_rect.Inflate(-4, -4)
LayoutTextAboveOrBelowImage(content_rect, True, text_size, image_size, textRectangle, imageRectangle)
Exit Select
Case TextImageRelation.ImageBeforeText
content_rect.Inflate(-4, -4)
LayoutTextBeforeOrAfterImage(content_rect, False, text_size, image_size, textRectangle, imageRectangle)
Exit Select
Case TextImageRelation.TextBeforeImage
content_rect.Inflate(-4, -4)
LayoutTextBeforeOrAfterImage(content_rect, True, text_size, image_size, textRectangle, imageRectangle)
Exit Select
End Select
End Sub
Private Shared Function OverlayObjectRect(ByRef container As Rectangle, ByRef sizeOfObject As Size, ByVal alignment As System.Drawing.ContentAlignment) As Rectangle
Dim x As Integer, y As Integer
Select Case alignment
Case System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.TopLeft
x = 4
y = 4
Exit Select
Case System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.TopCenter
x = (container.Width - sizeOfObject.Width) \ 2
y = 4
Exit Select
Case System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.TopRight
x = container.Width - sizeOfObject.Width - 4
y = 4
Exit Select
Case System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft
x = 4
y = (container.Height - sizeOfObject.Height) \ 2
Exit Select
Case System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter
x = (container.Width - sizeOfObject.Width) \ 2
y = (container.Height - sizeOfObject.Height) \ 2
Exit Select
Case System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleRight
x = container.Width - sizeOfObject.Width - 4
y = (container.Height - sizeOfObject.Height) \ 2
Exit Select
Case System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.BottomLeft
x = 4
y = container.Height - sizeOfObject.Height - 4
Exit Select
Case System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.BottomCenter
x = (container.Width - sizeOfObject.Width) \ 2
y = container.Height - sizeOfObject.Height - 4
Exit Select
Case System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.BottomRight
x = container.Width - sizeOfObject.Width - 4
y = container.Height - sizeOfObject.Height - 4
Exit Select
Case Else
x = 4
y = 4
Exit Select
End Select
Return New Rectangle(x, y, sizeOfObject.Width, sizeOfObject.Height)
End Function
Private Sub LayoutTextBeforeOrAfterImage(ByVal totalArea As Rectangle, ByVal textFirst As Boolean, ByVal textSize As Size, ByVal imageSize As Size, ByRef textRect As Rectangle, ByRef imageRect As Rectangle)
Dim element_spacing As Integer = 0
' Spacing between the Text and the Image
Dim total_width As Integer = textSize.Width + element_spacing + imageSize.Width
If Not textFirst Then
element_spacing += 2
End If
' If the text is too big, chop it down to the size we have available to it
If total_width > totalArea.Width Then
textSize.Width = totalArea.Width - element_spacing - imageSize.Width
total_width = totalArea.Width
End If
Dim excess_width As Integer = totalArea.Width - total_width
Dim offset As Integer = 0
Dim final_text_rect As Rectangle
Dim final_image_rect As Rectangle
Dim h_text As HorizontalAlignment = GetHorizontalAlignment(TextAlign)
Dim h_image As HorizontalAlignment = GetHorizontalAlignment(ImageAlign)
If h_image = HorizontalAlignment.Left Then
offset = 0
ElseIf h_image = HorizontalAlignment.Right AndAlso h_text = HorizontalAlignment.Right Then
offset = excess_width
ElseIf h_image = HorizontalAlignment.Center AndAlso (h_text = HorizontalAlignment.Left OrElse h_text = HorizontalAlignment.Center) Then
offset += excess_width \ 3
offset += 2 * (excess_width \ 3)
End If
If textFirst Then
final_text_rect = New Rectangle(totalArea.Left + offset, AlignInRectangle(totalArea, textSize, TextAlign).Top, textSize.Width, textSize.Height)
final_image_rect = New Rectangle(final_text_rect.Right + element_spacing, AlignInRectangle(totalArea, imageSize, ImageAlign).Top, imageSize.Width, imageSize.Height)
final_image_rect = New Rectangle(totalArea.Left + offset, AlignInRectangle(totalArea, imageSize, ImageAlign).Top, imageSize.Width, imageSize.Height)
final_text_rect = New Rectangle(final_image_rect.Right + element_spacing, AlignInRectangle(totalArea, textSize, TextAlign).Top, textSize.Width, textSize.Height)
End If
textRect = final_text_rect
imageRect = final_image_rect
End Sub
Private Sub LayoutTextAboveOrBelowImage(ByVal totalArea As Rectangle, ByVal textFirst As Boolean, ByVal textSize As Size, ByVal imageSize As Size, ByRef textRect As Rectangle, ByRef imageRect As Rectangle)
Dim element_spacing As Integer = 0
' Spacing between the Text and the Image
Dim total_height As Integer = textSize.Height + element_spacing + imageSize.Height
If textFirst Then
element_spacing += 2
End If
If textSize.Width > totalArea.Width Then
textSize.Width = totalArea.Width
End If
' If the there isn't enough room and we're text first, cut out the image
If total_height > totalArea.Height AndAlso textFirst Then
imageSize = Size.Empty
total_height = totalArea.Height
End If
Dim excess_height As Integer = totalArea.Height - total_height
Dim offset As Integer = 0
Dim final_text_rect As Rectangle
Dim final_image_rect As Rectangle
Dim v_text As VerticalAlignment = GetVerticalAlignment(TextAlign)
Dim v_image As VerticalAlignment = GetVerticalAlignment(ImageAlign)
If v_image = VerticalAlignment.Top Then
offset = 0
ElseIf v_image = VerticalAlignment.Bottom AndAlso v_text = VerticalAlignment.Bottom Then
offset = excess_height
ElseIf v_image = VerticalAlignment.Center AndAlso (v_text = VerticalAlignment.Top OrElse v_text = VerticalAlignment.Center) Then
offset += excess_height \ 3
offset += 2 * (excess_height \ 3)
End If
If textFirst Then
final_text_rect = New Rectangle(AlignInRectangle(totalArea, textSize, TextAlign).Left, totalArea.Top + offset, textSize.Width, textSize.Height)
final_image_rect = New Rectangle(AlignInRectangle(totalArea, imageSize, ImageAlign).Left, final_text_rect.Bottom + element_spacing, imageSize.Width, imageSize.Height)
final_image_rect = New Rectangle(AlignInRectangle(totalArea, imageSize, ImageAlign).Left, totalArea.Top + offset, imageSize.Width, imageSize.Height)
final_text_rect = New Rectangle(AlignInRectangle(totalArea, textSize, TextAlign).Left, final_image_rect.Bottom + element_spacing, textSize.Width, textSize.Height)
If final_text_rect.Bottom > totalArea.Bottom Then
final_text_rect.Y = totalArea.Top
End If
End If
textRect = final_text_rect
imageRect = final_image_rect
End Sub
Private Shared Function GetHorizontalAlignment(ByVal align As System.Drawing.ContentAlignment) As HorizontalAlignment
Select Case align
Case System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.BottomLeft, System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft, System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.TopLeft
Return HorizontalAlignment.Left
Case System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.BottomCenter, System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter, System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.TopCenter
Return HorizontalAlignment.Center
Case System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.BottomRight, System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleRight, System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.TopRight
Return HorizontalAlignment.Right
End Select
Return HorizontalAlignment.Left
End Function
Private Shared Function GetVerticalAlignment(ByVal align As System.Drawing.ContentAlignment) As VerticalAlignment
Select Case align
Case System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.TopLeft, System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.TopCenter, System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.TopRight
Return VerticalAlignment.Top
Case System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft, System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter, System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleRight
Return VerticalAlignment.Center
Case System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.BottomLeft, System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.BottomCenter, System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.BottomRight
Return VerticalAlignment.Bottom
End Select
Return VerticalAlignment.Top
End Function
Friend Shared Function AlignInRectangle(ByVal outer As Rectangle, ByVal inner As Size, ByVal align As System.Drawing.ContentAlignment) As Rectangle
Dim x As Integer = 0
Dim y As Integer = 0
If align = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.BottomLeft OrElse align = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft OrElse align = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.TopLeft Then
x = outer.X
ElseIf align = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.BottomCenter OrElse align = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter OrElse align = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.TopCenter Then
x = Math.Max(outer.X + ((outer.Width - inner.Width) \ 2), outer.Left)
ElseIf align = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.BottomRight OrElse align = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleRight OrElse align = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.TopRight Then
x = outer.Right - inner.Width
End If
If align = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.TopCenter OrElse align = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.TopLeft OrElse align = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.TopRight Then
y = outer.Y
ElseIf align = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter OrElse align = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft OrElse align = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleRight Then
y = outer.Y + (outer.Height - inner.Height) \ 2
ElseIf align = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.BottomCenter OrElse align = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.BottomRight OrElse align = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.BottomLeft Then
y = outer.Bottom - inner.Height
End If
Return New Rectangle(x, y, Math.Min(inner.Width, outer.Width), Math.Min(inner.Height, outer.Height))
End Function
#End Region
Private Sub ShowContextMenuStrip()
If skipNextOpen Then
' we were called because we're closing the context menu strip
' when clicking the dropdown button.
skipNextOpen = False
End If
State = PushButtonState.Pressed
If m_SplitMenu IsNot Nothing Then
m_SplitMenu.Show(Me, New Point(0, Height))
ElseIf m_SplitMenuStrip IsNot Nothing Then
m_SplitMenuStrip.Show(Me, New Point(0, Height), ToolStripDropDownDirection.BelowRight)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub SplitMenuStrip_Opening(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As CancelEventArgs)
isSplitMenuVisible = True
End Sub
Private Sub SplitMenuStrip_Closing(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As ToolStripDropDownClosingEventArgs)
isSplitMenuVisible = False
If e.CloseReason = ToolStripDropDownCloseReason.AppClicked Then
skipNextOpen = (dropDownRectangle.Contains(PointToClient(Cursor.Position))) AndAlso MouseButtons = MouseButtons.Left
End If
End Sub
Private Sub SplitMenu_Popup(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
isSplitMenuVisible = True
End Sub
Protected Overrides Sub WndProc(ByRef m As Message)
If m.Msg = &H212 Then
'this message is only sent when a ContextMenu is closed (not a ContextMenuStrip)
isSplitMenuVisible = False
End If
End Sub
Private Sub SetButtonDrawState()
If Bounds.Contains(Parent.PointToClient(Cursor.Position)) Then
State = PushButtonState.Hot
ElseIf Focused Then
State = PushButtonState.[Default]
ElseIf Not Enabled Then
State = PushButtonState.Disabled
State = PushButtonState.Normal
End If
End Sub
End Class
End Namespace
My apologies on the delay.
I tried to massage the Label code intoUseMnemonic, but I was unable to convert it. Perhaps someone could shed a light on how to fix this.
I tried to massage the Label code intoUseMnemonic, but I was unable to convert it. Perhaps someone could shed a light on how to fix this.
For assistance with debugging, here is the latest version of the full class.
Imports System.ComponentModel
Imports System.Drawing
Imports System.Windows.Forms
Imports System.Windows.Forms.VisualStyles
'Get the latest version of SplitButton at:
Namespace wyDay.Controls
Public Class SplitButton
Inherits Button
Private _state As PushButtonState
Const SplitSectionWidth As Integer = 18
Shared BorderSize As Integer = SystemInformation.Border3DSize.Width * 2
Private skipNextOpen As Boolean
Private dropDownRectangle As Rectangle
Private m_showSplit As Boolean
Private isSplitMenuVisible As Boolean
Private m_SplitMenuStrip As ContextMenuStrip
Private m_SplitMenu As ContextMenu
Private textFormatFlags As TextFormatFlags = textFormatFlags.[Default]
Private m_isMnemonic As Boolean
Public Sub New()
AutoSize = True
End Sub
#Region "Properties"
<DefaultValue(False)> _
Public Overrides Property UseMnemonic() As Boolean
Return m_isMnemonic
End Get
Set(ByVal value As Boolean)
m_isMnemonic = value
If (Me.UseMnemonic <> value) Then
'Using LayoutTransaction.CreateTransactionIf(Me.AutoSize, Me.ParentInternal, Me, PropertyNames.Text)
' Me.AdjustSize()
' MyBase.Invalidate()
'End Using
If MyBase.IsHandleCreated Then
Dim windowStyle As Integer = MyBase.WindowStyle
If Not Me.UseMnemonic Then
windowStyle = (windowStyle Or &H80)
windowStyle = (windowStyle And -129)
End If
MyBase.WindowStyle = windowStyle
End If
End If
End Set
End Property
<Browsable(False)> _
Public Overrides Property ContextMenuStrip() As ContextMenuStrip
Return SplitMenuStrip
End Get
Set(ByVal value As ContextMenuStrip)
SplitMenuStrip = value
End Set
End Property
<DefaultValue(CStr(Nothing))> _
Public Property SplitMenu() As ContextMenu
Return m_SplitMenu
End Get
Set(ByVal value As ContextMenu)
'remove the event handlers for the old SplitMenu
If m_SplitMenu IsNot Nothing Then
RemoveHandler m_SplitMenu.Popup, AddressOf SplitMenu_Popup
End If
'add the event handlers for the new SplitMenu
If value IsNot Nothing Then
ShowSplit = True
AddHandler value.Popup, AddressOf SplitMenu_Popup
ShowSplit = False
End If
m_SplitMenu = value
End Set
End Property
<DefaultValue(CStr(Nothing))> _
Public Property SplitMenuStrip() As ContextMenuStrip
Return m_SplitMenuStrip
End Get
Set(ByVal value As ContextMenuStrip)
'remove the event handlers for the old SplitMenuStrip
If m_SplitMenuStrip IsNot Nothing Then
RemoveHandler m_SplitMenuStrip.Closing, AddressOf SplitMenuStrip_Closing
RemoveHandler m_SplitMenuStrip.Opening, AddressOf SplitMenuStrip_Opening
End If
'add the event handlers for the new SplitMenuStrip
If value IsNot Nothing Then
ShowSplit = True
AddHandler value.Closing, AddressOf SplitMenuStrip_Closing
AddHandler value.Opening, AddressOf SplitMenuStrip_Opening
ShowSplit = False
End If
m_SplitMenuStrip = value
End Set
End Property
<DefaultValue(False)> _
Public WriteOnly Property ShowSplit() As Boolean
Set(ByVal value As Boolean)
If value <> m_showSplit Then
m_showSplit = value
If Parent IsNot Nothing Then
End If
End If
End Set
End Property
Private Property State() As PushButtonState
Return _state
End Get
Set(ByVal value As PushButtonState)
If Not _state.Equals(value) Then
_state = value
End If
End Set
End Property
#End Region
Protected Overrides Function IsInputKey(ByVal keyData As Keys) As Boolean
If keyData.Equals(Keys.Down) AndAlso m_showSplit Then
Return True
End If
Return MyBase.IsInputKey(keyData)
End Function
Protected Overrides Sub OnGotFocus(ByVal e As EventArgs)
If Not m_showSplit Then
End If
If Not State.Equals(PushButtonState.Pressed) AndAlso Not State.Equals(PushButtonState.Disabled) Then
State = PushButtonState.[Default]
End If
End Sub
Protected Overrides Sub OnKeyDown(ByVal kevent As KeyEventArgs)
If m_showSplit Then
If kevent.KeyCode.Equals(Keys.Down) AndAlso Not isSplitMenuVisible Then
ElseIf kevent.KeyCode.Equals(Keys.Space) AndAlso kevent.Modifiers = Keys.None Then
State = PushButtonState.Pressed
End If
End If
End Sub
Protected Overrides Sub OnKeyUp(ByVal kevent As KeyEventArgs)
If kevent.KeyCode.Equals(Keys.Space) Then
If MouseButtons = MouseButtons.None Then
State = PushButtonState.Normal
End If
ElseIf kevent.KeyCode.Equals(Keys.Apps) Then
If MouseButtons = MouseButtons.None AndAlso Not isSplitMenuVisible Then
End If
End If
End Sub
Protected Overrides Sub OnEnabledChanged(ByVal e As EventArgs)
State = If(Enabled, PushButtonState.Normal, PushButtonState.Disabled)
End Sub
Protected Overrides Sub OnLostFocus(ByVal e As EventArgs)
If Not m_showSplit Then
End If
If Not State.Equals(PushButtonState.Pressed) AndAlso Not State.Equals(PushButtonState.Disabled) Then
State = PushButtonState.Normal
End If
End Sub
Private isMouseEntered As Boolean
Protected Overrides Sub OnMouseEnter(ByVal e As EventArgs)
If Not m_showSplit Then
End If
isMouseEntered = True
If Not State.Equals(PushButtonState.Pressed) AndAlso Not State.Equals(PushButtonState.Disabled) Then
State = PushButtonState.Hot
End If
End Sub
Protected Overrides Sub OnMouseLeave(ByVal e As EventArgs)
If Not m_showSplit Then
End If
isMouseEntered = False
If Not State.Equals(PushButtonState.Pressed) AndAlso Not State.Equals(PushButtonState.Disabled) Then
State = If(Focused, PushButtonState.[Default], PushButtonState.Normal)
End If
End Sub
Protected Overrides Sub OnMouseDown(ByVal e As MouseEventArgs)
If Not m_showSplit Then
End If
'handle ContextMenu re-clicking the drop-down region to close the menu
If m_SplitMenu IsNot Nothing AndAlso e.Button = MouseButtons.Left AndAlso Not isMouseEntered Then
skipNextOpen = True
End If
If dropDownRectangle.Contains(e.Location) AndAlso Not isSplitMenuVisible AndAlso e.Button = MouseButtons.Left Then
State = PushButtonState.Pressed
End If
End Sub
Protected Overrides Sub OnMouseUp(ByVal mevent As MouseEventArgs)
If Not m_showSplit Then
End If
' if the right button was released inside the button
If mevent.Button = MouseButtons.Right AndAlso ClientRectangle.Contains(mevent.Location) AndAlso Not isSplitMenuVisible Then
ElseIf m_SplitMenuStrip Is Nothing AndAlso m_SplitMenu Is Nothing OrElse Not isSplitMenuVisible Then
If ClientRectangle.Contains(mevent.Location) AndAlso Not dropDownRectangle.Contains(mevent.Location) Then
OnClick(New EventArgs())
End If
End If
End Sub
Protected Overrides Sub OnPaint(ByVal pevent As PaintEventArgs)
If Not m_showSplit Then
End If
Dim g As Graphics = pevent.Graphics
Dim bounds As Rectangle = ClientRectangle
' draw the button background as according to the current state.
If State <> PushButtonState.Pressed AndAlso IsDefault AndAlso Not Application.RenderWithVisualStyles Then
Dim backgroundBounds As Rectangle = bounds
backgroundBounds.Inflate(-1, -1)
ButtonRenderer.DrawButton(g, backgroundBounds, State)
' button renderer doesnt draw the black frame when themes are off
g.DrawRectangle(SystemPens.WindowFrame, 0, 0, bounds.Width - 1, bounds.Height - 1)
ButtonRenderer.DrawButton(g, bounds, State)
End If
Dim backBrush As New SolidBrush(Me.BackColor)
g.FillRectangle(backBrush, 4, 4, bounds.Width - 8, bounds.Height - 8)
' calculate the current dropdown rectangle.
dropDownRectangle = New Rectangle(bounds.Right - SplitSectionWidth, 0, SplitSectionWidth, bounds.Height)
Dim internalBorder As Integer = BorderSize
Dim focusRect As New Rectangle(internalBorder - 1, internalBorder - 1, bounds.Width - dropDownRectangle.Width - internalBorder, bounds.Height - (internalBorder * 2) + 2)
Dim drawSplitLine As Boolean = (State = PushButtonState.Hot OrElse State = PushButtonState.Pressed OrElse Not Application.RenderWithVisualStyles)
If RightToLeft = RightToLeft.Yes Then
dropDownRectangle.X = bounds.Left + 1
focusRect.X = dropDownRectangle.Right
If drawSplitLine Then
' draw two lines at the edge of the dropdown button
g.DrawLine(SystemPens.ButtonShadow, bounds.Left + SplitSectionWidth, BorderSize, bounds.Left + SplitSectionWidth, bounds.Bottom - BorderSize - 1)
g.DrawLine(SystemPens.ButtonFace, bounds.Left + SplitSectionWidth + 1, BorderSize, bounds.Left + SplitSectionWidth + 1, bounds.Bottom - BorderSize - 1)
End If
If drawSplitLine Then
' draw two lines at the edge of the dropdown button
g.DrawLine(SystemPens.ButtonShadow, bounds.Right - SplitSectionWidth, BorderSize, bounds.Right - SplitSectionWidth, bounds.Bottom - BorderSize - 1)
g.DrawLine(SystemPens.ButtonFace, bounds.Right - SplitSectionWidth - 1, BorderSize, bounds.Right - SplitSectionWidth - 1, bounds.Bottom - BorderSize - 1)
End If
End If
' Draw an arrow in the correct location
PaintArrow(g, dropDownRectangle)
'paint the image and text in the "button" part of the splitButton
PaintTextandImage(g, New Rectangle(0, 0, ClientRectangle.Width - SplitSectionWidth, ClientRectangle.Height))
' draw the focus rectangle.
If State <> PushButtonState.Pressed AndAlso Focused AndAlso ShowFocusCues Then
ControlPaint.DrawFocusRectangle(g, focusRect)
End If
End Sub
'Protected Overrides Sub OnPaint(ByVal pevent As PaintEventArgs)
' MyBase.OnPaint(pevent)
' If Not m_showSplit Then
' Return
' End If
' Dim g As Graphics = pevent.Graphics
' Dim bounds As Rectangle = ClientRectangle
' ' draw the button background as according to the current state.
' If State <> PushButtonState.Pressed AndAlso IsDefault AndAlso Not Application.RenderWithVisualStyles Then
' Dim backgroundBounds As Rectangle = bounds
' backgroundBounds.Inflate(-1, -1)
' ButtonRenderer.DrawButton(g, backgroundBounds, State)
' ' button renderer doesnt draw the black frame when themes are off
' g.DrawRectangle(SystemPens.WindowFrame, 0, 0, bounds.Width - 1, bounds.Height - 1)
' Else
' ButtonRenderer.DrawButton(g, bounds, State)
' End If
' ' calculate the current dropdown rectangle.
' dropDownRectangle = New Rectangle(bounds.Right - SplitSectionWidth, 0, SplitSectionWidth, bounds.Height)
' Dim internalBorder As Integer = BorderSize
' Dim focusRect As New Rectangle(internalBorder - 1, internalBorder - 1, bounds.Width - dropDownRectangle.Width - internalBorder, bounds.Height - (internalBorder * 2) + 2)
' Dim drawSplitLine As Boolean = (State = PushButtonState.Hot OrElse State = PushButtonState.Pressed OrElse Not Application.RenderWithVisualStyles)
' If RightToLeft = RightToLeft.Yes Then
' dropDownRectangle.X = bounds.Left + 1
' focusRect.X = dropDownRectangle.Right
' If drawSplitLine Then
' ' draw two lines at the edge of the dropdown button
' g.DrawLine(SystemPens.ButtonShadow, bounds.Left + SplitSectionWidth, BorderSize, bounds.Left + SplitSectionWidth, bounds.Bottom - BorderSize)
' g.DrawLine(SystemPens.ButtonFace, bounds.Left + SplitSectionWidth + 1, BorderSize, bounds.Left + SplitSectionWidth + 1, bounds.Bottom - BorderSize)
' End If
' Else
' If drawSplitLine Then
' ' draw two lines at the edge of the dropdown button
' g.DrawLine(SystemPens.ButtonShadow, bounds.Right - SplitSectionWidth, BorderSize, bounds.Right - SplitSectionWidth, bounds.Bottom - BorderSize)
' g.DrawLine(SystemPens.ButtonFace, bounds.Right - SplitSectionWidth - 1, BorderSize, bounds.Right - SplitSectionWidth - 1, bounds.Bottom - BorderSize)
' End If
' End If
' ' Draw an arrow in the correct location
' PaintArrow(g, dropDownRectangle)
' 'paint the image and text in the "button" part of the splitButton
' PaintTextandImage(g, New Rectangle(0, 0, ClientRectangle.Width - SplitSectionWidth, ClientRectangle.Height))
' ' draw the focus rectangle.
' If State <> PushButtonState.Pressed AndAlso Focused AndAlso ShowFocusCues Then
' ControlPaint.DrawFocusRectangle(g, focusRect)
' End If
'End Sub
Private Sub PaintTextandImage(ByVal g As Graphics, ByVal bounds As Rectangle)
' Figure out where our text and image should go
Dim text_rectangle As Rectangle
Dim image_rectangle As Rectangle
CalculateButtonTextAndImageLayout(bounds, text_rectangle, image_rectangle)
'draw the image
If Image IsNot Nothing Then
If Enabled Then
g.DrawImage(Image, image_rectangle.X, image_rectangle.Y, Image.Width, Image.Height)
ControlPaint.DrawImageDisabled(g, Image, image_rectangle.X, image_rectangle.Y, BackColor)
End If
End If
' If we dont' use mnemonic, set formatFlag to NoPrefix as this will show ampersand.
If Not UseMnemonic Then
textFormatFlags = textFormatFlags Or textFormatFlags.NoPrefix
ElseIf Not ShowKeyboardCues Then
textFormatFlags = textFormatFlags Or textFormatFlags.HidePrefix
End If
'draw the text
If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(Text) Then
If Enabled Then
TextRenderer.DrawText(g, Text, Font, text_rectangle, ForeColor, textFormatFlags)
ControlPaint.DrawStringDisabled(g, Text, Font, BackColor, text_rectangle, textFormatFlags)
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub PaintArrow(ByVal g As Graphics, ByVal dropDownRect As Rectangle)
Dim middle As New Point(Convert.ToInt32(dropDownRect.Left + dropDownRect.Width \ 2), Convert.ToInt32(dropDownRect.Top + dropDownRect.Height \ 2))
'if the width is odd - favor pushing it over one pixel right.
middle.X += (dropDownRect.Width Mod 2)
Dim arrow As Point() = New Point() {New Point(middle.X - 2, middle.Y - 1), New Point(middle.X + 3, middle.Y - 1), New Point(middle.X, middle.Y + 2)}
If Enabled Then
g.FillPolygon(SystemBrushes.ControlText, arrow)
g.FillPolygon(SystemBrushes.ButtonShadow, arrow)
End If
End Sub
Public Overrides Function GetPreferredSize(ByVal proposedSize As Size) As Size
Dim preferredSize As Size = MyBase.GetPreferredSize(proposedSize)
'autosize correctly for splitbuttons
If m_showSplit Then
If AutoSize Then
Return CalculateButtonAutoSize()
End If
If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(Text) AndAlso TextRenderer.MeasureText(Text, Font).Width + SplitSectionWidth > preferredSize.Width Then
Return preferredSize + New Size(SplitSectionWidth + BorderSize * 2, 0)
End If
End If
Return preferredSize
End Function
Private Function CalculateButtonAutoSize() As Size
Dim ret_size As Size = Size.Empty
Dim text_size As Size = TextRenderer.MeasureText(Text, Font)
Dim image_size As Size
If Image Is Nothing Then
image_size = Size.Empty
image_size = Image.Size
End If
' Pad the text size
If Text.Length <> 0 Then
text_size.Height += 4
text_size.Width += 4
End If
Select Case TextImageRelation
Case TextImageRelation.Overlay
ret_size.Height = Math.Max(If(Text.Length = 0, 0, text_size.Height), image_size.Height)
ret_size.Width = Math.Max(text_size.Width, image_size.Width)
Exit Select
Case TextImageRelation.ImageAboveText, TextImageRelation.TextAboveImage
ret_size.Height = text_size.Height + image_size.Height
ret_size.Width = Math.Max(text_size.Width, image_size.Width)
Exit Select
Case TextImageRelation.ImageBeforeText, TextImageRelation.TextBeforeImage
ret_size.Height = Math.Max(text_size.Height, image_size.Height)
ret_size.Width = text_size.Width + image_size.Width
Exit Select
End Select
' Pad the result
ret_size.Height += (Padding.Vertical + 6)
ret_size.Width += (Padding.Horizontal + 6)
'pad the splitButton arrow region
If m_showSplit Then
ret_size.Width += SplitSectionWidth
End If
Return ret_size
End Function
#Region "Button Layout Calculations"
'The following layout functions were taken from Mono's Windows.Forms
'implementation, specifically "ThemeWin32Classic.cs",
'then modified to fit the context of this splitButton
Private Sub CalculateButtonTextAndImageLayout(ByRef content_rect As Rectangle, ByRef textRectangle As Rectangle, ByRef imageRectangle As Rectangle)
Dim text_size As Size = TextRenderer.MeasureText(Text, Font, content_rect.Size, textFormatFlags)
'Dim image_size As Size = If(Image Is Nothing, Size.Empty, Image.Size)
Dim image_size As Size
If Image Is Nothing Then
image_size = Size.Empty
image_size = Image.Size
End If
textRectangle = Rectangle.Empty
imageRectangle = Rectangle.Empty
Select Case TextImageRelation
Case TextImageRelation.Overlay
' Overlay is easy, text always goes here
textRectangle = OverlayObjectRect(content_rect, text_size, TextAlign)
' Rectangle.Inflate(content_rect, -4, -4);
'Offset on Windows 98 style when button is pressed
If _state = PushButtonState.Pressed AndAlso Not Application.RenderWithVisualStyles Then
textRectangle.Offset(1, 1)
End If
' Image is dependent on ImageAlign
If Image IsNot Nothing Then
imageRectangle = OverlayObjectRect(content_rect, image_size, ImageAlign)
End If
Exit Select
Case TextImageRelation.ImageAboveText
content_rect.Inflate(-4, -4)
LayoutTextAboveOrBelowImage(content_rect, False, text_size, image_size, textRectangle, imageRectangle)
Exit Select
Case TextImageRelation.TextAboveImage
content_rect.Inflate(-4, -4)
LayoutTextAboveOrBelowImage(content_rect, True, text_size, image_size, textRectangle, imageRectangle)
Exit Select
Case TextImageRelation.ImageBeforeText
content_rect.Inflate(-4, -4)
LayoutTextBeforeOrAfterImage(content_rect, False, text_size, image_size, textRectangle, imageRectangle)
Exit Select
Case TextImageRelation.TextBeforeImage
content_rect.Inflate(-4, -4)
LayoutTextBeforeOrAfterImage(content_rect, True, text_size, image_size, textRectangle, imageRectangle)
Exit Select
End Select
End Sub
Private Shared Function OverlayObjectRect(ByRef container As Rectangle, ByRef sizeOfObject As Size, ByVal alignment As System.Drawing.ContentAlignment) As Rectangle
Dim x As Integer, y As Integer
Select Case alignment
Case System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.TopLeft
x = 4
y = 4
Exit Select
Case System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.TopCenter
x = (container.Width - sizeOfObject.Width) \ 2
y = 4
Exit Select
Case System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.TopRight
x = container.Width - sizeOfObject.Width - 4
y = 4
Exit Select
Case System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft
x = 4
y = (container.Height - sizeOfObject.Height) \ 2
Exit Select
Case System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter
x = (container.Width - sizeOfObject.Width) \ 2
y = (container.Height - sizeOfObject.Height) \ 2
Exit Select
Case System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleRight
x = container.Width - sizeOfObject.Width - 4
y = (container.Height - sizeOfObject.Height) \ 2
Exit Select
Case System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.BottomLeft
x = 4
y = container.Height - sizeOfObject.Height - 4
Exit Select
Case System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.BottomCenter
x = (container.Width - sizeOfObject.Width) \ 2
y = container.Height - sizeOfObject.Height - 4
Exit Select
Case System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.BottomRight
x = container.Width - sizeOfObject.Width - 4
y = container.Height - sizeOfObject.Height - 4
Exit Select
Case Else
x = 4
y = 4
Exit Select
End Select
Return New Rectangle(x, y, sizeOfObject.Width, sizeOfObject.Height)
End Function
Private Sub LayoutTextBeforeOrAfterImage(ByVal totalArea As Rectangle, ByVal textFirst As Boolean, ByVal textSize As Size, ByVal imageSize As Size, ByRef textRect As Rectangle, ByRef imageRect As Rectangle)
Dim element_spacing As Integer = 0
' Spacing between the Text and the Image
Dim total_width As Integer = textSize.Width + element_spacing + imageSize.Width
If Not textFirst Then
element_spacing += 2
End If
' If the text is too big, chop it down to the size we have available to it
If total_width > totalArea.Width Then
textSize.Width = totalArea.Width - element_spacing - imageSize.Width
total_width = totalArea.Width
End If
Dim excess_width As Integer = totalArea.Width - total_width
Dim offset As Integer = 0
Dim final_text_rect As Rectangle
Dim final_image_rect As Rectangle
Dim h_text As HorizontalAlignment = GetHorizontalAlignment(TextAlign)
Dim h_image As HorizontalAlignment = GetHorizontalAlignment(ImageAlign)
If h_image = HorizontalAlignment.Left Then
offset = 0
ElseIf h_image = HorizontalAlignment.Right AndAlso h_text = HorizontalAlignment.Right Then
offset = excess_width
ElseIf h_image = HorizontalAlignment.Center AndAlso (h_text = HorizontalAlignment.Left OrElse h_text = HorizontalAlignment.Center) Then
offset += excess_width \ 3
offset += 2 * (excess_width \ 3)
End If
If textFirst Then
final_text_rect = New Rectangle(totalArea.Left + offset, AlignInRectangle(totalArea, textSize, TextAlign).Top, textSize.Width, textSize.Height)
final_image_rect = New Rectangle(final_text_rect.Right + element_spacing, AlignInRectangle(totalArea, imageSize, ImageAlign).Top, imageSize.Width, imageSize.Height)
final_image_rect = New Rectangle(totalArea.Left + offset, AlignInRectangle(totalArea, imageSize, ImageAlign).Top, imageSize.Width, imageSize.Height)
final_text_rect = New Rectangle(final_image_rect.Right + element_spacing, AlignInRectangle(totalArea, textSize, TextAlign).Top, textSize.Width, textSize.Height)
End If
textRect = final_text_rect
imageRect = final_image_rect
End Sub
Private Sub LayoutTextAboveOrBelowImage(ByVal totalArea As Rectangle, ByVal textFirst As Boolean, ByVal textSize As Size, ByVal imageSize As Size, ByRef textRect As Rectangle, ByRef imageRect As Rectangle)
Dim element_spacing As Integer = 0
' Spacing between the Text and the Image
Dim total_height As Integer = textSize.Height + element_spacing + imageSize.Height
If textFirst Then
element_spacing += 2
End If
If textSize.Width > totalArea.Width Then
textSize.Width = totalArea.Width
End If
' If the there isn't enough room and we're text first, cut out the image
If total_height > totalArea.Height AndAlso textFirst Then
imageSize = Size.Empty
total_height = totalArea.Height
End If
Dim excess_height As Integer = totalArea.Height - total_height
Dim offset As Integer = 0
Dim final_text_rect As Rectangle
Dim final_image_rect As Rectangle
Dim v_text As VerticalAlignment = GetVerticalAlignment(TextAlign)
Dim v_image As VerticalAlignment = GetVerticalAlignment(ImageAlign)
If v_image = VerticalAlignment.Top Then
offset = 0
ElseIf v_image = VerticalAlignment.Bottom AndAlso v_text = VerticalAlignment.Bottom Then
offset = excess_height
ElseIf v_image = VerticalAlignment.Center AndAlso (v_text = VerticalAlignment.Top OrElse v_text = VerticalAlignment.Center) Then
offset += excess_height \ 3
offset += 2 * (excess_height \ 3)
End If
If textFirst Then
final_text_rect = New Rectangle(AlignInRectangle(totalArea, textSize, TextAlign).Left, totalArea.Top + offset, textSize.Width, textSize.Height)
final_image_rect = New Rectangle(AlignInRectangle(totalArea, imageSize, ImageAlign).Left, final_text_rect.Bottom + element_spacing, imageSize.Width, imageSize.Height)
final_image_rect = New Rectangle(AlignInRectangle(totalArea, imageSize, ImageAlign).Left, totalArea.Top + offset, imageSize.Width, imageSize.Height)
final_text_rect = New Rectangle(AlignInRectangle(totalArea, textSize, TextAlign).Left, final_image_rect.Bottom + element_spacing, textSize.Width, textSize.Height)
If final_text_rect.Bottom > totalArea.Bottom Then
final_text_rect.Y = totalArea.Top
End If
End If
textRect = final_text_rect
imageRect = final_image_rect
End Sub
Private Shared Function GetHorizontalAlignment(ByVal align As System.Drawing.ContentAlignment) As HorizontalAlignment
Select Case align
Case System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.BottomLeft, System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft, System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.TopLeft
Return HorizontalAlignment.Left
Case System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.BottomCenter, System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter, System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.TopCenter
Return HorizontalAlignment.Center
Case System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.BottomRight, System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleRight, System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.TopRight
Return HorizontalAlignment.Right
End Select
Return HorizontalAlignment.Left
End Function
Private Shared Function GetVerticalAlignment(ByVal align As System.Drawing.ContentAlignment) As VerticalAlignment
Select Case align
Case System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.TopLeft, System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.TopCenter, System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.TopRight
Return VerticalAlignment.Top
Case System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft, System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter, System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleRight
Return VerticalAlignment.Center
Case System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.BottomLeft, System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.BottomCenter, System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.BottomRight
Return VerticalAlignment.Bottom
End Select
Return VerticalAlignment.Top
End Function
Friend Shared Function AlignInRectangle(ByVal outer As Rectangle, ByVal inner As Size, ByVal align As System.Drawing.ContentAlignment) As Rectangle
Dim x As Integer = 0
Dim y As Integer = 0
If align = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.BottomLeft OrElse align = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft OrElse align = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.TopLeft Then
x = outer.X
ElseIf align = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.BottomCenter OrElse align = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter OrElse align = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.TopCenter Then
x = Math.Max(outer.X + ((outer.Width - inner.Width) \ 2), outer.Left)
ElseIf align = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.BottomRight OrElse align = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleRight OrElse align = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.TopRight Then
x = outer.Right - inner.Width
End If
If align = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.TopCenter OrElse align = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.TopLeft OrElse align = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.TopRight Then
y = outer.Y
ElseIf align = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter OrElse align = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft OrElse align = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleRight Then
y = outer.Y + (outer.Height - inner.Height) \ 2
ElseIf align = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.BottomCenter OrElse align = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.BottomRight OrElse align = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.BottomLeft Then
y = outer.Bottom - inner.Height
End If
Return New Rectangle(x, y, Math.Min(inner.Width, outer.Width), Math.Min(inner.Height, outer.Height))
End Function
#End Region
Private Sub ShowContextMenuStrip()
If skipNextOpen Then
' we were called because we're closing the context menu strip
' when clicking the dropdown button.
skipNextOpen = False
End If
State = PushButtonState.Pressed
If m_SplitMenu IsNot Nothing Then
m_SplitMenu.Show(Me, New Point(0, Height))
ElseIf m_SplitMenuStrip IsNot Nothing Then
m_SplitMenuStrip.Show(Me, New Point(0, Height), ToolStripDropDownDirection.BelowRight)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub SplitMenuStrip_Opening(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As CancelEventArgs)
isSplitMenuVisible = True
End Sub
Private Sub SplitMenuStrip_Closing(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As ToolStripDropDownClosingEventArgs)
isSplitMenuVisible = False
If e.CloseReason = ToolStripDropDownCloseReason.AppClicked Then
skipNextOpen = (dropDownRectangle.Contains(PointToClient(Cursor.Position))) AndAlso MouseButtons = MouseButtons.Left
End If
End Sub
Private Sub SplitMenu_Popup(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
isSplitMenuVisible = True
End Sub
Protected Overrides Sub WndProc(ByRef m As Message)
If m.Msg = &H212 Then
'this message is only sent when a ContextMenu is closed (not a ContextMenuStrip)
isSplitMenuVisible = False
End If
End Sub
Private Sub SetButtonDrawState()
If Bounds.Contains(Parent.PointToClient(Cursor.Position)) Then
State = PushButtonState.Hot
ElseIf Focused Then
State = PushButtonState.[Default]
ElseIf Not Enabled Then
State = PushButtonState.Disabled
State = PushButtonState.Normal
End If
End Sub
End Class
End Namespace
I am not sure if I understand your question. Are you saying that despite setting the text to "Re&ceipt", it does not show the underline?
If not, override the ProcessMnemonic method
My apologies for the delay in responding.
Yes, the event for the "hot key" works properly when I press it.
However, I am having trouble displaying the underlined letter when the [Alt] key is held down and then obviously I need it to disappear when the [Alt] key is released.
Am I missing a reference for MyBase
Yes, the event for the "hot key" works properly when I press it.
However, I am having trouble displaying the underlined letter when the [Alt] key is held down and then obviously I need it to disappear when the [Alt] key is released.
Am I missing a reference for MyBase
Imports System.ComponentModel
Imports System.Drawing
Imports System.Windows.Forms
Imports System.Windows.Forms.VisualStyles
Namespace wyDay.Controls
Public Class SplitButton
Inherits Button
Private m_isMnemonic As Boolean
#Region "Properties"
<DefaultValue(False)> _
Public Overloads Property UseMnemonic As Boolean
Return m_isMnemonic
End Get
Set(ByVal value As Boolean)
If (Me.UseMnemonic <> value) Then
m_isMnemonic = value
If MyBase.IsHandleCreated Then
Dim windowStyle As Integer ' = MyBase.WindowStyle ' Error
If Not Me.UseMnemonic Then
windowStyle = (windowStyle Or &H80)
windowStyle = (windowStyle And -129)
End If
'MyBase.WindowStyle = windowStyle ' Error
End If
End If
End Set
End Property
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Signing up is free and takes 30 seconds. No credit card required.
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Signing up is free and takes 30 seconds. No credit card required.
My solution has the corrected code and reasons for the original issue.
Open in new window
Especially the part after theOpen in new window
should be interesting.