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VB.Net Timers.Timer loop not working

I ahve written a VB.Net service that had a Timers.Timer control with an interval of 120000 (2 minutes)

I then use the attatched code to run my procedure (importlead()) and restart the timer so it runs again in 2 minutes.

It runs through fine the 1st time but it never seems to call the import lead procedure after that.

Can anybody see what i am doing wrong?

        Catch ex As Exception
            sWriter.WriteLine("Error Description: " & Err.Description)
            sWriter.WriteLine("Lead Check Finished at: " & Now.ToString)
            Timer = New Timers.Timer
            Timer.Interval = 120000
        End Try

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Avatar of Imran Javed Zia
Imran Javed Zia
Flag of Pakistan image

you don't have to reinitialize the  timmer again just remove follwoing lines from finally
Timer = New Timers.Timer  
Timer.Interval = 120000  
and your code will look like this.

        Catch ex As Exception  
            sWriter.WriteLine("Error Description: " & Err.Description)  
            sWriter.WriteLine("Lead Check Finished at: " & Now.ToString)  
        End Try

You also don't need to close/dispose. You just need to stop and then start.

Try this way:


        Catch ex As Exception  
            sWriter.WriteLine("Error Description: " & Err.Description)  
            sWriter.WriteLine("Lead Check Finished at: " & Now.ToString)  
        End Try

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Hi Both

that is how I had it setup initially and it didnt work, it is only this morning that I have added those extra few lines in an attempt to make it work ? :o(
please provide comeplete file code, to check, what is the problem.

Public Class ClickLeadImporter

    Private WithEvents Timer As New Timers.Timer
    Dim sWriter As New System.IO.StreamWriter("\\sql1\DORIS Tasks\Click Lead Importer Service\Log.txt")
    Dim SqlCnn As String = "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Server=sql1;Database=lpd;Persist Security Info=False;User ID=sa;Password=starfish"

    Protected Overrides Sub OnStart(ByVal args() As String)
        ' Add code here to start your service. This method should set things
        ' in motion so your service can do its work.
        If System.IO.File.Exists("\\sql1\DORIS Tasks\Click Lead Importer Service\Log.txt") = False Then
        End If

        Timer.Interval = 120000
    End Sub

    Protected Overrides Sub OnStop()
        ' Add code here to perform any tear-down necessary to stop your service.
    End Sub

    Private Sub Timer_Elapsed(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Timers.ElapsedEventArgs) Handles Timer.Elapsed

        Catch ex As Exception
            sWriter.WriteLine("Error Description: " & Err.Description)
            sWriter.WriteLine("Lead Check Finished at: " & Now.ToString)
            Timer = New Timers.Timer
            Timer.Interval = 120000
        End Try

    End Sub

    Private Sub ImportLead()

        Dim DirectoryInfo As New System.IO.DirectoryInfo("\\tcweb\Leads\Click")
        Dim FileArray As System.IO.FileInfo() = DirectoryInfo.GetFiles("*.txt")
        Dim file As System.IO.FileInfo

        sWriter.WriteLine("Lead Check Started at: " & Now.ToString)

        If FileArray.Length = 0 Then
            sWriter.WriteLine("No New Leads")
        End If

        For Each file In FileArray

            sWriter.WriteLine("File " & file.Name & " Found")

            Dim sReader As New System.IO.StreamReader(file.FullName)
            Dim leadContent As String

            leadContent = sReader.ReadLine
            Dim Title As String = leadContent.Replace("Title:", "")

            leadContent = sReader.ReadLine
            Dim Initials As String = leadContent.Replace("Initials:", "")

            leadContent = sReader.ReadLine
            Dim Surname As String = leadContent.Replace("Surname:", "")

            leadContent = sReader.ReadLine
            Dim Address1 As String = leadContent.Replace("Address1:", "")

            leadContent = sReader.ReadLine
            Dim Address2 As String = leadContent.Replace("Address2:", "")

            leadContent = sReader.ReadLine
            Dim Address3 As String = leadContent.Replace("Address3:", "")

            leadContent = sReader.ReadLine
            Dim Address4 As String = leadContent.Replace("Address4:", "")

            leadContent = sReader.ReadLine
            Dim Address5 As String = leadContent.Replace("Address5:", "")

            leadContent = sReader.ReadLine
            Dim PostCode As String = leadContent.Replace("Postcode:", "")

            leadContent = sReader.ReadLine
            Dim DOB As String = leadContent.Replace("DOB:", "")

            leadContent = sReader.ReadLine
            Dim Sex As String = leadContent.Replace("Sex:", "")

            leadContent = sReader.ReadLine
            Dim Smoker As Boolean
            If leadContent.Replace("Smoker:", "").Length <> 0 Then
                If leadContent.Replace("Smoker:", "").Substring(0, 1).ToUpper = "Y" Then
                    Smoker = True
                    Smoker = False
                End If
            End If

            leadContent = sReader.ReadLine
            Dim Telephone1 As String = leadContent.Replace("Telephone1:", "")

            leadContent = sReader.ReadLine
            Dim Telephone2 As String = leadContent.Replace("Telephone2:", "")

            leadContent = sReader.ReadLine
            Dim Telephone3 As String = leadContent.Replace("Telephone3:", "")

            leadContent = sReader.ReadLine
            Dim Email As String = leadContent.Replace("Email:", "")

            leadContent = sReader.ReadLine
            Dim PartnerDOB As String = leadContent.Replace("PartnerDOB:", "")

            leadContent = sReader.ReadLine
            Dim PartnerSex As String = leadContent.Replace("PartnerSex:", "")

            leadContent = sReader.ReadLine
            Dim PartnerSmoker As Boolean
            If leadContent.Replace("PartnerSmoker:", "").Length > 0 Then
                If leadContent.Replace("PartnerSmoker:", "").Substring(0, 1).ToUpper = "Y" Then
                    PartnerSmoker = True
                    PartnerSmoker = False
                End If
            End If

            leadContent = sReader.ReadLine
            Dim LivesAssured As String = leadContent.Replace("LivesAssured:", "")

            leadContent = sReader.ReadLine
            Dim CoverType As String = leadContent.Replace("CoverType:", "")

            leadContent = sReader.ReadLine
            Dim CIC As Boolean
            If leadContent.Replace("CIC:", "").Length <> 0 Then
                If leadContent.Replace("CIC:", "").Substring(0, 1).ToUpper = "Y" Then
                    CIC = True
                    CIC = False
                End If
            End If

            leadContent = sReader.ReadLine
            Dim Term As Integer = leadContent.Replace("Term:", "")

            leadContent = sReader.ReadLine
            Dim SumAssured As Long = leadContent.Replace("SumAssured:", "")

            Dim rs As New ADODB.Recordset
            Dim sqlstr As String

            rs.CursorLocation = ADODB.CursorLocationEnum.adUseClient
            sqlstr = "SELECT * FROM WebEnquiries WHERE WebEnquiryID = 0"

            rs.Open(sqlstr, SqlCnn, ADODB.CursorTypeEnum.adOpenStatic, ADODB.LockTypeEnum.adLockOptimistic)

            rs.Fields("SourceID").Value = "255"
            rs.Fields("ID").Value = "1"
            rs.Fields("Sex").Value = Sex
            rs.Fields("Title").Value = Title
            rs.Fields("Initials").Value = Initials
            rs.Fields("Surname").Value = Surname
            rs.Fields("Address1").Value = Address1
            rs.Fields("Address2").Value = Address2
            rs.Fields("Address3").Value = Address3
            rs.Fields("Address4").Value = Address4
            rs.Fields("PostCode").Value = PostCode
            rs.Fields("DOB").Value = DOB
            rs.Fields("Smoker").Value = Smoker
            rs.Fields("Daytime_Telephone").Value = Telephone1
            rs.Fields("Evening_Telephone").Value = Telephone2
            rs.Fields("Mobile_Telephone").Value = Telephone3
            rs.Fields("Email").Value = Email
            rs.Fields("Hear").Value = "255"
            rs.Fields("DateU").Value = Date.Now
            rs.Fields("DateStamp").Value = Date.Now
            rs.Fields("CallCount").Value = 0
            rs.Fields("P_Sex").Value = PartnerSex
            rs.Fields("P_Smoker").Value = PartnerSmoker
            rs.Fields("P_DOB").Value = PartnerDOB
            rs.Fields("CoverSingleJoint1").Value = LivesAssured
            rs.Fields("CoverType1").Value = CoverType
            rs.Fields("CoverCIC1").Value = CIC
            rs.Fields("CoverTerm1").Value = Term
            rs.Fields("CoverAmount1").Value = SumAssured


            System.IO.File.Move(file.FullName, file.DirectoryName & "\Imported\" & file.Name)
            sWriter.WriteLine("File " & file.Name & " Processed")

        sWriter.WriteLine("Lead Check Finished at: " & Now.ToString)
    End Sub

End Class

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This code doesn't have the suggested changes. also you should close the sWriter only in the ImportLead method and not everywhere. Implement a try catch block on the ImportLead() and not in the Timer_Elapsed event.
I have changed the code a little please test it now, and make sure that log file is updated
Public Class ClickLeadImporter

    Private WithEvents Timer As New Timers.Timer
    Dim sWriter As New System.IO.StreamWriter("\\sql1\DORIS Tasks\Click Lead Importer Service\Log.txt")
    Dim SqlCnn As String = "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Server=sql1;Database=lpd;Persist Security Info=False;User ID=sa;Password=starfish"

    Protected Sub OnStart(ByVal args() As String)
        ' Add code here to start your service. This method should set things  
        ' in motion so your service can do its work.  

        If System.IO.File.Exists("\\sql1\DORIS Tasks\Click Lead Importer Service\Log.txt") = False Then
        End If

        Timer.Interval = 120000
    End Sub

    Protected Overrides Sub OnStop()
        ' Add code here to perform any tear-down necessary to stop your service.  
    End Sub

    Private Sub Timer_Elapsed(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Timers.ElapsedEventArgs) Handles Timer.Elapsed

            sWriter.WriteLine("Stoping Timmer : " + DateTime.Now.ToString())
            sWriter.WriteLine("Stoped Timmer : " + DateTime.Now.ToString())
        Catch ex As Exception
            sWriter.WriteLine("Error Description: " & Err.Description)
            sWriter.WriteLine("Lead Check Finished at: " & Now.ToString)
            sWriter.WriteLine("Starting Timmer : " + DateTime.Now.ToString())
            sWriter.WriteLine("Started Timmer : " + DateTime.Now.ToString())
        End Try

    End Sub

    Private Sub ImportLead()

        Dim DirectoryInfo As New System.IO.DirectoryInfo("\\tcweb\Leads\Click")
        Dim FileArray As System.IO.FileInfo() = DirectoryInfo.GetFiles("*.txt")
        Dim file As System.IO.FileInfo

        sWriter.WriteLine("Lead Check Started at: " & Now.ToString)

        If FileArray.Length = 0 Then
            sWriter.WriteLine("No New Leads")
        End If

        For Each file In FileArray

            sWriter.WriteLine("File " & file.Name & " Found")

            Dim sReader As New System.IO.StreamReader(file.FullName)
            Dim leadContent As String

            leadContent = sReader.ReadLine
            Dim Title As String = leadContent.Replace("Title:", "")

            leadContent = sReader.ReadLine
            Dim Initials As String = leadContent.Replace("Initials:", "")

            leadContent = sReader.ReadLine
            Dim Surname As String = leadContent.Replace("Surname:", "")

            leadContent = sReader.ReadLine
            Dim Address1 As String = leadContent.Replace("Address1:", "")

            leadContent = sReader.ReadLine
            Dim Address2 As String = leadContent.Replace("Address2:", "")

            leadContent = sReader.ReadLine
            Dim Address3 As String = leadContent.Replace("Address3:", "")

            leadContent = sReader.ReadLine
            Dim Address4 As String = leadContent.Replace("Address4:", "")

            leadContent = sReader.ReadLine
            Dim Address5 As String = leadContent.Replace("Address5:", "")

            leadContent = sReader.ReadLine
            Dim PostCode As String = leadContent.Replace("Postcode:", "")

            leadContent = sReader.ReadLine
            Dim DOB As String = leadContent.Replace("DOB:", "")

            leadContent = sReader.ReadLine
            Dim Sex As String = leadContent.Replace("Sex:", "")

            leadContent = sReader.ReadLine
            Dim Smoker As Boolean
            If leadContent.Replace("Smoker:", "").Length <> 0 Then
                If leadContent.Replace("Smoker:", "").Substring(0, 1).ToUpper = "Y" Then
                    Smoker = True
                    Smoker = False
                End If
            End If

            leadContent = sReader.ReadLine
            Dim Telephone1 As String = leadContent.Replace("Telephone1:", "")

            leadContent = sReader.ReadLine
            Dim Telephone2 As String = leadContent.Replace("Telephone2:", "")

            leadContent = sReader.ReadLine
            Dim Telephone3 As String = leadContent.Replace("Telephone3:", "")

            leadContent = sReader.ReadLine
            Dim Email As String = leadContent.Replace("Email:", "")

            leadContent = sReader.ReadLine
            Dim PartnerDOB As String = leadContent.Replace("PartnerDOB:", "")

            leadContent = sReader.ReadLine
            Dim PartnerSex As String = leadContent.Replace("PartnerSex:", "")

            leadContent = sReader.ReadLine
            Dim PartnerSmoker As Boolean
            If leadContent.Replace("PartnerSmoker:", "").Length > 0 Then
                If leadContent.Replace("PartnerSmoker:", "").Substring(0, 1).ToUpper = "Y" Then
                    PartnerSmoker = True
                    PartnerSmoker = False
                End If
            End If

            leadContent = sReader.ReadLine
            Dim LivesAssured As String = leadContent.Replace("LivesAssured:", "")

            leadContent = sReader.ReadLine
            Dim CoverType As String = leadContent.Replace("CoverType:", "")

            leadContent = sReader.ReadLine
            Dim CIC As Boolean
            If leadContent.Replace("CIC:", "").Length <> 0 Then
                If leadContent.Replace("CIC:", "").Substring(0, 1).ToUpper = "Y" Then
                    CIC = True
                    CIC = False
                End If
            End If

            leadContent = sReader.ReadLine
            Dim Term As Integer = leadContent.Replace("Term:", "")

            leadContent = sReader.ReadLine
            Dim SumAssured As Long = leadContent.Replace("SumAssured:", "")

            Dim rs As New ADODB.Recordset
            Dim sqlstr As String

            rs.CursorLocation = ADODB.CursorLocationEnum.adUseClient
            sqlstr = "SELECT * FROM WebEnquiries WHERE WebEnquiryID = 0"

            rs.Open(sqlstr, SqlCnn, ADODB.CursorTypeEnum.adOpenStatic, ADODB.LockTypeEnum.adLockOptimistic)

            rs.Fields("SourceID").Value = "255"
            rs.Fields("ID").Value = "1"
            rs.Fields("Sex").Value = Sex
            rs.Fields("Title").Value = Title
            rs.Fields("Initials").Value = Initials
            rs.Fields("Surname").Value = Surname
            rs.Fields("Address1").Value = Address1
            rs.Fields("Address2").Value = Address2
            rs.Fields("Address3").Value = Address3
            rs.Fields("Address4").Value = Address4
            rs.Fields("PostCode").Value = PostCode
            rs.Fields("DOB").Value = DOB
            rs.Fields("Smoker").Value = Smoker
            rs.Fields("Daytime_Telephone").Value = Telephone1
            rs.Fields("Evening_Telephone").Value = Telephone2
            rs.Fields("Mobile_Telephone").Value = Telephone3
            rs.Fields("Email").Value = Email
            rs.Fields("Hear").Value = "255"
            rs.Fields("DateU").Value = Date.Now
            rs.Fields("DateStamp").Value = Date.Now
            rs.Fields("CallCount").Value = 0
            rs.Fields("P_Sex").Value = PartnerSex
            rs.Fields("P_Smoker").Value = PartnerSmoker
            rs.Fields("P_DOB").Value = PartnerDOB
            rs.Fields("CoverSingleJoint1").Value = LivesAssured
            rs.Fields("CoverType1").Value = CoverType
            rs.Fields("CoverCIC1").Value = CIC
            rs.Fields("CoverTerm1").Value = Term
            rs.Fields("CoverAmount1").Value = SumAssured


            System.IO.File.Move(file.FullName, file.DirectoryName & "\Imported\" & file.Name)
            sWriter.WriteLine("File " & file.Name & " Processed")

        sWriter.WriteLine("Lead Check Finished at: " & Now.ToString)
    End Sub

End Class

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OK I have made the changes suggested

here is the log file after the service has been running for 5 minutes

Stoping Timmer : 31/03/2011 10:31:21
Stoped Timmer : 31/03/2011 10:31:21
Lead Check Started at: 31/03/2011 10:31:21
File 20110331085501-Balzer.txt Found
File 20110331085501-Balzer.txt Processed
File 20110331090501-Morris.txt Found
File 20110331090501-Morris.txt Processed
Lead Check Finished at: 31/03/2011 10:31:21
So, is it working fine?
ok, I got it your service is throwing execption due to file looger as you are closing file handler in , you can check your eventviewer log too for this error.

Private Sub ImportLead()
sWriter.WriteLine("Lead Check Finished at: " & Now.ToString)
sWriter.Close() ' here is the problem

End Sub

change it too
Private Sub ImportLead()
sWriter.WriteLine("Lead Check Finished at: " & Now.ToString)

End Sub

agter this retest the code

I will try that now

It isnt working - it should inportlead() every 2 minutes...
Avatar of Imran Javed Zia
Imran Javed Zia
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I have made that change and it is always working perfectly!!!

it is now running through the import lead procedure but it either isnt updating the log file at all, or it is overwriting what is already in it every thime - i want a continous log file...
just change this line
Dim sWriter As New System.IO.StreamWriter("\\sql1\DORIS Tasks\Click Lead Importer Service\Log.txt")
Dim sWriter As New System.IO.StreamWriter("\\sql1\DORIS Tasks\Click Lead Importer Service\Log.txt", True)
i think i am getting there with this. the only problem is that the text file doesnt update until thservie is stopeed

that is why I was using swriter.close

does that make sense?
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Great thanks for all of your help...

Do you both aggree that I should split the points between the two of you equally?
>> Do you both aggree that I should split the points between the two of you equally?

No problem for me ;)