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MutogiFlag for United States of America

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win 7 not showing network shares to save files

Hey Everyone,

Just installed a Win7 Pro comp from an XP computer.

from XP i can look at directory and click on an item and box pops up to open, save, and cancel to download file. if i goto page and open in windows explorer enter the password again i can right click on an item to download and all works to open save or cancel.

from win7 all works ok but i want to open file from windows explorer and just see the directory and files inside, not download to a temp directory. also if i want the whole folder and download to a network share i cant see it from the right click menu on the windows explorer page. but if i open my computer from the desktop i can see and goto the network share like normal.
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Jackie Man
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ok this is what im trying to explain,

when going to and shows MS-DOS directory i can click on anything and it allows me to save the file anywhere i want to, C:, my documents, \\myserver\data, wherever i want to...

but when i click page and view FTP site in windows explorer, i can only save it locally i cant save it to \\myserver\data, if i click on network nothing shows up at all, but if i close this window and go back to IE and see the directory i can click on the folder and save to \\myserver\data again just not in windows explorer
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ok, so thank you for the response, but as i stated, when i expand network i cant see anything on the network at all.
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none of the comments where anwsers, was on server side.