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VBScript (Hosts File add/remove multiple entries)

This script was written by Bill Prew of this stie:
Option Explicit
Dim objShell, strSystemRoot, strHostsFile
' Get the location of the hosts file
Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
strSystemRoot = objShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%systemroot%")
strHostsFile = strSystemRoot & "\system32\drivers\etc\hosts"
' Add an entry to the hosts file
AddHostAlias strHostsFile, "testHost", ""
' Delete an entry in the hosts file specifying IP address
DelHostEntry strHostsFile, ""
' Delete an entry in the hosts file specifying host name
DelHostAlias strHostsFile, "MYNEW.HOST.COM"

' Support routines below here, do not modify
Function GetHostAliases(strHostFile,strIP)
Const fileRead = 1
Dim objFSO , objFlagFile
Dim strLine, arrHostEnteries , strHostAliases, i
Dim Seps(2)
strHostAliases = ""
Seps(0) = " "
Seps(1) = vbTab
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If objFSO.FileExists( strHostFile ) Then
    Set objFlagFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strHostFile ,fileRead)
    Do While Not objFlagFile.AtEndOfStream
           strLine = Trim(objFlagFile.ReadLine)
           If strLine <> "" AND Left(strLine,1) <> "#" Then
               If InStr(strLine, "#") > 0 Then
                   strLine = Left(strLine,InStr(strLine, "#") - 1)
               End If
               arrHostEnteries = Tokenize( strLine , Seps )
               If( UBound( arrHostEnteries ) > 0 ) Then
                   If UCase(arrHostEnteries(0)) = UCase(Trim(strIP)) Then
                       For i = (LBound( arrHostEnteries ) + 1) _
                         To (UBound( arrHostEnteries ) - 1)
                           strHostAliases = _
                             strHostAliases & arrHostEnteries(i) & " "
                   End If
               End If
             End If
End If
    GetHostAliases = Tokenize( Trim(strHostAliases) , Seps )
End Function
Sub DelHostEntry(strHostFile,strIP)
 Const fileRead = 1
 Const fileWrite = 2
 Const fileAppend = 8
 Const SPACES = 20
 Dim objFSO , objFlagFile
 Dim strLine, strNewHostFile , strNewHostLine, arrHostEnteries, i
 Dim nNameLen
 Dim nAddSpaces
 Dim Seps(2)
 Seps(0) = " "
 Seps(1) = vbTab
 strNewHostFile = ""
 strNewHostLine = ""
 Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
 If objFSO.FileExists( strHostFile ) Then
    Set objFlagFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strHostFile ,fileRead)
    Do While Not objFlagFile.AtEndOfStream
           strLine = Trim(objFlagFile.ReadLine)
           If strLine <> "" AND Left(strLine,1) <> "#" Then
                 arrHostEnteries = Tokenize( strLine , Seps )
                 If UBound( arrHostEnteries ) > 0 Then
                   If UBound( arrHostEnteries ) = 1 OR UCase(arrHostEnteries(0)) = _
                      UCase(Trim(strIP)) Then ' Check for Aliases and remove it not correct
                       strNewHostLine = ""
                       nNameLen = Len(arrHostEnteries(0))
                       nAddSpaces = SPACES - nNameLen
                       strNewHostLine = arrHostEnteries(0) & Space(nAddSpaces)
                       For i = (LBound( arrHostEnteries ) + 1) _
                                To (UBound( arrHostEnteries ) - 1)
                           strNewHostLine = strNewHostLine & " " & arrHostEnteries(i)
                   End If
               End If
               If strNewHostLine <> "" Then
                   strNewHostFile = strNewHostFile & strNewHostLine & vbCRLF
            End If
        Else ' Comments and Blank Lines Added Here
               strNewHostLine = strLine
               strNewHostFile = strNewHostFile & strNewHostLine & vbCRLF
        End If
        strNewHostLine = ""
 End If
 Set objFlagFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strHostFile ,fileWrite)
 objFlagFile.Write strNewHostFile
End Sub
Sub DelHostAlias(strHostFile,strHost)
 Const fileRead = 1
 Const fileWrite = 2
 Const fileAppend = 8
 Const SPACES = 20
 Dim objFSO , objFlagFile
 Dim strLine, strNewHostFile , strComment, strNewHostLine, arrHostEnteries, i
 Dim Seps(2)
 Dim nNameLen
 Dim nAddSpaces
 Seps(0) = " "
 Seps(1) = vbTab
 strComment = ""
 strNewHostFile = ""
 strNewHostLine = ""
 Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
 If objFSO.FileExists( strHostFile ) Then
    Set objFlagFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strHostFile ,fileRead)
    Do While Not objFlagFile.AtEndOfStream
           strLine = Trim(objFlagFile.ReadLine)
           If strLine <> "" AND Left(strLine,1) <> "#" Then
               If InStr(strLine, "#") > 0 Then
                   strComment = " " & Right( strLine , _
                       Len( strLine ) - InStr(strLine, "#") + 1 )
                   strLine = Left(strLine,InStr(strLine, "#") - 1)
                   strComment = ""
            End If
                 arrHostEnteries = Tokenize( strLine , Seps )
                 If UBound( arrHostEnteries ) > 0 Then
                     nNameLen = Len(arrHostEnteries(0))
                   nAddSpaces = SPACES - nNameLen
                     strNewHostLine = arrHostEnteries(0) & Space(nAddSpaces)
                   If UBound( arrHostEnteries ) = 1 Then
                       strNewHostLine = ""
                       strComment = ""
                       For i = (LBound( arrHostEnteries ) + 1) _
                               To (UBound( arrHostEnteries ) - 1)
                           If UCase(arrHostEnteries(i)) <> UCase(Trim(strHost)) Then
                               strNewHostLine = strNewHostLine _
                                         & " " & arrHostEnteries(i)
                           ElseIf UBound( arrHostEnteries ) = 2 Then
                               strNewHostLine = ""
                               strComment = ""
                           End If
                      End If
               End If
               If strNewHostLine <> "" Then
                   strNewHostFile = strNewHostFile & _
                          strNewHostLine & strComment & vbCRLF
            End If
        Else ' Comments and Blank Lines Added Here
               strNewHostLine = strLine
               strNewHostFile = strNewHostFile & strNewHostLine & vbCRLF
        End If
        strNewHostLine = ""
 End If
 Set objFlagFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strHostFile ,fileWrite)
 objFlagFile.Write strNewHostFile
End Sub
Sub AddHostAlias(strHostFile,strHost,strIP)
 Const fileRead = 1
 Const fileWrite = 2
 Const fileAppend = 8
 Const SPACES = 20
 Dim objFSO , objFlagFile
 Dim strLine, strHostEntry, strNewHostFile , strNewHostLine, _
    strComment, bFound, bOmitRemainder, arrHostEnteries, i
 Dim Seps(2)
 Dim nNameLen
 Dim nAddSpaces
 Seps(0) = " "
 Seps(1) = vbTab
 bFound = False
 bOmitRemainder = False
 strComment = ""
 strNewHostFile = ""
 strNewHostLine = ""
 Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
 If objFSO.FileExists( strHostFile ) Then
  Set objFlagFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strHostFile ,fileRead)
  Do While Not objFlagFile.AtEndOfStream
       strLine = Trim(objFlagFile.ReadLine)
       If strLine <> "" AND Left(strLine,1) <> "#" Then
           If InStr(strLine, "#") > 0 Then
               strComment = " " & Right( strLine , _
                  Len( strLine ) - InStr(strLine, "#") + 1 )
               strLine = Left(strLine,InStr(strLine, "#") - 1)
               strComment = ""
           End If
           arrHostEnteries = Tokenize( strLine , Seps )
           If UBound( arrHostEnteries ) > 0 Then
               nNameLen = Len(arrHostEnteries(0))
               nAddSpaces = SPACES - nNameLen
                 strNewHostLine = arrHostEnteries(0) & Space(nAddSpaces)
               If UCase(arrHostEnteries(0)) = UCase(Trim(strIP)) Then
               'Check the entries for certain IP...
                   For i = (LBound( arrHostEnteries ) + 1) _
                            To (UBound( arrHostEnteries ) - 1)
                       If UCase(arrHostEnteries(i)) = UCase(Trim(strHost)) Then
                           bFound    = True
                           strNewHostLine = strNewHostLine _
                                  & " " & Trim(strHost)
                           strNewHostLine = strNewHostLine _
                                    & " " & arrHostEnteries(i)
                       End If
                   If Not bFound Then
                       strNewHostLine = strNewHostLine _
                              & " " & Trim(strHost)
                       bFound = True
                   End If
               Else 'Check if it exist in different IP ranges and remove them
                   If UBound( arrHostEnteries ) = 1 Then
                       strNewHostLine = ""
                       strComment = ""
                       For i = (LBound( arrHostEnteries ) + 1) _
                                To (UBound( arrHostEnteries ) - 1)
                           If UCase(arrHostEnteries(i)) <> UCase(Trim(strHost)) Then
                               strNewHostLine = strNewHostLine _
                                        & " " & arrHostEnteries(i)
                           ElseIf UBound( arrHostEnteries ) = 2 Then
                               strNewHostLine = ""
                               strComment = ""
                           End If
                      End If
               End If
           End If
           If strNewHostLine <> "" Then
               strNewHostFile = strNewHostFile & _
                      strNewHostLine & strComment & vbCRLF
        End If
       Else ' Comments and Blank Lines Added Here
           strNewHostLine = strLine
           strNewHostFile = strNewHostFile & strNewHostLine & vbCRLF
    End If
    strNewHostLine = ""
  If Not bFound Then
      strNewHostLine = Trim(strIP) & "       "_
                  & Trim(strHost) & vbCRLF
      strNewHostFile = strNewHostFile & strNewHostLine
  End If
 Else ' File doesn't exist so create it and write
      strNewHostFile = Trim(strIP) & _
             "       " & Trim(strHost)
 End If
 Set objFlagFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strHostFile ,fileWrite)
 objFlagFile.Write strNewHostFile
End Sub
Function Tokenize(byVal TokenString, byRef TokenSeparators())
    Dim NumWords, a(), i
    NumWords = 0
    Dim NumSeps
    NumSeps = UBound(TokenSeparators)
        Dim SepIndex, SepPosition
        SepPosition = 0
        SepIndex    = -1
        for i = 0 to NumSeps-1
            ' Find location of separator in the string
            Dim pos
            pos = InStr(TokenString, TokenSeparators(i))
            ' Is the separator present, and is it closest
            ' to the beginning of the string?
            If pos > 0 and ( (SepPosition = 0) or _
                     (pos < SepPosition) ) Then
                SepPosition = pos
                SepIndex    = i
            End If
        ' Did we find any separators?
        If SepIndex < 0 Then
            ' None found - so the token is the remaining string
            redim preserve a(NumWords+1)
            a(NumWords) = TokenString
            ' Found a token - pull out the substring
            Dim substr
            substr = Trim(Left(TokenString, SepPosition-1))
            ' Add the token to the list
            redim preserve a(NumWords+1)
            a(NumWords) = substr
            ' Cutoff the token we just found
            Dim TrimPosition
            TrimPosition = SepPosition+Len(TokenSeparators(SepIndex))
            TokenString = Trim(Mid(TokenString, TrimPosition))
        End If
        NumWords = NumWords + 1
    loop while (SepIndex >= 0)
    Tokenize = a
End Function

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What I'd like to do is have it modified to be able to add/remove multiple entries as well as possibly be able to add/remove up to 2 alias's per IP address.  I thank you for your assistance in advance.

Avatar of Neil Russell
Neil Russell
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I'll give this a try in the morning.  Thanks for the quick reply.  Would you know how to add/remove a value such as this:

AddHostAlias strHostsFile, "testHostAlias1", "", "LocalHost"

I tried playing around with this with another script but I couldn't get it to work properly.
The script as it stands would need considerable rewrite to handle that. I'm in the pub right now but tomorrow maybe :P
Avatar of Bill Prew
As I recall, that was the hardest 50 points I ever earned :-).

Anyway, what do you want the hosts file line to look like for:

AddHostAlias strHostsFile, "testHostAlias1", "", "LocalHost"


I did read what you said and figured the solution and/or modification was worth at the minimum 250 (figuring you could get a few more for your effort).

I pay for the service here.  Because of the work you put into your script, I'd like to give you your fair share.  I can always give the full 500 and split it up, giving you most of the credit you deserve.  This does look like a 'multiple solution" item.

Anyhow, the host file line should be:

TestHostAlias1     localwhatever

basically, some of these lines will have 3 entries.  I just want to make sure that when I apply the script, it will take this into consideration.

Thanks alot everyone, you are all too kind and very helpful.
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