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Datatable & Report Printing

Hello Experts,

Im new to VB and need your advice on my current project, Im working an app that generates invocies for our customers, and saves them as pdf. we have a SQL backend holding all the data. my problem is that when I send to print 15K invoices it takes too long to generate the pdf.  Here is where im looking for your advise..

Here is what im doing now and my table structure

custtable  servicetypetbl  detailsofservctbl  dynamicmsgtbl

each cust will have 1 or many services and each service will have multiple details.

what im doing now is, I query the first 2000 id's from the customer table into a datatable, then i do a for each whit the resiults  and query each of the tables where cust id match and put those resutls into datables.
something like this:

select top 2000 ID from custable
 c as datatable from above select
     for each in mem in c  
                   here i create another dataadapter and fill a dataset with a select where id = c for
                   each of the following tables servicetypetbl  detailsofservctbl  dynamicmsgtbl

This works fine and generates my pdf's. my problem is that when i try to print 30K invoices takes for ever in excess of 4 hours.

 I'm sure there is  a way to avoid soo many tris back and forth to the database - any suggestions are greatly appretitated.


Avatar of Carlos Villegas
Carlos Villegas
Flag of United States of America image

Hi, can you show your code? I need to know how you generate the pdf files, may be you can generate its by using threads, Im sure that can reduce the time required to generate your files.
Avatar of hrodriguez761



thanks for your quick response here is a portion of the code for the printing process.. hopes this gives you a better picture
Dim intro As String  'get id from db after record is inserted.
        Dim intropd As SqlDataAdapter
        Dim introset As New DataSet("getmember")
        'intro = "select id from member where id = '188'"
        intro = "select top 100 id from member"
        intropd = New SqlDataAdapter(intro, con)
        intropd.Fill(introset, "getmember")
        Dim introtable As DataTable
        introtable = introset.Tables("getmember")
        Dim membrid As Integer
        Dim membrid2 As String
        Dim page1 As New PDFCreationOptions
        page1.LeftMargin = 1
        page1.TopMargin = 1
        page1.RightMargin = 1
        page1.BottomMargin = 1
        Dim doc As New PDFDocument("c:\test\invs_long2.pdf", page1)
        For Each membrow In introtable.Rows
            membrid2 = introtable.Rows.IndexOf(membrow)
            membrid = introtable.Rows(membrid2).Item(0).ToString
            Dim sql2 As String
            Dim mydatapd As SqlDataAdapter
            Dim mydataset As New DataSet("accdetail")
            sql2 = "select * from accdetail where custid = '" & membrid & "'"
            mydatapd = New SqlDataAdapter(sql2, con)
            mydatapd.Fill(mydataset, "accdetail")
            Dim accdet As DataTable
            accdet = mydataset.Tables("accdetail")

            Dim sql3 As String  'get id from db after record is inserted.
            Dim mydatapd2 As SqlDataAdapter
            Dim mydataset2 As New DataSet("customer")
            sql3 = "select * from member where id = '" & membrid & "'"
            mydatapd2 = New SqlDataAdapter(sql3, con)
            mydatapd2.Fill(mydataset2, "member")
            Dim custable As DataTable
            custable = mydataset2.Tables("member")
            'accounts table
            Dim sql4 As String  'get id from db after record is inserted.
            Dim mydatapd4 As SqlDataAdapter
            Dim mydataset4 As New DataSet("account")
            sql4 = "select * from accounts where custid = '" & membrid & "'"
            mydatapd4 = New SqlDataAdapter(sql4, con)
            mydatapd4.Fill(mydataset4, "account")
            Dim accstable As DataTable
            accstable = mydataset4.Tables("account")
            'servicetype1 table
            Dim sql5 As String  'get id from db after record is inserted.
            Dim mydatapd5 As SqlDataAdapter
            Dim mydataset5 As New DataSet("servT1")
            sql5 = "select * from services1 where custid = '" & membrid & "'"
            mydatapd5 = New SqlDataAdapter(sql5, con)
            mydatapd5.Fill(mydataset5, "servT1")
            Dim servT1 As DataTable
            servT1 = mydataset5.Tables("servT1")
            'loand details
            ' servT1det - details for servicesT1
            Dim sql6 As String  'get id from db after record is inserted.
            Dim mydatapd6 As SqlDataAdapter
            Dim mydataset6 As New DataSet("servT1det")
            sql6 = "select * from servT1det where custid = '" & membrid & "'"
            mydatapd6 = New SqlDataAdapter(sql6, con)
            mydatapd6.Fill(mydataset6, "servT1det")
            Dim servT1dettable As DataTable
            servT1dettable = mydataset6.Tables("servT1det")
            'image table
            Dim sql7 As String  'get id from db after record is inserted.
            Dim mydatapd7 As SqlDataAdapter
            Dim mydataset7 As New DataSet("image")
            sql7 = "select * from image"
            mydatapd7 = New SqlDataAdapter(sql7, con)
            mydatapd7.Fill(mydataset7, "image")
            Dim reconimg As DataTable
            reconimg = mydataset7.Tables("image")

            Dim sql8 As String  'get id from db after record is inserted.
            Dim mydatapd8 As SqlDataAdapter
            Dim mydataset8 As New DataSet("mbrdets")
            sql8 = "select * from custdetails where custid = '" & membrid & "'"
            mydatapd8 = New SqlDataAdapter(sql8, con)
            mydatapd8.Fill(mydataset8, "mbrdets")
            Dim memdets As DataTable
            memdets = mydataset8.Tables("mbrdets")

            Dim myrow As DataSet
            Dim rowcount As Integer
            Dim currentrow As Integer
            Dim date1 As String
            Dim xpage
            Dim xtr As Integer
            Dim ytr As Integer
            Dim docname As String
            docname = custable.Rows(0).Item(4).ToString.Trim()
            Dim headers As Integer
            'Dim doc As New PDFDocument("c:\test\stm_" & docname & ".pdf", page1)
            doc.CurrentPage.Body.AddTextArea(New RectangleF(20, 20, 20, 20), "test", True)
            Dim blackb As New PDFBrush(Color.Black)
            Dim whiteb As New PDFBrush(Color.White)
            Dim blackp As PDFPen
            doc.CurrentPage.Body.Shapes.DrawRectangle(blackb, blackp, height:=15, left:=390, top:=25, width:=180)
            doc.CurrentPage.Body.SetActiveFont("Arial", PDFFontStyles.Bold, 9, Charset.ANSI_CHARSET, Color.White)
            doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(420, 25, 0, "INVOICE PERIOD")
            doc.CurrentPage.Body.Shapes.DrawRectangle(blackb, blackp, height:=15, left:=575, top:=25, width:=95)
            doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(605, 25, 0, "PAGE")
            doc.CurrentPage.Body.Shapes.DrawRectangle(blackb, blackp, height:=15, left:=675, top:=25, width:=120)
            doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(678, 25, 0, "ACCOUNT NUMBER")
            doc.CurrentPage.Body.SetActiveFont("Arial", PDFFontStyles.Regular, 9, Charset.ANSI_CHARSET, Color.Black)
            'doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(580, 45, 0,) "1", HorJust.Left, VertJust.Center)
            'doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(625, 45, 0, "Of", HorJust.Left, VertJust.Center)
            doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(390, 46, 0, Format(custable.Rows(0).Item(2), "MMM  dd  yyyy"), HorJust.Left, VertJust.Center)
            doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(572, 46, 0, Format(custable.Rows(0).Item(3), "MMM  dd  yyyy"), HorJust.Right, VertJust.Center)
            doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(730, 46, 0, custable.Rows(0).Item(4).ToString.Trim(), HorJust.Left, VertJust.Center)
            doc.CurrentPage.Body.SetActiveFont("Arial", PDFFontStyles.Bold, 9, Charset.ANSI_CHARSET, Color.White)
            doc.CurrentPage.Body.Shapes.DrawRectangle(blackb, blackp, height:=15, left:=515, top:=73, width:=280)
            doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(630, 73, 0, "MESSAGE")
            doc.CurrentPage.Body.SetActiveFont("Arial", PDFFontStyles.Regular, 8, Charset.ANSI_CHARSET, Color.Black)
            Dim xaddr As Integer
            xaddr = 240
            If IsDBNull(custable.Rows(0).Item(5)) = False Then
                doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(120, xaddr, 0, custable.Rows(0).Item(5).ToString.Trim(), HorJust.Left, VertJust.Center)
                xaddr = xaddr + 13
            End If
            If IsDBNull(custable.Rows(0).Item(6)) = False Then
                doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(120, xaddr, 0, custable.Rows(0).Item(6).ToString.Trim(), HorJust.Left, VertJust.Center)
                xaddr = xaddr + 13
            End If
            If IsDBNull(custable.Rows(0).Item(7)) = False Then
                doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(120, xaddr, 0, custable.Rows(0).Item(7).ToString.Trim(), HorJust.Left, VertJust.Center)
                xaddr = xaddr + 13
            End If
            If IsDBNull(custable.Rows(0).Item(8)) = False Then
                doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(120, xaddr, 0, custable.Rows(0).Item(8).ToString.Trim(), HorJust.Left, VertJust.Center)
                xaddr = xaddr + 13
            End If

Open in new window

Hola, I see where your problem is, you are doing too many round trips to your DB server, but it can be redesigned to get all the data required by using just a single call to your DB server, after that you will see a big time reduction to get the job done. I will create an SP for you and instructions of how to implement it by using just one dataset and datarelations objects. Please provide the rest of your code to be able to give you a better assist.
Thanks so much for the advise - here is the rest of the code - I hope it doesn't give you a headache
If IsDBNull(custable(9)) = False Then
                doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(120, xaddr, 0, custable(9).ToString.Trim(), HorJust.Left, VertJust.Center)
                xaddr = xaddr + 13
            End If
            If IsDBNull(custable(10)) = False Then
                doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(120, xaddr, 0, custable(10).ToString.Trim(), HorJust.Left, VertJust.Center)
                xaddr = xaddr + 13
            End If

            Dim dataMatrix = New PDFTech.Barcodes.Barcode2D.QRCode(custable(4).ToString.Trim(), UnitOfMeasure.Pixel)
            dataMatrix.SymbolSize = PDFTech.Barcodes.QRCodeSymbolSize.Size01
            If dataMatrix.IsCodeValid() Then
                doc.CurrentPage.Body.Add2DBarcode(dataMatrix, 350, 245)
            End If

            doc.CurrentPage.Body.Shapes.DrawRectangle(blackb, blackp, height:=15, left:=70, top:=315, width:=725)
            doc.CurrentPage.Body.SetActiveFont("Arial", PDFFontStyles.Bold, 9, Charset.ANSI_CHARSET, Color.White)
            doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(360, 315, 0, "INVOICE SUMMARY")
            doc.CurrentPage.Body.SetActiveFont("Arial", PDFFontStyles.Bold, 8, Charset.ANSI_CHARSET, Color.Black)
            doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(70, 337, 0, "Account Type", HorJust.Left, VertJust.Center)
            doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(390, 337, 0, "Balance", HorJust.Right, VertJust.Center)
            doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(525, 337, 0, "Advances", HorJust.Right, VertJust.Center)
            doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(670, 337, 0, "Payments", HorJust.Right, VertJust.Center)
            doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(795, 337, 0, "Ending Balance", HorJust.Right, VertJust.Center)
            ytr = 350

            For Each accRow In accstable
                doc.CurrentPage.Body.SetActiveFont("Arial", PDFFontStyles.Regular, 8, Charset.ANSI_CHARSET, Color.Black)
                If IsDBNull(accRow.item("description")) = False Then
                    doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(70, ytr, 0, accRow.item("description").ToString.Trim(), HorJust.Left, VertJust.Center)
                End If
                If IsDBNull(accRow.item("begbal")) = False Then
                    doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(390, ytr, 0, Format(accRow.item("begbal"), "standard"), HorJust.Right, VertJust.Center)
                End If
                If IsDBNull(accRow.item("advances")) = False Then
                    doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(525, ytr, 0, Format(accRow.item("advances"), "standard"), HorJust.Right, VertJust.Center)
                End If
                If IsDBNull(accRow.item("payments")) = False Then
                    doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(670, ytr, 0, Format(accRow.item("payments"), "standard"), HorJust.Right, VertJust.Center)
                End If
                If IsDBNull(accRow.item("endbal")) = False Then
                    doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(795, ytr, 0, Format(accRow.item("endbal"), "standard"), HorJust.Right, VertJust.Center)
                End If
                ytr = ytr + 12
            Next (accRow)
            For Each servRow In servT1
                doc.CurrentPage.Body.SetActiveFont("Arial", PDFFontStyles.Regular, 8, Charset.ANSI_CHARSET, Color.Black)
                If IsDBNull(servRow.Item("description")) = False Then
                    doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(70, ytr, 0, servRow.Item("description").ToString.Trim(), HorJust.Left, VertJust.Center)
                End If
                If IsDBNull(servRow.Item("plb5")) = False Then
                    doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(390, ytr, 0, Format(servRow.Item("plb5"), "standard"), HorJust.Right, VertJust.Center)
                End If
                If IsDBNull(servRow.Item("des5")) = False Then
                    doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(525, ytr, 0, Format(servRow.Item("des5"), "standard"), HorJust.Right, VertJust.Center)
                End If
                If IsDBNull(servRow.Item("ptpandc5")) = False Then
                    doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(670, ytr, 0, Format(servRow.Item("ptpandc5"), "standard"), HorJust.Right, VertJust.Center)
                End If
                If IsDBNull(servRow.Item("nlb5")) = False Then
                    doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(795, ytr, 0, Format(servRow.Item("nlb5"), "standard"), HorJust.Right, VertJust.Center)
                End If
                ytr = ytr + 12
            Next (servRow)
            doc.CurrentPage.Body.Shapes.DrawRectangle(blackb, blackp, height:=1, left:=70, top:=ytr + 10, width:=725)
            For Each row2 In accstable
                Dim curracc As Integer
                Dim begbal As Integer
                curracc = row2.Item(0)
                begbal = row2.Item(5)
                doc.CurrentPage.Body.Shapes.DrawRectangle(blackb, blackp, height:=15, left:=70, top:=ytr + 10, width:=350)
                doc.CurrentPage.Body.Shapes.DrawRectangle(blackb, blackp, height:=1, left:=70, top:=ytr + 10, width:=725)
                doc.CurrentPage.Body.SetActiveFont("Arial", PDFFontStyles.Bold, 9, Charset.ANSI_CHARSET, Color.White)
                doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(75, ytr + 10, 0, row2.Item("number"))
                doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(180, ytr + 10, 0, row2.Item("description"))
                headers = ytr
                ytr = ytr + 3
                'xtr = 90
                ytr = ytr + 40
                xpage = 1
                If IsDBNull(row2.Item(10)) Then
                    doc.CurrentPage.Body.SetActiveFont("Arial", PDFFontStyles.Regular, 9, Charset.ANSI_CHARSET, Color.Black)
                    Dim aprind As Boolean
                    aprind = False
                    If IsDBNull(row2.Item(18)) = False Then
                        aprind = True
                    End If
                    If IsDBNull(row2.Item(23)) = False Then
                        aprind = True
                    End If
                    If IsDBNull(row2.Item(17)) = False Then
                        doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(458, ytr, 0, row2.Item(17), HorJust.Right, VertJust.Center)
                        ytr = ytr + 15
                    End If
                    'ytr = ytr + 15
                    If aprind = True Then
                        doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(100, ytr, 0, "TRUTH INFORMATION", HorJust.Left, VertJust.Center)
                        ytr = ytr + 30
                    End If
                    If Not IsDBNull(row2.Item(31)) = True Then 
                        If aprind = True Then
                            doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(100, ytr - 15, 0, "JOINT:", HorJust.Left, VertJust.Center)
                            doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(300, ytr - 15, 0, row2.Item(31), HorJust.Left, VertJust.Center)
                            If Not IsDBNull(row2.Item(32)) = True Then
                                doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(480, ytr - 15, 0, row2.Item(32), HorJust.Left, VertJust.Center)
                            End If
                            ytr = ytr + 15
                            doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(100, ytr, 0, "JOINT:", HorJust.Left, VertJust.Center)
                            doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(300, ytr, 0, row2.Item(31), HorJust.Left, VertJust.Center)
                            If Not IsDBNull(row2.Item(32)) = True Then
                                doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(480, ytr, 0, row2.Item(32), HorJust.Left, VertJust.Center)
                            End If
                            ytr = ytr + 15
                        End If
                    End If
                    If Not IsDBNull(row2.Item("hold")) Then
                        doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(500, ytr, 0, "HOLDING:", HorJust.Left, VertJust.Center)
                        doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(658, ytr, 0, row2.Item("hold"), HorJust.Right, VertJust.Center)
                    End If
                    If IsDBNull(row2.Item(35)) = True Then
                        doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(500, ytr, 0, "Y-T-D:", HorJust.Left, VertJust.Center)
                        doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(658, ytr, 0, "0", HorJust.Right, VertJust.Center)

                        ytr = ytr + 15
                        doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(500, ytr, 0, "Y-T-D:", HorJust.Left, VertJust.Center)
                        doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(658, ytr, 0, row2.Item(35), HorJust.Right, VertJust.Center)
                        ytr = ytr + 15
                    End If
                    If aprind = True Then
                        If IsDBNull(row2.Item(18)) = True Then
                            'doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(100, ytr + 22, 0, "RATE", HorJust.Left, VertJust.Center)
                            'doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(458, ytr + 22, 0, "0", HorJust.Right, VertJust.Center)
                            ' = ytr + 15
                            doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(100, ytr - 15, 0, "RATE", HorJust.Left, VertJust.Center)
                            doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(458, ytr - 15, 0, row2.Item(18), HorJust.Right, VertJust.Center)
                            ytr = ytr + 15
                        End If
                        If IsDBNull(row2.Item(23)) = True Then
                            'doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(100, ytr + 22, 0, "PERCENTAGE", HorJust.Left, VertJust.Center)
                            'doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(458, ytr + 22, 0, "0", HorJust.Right, VertJust.Center)
                            'ytr = ytr + 15
                            doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(100, ytr - 15, 0, "PERCENTAGE", HorJust.Left, VertJust.Center)
                            doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(458, ytr - 15, 0, row2.Item(23), HorJust.Right, VertJust.Center)
                            ytr = ytr + 15
                        End If
                    End If
                    doc.CurrentPage.Body.SetActiveFont("Arial", PDFFontStyles.Regular, 7, Charset.ANSI_CHARSET, Color.Black)
                    ytr = ytr + 20
                    Dim feeindc2 As Boolean
                    feeindc2 = False
                    If IsDBNull(row2.Item(37)) = False Then
                        feeindc2 = True
                    End If
                    If IsDBNull(row2.Item(38)) = False Then
                        feeindc2 = True
                    End If
                    If IsDBNull(row2.Item(39)) = False Then
                        feeindc2 = True
                    End If
                    If IsDBNull(row2.Item(40)) = False Then
                        feeindc2 = True
                    End If
                    If feeindc2 = True Then
                        'doc.CurrentPage.Body.Shapes.DrawRectangle(blackb, blackp, height:=60, left:=200, top:=ytr + 5, width:=500)
                        Dim feetable As PDFTech.Table
                        feetable = New PDFTech.Table(3, 3)
               = Color.Black
                        feetable.rowHeight = 15
                        ' = VerticalAlignment.middle
               = 1
                        feetable.column(0).width = 167
                        feetable.column(1).width = 145
                        feetable.column(2).width = 126
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                        doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(787, ytr + 7, 0, "DATE", HorJust.Right, VertJust.Center)
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                            doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(658, ytr + 22, 0, row2.Item(37), HorJust.Right, VertJust.Center)
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                            doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(787, ytr + 22, 0, row2.Item(38), HorJust.Right, VertJust.Center)
                        End If
                        If IsDBNull(row2.Item(39)) = True Then
                            doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(658, ytr + 38, 0, "0.00", HorJust.Right, VertJust.Center)
                            doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(658, ytr + 38, 0, row2.Item(39), HorJust.Right, VertJust.Center)
                        End If
                        If IsDBNull(row2.Item(40)) = True Then
                            doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(787, ytr + 38, 0, "0.00", HorJust.Right, VertJust.Center)
                            doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(787, ytr + 38, 0, row2.Item(40), HorJust.Right, VertJust.Center)
                        End If
                        feeindc2 = False
                        aprind = False
                        ytr = ytr + 80
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                                ytr = ytr + 15
                                doc.CurrentPage.Body.SetActiveFont("Arial", PDFFontStyles.Regular, 9, Charset.ANSI_CHARSET, Color.Black)
                                doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(150, ytr, 0, mdets.Item(3), HorJust.Left, VertJust.Center)
                                ytr = ytr + 15
                            End If
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                    doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(100, ytr, 0, "BEGINING", HorJust.Left, VertJust.Center)
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                        doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(400, ytr, 0, "DRAFT", HorJust.Left, VertJust.Center)
                        doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(750, ytr, 0, Format(row2.Item(11), "standard"), HorJust.Right, VertJust.Center)
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                    ytr = ytr + 15
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                        'doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(400, ytr, 0, "AVG", HorJust.Left, VertJust.Center)
                        If Not IsDBNull(row2.Item(11)) Then
                            doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(400, ytr, 0, "BAL", HorJust.Left, VertJust.Center)
                            doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(750, ytr, 0, Format(row2.Item(13), "standard"), HorJust.Right, VertJust.Center)
                            doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(400, ytr - 15, 0, "AVG", HorJust.Left, VertJust.Center)
                            doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(750, ytr - 15, 0, Format(row2.Item(13), "standard"), HorJust.Right, VertJust.Center)
                        End If
                    End If
                    ytr = ytr + 15
                    doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(100, ytr, 0, "DRAF", HorJust.Left, VertJust.Center)
                    doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(380, ytr, 0, Format(row2.Item(10), "standard"), HorJust.Right, VertJust.Center)
                    If Not IsDBNull(row2.Item(15)) Then
                        If Not IsDBNull(row2.Item(13)) Then
                            doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(400, ytr, 0, "LOW", HorJust.Left, VertJust.Center)
                            doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(750, ytr, 0, Format(row2.Item(15), "standard"), HorJust.Right, VertJust.Center)
                            doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(400, ytr - 15, 0, "MONTH", HorJust.Left, VertJust.Center)
                            doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(750, ytr - 15, 0, Format(row2.Item(15), "standard"), HorJust.Right, VertJust.Center)
                        End If
                    End If
                    ytr = ytr + 15
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                        feeindc2 = True
                    End If
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                    xpage = xpage + 1
                    ytr = 75
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            For Each row5 In servT1
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                ytr = ytr + 15
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                'need to add past due to table strucutre and parser
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                doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(660, ytr, 0, "Principal", HorJust.Right, VertJust.Center)
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                        If ytr >= 950 Then
                            xpage = xpage + 1
                            ytr = 75
                        End If                 
                    End If
                Next (servT1dettable)

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                ytr = 75
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Open in new window

If IsDBNull(custable(9)) = False Then
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                Dim begbal As Integer
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                begbal = row2.Item(5)
                doc.CurrentPage.Body.Shapes.DrawRectangle(blackb, blackp, height:=15, left:=70, top:=ytr + 10, width:=350)
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                'xtr = 90
                ytr = ytr + 40
                xpage = 1
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                        aprind = True
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                        ytr = ytr + 15
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                    'ytr = ytr + 15
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                        ytr = ytr + 30
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                        If aprind = True Then
                            doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(100, ytr - 15, 0, "JOINT:", HorJust.Left, VertJust.Center)
                            doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(300, ytr - 15, 0, row2.Item(31), HorJust.Left, VertJust.Center)
                            If Not IsDBNull(row2.Item(32)) = True Then
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                            End If
                            ytr = ytr + 15
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                            doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(300, ytr, 0, row2.Item(31), HorJust.Left, VertJust.Center)
                            If Not IsDBNull(row2.Item(32)) = True Then
                                doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(480, ytr, 0, row2.Item(32), HorJust.Left, VertJust.Center)
                            End If
                            ytr = ytr + 15
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                    End If
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                        doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(500, ytr, 0, "HOLDING:", HorJust.Left, VertJust.Center)
                        doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(658, ytr, 0, row2.Item("hold"), HorJust.Right, VertJust.Center)
                    End If
                    If IsDBNull(row2.Item(35)) = True Then
                        doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(500, ytr, 0, "Y-T-D:", HorJust.Left, VertJust.Center)
                        doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(658, ytr, 0, "0", HorJust.Right, VertJust.Center)

                        ytr = ytr + 15
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                        doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(658, ytr, 0, row2.Item(35), HorJust.Right, VertJust.Center)
                        ytr = ytr + 15
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                    If aprind = True Then
                        If IsDBNull(row2.Item(18)) = True Then
                            'doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(100, ytr + 22, 0, "RATE", HorJust.Left, VertJust.Center)
                            'doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(458, ytr + 22, 0, "0", HorJust.Right, VertJust.Center)
                            ' = ytr + 15
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                            doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(458, ytr - 15, 0, row2.Item(18), HorJust.Right, VertJust.Center)
                            ytr = ytr + 15
                        End If
                        If IsDBNull(row2.Item(23)) = True Then
                            'doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(100, ytr + 22, 0, "PERCENTAGE", HorJust.Left, VertJust.Center)
                            'doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(458, ytr + 22, 0, "0", HorJust.Right, VertJust.Center)
                            'ytr = ytr + 15
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                            doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(458, ytr - 15, 0, row2.Item(23), HorJust.Right, VertJust.Center)
                            ytr = ytr + 15
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                        feeindc2 = True
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                        feeindc2 = True
                    End If
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               = Color.Black
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                        doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(787, ytr + 7, 0, "DATE", HorJust.Right, VertJust.Center)
                        doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(358, ytr + 22, 0, "FEES", HorJust.Left, VertJust.Center)
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                            doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(658, ytr + 22, 0, row2.Item(37), HorJust.Right, VertJust.Center)
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                            doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(787, ytr + 22, 0, row2.Item(38), HorJust.Right, VertJust.Center)
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                            doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(658, ytr + 38, 0, row2.Item(39), HorJust.Right, VertJust.Center)
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                            doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(787, ytr + 38, 0, row2.Item(40), HorJust.Right, VertJust.Center)
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                        aprind = False
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                                doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(150, ytr, 0, mdets.Item(3), HorJust.Left, VertJust.Center)
                                ytr = ytr + 15
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                    doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(100, ytr, 0, "BEGINING", HorJust.Left, VertJust.Center)
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                    If Not IsDBNull(row2.Item(11)) Then
                        doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(400, ytr, 0, "DRAFT", HorJust.Left, VertJust.Center)
                        doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(750, ytr, 0, Format(row2.Item(11), "standard"), HorJust.Right, VertJust.Center)
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                    ytr = ytr + 15
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                    If Not IsDBNull(row2.Item(13)) Then
                        'doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(400, ytr, 0, "AVG", HorJust.Left, VertJust.Center)
                        If Not IsDBNull(row2.Item(11)) Then
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                            doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(400, ytr - 15, 0, "AVG", HorJust.Left, VertJust.Center)
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                        End If
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                    ytr = ytr + 15
                    doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(100, ytr, 0, "DRAF", HorJust.Left, VertJust.Center)
                    doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(380, ytr, 0, Format(row2.Item(10), "standard"), HorJust.Right, VertJust.Center)
                    If Not IsDBNull(row2.Item(15)) Then
                        If Not IsDBNull(row2.Item(13)) Then
                            doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(400, ytr, 0, "LOW", HorJust.Left, VertJust.Center)
                            doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(750, ytr, 0, Format(row2.Item(15), "standard"), HorJust.Right, VertJust.Center)
                            doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(400, ytr - 15, 0, "MONTH", HorJust.Left, VertJust.Center)
                            doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(750, ytr - 15, 0, Format(row2.Item(15), "standard"), HorJust.Right, VertJust.Center)
                        End If
                    End If
                    ytr = ytr + 15
                    doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(100, ytr, 0, "MISC", HorJust.Left, VertJust.Center)
                    doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(380, ytr, 0, Format(row2.Item(12), "standard"), HorJust.Right, VertJust.Center)
                    If Not IsDBNull(row2.Item(31)) Then
                        If Not IsDBNull(row2.Item(13)) Then
                            doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(400, ytr, 0, "Y-T-D:", HorJust.Left, VertJust.Center)
                            If IsDBNull(row2.Item(35)) Then
                                doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(750, ytr, 0, Format("0", "standard"), HorJust.Right, VertJust.Center)
                                doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(750, ytr, 0, Format(row2.Item(35), "standard"), HorJust.Right, VertJust.Center)
                            End If
                            doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(400, ytr - 15, 0, "Y-T-D:", HorJust.Left, VertJust.Center)
                            If IsDBNull(row2.Item(35)) Then
                                doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(750, ytr - 15, 0, Format("0", "standard"), HorJust.Right, VertJust.Center)
                                doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(750, ytr - 15, 0, Format(row2.Item(35), "standard"), HorJust.Right, VertJust.Center)
                            End If
                        End If
                    End If
                    ytr = ytr + 15
                    doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(100, ytr, 0, "MAINT", HorJust.Left, VertJust.Center)
                    doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(380, ytr, 0, Format(row2.Item(14), "standard"), HorJust.Right, VertJust.Center)
                    ytr = ytr + 15
                    doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(100, ytr, 0, "ENDING", HorJust.Left, VertJust.Center)
                    doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(380, ytr, 0, Format(row2.Item(9), "standard"), HorJust.Right, VertJust.Center)
                    ytr = ytr + 20
                    'ytr = ytr + 20
                    Dim feeindc2 As Boolean
                    feeindc2 = False
                    If IsDBNull(row2.Item(37)) = False Then
                        feeindc2 = True
                    End If
                    If IsDBNull(row2.Item(38)) = False Then
                        feeindc2 = True
                    End If
                    If IsDBNull(row2.Item(39)) = False Then
                        feeindc2 = True
                    End If
                    If IsDBNull(row2.Item(40)) = False Then
                        feeindc2 = True
                    End If
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                        Dim feetable As PDFTech.Table
                        feetable = New PDFTech.Table(3, 3)
               = Color.Black
                        feetable.rowHeight = 15
                        ' = VerticalAlignment.middle
               = 1
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                        doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(358, ytr + 22, 0, "@@@@@@@@@@@", HorJust.Left, VertJust.Center)
                        doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(358, ytr + 38, 0, "############", HorJust.Left, VertJust.Center)
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                            doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(658, ytr + 22, 0, "0", HorJust.Right, VertJust.Center)
                            doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(658, ytr + 22, 0, row2.Item(37), HorJust.Right, VertJust.Center)
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                        If IsDBNull(row2.Item(38)) = True Then
                            doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(787, ytr + 22, 0, "0", HorJust.Right, VertJust.Center)
                            doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(787, ytr + 22, 0, row2.Item(38), HorJust.Right, VertJust.Center)
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                        If IsDBNull(row2.Item(39)) = True Then
                            doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(658, ytr + 38, 0, "0", HorJust.Right, VertJust.Center)
                            doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(658, ytr + 38, 0, row2.Item(39), HorJust.Right, VertJust.Center)
                        End If
                        If IsDBNull(row2.Item(40)) = True Then
                            doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(787, ytr + 38, 0, "0", HorJust.Right, VertJust.Center)
                            doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(787, ytr + 38, 0, row2.Item(40), HorJust.Right, VertJust.Center)
                        End If
                        feeindc2 = False
                        ytr = ytr + 60
                    End If
                    ytr = ytr + 25
                    doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(795, ytr, 0, "Balance", HorJust.Right, VertJust.Center)
                    doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(250, ytr, 0, "Description", HorJust.Left, VertJust.Center)
                    doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(235, ytr, 0, "Amount", HorJust.Right, VertJust.Center)
                    doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(155, ytr, 0, "Eff", HorJust.Right, VertJust.Center)
                    doc.CurrentPage.Body.Shapes.DrawRectangle(blackb, blackp, height:=1, left:=70, top:=ytr + 9, width:=725)
                    ytr = ytr + 15
                End If
                'Dim sqlr As String
                'Dim mydatarpd As SqlDataAdapter
                'Dim mydatarset As New DataSet("accdetail2")
                'sqlr = "select * from accdetail where memberid = '" & row2.item("id") & "'"
                'mydatarpd = New SqlDataAdapter(sqlr, con)
                'mydatarpd.Fill(mydatarset, "accdetail2")
                'Dim accrdet As DataTable
                'accrdet = mydatarset.Tables("accdetail2")
                doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(250, ytr, 0, "Begining Balance", HorJust.Left, VertJust.Center)
                doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(795, ytr, 0, Format((begbal), "standard"), HorJust.Right, VertJust.Center)
                ytr = ytr + 15

                For Each row4 In accdet
                    doc.CurrentPage.Body.SetActiveFont("Arial", PDFFontStyles.Regular, 9, Charset.ANSI_CHARSET, Color.Black)
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                        If IsDBNull(row4.Item("date2")) = False Then
                            doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(155, ytr, 0, Format(row4.Item("date2"), "dd MMM"), HorJust.Right, VertJust.Center)
                        End If
                        doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(250, ytr, 0, row4.Item("description").ToString.Trim(), HorJust.Left, VertJust.Center)
                        If IsDBNull(row4.Item("tracer")) = False Then
                            doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(650, ytr, 0, row4.Item("tracer").ToString.Trim(), HorJust.Center, VertJust.Center)
                        End If
                        If IsDBNull(row4.Item("amount1")) = False Then
                            doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(235, ytr, 0, Format(row4.Item("amt1"), "standard").ToString.Trim(), HorJust.Right, VertJust.Center)
                        End If
                        If IsDBNull(row4.Item("amount2")) = False Then
                            doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(795, ytr, 0, Format(row4.Item("amt2"), "standard"), HorJust.Right, VertJust.Center)
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                        ytr = ytr + 15
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                            xpage = xpage + 1
                            ytr = 75
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                            doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(678, 25, 0, "ACCOUNT NUMBER")
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                                doc.CurrentPage.Body.SetActiveFont("Arial", PDFFontStyles.Regular, 9, Charset.ANSI_CHARSET, Color.Blue)
                                doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(390, 46, 0, Format(custable(2), "MMM  dd  yyyy"), HorJust.Left, VertJust.Center)
                                doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(572, 46, 0, Format(custable(3), "MMM  dd  yyyy"), HorJust.Right, VertJust.Center)
                                doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(750, 46, 0, custable(4).ToString.Trim(), HorJust.Left, VertJust.Center)
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                                doc.CurrentPage.Body.Shapes.DrawRectangle(blackb, blackp, height:=1, left:=70, top:=68, width:=725)
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                                doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(250, 58, 0, "Description", HorJust.Left, VertJust.Center)
                                doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(235, 58, 0, "Amount", HorJust.Right, VertJust.Center)
                                doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(155, 58, 0, "Eff Date", HorJust.Right, VertJust.Center)
                            End If
                        End If
                    End If
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                        doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(210, ytr, 0, mdets.Item(3), HorJust.Left, VertJust.Center)
                        ytr = ytr + 15
                    End If
                If ytr >= 800 Then
                    xpage = xpage + 1
                    ytr = 75
                End If
            Next (row2)
            For Each row5 In servT1
                Dim currserv As Integer
                currloan = row5.Item(0)
                doc.CurrentPage.Body.Shapes.DrawRectangle(blackb, blackp, height:=15, left:=70, top:=ytr + 10, width:=350)
                doc.CurrentPage.Body.SetActiveFont("Arial", PDFFontStyles.Bold, 9, Charset.ANSI_CHARSET, Color.White)
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                doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(180, ytr + 10, 0, row5.Item("description"))
                ytr = ytr + 50
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                doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(380, ytr, 0, Format(row5.Item(8), "standard"), HorJust.Right, VertJust.Center)
                doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(400, ytr, 0, "****", HorJust.Left, VertJust.Center)
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                ytr = ytr + 15
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                doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(400, ytr, 0, "RATE", HorJust.Left, VertJust.Center)
                doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(750, ytr, 0, Format(row5.Item(7), "standard"), HorJust.Right, VertJust.Center)
                ytr = ytr + 15
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                doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(380, ytr, 0, row5.Item(16), HorJust.Right, VertJust.Center)
                If IsDBNull(row5.Item(9)) = False Then
                    doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(400, ytr, 0, "AVAILABLE", HorJust.Left, VertJust.Center)
                    doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(750, ytr, 0, Format(row5.Item(10), "standard"), HorJust.Right, VertJust.Center)
                End If
                ytr = ytr + 15
                doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(100, ytr, 0, "CURRENT:", HorJust.Left, VertJust.Center)
                doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(380, ytr, 0, Format(row5.Item(13), "standard"), HorJust.Right, VertJust.Center)
                If IsDBNull(row5.Item(8)) = False Then
                    doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(400, ytr, 0, "LIMIT:", HorJust.Left, VertJust.Center)
                    doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(750, ytr, 0, Format(row5.Item(9), "standard"), HorJust.Right, VertJust.Center)
                End If
                ytr = ytr + 15
                doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(100, ytr, 0, "TOTAL:", HorJust.Left, VertJust.Center)
                doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(380, ytr, 0, Format(row5.Item(15), "standard"), HorJust.Right, VertJust.Center)
                doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(400, ytr, 0, "CHARGE", HorJust.Left, VertJust.Center)
                doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(750, ytr, 0, Format(row5.Item(11), "standard"), HorJust.Right, VertJust.Center)
                ytr = ytr + 15
                'need to add past due to table strucutre and parser
                doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(100, ytr, 0, "DUE:", HorJust.Left, VertJust.Center)
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                doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(400, ytr, 0, "DEBITS:", HorJust.Left, VertJust.Center)
                If Not IsDBNull(row5.Item(18)) Then
                    doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(750, ytr, 0, Format(row5.Item(18), "standard"), HorJust.Right, VertJust.Center)
                    doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(750, ytr, 0, "0", HorJust.Right, VertJust.Center)
                End If
                ytr = ytr + 15
                doc.CurrentPage.Body.TextOut(100, ytr, 0, "CHARGE*:", HorJust.Left, VertJust.Center)
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Wow! I will tell you when I have something ok.
Thanks  for your help- I pasted the code twice.
Ok this is what I changed, I created a SP that execute all the select statements I need for the current account. I loading the resulting tables into a single dataset with all the tables. Processing time still the same. I'm thinking maybe loading the entire db into memory and filter from there. What do you think?
Hi buddy, that is a good start, but the problem is this, you need to avoid query account by account, and yes, the key is download all the data required (just the data required) into the dataset, then use datarelations to filter the data, casually Im working on your example right now, give me some minutes to post that. can you post yours tables definitions? do you know how to do that by using sql server management studio?
Forget the tables definitions, I will give you an example explaining how handle this.
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Carlos Villegas
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Hey  Buddy,

 Thanks so much for your help and time on this problem - i'll get to work on this now  and will post back the results.  or more questions lol..
your code works pretty well by bringing all the data in one trip and im able to sort the records with the "getchildrows" method. much nicer than the mess i had before lol.  however i discovered another bottle neck in my app at the time to generate the pdf. still work on that.

 Again thanks so much for all your help on this,  

my best regards,
Hi buddy, glad to know that, an advice, short your data on the SP, avoid do that on the client side, you will note the difference. For your PDF bottleneck problem I think that I can help you with that too,but only if you generate a PDF file per customer and not just one for all's.
Hey sorry for posting back now things got a bit crazy on my side. I was able to break the PDF into individual files and it's generating about 200 PDFs per minute - overall took about 4.5hrs to complete
Hi, I think that we can improve that to 600 PDFs per minute or more, thats depends on your server resources and processor. First, you need to add a parameter to your SP so you can split yours customers data, for example, customers from ID 0 to 1000, then from 1001 to 2000 and so on, can you do that? an TSQL algorithm to get the valid customers range can be, for example:

DECLARE @vMinCustomerId INT, @vMaxCustomerId INT
	@vMinCustomerId = MIN(MemberId),
	@vMaxCustomerId = MAX(MemberId)

	FromId INT,

DECLARE @vCurrentId INT, @vLastId INT
	@vCurrentId = @vMinCustomerId,
	@vLastId = @vMinCustomerId

WHILE (@vCurrentId < @vMaxCustomerId)
	-- Step
	SET @vCurrentId += 1000;

		(FromId, ToId)
		(@vLastId, @vCurrentId)

	SET @vLastId = @vCurrentId + 1;


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Then based in my example you can alter SpTestMembersData with two more parameters:
	@pFromId INT,
	@pToId INT

	MemberId INT

	MemberId BETWEEN @pFromId AND @pToId

...............ETC ETC ETC....

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Now, you can call SpSplitMembersId and fill a data table with that, from here you can use System.Threading.ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem method to call a method that receive two parameters (fromId and toId), that method must generate the pdfs for that customers range.

The pseudo-code can be something like this:
For Each FromToRow In CustomerSetRows
      System.Threading.ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(AddressOf GenerateCustomersPdf, New Object() {FromToRow(0), FromToRow(1) })

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That is it! the System.Threading.ThreadPool class will take care of the threads to be running in parallel, if is right for you please open a new question for this, so we can handle this from that question.
yv989c, you are a genius, again your solution is just brilliant, easy to understand and implement - i'm still reading about the System.Threading.ThreadPool so that i can undestand it better. i opened a new question here:

Thanks buddy, those words are too much for me, am not a genius, I just like my job and I've been through these problems, I'm glad to help. I published my suggestion in the question that you opened.