Vikash Mohan
asked on
Office 2010 and SBS 2008
Hi Guys
Just a quick one can anyone tell me if I can install Office 2010 minus Outlook on a SBS 2008 server.
Just that I need the MS Excel ODBC drivers to run a third party app.
Any suggestions would be appreciated
Just a quick one can anyone tell me if I can install Office 2010 minus Outlook on a SBS 2008 server.
Just that I need the MS Excel ODBC drivers to run a third party app.
Any suggestions would be appreciated
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Signing up is free and takes 30 seconds. No credit card required.
Worked fine
I see that you figured it out. :)
Just be careful about the LoB and what it tries to do with the native SBS server components.
Make sure your backup is good before that LoB gets laid down.