Terry Rogers
asked on
VB.NET ListView Delay in Displaying Items Added
I am adding the status of emails sent to a listbox immidiately after sending, however they entry into the listbox doesn't appear until the entire the sub routine has completely finished executing.
Private Sub cmdProcess_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdProcess.Click
' STEP ONE - Setup INI File
Dim objIniFile As New IniFile(Application.StartupPath & "\settings.ini")
' STEP TWO - Get Settings from INI File
Dim vCustomerEmailDirectory As String = objIniFile.GetString("Settings", "vCustomerEmailDirectory", "")
Dim vOtherAttachmentsDirectory As String = objIniFile.GetString("Settings", "vOtherAttachmentsDirectory", "")
Dim vFromEmailAddress As String = objIniFile.GetString("Settings", "vFromEmailAddress", "")
Dim vFromName As String = objIniFile.GetString("Settings", "vFromName", "")
Dim vRecipientEmailAddress As String = objIniFile.GetString("Settings", "vRecipientEmailAddress", "")
Dim vBCCRecipient As String = objIniFile.GetString("Settings", "vBCCRecipient", "")
Dim vUseSMTPServer As String = objIniFile.GetString("Settings", "vUseSMTPServer", "")
Dim vSMTPServer As String = objIniFile.GetString("Settings", "vSMTPServer", "")
Dim vSMTPPort As String = objIniFile.GetString("Settings", "vSMTPPort", "")
Dim vSMTPUsername As String = objIniFile.GetString("Settings", "vSMTPUsername", "")
Dim vSMTPPassword As String = objIniFile.GetString("Settings", "vSMTPPassword", "")
Dim vMessageSubject As String = objIniFile.GetString("Settings", "vMessageSubject", "")
Dim vMessagePriority As String = objIniFile.GetString("Settings", "vMessagePriority", "")
Dim vMessageBody As String = objIniFile.GetString("Settings", "vMessageBody", "")
Dim vAltMessageBody As String = objIniFile.GetString("Settings", "vAltMessageBody", "")
' STEP THREE - Create Customer Collection & Populate with Directory Names from vCustomerEmailDirectory
Dim vCustomers As New Collection
Dim fFileSystemInfo As FileSystemInfo
Dim dDir As New DirectoryInfo(vCustomerEmailDirectory)
For Each fFileSystemInfo In dDir.GetFileSystemInfos()
If fFileSystemInfo.Attributes = FileAttributes.Directory Then
End If
'STEP FOUR - Setup MailBee Email Components
Smtp.LicenseKey = "MN600-1DD5EA7BD5B7D56FD51316C6DA1E-1CEA".ToString
mailer = New Smtp
If vUseSMTPServer.ToString <> "True" Then
If vSMTPUsername.Length = 0 Then
mailer.SmtpServers.Add(vSMTPServer.ToString, vSMTPUsername.ToString, vSMTPPassword.ToString, AuthenticationMethods.SaslLogin Or AuthenticationMethods.SaslPlain)
End If
End If
'STEP FIVE - Cycle from Customer Object and Send Mails to Each Customer
For Each i In vCustomers
' STEP 1 - Setup Customer INI File Access
Dim CustIniFile As New IniFile(vCustomerEmailDirectory.ToString & i.ToString & "\settings.ini")
' STEP 2 - Set from Email, BCC Email & Subject Fields
mailer.From.Email = vFromEmailAddress.ToString
mailer.From.DisplayName = vFromName.ToString
mailer.Bcc.AsString = vBCCRecipient.ToString
' STEP 3 - Get Customer Name & Email Address
Dim vCustomerName As String = CustIniFile.GetString("Settings", "RecipientName", "")
vCustomerName = StrConv(vCustomerName, VbStrConv.ProperCase)
Dim vCustomerEmailAddress As String = CustIniFile.GetString("Settings", "RecipientAddress", "").ToLower
' STEP 4 - Set To Displayname and Email Address
mailer.To.AsString = vCustomerName.ToString & "<" & vCustomerEmailAddress.ToString & ">"
' STEP 5 - Setup Message Subject & Body
mailer.Subject = vMessageSubject.Replace("%custname%", vCustomerName).Replace("%custid%", i.ToString).ToString
mailer.Message.BodyHtmlText = vMessageBody.Replace("%custname%", vCustomerName).Replace("%custid%", i.ToString).ToString
mailer.Message.BodyPlainText = vAltMessageBody.Replace("%custname%", vCustomerName).Replace("%custid%", i.ToString).ToString
' STEP 6 - Send Email
If mailer.Send() Then
Dim lv As ListViewItem = lvStatus.Items.Add(Now.ToString("hh:mm:ss tt"))
lv.SubItems.Add("Sent Successfully")
End If
Catch ex As MailBeeException
MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Error")
If TypeOf ex Is MailBeeConnectionException Then
MessageBox.Show("Typical reason is blocked SMTP port. The port may be blocked by firewall, antispam or antivirus software installed on your system or your ISP's network.")
End If
End Try
' STEP 7 - Reset Message for Next Customer
Next i
End Sub
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Why that grade then?
Apologies. that grade is un-intended. Once the question is re-opened, ill grade correctly!
Sorry for the mis-hap with the grade & thanks again! :)
Are you using above line? Add the
after that.