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InfoPath secondary data sources


I am writing data from main data source to secondary data source...using following Code. The secondary data source I am using is a Sharepoint List.
However, the seondary data source does not seem to refresh data.

Any ideas why this is happening?

      public void AgreementNumber_Changed(object sender, XmlEventArgs e)
       string myNamespace = NamespaceManager.LookupNamespace("p");

          //Get Secondary Datasources

       DataSource ds = DataSources["Well Data"];


          //Clear any previous Rows
          XPathNavigator rootNav = MainDataSource.CreateNavigator();
          XPathNodeIterator tblRows = rootNav.Select("/p:WellAssessment/p:Wells/p:Well", NamespaceManager);


         if (tblRows.Count > 0)

           for (int i = tblRows.Count; i > 0; i--)
                 XPathNavigator repTable = MainDataSource.CreateNavigator();
                XPathNavigator repRows = repTable.SelectSingleNode("/p:WellAssessment/p:Wells/p:Well[" + i + "]", NamespaceManager);




          XPathNavigator domNav = ds.CreateNavigator();
          XPathNavigator agreeNav = rootNav.SelectSingleNode("/p:WellAssessment/p:Facility/p:AgreementNumber", NamespaceManager);

          string agrNum = agreeNav.Value;

          XPathNodeIterator rows = domNav.Select("/dfs:myFields/dfs:dataFields/dfs:Well_Data[@Agreement_Number='" + agrNum + "']", NamespaceManager);


          //Write Secondary Data to MainData Source
          while (rows.MoveNext())
              string uniqueid = rows.Current.SelectSingleNode("@Unique_Well_Identifier", NamespaceManager).Value.ToString();
              string status = rows.Current.SelectSingleNode("@Facility_Status", NamespaceManager).Value.ToString();
              string spuddate = rows.Current.SelectSingleNode("@Spud_Date", NamespaceManager).Value.ToString();
              string product = rows.Current.SelectSingleNode("@Product", NamespaceManager).Value.ToString();

              using (XmlWriter writer = MainDataSource.CreateNavigator().SelectSingleNode("/p:WellAssessment/p:Wells", NamespaceManager).AppendChild())
                  writer.WriteStartElement("Well", myNamespace);
                  writer.WriteAttributeString("WellID", uniqueid);
                  writer.WriteAttributeString("Status", status);
                  writer.WriteAttributeString("SpudDate", spuddate);
                  writer.WriteAttributeString("Product", product);


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Clay Fox
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