asked on
GetUserName "Undefined funtion GetUserName() in expression"
I have an Access 2007 application. Environ("Username") wasn't working on some user machines, so I have been trying to implement the GetUserName function. I pasted the code provided into a module. But when I try to use the function, I get the error "undefined function GetUserName() in expression".
My specific use is: On a form, when the user clicks the 'approve' button, I need to set the value of the [AuditUser] field to the user name (plus the date, but that works fine). Here's the SQL:
UPDATE AuditLog SET AuditLog.AuditUser = GetUserName(), AuditLog.AuditDate = Date()
WHERE (((AuditLog.Log_ID)=[Forms ]![Member Main Form]![ACH subform].[Form]![AuditLog subform].[Form]![Log_ID])) ;
This worked fine using Environ("Username") on some machines, but doesn't work using the GetUserName() function.
I'm sure this is easy, but my coding experience is minimal, so I'm stuck. thanks for any help.
My specific use is: On a form, when the user clicks the 'approve' button, I need to set the value of the [AuditUser] field to the user name (plus the date, but that works fine). Here's the SQL:
UPDATE AuditLog SET AuditLog.AuditUser = GetUserName(), AuditLog.AuditDate = Date()
WHERE (((AuditLog.Log_ID)=[Forms
This worked fine using Environ("Username") on some machines, but doesn't work using the GetUserName() function.
I'm sure this is easy, but my coding experience is minimal, so I'm stuck. thanks for any help.
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Did you declare the GetUserName function at the top of the module?
Private Declare Function GetUserName Lib "advapi32.dll" Alias "GetUserNameA"(ByVal lpBuffer As String, nSize As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function GetUserName Lib "advapi32.dll" Alias "GetUserNameA"(ByVal lpBuffer As String, nSize As Long) As Long
Yes. Here is my module:
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Private Declare Function GetComputerNameA Lib "kernel32" (ByVal lpBuffer As String, nSize As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function GetUserName Lib "advapi32.dll" Alias "GetUserNameA" (ByVal lpBuffer As String, nSize As Long) As Long
Public Function GetComputerName() As String
On Error GoTo Err_GetComputerName
Dim Username As String * 255
Call GetComputerNameA(Username, 255)
GetComputerName = Left$(Username, InStr(Username, Chr$(0)) - 1)
gCmpNm = Left(GetComputerName, 4)
'Forms.frmFindInvoices.txt ComputerNa me = gCmpNm
Exit Function
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_GetComputerName
End Function
Public Function GetCurrentUserName() As String
On Error GoTo Err_GetCurrentUserName
Dim lpBuff As String * 255
Dim ret As Long, Username As String
ret = GetUserName(lpBuff, 255)
Username = Left(lpBuff, InStr(lpBuff, Chr(0)) - 1)
GetCurrentUserName = Username & ""
gUsrNm = GetCurrentUserName
Forms.frmFindInvoices.txtU sername = gUsrNm
Exit Function
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_GetCurrentUserName
End Function
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Private Declare Function GetComputerNameA Lib "kernel32" (ByVal lpBuffer As String, nSize As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function GetUserName Lib "advapi32.dll" Alias "GetUserNameA" (ByVal lpBuffer As String, nSize As Long) As Long
Public Function GetComputerName() As String
On Error GoTo Err_GetComputerName
Dim Username As String * 255
Call GetComputerNameA(Username,
GetComputerName = Left$(Username, InStr(Username, Chr$(0)) - 1)
gCmpNm = Left(GetComputerName, 4)
Exit Function
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_GetComputerName
End Function
Public Function GetCurrentUserName() As String
On Error GoTo Err_GetCurrentUserName
Dim lpBuff As String * 255
Dim ret As Long, Username As String
ret = GetUserName(lpBuff, 255)
Username = Left(lpBuff, InStr(lpBuff, Chr(0)) - 1)
GetCurrentUserName = Username & ""
gUsrNm = GetCurrentUserName
Exit Function
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_GetCurrentUserName
End Function
You should change:
UPDATE AuditLog SET AuditLog.AuditUser = GetUserName(), AuditLog.AuditDate = Date()
WHERE (((AuditLog.Log_ID)=[Forms ]![Member Main Form]![ACH subform].[Form]![AuditLog subform].[Form]![Log_ID])) ;
UPDATE AuditLog SET AuditLog.AuditUser = GetCurrentUserName(), AuditLog.AuditDate = Date()
WHERE (((AuditLog.Log_ID)=[Forms ]![Member Main Form]![ACH subform].[Form]![AuditLog subform].[Form]![Log_ID])) ;
Because that is what you named your funciton.
UPDATE AuditLog SET AuditLog.AuditUser = GetUserName(), AuditLog.AuditDate = Date()
WHERE (((AuditLog.Log_ID)=[Forms
UPDATE AuditLog SET AuditLog.AuditUser = GetCurrentUserName(), AuditLog.AuditDate = Date()
WHERE (((AuditLog.Log_ID)=[Forms
Because that is what you named your funciton.
When I compiled I got an error from the function get computer name so I removed it that Function.
Then, leaving only the GetUserName function, I got an error "Variable not defined" and the code stops at gUsrNm =
Do I need to add dim gUsrNm as string?
Then, leaving only the GetUserName function, I got an error "Variable not defined" and the code stops at gUsrNm =
Do I need to add dim gUsrNm as string?
cwood: Thanks. Tried it still get the undefined function, even using GetCurrentUserName()
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Combined these answers to make it go:
1. Moved the code to a standard module.
2. Removed the code using gUsrNm and the frm.FindInvoices which was obviously left from the original developer's application
3. Referenced GetCurrentUserName() in my SQL
It Works! Many thanks for the prompt and clear help.
1. Moved the code to a standard module.
2. Removed the code using gUsrNm and the frm.FindInvoices which was obviously left from the original developer's application
3. Referenced GetCurrentUserName() in my SQL
It Works! Many thanks for the prompt and clear help.
Once upon a time, Dev Ashish worked out the functions for username and computername
Here is the one for returnusername:
They are simple to use
and came originally from here
Put the code in a module by itself, not a forms module.
In VBA, in the left pane, right click the modules folder and insert a module
Put the code there.
They get used very simply
Call ReturnUserName()
To test them, put this code in a button's click event
Msgbox ReturnUserName
Once you know you've got it working, your SQL becomes
UPDATE AuditLog SET AuditLog.AuditUser = ReturnUserName, AuditLog.AuditDate = Date()
WHERE (((AuditLog.Log_ID)=[Forms ]![Member Main Form]![ACH subform].[Form]![AuditLog subform].[Form]![Log_ID])) ;
There is a good discussion with links here:
Work your way all the way to the end
Here is the one for returnusername:
Private Declare Function apiGetUserName Lib "advapi32.dll" Alias _
"GetUserNameA" (ByVal lpBuffer As String, nSize As Long) As Long
Function ReturnUserName() As String
' Returns the network login name
Dim lngLen As Long, lngX As Long
Dim strUserName As String
strUserName = String$(254, 0)
lngLen = 255
lngX = apiGetUserName(strUserName, lngLen)
If ( lngX > 0 ) Then
ReturnUserName = Left$(strUserName, lngLen - 1)
ReturnUserName = vbNullString
End If
End Function
They are simple to use
and came originally from here
Put the code in a module by itself, not a forms module.
In VBA, in the left pane, right click the modules folder and insert a module
Put the code there.
They get used very simply
Call ReturnUserName()
To test them, put this code in a button's click event
Msgbox ReturnUserName
Once you know you've got it working, your SQL becomes
UPDATE AuditLog SET AuditLog.AuditUser = ReturnUserName, AuditLog.AuditDate = Date()
WHERE (((AuditLog.Log_ID)=[Forms
There is a good discussion with links here:
Work your way all the way to the end
Thanks, will check it out.