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suzanne2003Flag for United States of America

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Second Public IP?

I have a small business server that is running exchange and OWA.  I also have a sonicwall TZ210 firewall.  The ports on the firewall required for Exchange and OWA are set to point to the main server.  I am in the process of putting a second machine on the network that will server as a FTP server.  I am going to use crushftp.  This has a web interface that I can configure to make it easier for my clients to get and send files.  The issue is that the web interface uses the same ports as the exchange and owa server. I have a second public ip, but am unsure how to configure that on the firewall and even if that will correct my issue.  
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Hello - The WAN interface is all set to use the second IP address as long as it falls within the subnet mask you have currently on your WAN. If all that is set, then all you need to do is simply run the Public Server wizard and specify the second public IP address.

If you want to make the FTP protocol available WAN > LAN as well as HTTP, then you'll want to create a service group and assign HTTP and FTP to the service group. Then, when you run the public server wizard, simply select THAT service group. Hope that helps!
Firstly, I would determine if you can change the ports on the ftp server.  If the second IP is on another machine, then the web GUI will have a different address in DNS, i.e., and
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Ok...this is what I have done so far.  I don't have another public IP available.  I can get one but it is going to take a while and I don;t have that long to wait.  I changed the ports in the ftp server to point to 8880 for https.  If I go on the internet and type in the public ip address and the port number I get in just fine.  However, if I type in I still go to the IIS server.  I have a record with my host called files pointing to my public ip.
Also, since I have done that I can no longer get to my firewall thru the internet with the IP address.  UGGG...
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I thought that I did to.  When you say go to system do you mean in the firewall?  If so, how can I get there?  I cannot get into the interface at all. I tried going to a web site and adding the :8880 at the end of the url and was unable to get in.
Yes, I was referring to the sonicwall. The default ports for the management interface are 80 and 443. If you've setup a NAT WAN > LAN and now can't get onto the sonicwall from the WAN interface, then try the LAN interface. When you tell the sonicwall that you want to enable the management interface, you can choose 80 and/or 443. When you select 443, the sonicwall redirect you to 443 if you use 80. I believe this is disabled by default on the LAN.

so, try accessing the management interface by the LAN IP address.
That worked - great.  Thanks.  Also, I tried the url again with the port after it and that worked too.
You're welcome. Thanks for the points!