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olootuFlag for United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

asked on

Display Image from database Table field

I have a database query that returns a data with a field to the image file location (see attached).
The image file location is on another machine. I have been struggling to get the aspx page display the image.
Can anyone please tell me how to go about this?

Avatar of Luis Pérez
Luis Pérez
Flag of Spain image

You must first check the user who is running the process. Normally this is NETWORK SERVICE, but it depends on the IIS and ASP.Net version.

Once you know the user who is running the process, you must ensure to give that user at least read permissions for the folders and files in which the images are stored.

Hope that helps.
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Indeed IE (don't know for others) can use file:// protocol to read local and shared files (client should have permissions for shared file), but it is not natural for web applications , so I think the best solution is to create HTTP handler.
Hope that helps.
Avatar of olootu


How do I create a 'HTTP Handler'? Any link that could help?
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Talking about HttpHandler, I found this code in one of the files. Could this be something similar?
(I did not mention earlier that I was converting a asp pages to .Net)

<%@Import Namespace="System.Drawing.Imaging" %>
<%@Import Namespace = "System.Web" %>
<%@Import Namespace = "System.Web.Security" %>
<%@Import Namespace = "System.Security.Principal" %>
<%@Import Namespace = "System.Runtime.InteropServices" %>

<script language="VB" runat="server">

 ' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 ' Declare variables and Windows libraries for impersonating
 ' canterbury\dmzspur

 Dim impersonationContext As WindowsImpersonationContext

 Declare Function LogonUserA Lib "advapi32.dll" (ByVal lpszUsername As String, _
                        ByVal lpszDomain As String, _
                        ByVal lpszPassword As String, _
                        ByVal dwLogonType As Integer, _
                        ByVal dwLogonProvider As Integer, _
                        ByRef phToken As IntPtr) As Integer
 Declare Auto Function DuplicateToken Lib "advapi32.dll" ( _
                        ByVal ExistingTokenHandle As IntPtr, _
                        ByVal ImpersonationLevel As Integer, _
                        ByRef DuplicateTokenHandle As IntPtr) As Integer

 Declare Auto Function RevertToSelf Lib "advapi32.dll" () As Long
 Declare Auto Function CloseHandle Lib "kernel32.dll" (ByVal handle As IntPtr) As Long

 ' Declartions for impersonation completed.
 ' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  Function ThumbnailCallback() as Boolean
    Return False
  End Function

  Sub Page_Load(sender as Object, e as EventArgs)


    ' Get settings from web.config
            Dim spurUser As String = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("takenoffforsecurity")
            Dim spurUserPassword As String = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("takenoffforsecurity")
            Dim spurDomain As String = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("takenoffforsecurity ")
            Dim spurFolder As String = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("takenoffforsecurity")
    ' Read in the image filename to create a thumbnail of
    Dim film as String = Request.QueryString ("film")
    Dim photo as String = Request.QueryString ("photo")
    'Make sure that the image URL doesn't contain any /'s or \'s
    If film.IndexOf("/") >= 0 Or film.IndexOf("\") >= 0 then
    End If
    if photo.indexof ("/") >= 0 or photo.indexof ("\") >= 0 then
      response.end ()
    end if
    ' Create the full path to the image.
    dim imageUrl as String = spurFolder & film & "\" & photo & ".jpg"
    ' Try to impersonate the spur user with privileges to the images.
    If impersonateValidUser(spurUser, spurDomain, spurUserPassword) Then
    	' Get the image.  
	 Dim fullSizeImg as System.Drawing.Image = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(imageUrl)
    	' Resize the image.
	Dim dummyCallBack as System.Drawing.Image.GetThumbNailImageAbort = New System.Drawing.Image.GetThumbnailImageAbort(AddressOf ThumbnailCallback)
        Dim resizedImg as System.Drawing.Image = fullSizeImg.GetThumbnailImage (99, 75, dummyCallback, IntPtr.Zero)
        resizedImg.Save(Response.OutputStream, ImageFormat.Jpeg)

   	Response.ContentType = "image/jpeg"    
    	resizedImg.Save(Response.OutputStream, ImageFormat.Jpeg)
    	'Dispose/clean up...
        ' Stop impersonating the spur user.
	Response.ContentType = "text/xml"
        Response.Write("Authentication failed")
    End If

catch ex As Exception
	Response.Write("Error: " & ex.Message)
End Try
  End Sub

Function impersonateValidUser(ByVal userName As String, ByVal domain As String, ByVal password As String) As Boolean

    Dim tempWindowsIdentity As WindowsIdentity
    Dim token As IntPtr = IntPtr.Zero
    Dim tokenDuplicate As IntPtr = IntPtr.Zero
    impersonateValidUser = False

    If RevertToSelf() Then
        If LogonUserA(userName, domain, password, LOGON32_LOGON_INTERACTIVE,LOGON32_PROVIDER_DEFAULT, token) <> 0 Then
            If DuplicateToken(token, 2, tokenDuplicate) <> 0 Then
                tempWindowsIdentity = New WindowsIdentity(tokenDuplicate)
                impersonationContext = tempWindowsIdentity.Impersonate()
                If Not impersonationContext Is Nothing Then
                    impersonateValidUser = True
                End If
            End If
        End If
    End If
    If Not tokenDuplicate.Equals(IntPtr.Zero) Then
    End If
    If Not token.Equals(IntPtr.Zero) Then
    End If
End Function

Sub undoImpersonation()
End Sub


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Yes, this is something similar - it is not a http handler, but page that acts the same way - when it is requested, it reads file from some folder and returns picture stream instead of html. You can use it like this:
<img src="page.aspx?film=SomeFilm&photo=Photo1.jpeg"/>
Avatar of olootu


You're right. Below is line of code from one one the script that I am converting.
The line that is confusing me is this:
<img src='344px/" & url & "'></a>") .

The file I believe that it is refering to is named 'image344.aspx. I don't understand while it is called 344px in the img src

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">
		<title>Parking fine payment</title>
    <!--#include file="ADOConn.asp" -->
    <!--#include file="CGI.asp" -->
    <!--#include file="HTML.asp" -->
    <h1>Parking fine payment</h1>
      Rem Original code (c) Spur Information Systems.
      Rem 01/04/08: aiwg: Rewritten to fix SQL injection attack risk
      pcn = cgi_param ("pcn")
      vrm = cgi_param ("vrm")
      if pcn <> "" and vrm <> "" then
        vrm = replace (vrm, " ", "")
    		strSQL = "SELECT dbo.Cases.FormattedCaseNo, dbo.SPID_Item.DescriptionShort, "
    		strSQL = strSQL & " dbo.Cases.CaseDate, dbo.Cases.VehicleMake, dbo.Cases.IssueTime, "
    		strSQL = strSQL & " dbo.Cases.VRM, dbo.OffenceCodes.OffenceLongDesc, "
    		strSQL = strSQL & " dbo.Cases.CaseID, dbo.Cases.CurrentStateCode, "
  	 	  strSQL = strSQL & " (dbo.Cases.CaseCurrentOutstandingAmount - ISNULL((SELECT SUM(value) FROM CobaltWebPayments WHERE refno='" & cgi_sqlencode (pcn) & "'),0)) as CaseCurrentOutstandingAmount"
    		strSQL = strSQL & " FROM dbo.Cases LEFT OUTER JOIN "
    		strSQL = strSQL & " dbo.OffenceCodes ON dbo.Cases.CaseOffenceID = dbo.OffenceCodes.OffenceID "
    		strSQL = strSQL & " LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.SPID_Item ON "
    		strSQL = strSQL & " dbo.Cases.StreetCarParkSpidID = dbo.SPID_Item.SPIDID"
    		strSQL = strSQL & " WHERE FormattedCaseNo = '" & cgi_sqlencode (pcn) & "'"
    		strSQL = strSQL & " AND VRM = '" & cgi_sqlencode (vrm) & "'"
    		set recCases = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
    		recCases.ActiveConnection = conn
    		recCases.Open strSQL
    		if recCases.EOF and recCases.BOF then
    		  response.write ("<h2>Ticket not found</h2>")
    		  response.write ("<p>Please check you've entered the PCN number and registration number correctly.</p>")
    		  pcn = recCases.fields ("FormattedCaseNo")
    		  vrm = recCases.fields ("VRM")
    		  response.write ("<h2>" & cgi_htmlencode (pcn) & "</h2>")
    		  if left (recCases.fields ("CurrentStateCode"), 3) = "BAL" then
    		    paymentURL = ""
    		    paymentError = "This PCN has been passed to our Bailiffs. Please refer to them for further instructions on making a payment. You should have received a notification by post with details on how to make a payment to the Bailiff. If this is not the case please contact contact us."
      		  if recCases.fields ("CaseCurrentOutstandingAmount") > 0 then
      		    paymentURL = "http://www.mycompany/pay.php?pcn=" & cgi_urlencode (pcn) & "&vrm=" & cgi_urlencode (vrm) & "&amt=" & cgi_urlencode (recCases.fields ("CaseCurrentOutstandingAmount") * 100)
    	  	    paymentURL = ""
    	  	    paymentError = "This case is closed"
    		    end if
    		  end if
    		  response.write ("<ul class='right'>")
    		  if paymentURL <> "" then
    		    response.write ("<li><a href='" & cgi_htmlencode (paymentURL) & "'>Make payment</a></li>")
    		    response.write ("<li><a href='" & cgi_htmlencode ("contact.asp?pcn=" & cgi_urlencode (pcn) & "&vrm=" & cgi_urlencode (vrm)) & "'>Contact us</a></li>")
    		  end if
    		  if paymentURL <> "" then
        		strSQLImages = "SELECT dbo.Digital_Camera_Images.DCImgID, "
        		strSQLImages = strSQLImages & " dbo.Digital_Camera_Images.RelatedFilmID "
        		strSQLImages = strSQLImages & " FROM dbo.Digital_Camera_Images RIGHT OUTER JOIN "
        		strSQLImages = strSQLImages & " dbo.Cases ON dbo.Digital_Camera_Images.RelatedCaseID = dbo.Cases.CaseID "
        		strSQLImages = strSQLImages & " WHERE (dbo.Digital_Camera_Images.DCImgID IS NOT NULL) "
        		strSQLImages = strSQLImages & " AND dbo.Cases.CaseID = " & recCases.fields("CaseID")
        		set recImages = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
        		recImages.Open strSQLImages, conn,1
        		if recImages.BOF and recImages.EOF then
        			gblnImages = 0
        			gblnImages = 1
        			set rsPicsPath = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
        			rsPicsPath.ActiveConnection = conn
        			strSQL = "SELECT GSDSetting from GSD where GSDCode = 'FILE_LOC_DIGITALPHOTOS'"
        			rsPicsPath.Open strSQL
        			if not rsPicsPath.BOF and not rsPicsPath.EOF then
        				strPicsPath = rsPicsPath.Fields("GSDSetting")
        				Rem pics path not found so turn them off
        				gblnImages = 0
        			end if
        		end if
        		if gblnImages = 1 then
        			do until recImages.EOF
        				For intCounter = 1 to 16 - len(recImages.fields("DCImgID"))
        					strPadPicName = strPadPicName & "0"
        				strPadPicName = strPadPicName & recImages.fields("DCImgID") & ".jpg"							
        				Response.Write("<li><a href='" & cgi_htmlencode ("details.asp?vrm=" & cgi_urlencode (recCases.fields("VRM")) & "&PCN=" & cgi_urlencode (pcn) & "&autopic=" & intLocationCounter) & "'><IMG src='99px/" & recImages.fields("RelatedFilmID") & "/" & strPadPicName & "' alt='Thumbnail photograph - click to see larger image'></a></li>")
        				intLocationCounter = intLocationCounter + 1
        		end if
        	  gblnImages = 0        	
          end if
	        response.write ("</ul>")
	        html_table ()
            html_tr ()
              html_th ("PCN number")
              html_td (cgi_htmlencode (pcn))
            html_tr ()
              html_th ("Vehicle registration")
              html_td (cgi_htmlencode (vrm))
            html_tr ()
              html_th ("Vehicle make")
              html_td (cgi_htmlencode (recCases.fields ("VehicleMake")))
            html_tr ()
              html_th ("Contravention date and time")
              html_td (cgi_htmlencode (FormatDateTime (recCases.fields ("CaseDate"), 1)) & " " & recCases.fields ("IssueTime"))
            html_tr ()
              html_th ("Location")
              html_td (cgi_htmlencode (recCases.fields ("DescriptionShort")))
            html_tr ()
              html_th ("Contravention")
              html_td (cgi_htmlencode (recCases.fields ("OffenceLongDesc")))
            html_tr ()
              html_th ("Outstanding amount")
              if paymentURL = "" then
                html_td (paymentError)
                html_td ("<a href='" & cgi_htmlencode (paymentURL) & "'>&pound;" & recCases.fields ("CaseCurrentOutstandingAmount") & "</a>")
              end if
  	      html_etable ()
  	      if paymentURL <> "" then
    	      response.write ("<p>")
    	      if gblnImages = 0 then
    	        response.write ("No images are available")
    	        strPadPicName = ""
    	        for intCounter = 1 to 16 - len (recImages.fields ("DCImgID"))
    	          strPadPicName = strPadPicName & "0"
    	        if cgi_param ("autopic") <> "" then
    	          recImages.Move (int (cgi_param ("autopic")) - 1)
    	        end if
    	        strPadPicName = strPadPicName & recImages.fields ("DCImgID") & ".jpg"
    	        url = cgi_htmlencode (recImages.fields ("RelatedFilmID") & "/" & strPadPicName)
    	        response.write ("<a href='pics/" & url & "' target=_blank title='View in a new window'><img src='344px/" & url & "'></a>")
    	      end if
    	      response.write ("</p>")
    	    end if

  	      response.write ("<hr>")
    		end if
    	  if pcn <>"" or vrm <> "" then
      	  response.write ("<p><strong>Please enter both the PCN number and registration number</strong>.</p>")
      	end if
  		end if
    <h2>Ticket details</h2>
    <form method="post" action="details.asp">
      html_table ()
        html_tr ()
          html_th ("PCN number<br>E.g. CT12345678")
          html_td ("<input name='pcn' type='text' class='textbox' value='" & cgi_htmlencode (pcn) & "' onfocus='select()' style='text-transform:uppercase'>")
        html_tr ()
          html_th ("Vehicle registration number")
          html_td ("<input name='vrm' type='text' class='textbox' value='" & cgi_htmlencode (vrm) & "' onfocus='select()' style='text-transform:uppercase'>")
        html_tr ()
          html_th ("&nbsp;")
          html_td ("<input type='submit' name='action' value='Lookup PCN'>")
      html_etable ()


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I guess 344px is a name of some site folder, where image344.aspx is located.