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ezdrtFlag for United States of America

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How to change picturebox coordinate system?

Hey everyone, so I have this graphing program that graphs regression lines. As of now it works well with small numbers, and the size of the picturebox scales with how large the points are. However when dealing with large numbers the graph lags out because it is way to large. I need to be able to scale the graphs coordinates so that it always shows the regression line no matter how big. Default origin is the top left corner (0,0). If i have plot points at like (297400, 10000, etc etc) I need to orgin to change for those numbers. Heres some pictures

This is the graph with small numbers:

Large Numbers - lags out from the graph size being too large

The large numbers being plotted are {69400, 2500, 109000, 5000, 207900, 7500, 297200, 10000, 346500, 12500}

I know those numbers are valid because oither graphing prgrams plot them perfectly, because the coordinate system scales.

Heres my code, if you could give me some tips you would make me very happy, as well as my boss!!

Public Class Form1

    'Declare variables
    Private Structure PointType
        Dim X As Double
        Dim Y As Double
    End Structure

    Dim Reg As New RegressionObject
    Private LastEndPoint As New Point(0, 0)

    'Graph lines and points
    Dim regLine As New Series
    Dim points As New Series

    'The radius
    Const R = 100

    Dim P(0 To 200) As PointType

    'Array that holds X and Y values for graphing
    Dim MyData() As Single = New Single() {69400, 2500, 109000, 5000, 207900, 7500, 297200, 10000, 346500, 12500}

    'Scale graph to stay within the picturebox
    Dim HorizontalScaleFactor As Single

    'The array for the points on the graph
    Dim DataPoints(MyData.Length - 1) As PointF

    'Points where the number labels are drawn
    Dim labels As PointF

    'The font
    Dim drawFont As New Font("Arial", 16)
    Dim cordFont As New Font("Arial", 8)

    'Regression degrees
    Dim deg As Integer

    Dim flag As Boolean
    Dim loaded As Boolean

    Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load

        For i As Integer = 1 To 10
        loaded = False
        flag = False
        degBox.Text = "3"
        Reg.Degree = deg
    End Sub

    'This updates the picturebox everytime it is redrawn
    Private Sub picboxPulseCurve_Paint(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs) Handles picboxPulseCurve.Paint

        Dim i As Integer

        e.Graphics.SmoothingMode = Drawing2D.SmoothingMode.HighQuality
        'e.Graphics.DrawCure(ve(Pens.Blue, DataPoints))
        regLine.Name = "Regression Curve"
        regLine.ChartType = SeriesChartType.Spline
        regLine.Color = Color.Maroon
        With Reg
            Using pn As New Pen(Color.Red, 2)
                For i = 0 To .XYCount
                    DrawACircle(e, pn, New Point(P(i).X, P(i).Y), R / 10)
                Next i
            End Using

            LastEndPoint = New Point(0, .RegVal(CDbl(Me.ClientRectangle.Height)))
            Dim CurrentPoint As Point
            For i = 0 To Me.ClientRectangle.Width Step R
                CurrentPoint = New Point(i, .RegVal(CDbl(i)))
                Using pn As New Pen(Color.BlueViolet, 3)
                    e.Graphics.DrawLine(pn, LastEndPoint, CurrentPoint)
                End Using
                e.Graphics.DrawLine(Pens.Red, 0, MyData.Max + 150, 0, 0)
                e.Graphics.DrawLine(Pens.Red, MyData.Max + 150, 0, 0, 0)
                If (flag = False) Then
                    regLine.Points.AddXY(-CurrentPoint.X, -CurrentPoint.Y)
                End If
                LastEndPoint = CurrentPoint
            Next i
            If (flag = False) Then
            End If
        End With
    End Sub

    'Draws a circle at the given points
    Private Sub DrawACircle(ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs, ByVal P As Pen, ByVal center As Point, ByVal radius As Integer)
        ' Create a bounding rectangle and make its center the center of our point
        ' Then make its width 2 * the radius
        ' Then draw our ellipse
        points.Name = "Points"
        points.ChartType = SeriesChartType.Point
        points.Color = Color.Black
        Dim rect As New Rectangle(center, New Size(0, 0))

        For i = -3000 To MyData.Max + 150 Step 50
            labels = New Point(i, 0)
            e.Graphics.DrawString(i.ToString(), drawFont, Brushes.Black, labels)
            e.Graphics.DrawLine(Pens.Black, i, 0, i, MyData.Max + 150)

        For i = -3000 To MyData.Max + 150 Step 50
            labels = New Point(0, i)
            e.Graphics.DrawString(i.ToString(), drawFont, Brushes.Black, labels)
            e.Graphics.DrawLine(Pens.Black, 0, i, MyData.Max + 150, i)

        rect.Inflate(radius, radius)
        e.Graphics.DrawEllipse(P, rect)
        e.Graphics.DrawString(center.X.ToString() + " " + center.Y.ToString(), cordFont, Brushes.Black, New PointF(center.X + 8, center.Y))
        If (flag = False) Then
            points.Points.AddXY(-center.X, -center.Y)
        End If
    End Sub

    'This button resets the graphs and data
    Private Sub resetBtn_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles resetBtn.Click
        flag = False

        MsgBox("Data has been reset!")
    End Sub

    'This populates the program with graph points that are loaded from a file
    'It also resets the graphs and data
    Private Sub PopulateDataPointsArray(ByVal PictureBoxWidth As Integer)
        'Scale the graph to fit the picture box:
        HorizontalScaleFactor = CSng(PictureBoxWidth / DataPoints.Length)
        picboxPulseCurve.Width = MyData.Max + 150
        picboxPulseCurve.Height = MyData.Max + 150

        If (flag = False) Then

        End If

        'Populate the DataPoints array:
        For i As Integer = 0 To DataPoints.Length - 2
            DataPoints(i).X = MyData(i)
            DataPoints(i).Y = MyData(i + 1)

            txtBox.Text += ("X: " + MyData(i).ToString() + " Y: " + MyData(i + 1).ToString() + vbNewLine)

            With Reg
                .XYAdd(DataPoints(i).X, DataPoints(i).Y)
                P(.XYCount).X = DataPoints(i).X
                P(.XYCount).Y = DataPoints(i).Y
            End With



    End Sub

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Avatar of themrrobert
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You are going to need a new approach.

You will have to use some easy math to scale the graph before you draw it, and keep the size of the PictureBox constant.

Scaling the ever growing picturebox is a hugely inefficient use of RAM, and as you found out, it doesn't work with large sets.
Avatar of ezdrt


Yeah I didnt realize that until after I made the picture box size scale the way it does. Ive been searching for a way to just change the picturebox orgin. Was way easier in VB6 :(
I may have jumped the gun on my answer, it seems you are already doing this to an extent. Let me actually comb through this now and I will try and give you a better response
Yes I remember vb6, was my personal favorite... .NET cluttered everything up!
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Thanks Id appreciate it:) Im the only programmer working on this project so a new set of eyes would help a lot.
Btw, my initial response was correct ;), I was just working too quickly, I saw your scale factor and my brain assumed you were applying it differently, .... anyway.

Lets see, if you keep the picturebox costant at 1000x1000 for example, the math should be:

plotx = 64000

plotwidth = 75000

actualwidth = 1000

scalefactor = actualwidth / 75000

drawx = plotx * scalefactor

do the same for y, and this will give you multipliers that you apply to the variables before you draw them. this way, as far as vb is concerned, you are drawing withing the box, all the math happens BEFORE translation.

oh ya, and as far as the tick marks, you simply draw whatever number you want on the graph, and have it match the MATH numbers, not the pixel numbers.

(question, does it always start at 0,0?, if not, you will need to find the distance away from 0, multiplied by the scale factor, and then REMOVE this amount from the actual graphing of the reg line)

Lot of information here, let me know what you come back with :)
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ahh ok I see where youre going there, let me try some stuff out and ill get back to you:)

Oh and that scale factor I had in there, wasnt working at all. It would only work if you were plotting only y coordinates for some reason
Yea ;) well i think you were on the right track with that, it just got lost among the easier automatic pb scaling :D

I'm sure you're well on your way to a much more powerful and robust graphing program, with a much smaller memory footprint.

I'll be back
Avatar of Mike Tomlinson
In DrawACircle(), lines #108 thru #118, why are you redrawing the labels for every circle?  Those should be drawn ONCE.  Move those lines to line #71.5 (yes...71 and a Half).  DrawACircle() should, well, just "draw a circle".  Making it also draw the labels violates the "make every sub/function do ONE thing and do it WELL" rule.  ;)

At lines #81 thru #83, you're creating a new pen instance for every single line drawn!  The Pen color/width isn't being changed for any particular line so you should create ONE Pen outside the loop and re-use it the entire time.  Move line #81 to #78.5 and line#83 to #90.5.

Make those changes first and see if the performance increases.

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Yeah that did help performance a little bit, thanks Idle ;)! Sometimes I overlook stuff like that would ive been staring at this screen for 8 hours haha.

Still working on that scaling using the tips themrrobert gave me. No luck yet :(
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so scale transform seems to be working on the line :)

Now i just gotta use themrroberts logic on the pictureBox to scale that accordingly...same with the circles, they need to appear in the right spots.
If they are in the same scale, then the line and circles should all be in the correct spots.  You may need to draw them bigger, though, so they are visible to the user.
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Yep I just moved the line of code up a little further, now everything scales correctly. Multiplied them by a large number so you can actuall see them now.


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Nope I think I got it from here, thank both of you for your help:) A+!