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Weibull Distribution beta parameter
Good Morning,
I have been working on setting up the attached weibull analysis spreadsheet in Excel. My beta parameter result is 40 from the regression results . This seems unrealistic, I was wondering if someone could take a look at what is attached and let me know if I have an issue, or if the file contains reasonable results. Yes, this is the first time I've used Weibull analysis.
Thank you
aasikolo Weibull.xls
I have been working on setting up the attached weibull analysis spreadsheet in Excel. My beta parameter result is 40 from the regression results . This seems unrealistic, I was wondering if someone could take a look at what is attached and let me know if I have an issue, or if the file contains reasonable results. Yes, this is the first time I've used Weibull analysis.
Thank you
aasikolo Weibull.xls
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Thanks for the observations. I didn't think that a beta parameter of 40 was valid.
As far as the column labels, take a look at this article:
The percentage thing is a frequency, we're actually trying to find the reliability of a process producing something 70% of the time.
Your Thoughts?
Thanks for the observations. I didn't think that a beta parameter of 40 was valid.
As far as the column labels, take a look at this article:
The percentage thing is a frequency, we're actually trying to find the reliability of a process producing something 70% of the time.
Your Thoughts?
Anything else you can provide would be appreciated - Thanks again.
Also, x is usually a time-to-failure, not a percentage.