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able to import cisco 1841 router config into cisco 1941 router?
Hi, and thanks for reading this post:
Is it possible to copy a config from a cisco 1841 router via tftp and import that configuration into a cisco 1941 router?
I will be utilizing a new 1941 router for the first time in a few days but would like to develop a configuration on an 1841 and drop it into the 1941.
Also, is the 1941 CLI the same or at least similar?
Thanks for the help...
Is it possible to copy a config from a cisco 1841 router via tftp and import that configuration into a cisco 1941 router?
I will be utilizing a new 1941 router for the first time in a few days but would like to develop a configuration on an 1841 and drop it into the 1941.
Also, is the 1941 CLI the same or at least similar?
Thanks for the help...
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